How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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It all goes back to the propaganda intended to slowly erase wasp type families. That's also why you know for sure it's from a foreign enemy, likely china considering this didn't start until the last 15 years or so.

All the lgbt stuff is absolutely pushed to destroy the wasp family unit. None of the propaganda is pushed towards minorities. It's all targeted to disrupt the family unit and disrupt reproduction.

It worked better than they could ever dream.
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.
How big of an asshole do you have to be, to cheer the end of the traditional family? You are simply the biggest!
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.

Hardly. It's about the long game propaganda war started by china when the Clintons started the dnc sell out and it's targeting one specific group.

For blacks, they had the Dems already did all the heavy lifting by destroying their family unit and entire social structure in hopes they'd vote Dem.
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.
Totally asinine take and factually incorrect. Under 45, 'brown people' had less unemployment and more upward mobility than under any other President. 45 garnered 25% of the 'brown people' vote - nice racist comment, by the way- vote, an all-time high. If that's a war designed to destroy that demographic, it was a complete failure. Like 99% of your ridiculous posts.
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.
Beta males. Some might call them snowflakes. 🤣
For whatever it is worth, I think she is well qualified for the position. I didn't watch all of the confirmation hearings but I didn't see anything that would lead me to vote against her if I were a senator.

I think Biden announcing that he was going to be pick a black woman before announcing her as the nominee was (1) a national embarrassment and (2) personally detrimental to her because it cheapens her resume (which is as good as it gets for that job) and creates the impression that she was chosen because of her skin and genitals and not her many accomplishments.

It is also stupid that liberals won't answer questions as simple as "can you define a woman?" but that is also somewhat a product of the media circus that senate hearings have become where every senator tries to ask a gotcha question to go viral on youtube.
Didn’t trump announce he was picking a woman before the rammed ACB through?
Law enforcement might help then right? Please tell us the FACTS though about the Congressman.
A little research would tell you that he didn’t meet her when she was 16, he didn’t award her the scholarship, the Governor of TN did.
He met her when she was in college, while that may be tacky, a 19 year old is not a child, and certainly not similar to an elementary teacher teaching 5-8 year olds about sex and gender.

Do you honestly believe that anyone other than a child’s parents or at least have their approval need to be discussing those things to a 5-8 year old? How hard is it to simply admit that shouldn’t be occurring in school?
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A little research would tell you that he didn’t meet her when she was 16, he didn’t award her the scholarship, the Governor of TN did.
He met her when she was in college, while that may be tacky, a 19 year old is not a child, and certainly not similar to an elementary teacher teaching 5-8 year olds about sex and gender.
They were seen together when she was 17, probably met before that as they won’t say exactly when. For obvious reasons. But she’s stated before he helped with procuring all her scholarships. They got married while she was still in college and he was 45.
What’s going down in Shanghai, China right now is a severe breach of human rights. I wonder if anybody will have to the audacity to say as much and even suggest that it’s our country’s duty to stamp out such an atrocity. Charges and punishment for “crimes against humanity” by our intellectual, professional, and political class seems to discriminate in a rather convenient fashion.
There was a teacher at my high school that married a student about a month after she graduated. She was a year older than me. He wasn’t fired because there was no proof they were together when she was a student 🙄
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