Zero indictments so far. Must be a bad thing.We damn well don't need 4 more years of a Liberal running the country into the ground.
Zero indictments so far. Must be a bad thing.We damn well don't need 4 more years of a Liberal running the country into the ground.
Now James, are you spreading disinformation on here? Surely you wouldn’t do that.More projection or a Groomer that jealous rubes can really appreciate?
Horrible pick unless he’s the only pub they think can win but I would doubt that.
More projection or a Groomer that jealous rubes can really appreciate?
Proof that the corruption is deep in democrats, liberal, and Rhino circles. Should make you proud.Zero indictments so far. Must be a bad thing.
The biggest spreader of disinformation in this thread.Now James, are you spreading disinformation on here? Surely you wouldn’t do that.
Only the tip of the icebergSometimes I can't wait for this ride to end ...
There's nothing wrong with socialism so you see more open socialists than open fascists. Even the nazis know not to fly their flags openly in America. They have the Confederate flag for that anyway. There are way more fascists in the US than socialists in total though. And the 'democratic' is just being specific since y'all are easily triggered snowflakes. Bernie is trying to influence the democratic process to implement policy, as is American tradition, not perpetrate a putsch like the Trump fascists.
How about this for a proposal ... how about the schools that peddle these worthless degrees pay off the student loans (return the money they stole from the idiot "libstudents".) Make the schools pay ... not the taxpayer.
I don't know but she could make my putter stutter.Anybody know what kind of putter Paige is using?
Somewhat of a Trump value test as latest polls I see have Oz behind McCormick by 1-7%.
DeSantis for President !!Random thing, but watching the UFC fight right now which is taking place in Florida. Ron DeSantis is in attendance and when they showed him, the crowd went crazy. He got a bigger ovation than any of the other pro fighters they showed who was in attendance.
I wonder how many here have to look up who Johnny Carson is. Me, I know he was Dad's shipmate in WW2.A little take on Johnny Carson's interview with Arnold Palmer's wife.
Thats when night shows were actually good.I wonder how many here have to look up who Johnny Carson is. Me, I know he was Dad's shipmate in WW2.
Told to AP by sorcerers
* KA - BOOM *
Its firing up the wrong base for you. McConnell had to call Trump and beg him to stop tweeting about Kavanaugh. It's reached the point now where the Senate race is literally a 50/50 tossup when just 2 months ago the Dem's had 0 chance of taking it.
The survey, six weeks before Americans head to the polls, shows Democrats leading Republicans by 52 percent to 40 percent for control of Congress. If it holds, that 12 percentage point margin would suggest a "blue wave" large enough to switch control of not just the House but also the Senate.
"The results could not be clearer about making a change in direction from Trump's policies," explained Bill McInturff, the Republican pollster who helps conduct the NBC/WSJ survey. "Once again, Americans are hitting the brakes in a mid-term."
A post mourning the loss of white dominance in American society. How surprising. After POTUS 45’s four year war on brown people, the enemy is now LGBTQ people. I have news for you . . . America’s demographics have been changing for a while. The longing for a “WASP” culture drives the hatred of the right. Whites makeup less than 60% of the US population. And of that number, less than 60% are from traditional non-blended two parent family units. The only way to find what you’ve lost is to find a time machine.It all goes back to the propaganda intended to slowly erase wasp type families. That's also why you know for sure it's from a foreign enemy, likely china considering this didn't start until the last 15 years or so.
All the lgbt stuff is absolutely pushed to destroy the wasp family unit. None of the propaganda is pushed towards minorities. It's all targeted to disrupt the family unit and disrupt reproduction.
It worked better than they could ever dream.
November is comingZero indictments so far. Must be a bad thing.
I don't see any putter.Anybody know what kind of putter Paige is using?