How will they rule ??!

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Well once again if you'd actually read the story or follow the trial...NO bombs were out anywhere, the dudes didnt even have money to buy fact one of the FBI agents testified that he acted as the bomb maker.

Good lord man
I have this odd tendency for criminals to go to jail. Weird for sure.

From the link above:

"The defendants maintain they never agreed to any kidnap plan, that they were merely engaged in tough talk and fantasy play, and that the FBI hatched the kidnap plan, entrapped them and ran the whole show.

The government has scoffed at the entrapment claim, telling jurors the defendants didn't just talk, but took multiple actions to carry out the alleged kidnap plan, including: twice casing Whitmer's vacation house, building shoot houses to simulate the governor's cottage, inspecting a bridge for a good spot to place explosives, drawing a map of the area, buying night vision goggles and communicating on an encrypted chat to conceal their activities."
Yet another reason not to do business with this....and other companies like them.

There really needs to be a true competitor for google. Hopefully someone on the right is building one as we speak.
and the guy you morons get on your hands and knees to worship spends everyday at his club playing golf with these "conspiring democrats". Maybe you haven't figure it out yet because you have 2 brain cells. But once you reach a certain level of rich or power there is no D or R. There is only $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Ted Cruz gets in his witty TV lines and then he goes back the country club and gets a good laugh with the same people you proclaim to be evil scum of the earth. McConnel spews his bullshit about getting tough on China and then goes home to his CCP wife. Everyone at the top worships two things, money and control. The "2 sides" just feed their flock different bullshit and abuse different demographics to get there.
You have a few standouts like Elizabeth Warren and Paul Ryan who I think actually stand for something good and want to push positive change. But guess how much they get done? jack shit. And usually after some time in DC they just join the good boys club.

Your Savior Trump is no different. Your just stupid enough to fall for a con.



They still believe all the lies. They always will.
Can we get a list of all the media lies/hoaxes since 2016? This is daunting as hell but we can do it.

Copy this list and add to it. I think we can get 20 easy.

Brett Kavanaugh gang rape
Pee tape
Cov Cath kid
Whitmer kidnapping
Fine people
Kyle rittenhouse killed black guys
Ok I appreciate that. Again 100% don't remember anything, but what did Scalia say during his hearings?

I'm only asking because Scalia (along with Clarence Thomas) are pretty much 100% reliable votes on the conservative side of every issue. Which is fine (and people that call Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom are disgusting). Did Scalia hint that he was ok with abortion?
Dead men don’t vote.
Can we get a list of all the media lies/hoaxes since 2016? This is daunting as hell but we can do it.

Copy this list and add to it. I think we can get 20 easy.

Brett Kavanaugh gang rape
Pee tape
Cov Cath kid
Whitmer kidnapping
Fine people
Kyle rittenhouse killed black guys
81 million
Masks work. Masks dont work. Double masks work.
Horse paste
Laptop isnt real. Laptop is real but "big guy" not involved.
IT'S BACK! You want to talk about some gymnastics. Get a load of this shit. Biden is now a CEO.

What i have read.
*The lawyers expected this result. They are ready to file an en banc appeal. They are actually happy with the result. It was fairly straightforward and easy to argue against.
*The 5th circuit ruling is not on the merits of the case. It essentially says the 5th circuit does not have the authority to put an injunction against the mandate. It does nothing to establish precedent on the case.
*The DOJ knows we will file an en banc request. Therefore, they will likely not act until the 5th circuit decides to accept or reject the en banc appeal (all 17 judges issue a ruling instead of random 3 panel)
*Should the 5th circuit approve an en banc appeal, they will likely rule in our favor.
Wow can’t believe I left out the laptop. The others are not yet shown to be lies but I’d say we all know how they will end. Since the POTUS himself claimed the vaccine would keep you from getting it, we’ll add that.

Covid vaccine offers full vaccination
Hunter Biden laptop
Brett Kavanaugh gang rape
Pee tape
Cov Cath kid
Whitmer kidnapping
Fine people
Kyle rittenhouse killed black guys
Bubba Wallace noose
Wow can’t believe I left out the laptop. The others are not yet shown to be lies but I’d say we all know how they will end. Since the POTUS himself claimed the vaccine would keep you from getting it, we’ll add that.

Covid vaccine offers full vaccination
Hunter Biden laptop
Brett Kavanaugh gang rape
Pee tape
Cov Cath kid
Whitmer kidnapping
Fine people
Kyle rittenhouse killed black guys
Nascar. Noose on the loose
Russian Afghanistan bounties
LaFayette Square photo op
Dude drank bleach because Trump said so
Covid vaccine offers full vaccination
Hunter Biden laptop
Brett Kavanaugh gang rape
Pee tape
Cov Cath kid
Whitmer kidnapping
Fine people
Kyle rittenhouse killed black guys
Bubba Wallace noose

On Deck:
January 6th “coup”
2020 election
Covid origins
that innocent man was told by CAPITOL POLICE to come inside the CAPITOL and that he was OKAY being there asking as he was peaceful.
Turns out BLM supporter cop killed an innocent white woman for being a peaceful protester abiding by CAPITOL police request.

Thats another investigation that needs to open when the Republicans take back congress
Somebody against fair trial results? Sounds like you’ve been slurping that Putin propaganda. Kyle Rittenhouse says hello.
Not only does Kyle Rittenhouse say hello but Nick Sandmann & his millions that he got from CNN & The Washington Post also say hello. If anyone doesn't think that the media can brainwash people like jameslee 32, then let me tell you about my college educated sister. She still thinks to this day that Nick Sandmann was in the wrong (she watches MSNBC). She also was so brainwashed that she thought that 75% of the federal budget went for military spending. Other than Fox News the media in this country is no more trustworthy than it is in Russia. No wonder peoples approval rating of the media is in the teens.