How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Generalization of stereotypes to individuals leads to discriminatory behavior. Stereotypes, however, are not a figment of some dude’s imagination. In fact, the stereotypes promoted by much of the gay community does harm to many gays when considered prerequisites for being gay. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen gay advocates tell a friend to be quiet about gay issues because he is “a cisgendered white male” when he is a gay man who defies the gay community’s own required norms. Because he is not defined by his sexuality, he defies the “gay community’s” own imposed precepts. He lets them think what they want, but has a good laugh. Stereotypes are based in a reality, just not everyone’s reality.
This is correct. A bigot's "reality" is based upon stereotypes, which by the way is defined as: "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing." As far as your comment about "how many times I have seen gay advocates....." Please tell me how many times. Most of us do not know the orientation of most gays because they do not make it an issue, unless of course they socialize with their spouse or partner. In my experience, the vast majority act just like everyone else of their physical gender except for who they decide to have sex with.
I've seen that Romney and Collins are the only two No Republican votes left. And Manchin is going to vote no. Nothing confirmed.

My guess is she won't make it. She's probably the worst candidate ever.

She's dumb as bricks and she sides with criminals
Hope you are is she even a judge in any form with these views? Biden sure can pick 'em.
I was listening to Rieketa Law podcast today. He said that most of these cases weren't just having images of 15 or 16 yo kids that might of looked 18. In one video an 8 yo girl was beaten and raped. Tons of the stuff on these computers were similar. It wasn't a mistake or curiosity.... This is evil shit and this lady and Mittens are OK with 1yr in jail for this crap.

Biden didn’t pick her. The woke left picked her. Clyburn got Biden the nomination in exchange for him picking the South Carolina judge. Biden didn’t actually have any say.
Hell did Biden actually pick his VP?

Here’s another perfect example of picking someone because of the color of their skin.
Sure wish it could be based on qualifications.
This is correct. A bigot's "reality" is based upon stereotypes, which by the way is defined as: "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing." As far as your comment about "how many times I have seen gay advocates....." Please tell me how many times. Most of us do not know the orientation of most gays because they do not make it an issue, unless of course they socialize with their spouse or partner. In my experience, the vast majority act just like everyone else of their physical gender except for who they decide to have sex with.
Are you assuming all bigoted gay advocates are gay?
I try not to assume anything about people, including their sexual orientation.
Well, here’s the big surprise. Some people don’t hide that they are gay and some straight people seem to think they need to advocate for gay people by attacking those who don’t fit their judgmental perspective.
There's already tons of lawsuits in Ohio. The Ohio courts have to approve the redistricting maps and so far have rejected everything the GoP has put forward. It won't be resolved anytime soon because the Republicans aren't going to stop drawing up gerrymandered maps. Last week both sides hired outside consultants to draw up new maps to try and break the stalemate. The primary is supposed to be in 5 weeks and they don't have official candidates yet. It's a shitshow
IMO, setting districts is a political decision, not a legal one. I.e., the courts should stay out of it.

And I don't get this whole OH 54-46 thing that districts should be set to achieve that approximate ratio of elected officials by party since that what the vote percentages have averaged over the last 10 years. I mean this isn't a proportional representation system but expecting those results is. WTF? If 54-46 is the vote ratio, seems every district should be set 54-46, not 54-46 outcomes, with the 54 side likely winning 80-90% of the seats. So what? If a Senate race is 54-46, guess what, the one with 54% gets 100% of the 1 seat.
Trumpsters are so ****ing hung up on this sports shit. the least important thing in the world. Oh no some half dude beat some chicks in swimming! the world is ending! literally nobody watches any of these sports you crybabies are freaking out over. maybe with some dudes competing these sports can actually make money instead of being a drain. The women should be cheering on the 2 transgenders beating them, its the first time in 20 years anyone has given 2 shits about their sport.
Then there's no reason for it to be important to have a black woman on the USSC. I means blacks already have their 11% quota on the court. Who cares? It's not important.
Sports scholarships are a terrible idea. Why should little Johnny get to go to college because he was born six inches taller than little Larry? They’re just a bandaid on privileged college admission that should be available to everyone. The only reason swimming scholarships exist is because football, basketball, and baseball ones were given.
Certainly shouldn't have art & music scholarships then either.
Well, here’s the big surprise. Some people don’t hide that they are gay and some straight people seem to think they need to advocate for gay people by attacking those who don’t fit their judgmental perspective.
I don't consider disagreeing with people that think gays shouldn't have the same rights as me, including the right to marry someone they love, advocating for gay people. If I'm advocating for anything, it is equal rights for all people.
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"English Common Law" - take that unAmerican shit back 400 years dude. You're stressing we shouldn't call it marriage cause of some religious issue you have. Remember that time when "English Common Law" was thrown out and the English King invented his own church so he could bone another younger woman? Things change and progress - if a civil union doesn't bother you like you say - then don't let the actual name define your argument.
Our federal government and 49 out of 50 states are based on English common law. Words mean things. I hope you own property because your property rights are almost entirely based on English common law. There are people in congress that want to change property rights. Imagine losing some of your property because aoc decides "private property" doesn't mean you own it exclusively.
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Our federal government and 49 out of 50 states are based on English common law. Words mean things. I hope you own property because your property rights are almost entirely based on English common law. There are people in congress that want to change property rights. Imagine losing some of your property because aoc decides "private property" doesn't mean you own it exclusively.
While you are correct that most American legal principles originated based up the common law principles brought from England, 250 years later it is American common law. Which, by the way, has been modified by our Supreme Court to make sure that our laws evolve with the times. Your simple argument seems to be that "marriage" has historically been defined as a union between 1 man and 1 woman and that definition should not be changed. Do you think that the definition of "men" and "equal" should have been changed? At one point, "all men are created equal" only applied to land owning white males. Thanks to our Supreme Court, it now means men and women of every race. Do you disagree with that?
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For the record though. Lea Thomas has a penis and has a girlfriend that he has sex with. Im trying to figure out how this dude doesn't have a mental disorder?... or just screaming for attn. Social media is driving people crazy. Hell, people are defending pedo's now too. I don't think any moral line will be left by 2024.
While you are correct that most American legal principles originated based up the common law principles brought from England, 250 years later it is American common law. Which, by the way, has been modified by our Supreme Court to make sure that our laws evolve with the times. Your simple argument seems to be that "marriage" has historically been defined as a union between 1 man and 1 woman and that definition should not be changed. Do you think that the definition of "men" and "equal" should have been changed? At one point, "all men are created equal" only applied to land owning white males. Thanks to our Supreme Court, it now means men and women of every race. Do you disagree with that?
Nope. The founders had to keep the union together and negotiated as best they could. The original document was much stronger anti slavery but half the country wouldn't vote for it so they worked in language to change things in the future. Even Fredick Douglas said that everything they needed to end slavery was in the constitution.

Im arguing the slippery slope argument. Changing definitions matter when you have a bunch of woke idiots in control of places of power. People are openly arguing for pedo's now. This isn't hypothetical anymore. Professors, politicians and even the current supreme court nominee doesn't see pedophilia as a "crime" crime. They see it as a victimless crime and should be equated to drug use.

I just can't keep going down this road with leftist. If you want to disprove the slippery slope argument, quit acting like its a "challenge accepted" dare.
Nope. The founders had to keep the union together and negotiated as best they could. The original document was much stronger anti slavery but half the country wouldn't vote for it so they worked in language to change things in the future. Even Fredick Douglas said that everything they needed to end slavery was in the constitution.

Im arguing the slippery slope argument. Changing definitions matter when you have a bunch of woke idiots in control of places of power. People are openly arguing for pedo's now. This isn't hypothetical anymore. Professors, politicians and even the current supreme court nominee doesn't see pedophilia as a "crime" crime. They see it as a victimless crime and should be equated to drug use.

I just can't keep going down this road with leftist. If you want to disprove the slippery slope argument, quit acting like its a "challenge accepted" dare.
We agree on this point. No one is arguing for pedophiles. You are twisting a single case that you know nothing about and the sentence that was handed down on that case. By the way, I'm fairly moderate, but just think that a person's choice on who to marry should be, and finally now is, a protected right. That is what this discussion was about, right? pun intended
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Sports scholarships are a terrible idea. Why should little Johnny get to go to college because he was born six inches taller than little Larry? They’re just a bandaid on privileged college admission that should be available to everyone. The only reason swimming scholarships exist is because football, basketball, and baseball ones were given.
With NIL I agree with you. The argument was always- they should be treated like regular students. Well they can pay for school like the rest of us, and get an academic scholarship like the rest of us could go for
Lil rocket boy is sad Fat Cheeto isn't there anymore to send him love letters and bow down to his Generals. Fired one of his big boy missiles to try and get some new attention.
Then there's no reason for it to be important to have a black woman on the USSC. I means blacks already have their 11% quota on the court. Who cares? It's not important.
I could care less if a black woman is on SCOTUS. of course I could also care less if a bunch more old crusty white guys are there. They make like a half dozen rulings each year that have no effect on my life.
Ridiculous. Graham is a big talk little do guy. An empty suit.
Graham voted to confirm Jackson last year to the DC appeals circuit. That limp dick loser just likes to run his mouth in front of cameras. He doesn't believe anything he says and changes his tunes every other day.
I could care less if a black woman is on SCOTUS. of course I could also care less if a bunch more old crusty white guys are there. They make like a half dozen rulings each year that have no effect on my life.