First off, HE shouldn't be competing against girls. As for your friend, no offense intended, but if one has a Y chromosome, that is a male. What one thinks doesn't change a basic scientific fact. I've had many trans customers over the years. I treat them like everyone else but I will not call them by the incorrect pronoun and I will not participate in encouraging their behavior.So are you saying a woman or trans woman is only good enough to finish 1st in a preferred event?
Ted Cruz dismantled her today. Showed her for the crazy lib she is.I'm infuriated in today's supreme court nominee proceedings about Left leaning Brown openly admitting when it comes to child porn, if you look at one pic your punishment is less severe than looking at a thousand pics. What if it was her kid, would she feel the same for punishment? I know she will be confirmed thanks to Mitt and other Rinos but in reality this leftist uneducated (biologist) bitch needs to be held in her accountability. black and white is black and white. How obvious is that? This among others is what's wrong with our justice system. Really you said I'm no biologist? How many leftie tards will flunk out or try to justify that statement?
Graham did as well, Lindsey on one hand infuriates me with some of his beliefs but gosh damn on the other I love the guy.Ted Cruz dismantled her today. Showed her for the crazy lib she is.
Too bad people are too stupid for it to matter.
What about a man who likes sex with children? That is who he is. What about a female who loves sex with animals? It is who she is? You have to draw the line somewhere. All of you saying just accept for people for who they are do not understand the Pandora’s box you are opening. If you don’t think it will get that far just look at California as an example.One of my friends was born trans. Yes folks, that is a real thing, this whole "you're born either male or female" thing is fake science.
I already knew he was gay, so I figured he was just one of those feminine sounding gay guys. Then he told me last year. He didn't want it to be public, similar to how people don't want to come out as gay. He only told a few people he felt he could trust and told us not to tell anyone. Of course I guess technically I'm breaking that promise, but no one on here knows me so I feel pretty good his secret is still safe.
He's just another ole human being to me. Shame on others to cause him to feel it's not safe to be who he is. Not like he had any control of how he was born, but he'll be the target for anti-trans discrimination from all the ignorant loonies who think every trans person is some sick sadistic freak that should be shunned from society.
Child porn, it's funny how parties change, but It's ok to sacrifice your child for a political pandemic. Can I say Hypocrites?
If my thoughts could be decoded I’d be divorced and fired several times over…. Just sayin’…More like they trained him to use a brain interface. Sadly we're still really far from decoding actual thoughts.
The left nominated a pedophile as a judge.
I should be shocked but I'm not
as a dad, if your child was raped or used in any child porn act, and some liberal judge lets him or her off with substantial internet policing and below minimum allowed prison sentencing, would you not take justice into your own hands? I would and with pleasure. Thats the law this nominee twist and follows. remember that and make sure your lawmakers remember that as well
How blind are you not to see that?
Listen to you. Lol. My buddyI don't know. Im not an ophthalmologist.
Agree. They also have everyone afraid to say it. Nobody in the media will dare say how foolish and insane all of this is.Did you all know the word cisgender was completely made up in 1994 some transgender person on a message board? I mean this whole thing is just complete nonsense and every single major institution has just fallen for it hook, line and sinker. What a bunch of lunatics. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
She's living proof that she's still a skank, but with better clothes. She makes Biden look competent.
These are peoplemwho will destroy what;s left of this country. Imagine this being a question that can't be answered just 5 years ago.
She's the reason that everyone in America better pray that the worst President in the history of the United States keeps living on until the next Presidential election. How sad is that?She's living proof that she's still a skank, but with better clothes. She makes Biden look competent.
DeSantis makes libs scream in the air like mental patients....I love it
Looks like you need to learn some science then.First off, HE shouldn't be competing against girls. As for your friend, no offense intended, but if one has a Y chromosome, that is a male. What one thinks doesn't change a basic scientific fact.
Everyone that’s incapable of intelligent thought likes to bring that up because they are too stupid to realize that animals and children can’t consent.What about a man who likes sex with children? That is who he is. What about a female who loves sex with animals? It is who she is? You have to draw the line somewhere. All of you saying just accept for people for who they are do not understand the Pandora’s box you are opening. If you don’t think it will get that far just look at California as an example.
Proof that SJW rules trump science and biological facts and will also influence her decisions against rules of law in favor of what the Karens of today are selling. She will be no Supreme Justice, just a corrupt puppet of injustice.
Proof that SJW rules trump science and biological facts and will also influence her decisions against rules of law in favor of what the Karens of today are selling. She will be no Supreme Justice, just a corrupt puppet of injustice.
I completely agree. It is mentally ill peopleSo the new Supreme Court Judge we are about to have is the TOP pick of the far left loons.
I mean we are watching America destroyed by mentally ill people. Mentally ill are running the country. WTF?
She'll get a pass because she's a lib and black. She's 100% dangerous.
Guarantee she supports antifa and blm full tilt.Proof that SJW rules trump science and biological facts and will also influence her decisions against rules of law in favor of what the Karens of today are selling. She will be no Supreme Justice, just a corrupt puppet of injustice.
I love it when J. EDGAR gives us his legal analysis.They sent the state legislature maps back to the state courts for more litigation. They tossed the GoP pleas for intervention for the federal congressional maps. So the House district map will stand but the state legislature map may get reworked or the state supreme court will just rule in its favor a 2nd time. They essentially punted on both rulings.
Nobody. This is just another lie that dems, libs and MSM promote. Complete lie.Who’s denying anyone the right to vote?
Ah? Good for him. He did kill us late game.
ID's prevent them from cheating and dion knows they cannot win on their record without cheating.Still don’t see how that denies any one who wants to vote, the ability to do so.
This is correct. A bigot's "reality" is based upon stereotypes, which by the way is defined as: "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing." As far as your comment about "how many times I have seen gay advocates....." Please tell me how many times. Most of us do not know the orientation of most gays because they do not make it an issue, unless of course they socialize with their spouse or partner. In my experience, the vast majority act just like everyone else of their physical gender except for who they decide to have sex with.Generalization of stereotypes to individuals leads to discriminatory behavior. Stereotypes, however, are not a figment of some dude’s imagination. In fact, the stereotypes promoted by much of the gay community does harm to many gays when considered prerequisites for being gay. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen gay advocates tell a friend to be quiet about gay issues because he is “a cisgendered white male” when he is a gay man who defies the gay community’s own required norms. Because he is not defined by his sexuality, he defies the “gay community’s” own imposed precepts. He lets them think what they want, but has a good laugh. Stereotypes are based in a reality, just not everyone’s reality.
Hope you are is she even a judge in any form with these views? Biden sure can pick 'em.I've seen that Romney and Collins are the only two No Republican votes left. And Manchin is going to vote no. Nothing confirmed.
My guess is she won't make it. She's probably the worst candidate ever.
She's dumb as bricks and she sides with criminals
Ridiculous. Graham is a big talk little do guy. An empty suit.Graham did as well, Lindsey on one hand infuriates me with some of his beliefs but gosh damn on the other I love the guy.
If you test positive twice after being double vax'd... Is it a breakthrough case? When will they admit the jab hurts natural immunity?
Biden didn’t pick her. The woke left picked her. Clyburn got Biden the nomination in exchange for him picking the South Carolina judge. Biden didn’t actually have any say.Hope you are is she even a judge in any form with these views? Biden sure can pick 'em.