How will they rule ??!

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I don't consider disagreeing with people that think gays shouldn't have the same rights as me, including the right to marry someone they love, advocating for gay people. If I'm advocating for anything, it is equal rights for all people.
Well, if you think your baseless judgmental approach to others is helping gay people, then at least you are serving yourself well.
I remember before Trump picked Brett Kavanaugh, I said if Trump picks a man for the SCOTUS. That some old warped mined pro abortion whore would come forward & accuse him of rape. They did it to Clarence Thomas, they did it to Brett Kavanaugh. This is how deep in the gutter that the democrat party lives.

I remember the liberal insurrection of the Capitol over Brett Kavanaugh. Liberals were trying to overthrow the govt because of Kavanaugh's nomination
Ahh, some lefty has the sads. The author says it was a bad faith question.

It was a simple question w huge impacts.

What truly is bad faith is accusing someone of gang rape with no gang and no rape. THAT was bad faith and im sure the idiot author cheered it on.
Any question (not softball type) is a loaded question because liberal politicians know that if they give the correct backed up by science or proof answer that does not fit the construct of delusional snowflakes (most of their base) they will be destroyed.
Some of you are out of your damn mind. Not letting a biological male compete in womens sports is not discrimination or a loss of rights in any way shape or form. A trans woman is really just a form of being male. You’re not magically a biological female if you take some meds.

Want trans and everyone else to have the same rights and not be discriminated against in any way. Biological men compete with biological men and biological women compete with biological women. Easy and done, no debate or controversy.

What truly astounds me is how people championing this insanity can’t see how they are absolutely trampling on womens rights. Just a few short years ago, we needed to save all women from the patriarchy. Now we’re not even allowed to say what a real woman is. Very sad for the empower all women movement…
Great post. I am amazed at the number of UK fans who are supporting this craziness. But I am disturbed at the leadership in this country that promotes this insanity. They are destroying the very fabric of humanity. And for what reason?
While you are correct that most American legal principles originated based up the common law principles brought from England, 250 years later it is American common law. Which, by the way, has been modified by our Supreme Court to make sure that our laws evolve with the times. Your simple argument seems to be that "marriage" has historically been defined as a union between 1 man and 1 woman and that definition should not be changed. Do you think that the definition of "men" and "equal" should have been changed? At one point, "all men are created equal" only applied to land owning white males. Thanks to our Supreme Court, it now means men and women of every race. Do you disagree with that?
That is an awfully simplistic look at the “evolution” of the law in this country. You give high praise to government for fixing a wrong it perpetuated and protected for years. Maybe it will fix the wrong it created when it permitted the most vulnerable to be murdered daily. I hope your advocacy for the rights of the oppressed is not limited. The right to live seems fairly basic and fundamental.
One international incident after another since the Biden regime took office. The Afghanistan debacle, Russia invading Ukraine & now North Korea firing off ICBM's. During Trump's 4 years in office NOTHING like this happened. Putin & Russia invaded no country, Putin didn't even threaten any other country. This is the difference when we've got a strong leader in the white house like Trump compared to an incompetent, little, weasel like we do now.
Why does this issue have to be black/white; either/or?

I have friends and family with transgender kids, think they should have every right to a happy life that anyone else does, and should not be discriminated against, hope we all agree with that. They are not crazy, most are very unhappy people trying to become happy,

Is it ok to agree with all you’re saying but to also think they are, in fact, at least a little crazy? I mean what’s the argument against that?
We agree on this point. No one is arguing for pedophiles. You are twisting a single case that you know nothing about and the sentence that was handed down on that case. By the way, I'm fairly moderate, but just think that a person's choice on who to marry should be, and finally now is, a protected right. That is what this discussion was about, right? pun intended
I appreciate your passion, just not the shotgun approach you take toward others in the name of your “advocacy.” I also understand how social justice warriors want the government to change things to the way they think it should be. While I know there is a definition of marriage that will never include gay unions, I never advocated against government recognizing gay unions. While I think government recognized “marriage” is an antiquated concept that really mainly serves government while intellectually identifying the reasons why government would historically not recognize gay unions (encouraging traditional marriage was a compelling interest for a young government that wanted to increase its populace in a way that encouraged the integrity of the family - gay unions don’t grow the populace), that idea has less to no import today. Government counts too much ($$$$ and control) on its recognition of marriage to undo what it created. So, I had no problem with it expanding its recognition.

However, relying on a branch of government to fix the problems you perceive is a slippery slope. It just is. When the Court manipulates history, tradition and the law to do things you don’t like, you really have no argument in opposition when you praise it when it satisfies your objectives. At some point, you may desire a government where more than a few people have ultimate control, even if they are people of above average intelligence. I wonder what kind of government we could create that let’s the people have more of a say?
Everyone that’s incapable of intelligent thought likes to bring that up because they are too stupid to realize that animals and children can’t consent.
Intelligent thought lmao. Just another way to put most everyone else on this board down with the I am superior to you peasants lol. Hey intelligent thought guru here is a question for you. What happens when a 40 year old man is caught having a relationship with a 15 year old girl and the girl gave consent? Is it still statutory rape? It happens a lot and yes it should still be statutory rape. But some out there are now trying to lower the accountability which is just a simple way to muddy the waters and open the door to make it more accepted because it isn't that person fault as "They have a disease" Bullshit. They have a mental issue plain and simple.
This is really a tough one. I have two more companies that I have added to my boycott list. Guess I can find some other delicious chocolates to buy.

'To mark the 50th anniversary of Creme Egg, Cadbury released a commercial featuring two men kissing while sharing the chocolate egg. In the commercial, the real-life couple is seen sharing a Creme Egg with their mouths before the gooey, sugary center oozes out.'


Intelligent thought lmao. Just another way to put most everyone else on this board down with the I am superior to you peasants lol. Hey intelligent thought guru here is a question for you. What happens when a 40 year old man is caught having a relationship with a 15 year old girl and the girl gave consent? Is it still statutory rape? It happens a lot and yes it should still be statutory rape. But some out there are now trying to lower the accountability which is just a simple way to muddy the waters and open the door to make it more accepted because it isn't that person fault as "They have a disease" Bullshit. They have a mental issue plain and simple.


Moreover, talking about children and consent: "nature vs nurture."

-There is an "nature" component to this. There is, in fact, some people who are born intersex. It's a very, very, very small portion of births. Estimates to be between 0.5% and 1.0% of births. These are the people that I really feel for. It must be very difficult to deal with this situation. Like someone born with extra fingers/toes, excessive body hair, skin spots, down syndrome, etc. This is a genetic abnormality which really affects someone's life.

-Then there is "nurture." A parent can sit down with their 5 yr old child and get them to change their favorite color or animal multiple times within a 10 minute span. In the same mold, a child is not born racist but certainly can learn to be racist from their parents/friends/community, etc. etc. A child can be raised to believe that unicorns and leprechauns are real. They can be raised to accept or deny societal norms. They can be raised to accept or deny science. Etc, etc. This is where the more most of the "trans" movement is arising from. The amount of people identifying with being trans has increased substantially over the last decade......despite intersex births remaining about the same prevalence. It's odd. We went from a society where someone might be a "biological male with feminine characteristics" to "you are a female just because you think you're one."

This is an immensely complicated issue and I'm note sure there's a pure answer.
-All people are deserving of happiness, love, and respect. Every person is flawed.
-Unfortunately right now, in cases like the OP mentioned there are women who are getting trampled over
-As a general rule, we are dropping the ball as a society on treating mental matter which illness it is.

License plate readers coming soon to Lexington​

Lexington police are planning to install 25 license plate reader cameras across the city in April.

Assistant Chief Eric Lowe told the urban county council in March the main goal is to reduce crime, locate and recover missing or endangered people.

“We believe it will have an effect on all crime in the city,” said Lowe.

The city will get the cameras at no cost for the year in exchange for their partnership with Flock Safety, Axon Enterprise, and the National Police Foundation for a nationwide study.

The cameras take 6-7 still images of cars as they pass but do not take video. They can read plates, determine the color, make and type of cars, which would all be searchable by police.

Police say they will not be used to enforce traffic violations like speed limits or red lights. The photos are stored for 30 days and then deleted.

Vehicles will automatically be checked to see if they are on a hotlist, and law enforcement is notified. However, Lowe told the council vehicles and plates cannot be searched without first entering a reason for the search. He added, even when a suspected vehicle is located, officers are advised to use reasonable suspicion and probable cause to confirm the validity of making a stop.

This is a classic bait and switch. I do not believe any of this shit. Images will not be deleted. This is a mass surveillance system presented with "It's for your safety" bullshit.
If you test positive twice after being double vax'd... Is it a breakthrough case? When will they admit the jab hurts natural immunity?
That shit (Covid) stays in your system for several months. I believe i must have had it right after Christmas, I had a bit of what seemed like a cold, but guess it was the Omicron. Anyways, a couple months later I had to cancel a work trip because a PCR test said I tested positive, while having literally zero symptoms. In fact I felt better than I had in a long time having lost about 25 lbs. since the first of the year. Not even a sniffle. Took the home test twice, both times negative. So I essentially had a false positive.
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License plate readers coming soon to Lexington​

Lexington police are planning to install 25 license plate reader cameras across the city in April.

Assistant Chief Eric Lowe told the urban county council in March the main goal is to reduce crime, locate and recover missing or endangered people.

“We believe it will have an effect on all crime in the city,” said Lowe.

The city will get the cameras at no cost for the year in exchange for their partnership with Flock Safety, Axon Enterprise, and the National Police Foundation for a nationwide study.

The cameras take 6-7 still images of cars as they pass but do not take video. They can read plates, determine the color, make and type of cars, which would all be searchable by police.

Police say they will not be used to enforce traffic violations like speed limits or red lights. The photos are stored for 30 days and then deleted.

Vehicles will automatically be checked to see if they are on a hotlist, and law enforcement is notified. However, Lowe told the council vehicles and plates cannot be searched without first entering a reason for the search. He added, even when a suspected vehicle is located, officers are advised to use reasonable suspicion and probable cause to confirm the validity of making a stop.

This is a classic bait and switch. I do not believe any of this shit. Images will not be deleted. This is a mass surveillance system presented with "It's for your safety" bullshit.
Brings back memories of the beginnings of the Patriot Act.
And we know how that turned out.
Those are degree subjects. Football isn’t. Very different. And that’s coming from a rabid pigskin fan.
The question is, should it be a degree subject? For the few who are able to make it to the NFL or NBA, Football or Basketball IS their career subject. And they should have a curriculum based around that. Teach them money skills, Public speaking skills, marketing skills. And that's coming from a guy with a son who's a music major and worries about what he's going to be able to do with that after college.

Moreover, talking about children and consent: "nature vs nurture."

-There is an "nature" component to this. There is, in fact, some people who are born intersex. It's a very, very, very small portion of births. Estimates to be between 0.5% and 1.0% of births. These are the people that I really feel for. It must be very difficult to deal with this situation. Like someone born with extra fingers/toes, excessive body hair, skin spots, down syndrome, etc. This is a genetic abnormality which really affects someone's life.

-Then there is "nurture." A parent can sit down with their 5 yr old child and get them to change their favorite color or animal multiple times within a 10 minute span. In the same mold, a child is not born racist but certainly can learn to be racist from their parents/friends/community, etc. etc. A child can be raised to believe that unicorns and leprechauns are real. They can be raised to accept or deny societal norms. They can be raised to accept or deny science. Etc, etc. This is where the more most of the "trans" movement is arising from. The amount of people identifying with being trans has increased substantially over the last decade......despite intersex births remaining about the same prevalence. It's odd. We went from a society where someone might be a "biological male with feminine characteristics" to "you are a female just because you think you're one."

This is an immensely complicated issue and I'm note sure there's a pure answer.
-All people are deserving of happiness, love, and respect. Every person is flawed.
-Unfortunately right now, in cases like the OP mentioned there are women who are getting trampled over
-As a general rule, we are dropping the ball as a society on treating mental matter which illness it is.
I can agree it is a mental illness as should be treated as such. The problem I see is that as you said Children and a lot of parents are buying in to the fact more and more due to the talking heads and their children being taught in school that these situations are perfectly normal. I think you can still love your neighbor and treat them no different than any other neighbor if they fall in to one of these categories. However if my neighbor ever asks my opinion on their lifestyle choice I will gladly give it to them. Or if they are publicly displaying their lifestyle in front of me and my kids I believe I have a right to voice my opinion and stand up for my morals. As a society we have to move away from the whole mindset of if you voice your opinion you are a homophobe etc.
This is really a tough one. I have two more companies that I have added to my boycott list. Guess I can find some other delicious chocolates to buy.

'To mark the 50th anniversary of Creme Egg, Cadbury released a commercial featuring two men kissing while sharing the chocolate egg. In the commercial, the real-life couple is seen sharing a Creme Egg with their mouths before the gooey, sugary center oozes out.'


So Why didn't they use Lia Thomas or Caitlyn Jenner in that commercial?
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I just had to listen to one of the most painfully incorrect conversations by two leftist women in my office and not correcting it was as painful as trying to hold in a fart for an hour. 😆

This was also one of the exchanges

- Woman with non-stop drama in her life talking to another woman about how some woman she knows and is a lifelong smoker or something didn't get the vaccines and was using Ivermectin that some nurse practitioner got her. Second woman replies, "What's that?"

"It's to deworm horses!"

"Oh that stuff the crazy conspiracists use? Oh Lord!"

And then how the sick woman does not want to go to the hospital and be put on the vent because she's just in a bubble and thinks they will hurt her. Then something I couldn't hear before this sentence "I called the pharmacy and asked if they prescribe Ivermectin and they said "No" and I said, "THANK YOU!"

License plate readers coming soon to Lexington​

Lexington police are planning to install 25 license plate reader cameras across the city in April.

Assistant Chief Eric Lowe told the urban county council in March the main goal is to reduce crime, locate and recover missing or endangered people.

“We believe it will have an effect on all crime in the city,” said Lowe.

The city will get the cameras at no cost for the year in exchange for their partnership with Flock Safety, Axon Enterprise, and the National Police Foundation for a nationwide study.

The cameras take 6-7 still images of cars as they pass but do not take video. They can read plates, determine the color, make and type of cars, which would all be searchable by police.

Police say they will not be used to enforce traffic violations like speed limits or red lights. The photos are stored for 30 days and then deleted.

Vehicles will automatically be checked to see if they are on a hotlist, and law enforcement is notified. However, Lowe told the council vehicles and plates cannot be searched without first entering a reason for the search. He added, even when a suspected vehicle is located, officers are advised to use reasonable suspicion and probable cause to confirm the validity of making a stop.

This is a classic bait and switch. I do not believe any of this shit. Images will not be deleted. This is a mass surveillance system presented with "It's for your safety" bullshit.
Axon Enterpises ESG Initiatives.
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