How will they rule ??!

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Bad analogy if you are saying that by the Supreme Court saying that states can't ban gay marriage is the same as forcing you to share your partnership money with employees. The Supreme Court did not say that you have to let a gay person join your marriage. It just said that if two other people want to start their own business partnership, just like you and your business partner did, it doesn't matter who they sleep with. It doesn't affect your business partnership at all, unless your argument is that it creates too many partnerships and now you have to compete against others now, which is a completely unamerican anti capitalist argument.
And to reinforce... States are the sole power on setting marriage rules. Every state could have different rules on marriage. The only reason they didn't is because marriage was sooooooooooo uniform among all people in the country at the time of our forming. It's not like we don't have Jews, Arabs, Indians, Euro, Africans, South east asian, Pacific islander.... they all accepted what marriage was when they entered this country. It's just that some people changed it.
That ship has sailed. Some of you seem to forget that it was something like 16 out 18 states, that put gay marriage on the ballot, it lost, including California... the right wing religious center of America. People just used to understand what it meant.

Do you think we should allow polygamy? How about allowing incest marriages? How about bestiality marriages? Please explain how you justify the first and not these last 3.
The ship has sailed alright. I feel as though I've slipped backwards like 18 years when I was watching Bill O'Reilly talk about how another country had allowed gay marriage and afterward their crime rates increased. What's that have to do with gays getting married? I dunno, but the guy got paid to old man rant about something for an hour every night, so that's what he did.

Not saying any of this shouldn't be discussed, but I just think it's completely on point that a muti-page thread about gay marriage exists in this state and on this site in 2022. Feels like a few here just woke up from some decade long comas.
I had to do a double take. Two intelligent well reasoned responses in a row.

What always amuses me is the right wingers love to dismiss other people as emotional snowflakes and cancel culture when that is classic projection as it is exactly what they themselves are and do. They can't differentiate a legal argument (flag burning is a classic example of their complete inability to grasp large complex constitutional arguments) from emotional knee-jerk reaction.

Marriage affords legal protections and economic advantages to citizens. You can't equally pursue liberty if some are advantaged while others are left out because you don't agree with the way they live or pursue their love interests. I personally do not like a lot of things and yet I allow space for them to do as they will and seek happiness as they see fit without impressing or demanding they live the way I do.

Legal marriage is a contract between two people. It does not endorse family size, shape, or bestow morality upon the recipients. Should be obvious but amidst the frothing mob it never can be. When you're sitting there bored in your small life you must supplement it with something to hate on as there's only so many rocks you can skip across the pond. Dullards come to life when they get the opportunity to light their torches and the internet has given them the biggest torch of all to ignite their seething hatreds of "others" besetting them on all sides and borders.
I agree with what you said except change the word marriage. Do civil unions with the exact same end and I'd be fine with it. Marriage in English common law has always been 1 man and 1 woman. My problem goes back to what dude said about the second amendment where he totally bastardized the meaning of the phrase "well regulated". To take a phrase that meant well armed, trained and ready and change it to.... the government totally has the right to infringe on your 2nd amendment right....

You can disagree with me but I don't see how people are not seeing my argument and are arguing shit Im not saying. Im not anti gay. Its just not marriage. Get a different license. Matter of fact.... all the anti religious people should be happy. You shouldn't be forced to be in a marriage if you aren't religious. You should be able to just do a civil union that has no connection to English common law and would actually get you away from our christian standard for that part of the law.
No... The media made it about her because she was an easy target. Just like they do on most issues they can't defend the actual law.

California voted against gay marriage. It was a court order that changed state laws. It's not an uncontitutional law because marriage is a state issue. So a Judge got to make up law. If you don't see the slippery slope argument with that then good luck on the streets.
Just as discrimination against blacks was a state issue in the past, the Supreme Court said that the US Constitution does not allow states to violate the 5th and 14th Amendments. Marberry v. Madison made it clear years ago that the Supreme Court can strike down laws that violate the US Constitution, which includes its amendments. So, the Supreme Court didn't make up law, it just said that the laws that the states made up violate the US Constitution. What if a state, say Kentucky, passed a statute that said that we are overburdened with a poor population, so we should just kill poor people. If a federal judge struck that down, would that violate Kentucky's rights as a member of the union to create its own laws?
The ship has sailed alright. I feel as though I've slipped backwards like 18 years when I was watching Bill O'Reilly talk about how another country had allowed gay marriage and afterward their crime rates increased. What's that have to do with gays getting married? I dunno, but the guy got paid to old man rant about something for an hour every night, so that's what he did.

Not saying any of this shouldn't be discussed, but I just think it's completely on point that a muti-page thread about gay marriage exists in this state and on this site in 2022. Feels like a few here just woke up from some decade long comas.

Its real easy to pretend everyone that disagrees with you is a moron religious zelot. Most of the people disagreeing with me obviously haven't thought about this subject in any way but that. I have a couple gay friends and i hope they have great relationships but I don't want the english language changed to fit their lifestyle. Same way I don't want men to compete against women in sports just because we change the definition of what a woman is.

We used to argue the slippery slope and now people just ride that slope like a half pipe.
Just as discrimination against blacks was a state issue in the past, the Supreme Court said that the US Constitution does not allow states to violate the 5th and 14th Amendments. Marberry v. Madison made it clear years ago that the Supreme Court can strike down laws that violate the US Constitution, which includes its amendments. So, the Supreme Court didn't make up law, it just said that the laws that the states made up violate the US Constitution. What if a state, say Kentucky, passed a statute that said that we are overburdened with a poor population, so we should just kill poor people. If a federal judge struck that down, would that violate Kentucky's rights as a member of the union to create its own laws?
Black men can marry women and Black women can marry men. Not sure how you find this as discrimination unless you don't think black people are human.... All humans can marry and marriage is 1 man and 1 woman.

If you argue this the way I think you are them what is the limit on marriage? Can a man marry a dog? can a man marry a child? Can man marry his sister?

Do you think there are no limits on marriage?
Except it is debatable. “Historically” means nothing. Literally. It’s psycho babble. Human history is also cavalcade of tragedy. But I digress.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that the way you think to raise a kid is the ideal way. With this, we must almost assume that your concept of idealism extends beyond your ideas and has some type of universal objective truth. Now, let’s name the 100,000 behaviors a parent exhibits that are “less than ideal”. How far do you go enforcing your idealism?
You are confusing the “way” parents raise kids and the ideal foundational relationships for a family. For some reason, the liberals on this thread want to focus on the negatives of parenting which exist, regardless of whether the child is adopted or is raised by biological parents. It’s an odd take for a discussion about parenting.

[and, if you don’t think historical truth matters, then don’t read Gorsuch’s opinion that gave rise to this ridiculous thread]
Facebook and Twitter are not monopolies. That is just old shits in congress trying to give meat to a braindead base. You could argue that Google and Microsoft use their size in monopolistic ways but both companies have pretty healthy amounts of competition. Amazon isn't a monopoly at all but also uses its size in very economically unhealthy ways but then so does walmart. But then your advocating for government to say how big free market companies are allowed to become. The ISP market is 100% monopolized but the feds allowed it to happen. The local media market was allowed to be monopolized by laws the GoP wanted and passed. "Breakup big tech" is just a nice sound bite. No republican has any intentions of doing it or the brainpower to understand how it could be done. These big tech companies became so big because consumers deemed their products better than everyone else's. Ain't that the free market at work?
And big tech shouldn't be your top concern. The monopolized agriculture sector is much more dangerous amd the GoP has done everything in their power to help it along.
The problem is marriage as we know it, is a legal thing. While you can make it a religious thing by getting married in whatever church you choose, it is a legal thing defined by state and federal statutes that bestows privileges and obligations on people that choose to enter the marriage. Because it is sanctioned by government, it is subject to the 5th and 14th amendments which allows everyone due process before liberty is taken from them and promises equal protection of the law (think the law of marriage and the benefits that bestows) to all citizens.
Ah, but the Supreme Court said to states that marriage is NOT defined by state or federal statutes, but defined by a few people deciding that the democratic republic process and states’ rights don’t matter when it comes to the definition of marriage.

Now, for me, I don’t care what unions the government recognizes, nor do I care if the government recognizes marriage, at all. But, I do care about the way government works and the Supreme Court undermined how government should work by once again recognizing a constitutional right that we somehow overlooked for almost 250 years, as if gay unions were something new, while arguing gay unions were anything but.
I generally think that people that call anyone a "non-believer" is an idiot, because they mean "someone that doesn't believe what I do." Are Jews and Muslims "non-believers"? How about Buddhists and Hindus? I'm not biblically ignorant, but I realize that it is a conglomeration of books written over thousands of years, in different genres and not to be taken literally in all circumstances as so many people try to do. Anyone that believes that Noah built a boat and put 2 of every animal on earth on it is stupid.
Look, if you have to engage is strawman arguments and ad hominems to prove your point, you probably don’t have a point.

You tell me how you want to be viewed when it comes to the scripture of Christians. Do you believe there is a creating designing God who created everything in our existence? Do you believe His son was born of a virgin, lived, taught, loved, and sacrificed on a cross for all of our sins and was raised on the third day? If not, then tell me, in the context of that scriptural belief, how you wish to be described.
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I had to do a double take. Two intelligent well reasoned responses in a row.

What always amuses me is the right wingers love to dismiss other people as emotional snowflakes and cancel culture when that is classic projection as it is exactly what they themselves are and do. They can't differentiate a legal argument (flag burning is a classic example of their complete inability to grasp large complex constitutional arguments) from emotional knee-jerk reaction.

Marriage affords legal protections and economic advantages to citizens. You can't equally pursue liberty if some are advantaged while others are left out because you don't agree with the way they live or pursue their love interests. I personally do not like a lot of things and yet I allow space for them to do as they will and seek happiness as they see fit without impressing or demanding they live the way I do.

Legal marriage is a contract between two people. It does not endorse family size, shape, or bestow morality upon the recipients. Should be obvious but amidst the frothing mob it never can be. When you're sitting there bored in your small life you must supplement it with something to hate on as there's only so many rocks you can skip across the pond. Dullards come to life when they get the opportunity to light their torches and the internet has given them the biggest torch of all to ignite their seething hatreds of "others" besetting them on all sides and borders.
I think it a small dullard life to call other people’s views “hate” because you disagree. In fact, I call it bigotry. It is a lazy way to attempt to make yourself look better. Purposefully remaining ignorant of other’s views to bolster self-opinion is not a strong look.
The left talking about violence & trying to get someone killed. When they're the ones that shot up a congressional baseball practice by republicans. They're the ones that tried to murder Kyle Rittenhouse. They're the ones that throws bricks & Molotov cocktails at police. They're the ones that tried to attack Rand Paul last year. They're the ones (Maxine Waters) that tells their voters to get in the face of republicans. And now they're trying to convince people that they are the party that's opposed to violence. What worthless subhuman trash.
I think it a small dullard life to call other people’s views “hate” because you disagree. In fact, I call it bigotry. It is a lazy way to attempt to make yourself look better. Purposefully remaining ignorant of other’s views to bolster self-opinion is not a strong look.
"Hate" or whatever word you care to use to describe going out of your way to loudly and often times violently try to make other people do things the way you want by refusing to accept the will of the people expressed by voting, or the authority of the Supreme Court to decide what is constitutional, or the rule of law as expressed in our courtrooms. When you don't get your way or you see somebody that you think doesn't believe the same things you do, it compels you to do something bad to them or you show your arses demanding your own way. Sorry if "hate" doesn't fully encapsulate such spoiled, entitled, ignorant, historically failed actions taken by your comrades when they're not over on the War thread shoveling Russian propaganda like good rubes are want to do.
Man, this country has really fallen off a cliff. We now celebrate an ex president winning a lawsuit vs a porn star. We defend presidents who oversee record inflation. If you can look at the landscape and decide that one side is at fault, you probably need to start smoking weed every night. All politicians are criminals who give zero shits about us. It's time to take it back. We started a war with England over a 3% tax on tea. We now pay north of 50% of our income in taxes when you figure it all in, and it's been that way for the last 50 years. Anything we are punished with now, it's because we accept it, period.
We need to quit worrying about the latter presidents/politician/governments and focus on the here and now. Fix us first and then worry about helping other countries.
We now pay north of 50% of our income in taxes when you figure it all in,
Been saying this for a while now. Wife and I a couple of years ago took a months' worth of receipts from bills and expenditures and came up to a similar conclusion.
It was in response to someone talking about how we needed to pay more taxes because countries in Europe and other places payed more and where doing "so well".
We are taxed in so many areas and many people don't realize just how much we pay.
I think even this mentality is incorrect and based on a lot of psychological assumptions. A well adjusted kid can come from gay parents. That’s it. It doesn’t mean they are only better than straight bad parents or it’s less than ideal. Ideal to who? It’s just different. And good parents find a way. Not sure why it’s even complicated.

Also, there are shitty gay parents, of course.

There’s no reason for us to debate as we have the same opinion but it’s definitely “ideal” to have good biological parents - at least in the first 3 months. The second the baby is born it’s supposed to have skin to skin contact with the mother which immediately soothes and regulates the babies temperature and mood. The colostrum or pre-nursing milk immediately gives the baby natural antibodies, hormone regulation, and needed nutrients and vitamins etc. All these benefits are huge for first 3 months of life - it was all stuff we had to sit through and learn at the hospital and doctors office before we had our first kid.

So I can see the thought of birth parents being “ideal”. But once the kid is 3 or whatever? Then ya, I think you can have either great or shitty biological/gay/whatever parents
California voted against their gay marriage ballot initiative. People are forgetting what marriage meant

I’m sorry but I just read this and can’t help but chuckle. I completely understand what you are trying to say but unfortunately I think your thinking of 1920s-1990s America? I think you are. That is what you mean by what marriage means, yes? My parents were in an arranged marriage and my mom was married at 17 which was the norm in their culture. Marriage in many countries was literally trading the (usually teenage) daughter who had no choice for a cow or land (called a dowry). It was a land or possession trade. How do you think it looked in the 1700s in America? I do appreciate your ideal of marriage and you thinking of it in such a nice way, but I think you might not realize that your statement is a little silly.
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There’s no reason for us to debate as we have the same opinion but it’s definitely “ideal” to have good biological parents - at least in the first 3 months. The second the baby is born it’s supposed to have skin to skin contact with the mother which immediately soothes and regulates the babies temperature and mood. The colostrum or pre-nursing milk immediately gives the baby natural antibodies, hormone regulation, and needed nutrients and vitamins etc. All these benefits are huge for first 3 months of life - it was all stuff we had to sit through and learn at the hospital and doctors office before we had our first kid.

So I can see the thought of birth parents being “ideal”. But once the kid is 3 or whatever? Then ya, I think you can have either great or shitty biological/gay/whatever parents
I don't necessarily disagree with any of that and I understand your position. I'm just saying if you're gay and adopt or have a surrogate or whatever, you can still do all that. Even 2 dudes, they would just have to work that out with surrogate or someone.
You are confusing the “way” parents raise kids and the ideal foundational relationships for a family. For some reason, the liberals on this thread want to focus on the negatives of parenting which exist, regardless of whether the child is adopted or is raised by biological parents. It’s an odd take for a discussion about parenting.

[and, if you don’t think historical truth matters, then don’t read Gorsuch’s opinion that gave rise to this ridiculous thread]

The amount of tweets from leftists wishing Justice Thomas’s death - like our in the open from real, verified accounts and actual people - is pretty telling. Do you think those mofos would pause for a minute before sticking conservatives in a gulag?
Whatever happens to Hunter, I’ll always remember him as this media created character…


There’s a New Artist in Town. The Name Is Biden.​

Hunter Biden, his name forever linked to President Trump’s impeachment, says painting “is literally keeping me sane” after years of addiction and poor choices.

(yea, his name is most definitely linked to…Trump’s impeachment. Not incestuous rape and crack cocaine)
Welp, Jack Maxey, who broke the Hunter Biden laptop to the world, said they allegedly have found new stuff.

"Jack Maxey @JackMaxey1 19h · The world is not ready for what my team has found. Fair warning, every person on planet earth with a badge will have access by end of week. My only advice, control your rage and look to the Constitution to save us first.

Jack Maxey @JackMaxey1 15h · People, there are over 100K texts we are curating and 128K emails. Before almost all were hidden in archives and difficult to access without a pertinent search term. We have also found thousands of pictures he "thought" he deleted. Some stuff, I'm uncomfortable even explaining. When I say it is over - I mean it. Please pray and keep your Constitution close. Going to make sure public can crowd source the emails w/ redacted's, bank account numbers etc. and texts less telephone numbers. Trying our best to be responsible and not bring further harm to the victims. Keep all of us in your prayers."
Going to be interesting to see what comes of this, though I'm not getting my hopes up. If there hasn't been a shred of accountability to this point, there never will be.
Thank you Kamala, for explaining how important high speed internet is. I didn't think we were ever going to get rid of dial up but I feel so much better now.

Now, if you can just figure out where the fumes are on the electric vehicles, we'll be in like flint.
The amount of tweets from leftists wishing Justice Thomas’s death - like our in the open from real, verified accounts and actual people - is pretty telling. Do you think those mofos would pause for a minute before sticking conservatives in a gulag?
Why can't you unite with them? They are virtuous and care about your health and safety. That's why they want you to wear a mask and get endless shots. They are very compassionate which is why they support Ukraine and organizations like BLM as they loot and torch your neighborhood and business.

Here's the deal, we need to come together like Biden said, you backwards white privileged racist redneck Nazi anti-vaxxer.