How will they rule ??!

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I assume then you don't wear clothes made of multiple materials, purchase slaves, support the stoning to death of rebellious children, and also believe that handicapped people should be banned from church?
This is an ignorant approach to Biblical teaching, but a script often followed by non-believers and the biblically ignorant.
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Unless there's massive voter fraud by democrats/marxists which is certainly possible. I believe this November republicans could pick up as many as 100 house seats. The democrat party will be no more.
Too many gerrymandered Dim seats for that imo. I think 50 tops & more like 25-30 as Libs say one thing today & pull the lever differently in Nov.
It’s funny because I made a trip to the Frazier History Museum yesterday and there was an exhibit about west Louisville, which is historically the black area of Louisville. Part of the exhibit covered the history and controversy around bussing, which basically put racial quotas on public schools. And there was a historic photo there showing tens of thousands of people protesting against bussing in the early 70’s.

But front and center there was this lady with a sign that read “Forced Bussing is Against God’s Will.”

Now, regardless on the merits of bussing or anyone’s opinion on it,,,that’s not really my point. It’s that a certain segment finds ways to use religion to justify things that have nothing to do with religion. Many did the same with slavery and you’re doing that now.

Your counter to that, of course, will be citing that the Bible states homosexuality is wrong, but then you’ll ignore the fact that the Bible was translated from Hebrew to other languages and that context has been lost. You also ignore the ample literature and study from theologians who disagree with that interpretation. At the end of the day, you’re attempting to use a holy book to justify things you’re uncomfortable with or have been indoctrinated to think.
Biblical scholarship has become popular on this site.
You’re being intentionally obtuse and trying to use straw man arguments to make a point. Also, now that you’re falling back to the “words can’t change argument”, you’re really throwing a white flag. But I’ll bite.

Ephesians 6:5-8 states:
“Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ”

Is slavery wrong @hmt5000? Do you believe slaves should be obedient to their masters?
Have you seriously studied this issue?
So are you saying two biological parents who are considered shit tier human beings by any remotely rationale human being would be better raising a child than a gay couple?
Yea I disagree. What you’re trying to argue is that your version of normality is synonymous optimization and then suggesting anything less than typical is detrimental. I’m not asking this to be mean but do you actually know any gay couples with kids? Ever been to a place where homosexuality is accepted and not looked down on? Humanity can be a lot more dynamic and rich. Sounds like you’ve never been exposed to that.
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
* KA - BOOM *

Crude Oil at $110/bbl in trading. Lunatics!

You are again dismissed.
The 2nd amendment has an important part you are forgetting, well regulated.

Letting everyone have guns without any regulations on it is not well regulated, that’s actually called lack of regulation.

Y’all gun nuts want to regulate the shit out of voting but don’t want any regulation on guns when the US is the gun violence capital of the world. Sad!
Ad hominems coupled with a grammar error. Awesome!
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It’s not made up, you were blowing up Johnson and Wilson as if they were heisman finalists. Get that geritol IV cranked up 🍺
Stephen Johnson got the most out of his limited frame. Hard to believe a football fan would be trashing the QB who gave us his all to beat UL’s Heisman winner and get us back to bowl eligibility. I’d like to see you take the hits he took.
Have you seriously studied this issue?
I asked a simple question that I will ask again.

Ephesians 6:5-8 states:
“Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ”

Is slavery wrong and should slaves be obedient to their masters?
Stephen Johnson got the most out of his limited frame. Hard to believe a football fan would be trashing the QB who gave us his all to beat UL’s Heisman winner and get us back to bowl eligibility. I’d like to see you take the hits he took.
This is one of those both things can be true moments. Stephen Johnson wasn’t a great QB, but he was a warrior that’s leadership was vital to the teams he was on. Helped give us the win you mentioned, not to mention his heroics against Tennessee.
The defense beat UL that year and Snell, now go advocate for the crime in west Louisville and BLM 🍺
I went back and looked to fact check (lol) myself and the defense made some big plays, (especially that fumble and recovery) but we also gave up 38 points. Snell only had 51 yards rushing. Johnson threw for 338 and 3 TDs that day, not to mention his 2 big throws after the fumble to set up the FG.
Marriage in the eyes of the state is a legal contract between consenting adults. So, it shouldn't matter the gender or even the number of individuals in the contract. All that matters is that they are of some form of sound mind, consenting and not being coerced. This contract is legally binding and grants benefits and responsibilities to the citizens who enter into it. These incentives and responsibilities are coming from federal, state and local government.

The problem is that the government should have never gotten involved in marriage. They should have left that to religious organizations. The morals, customs, benefits and restrictions of those religions could apply. That isn't how it played out so now we are stuck with confusion.

I expect at some point that we will see a legal challenge on plural marriage. There should be no reason legally to prevent it. I am not aware of any other legal contracts that put restrictions on the number of adults who can enter into an agreement.

As for Davis, she was a State Official. Let's not forget that she was refusing to issue ANY marriage licenses. She should have been put in jail until she either complied with the duties of her office, resigned or was removed. Imagine if someone decided to refuse to issue hunting or fishing licenses because they thought killing animals was immoral. Or they refuse to give a driver's license or register a vehicle because they felt it was damaging the environment or facilitating drunk driving. As an elected official your morality is irrelevant. You were elected to carry out the laws of the state. If you are not willing to do so, then resign or go to jail. Pretty simple process.
I went back and looked to fact check (lol) myself and the defense made some big plays, (especially that fumble and recovery) but we also gave up 38 points. Snell only had 51 yards rushing. Johnson threw for 338 and 3 TDs that day, not to mention his 2 big throws after the fumble to set up the FG.
He had three seam passes that game that went big to account for the 300 his best game in his career. 🍺
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Why? Why wouldn’t 3 or 4 “parental figures” be better than 2? What is your source for what is “best?”
As I stated above, my “source” is a look at societies through history. Nothing more.

The burden of proof is on you when you make the argument for 3 and 4 parents being better. Have at it, as no one is stopping you from it.
I remember a recent post where some Twitter account cited sources saying if Thomas dies or retires, the republicans in the Senate would hold his seat till a Republican won the presidency.

How? If they cant stop this, they can't stop the next one either.

Also shows they aren't nearly under siege as we're told. Man's been all over media and social media while 5 million people left the country. Those aren't the signs of a nation under siege