Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name;
Rescue us, forgive us our sins for Your name’s sake.
Psalms 79:9 AMP
Psalms 79:9 AMP
1) Politicians sure pad their pockets at the expense of hard working Americans
There's the bully pulpit messaging Bessarabia wanted. Let's see if the oil companies feel the pressure or just yawn and ignore it like usual.
No but some day you will see 200 million Chinese troops marching towards Jerusalem on their way to ArmageddonChina cannot nor will not "invade" Taiwan. They lack the number of ships required to sufficiently transport the troop numbers to the island for starters. They lack a place to land those troops safely in sufficient numbers to support their objectives, and even if they were able to do all that in fantasyland they'd find themselves lacking sufficient infrastructure on the island to support and sustain the troop numbers required to hold it. It literally is paint by numbers impossible for them to do against a very well equipped 450,000 entrenched soldiers in well defended mountainous positions overlooking all possible landing points.
They can destroy Taiwan from a distance a la Russia's medieval castle bombing laughably outdated technique, but they can't take it and have anything left of it worth taking. If China wants Taiwan they have to approach it from the standpoint of hearts and minds and win with soft power. You will never see a million Chinese troops sailing off to take the island like people who simply don't understand military power like to scare monger with.
Hopefully he wanted to. Too bad he was talked out if it. NATO has outlived its usefulnessJohn Bolton, certainly no Democrat, is on record saying Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO in 2018 and repeatedly had to be talked out of it. At the NATO Summit in 2018 Trump very nearly did exactly that and had to again be talked out of pulling the US from NATO.
Former national security adviser said Trump came very close to leaving NATO in 2018, and Russian President Vladimir Putin “was waiting for that.”
There are multiple sources on this including more than one member of Trumps own National Security Team. We can all continue to argue fantasy, or we can engage in the reality of the current situation while also understanding actual true history. Playing make-believe because it makes you feel good is dangerous.
Bessarabia re-imagined. IgnoreWith Russia set to default by April 15th we've now entered a new period. Call it the Putin death watch.
Russia is immersed in the greatest military blunder in history. The financial loses are staggering even without the military humbling and complete loss of reputation. It is an unfolding disaster with no even mildly attractive exit signs.
Russia's best option BY FAR is to kill/replace/imprison Putin. That is the fastest way out of this. Just lay it all off on him, say he was crazy or whatever you like, but a quick Putin exit has got to be very, very attractive to a lot of dangerous people in Russia right now.
What can Putin offer in terms of an exit strategy that is more appealing than simply disappearing him? Nothing. No options out there.
So the Putin watch is on. We can conclude with high confidence at the first opportunity Putin will be out. How long can a firmly entrenched Putin last? How many people can he arrest before he slips up? His days are numbered. How many days is the only question. NOBODY walks away from a mistake like this. Nobody.
And on the other side....An interesting read from 2016 on Putin's perspective.
My question is who in the State Department wrote that speech for him?Wasn't he also wearing a Nazi iron cross on that t-shirt? Lol
Ignored for stupidityI have not been a fan of many of Biden's decisions in handling Russia's Ukraine invasion but his results demand some rethinking of what we thought we knew about our role on the world stage.
By Joe not bulldozing to the front (either by accident or design) has worked out to be a stroke of genius. It allowed space for Zelensky's heroics to emerge, it made it difficult for Putin's pre-war strategy of casting this as Russia vs a proxy of the West to have credibility, and in what has to be stunning and a brand new calculation for any country pondering war, Biden stepping back instead of forward allowed the space for his sanctions to play out and then be joined by a vigorous private sector response that isn't getting anywhere near the attention it deserves.
None of these things happen if Biden bulldozes to the front trying to grab all the headlines.
I'll tell you exactly what this reminds me of. I have said for many years that the history books will look back at GHWB's presidency as great. Under absolutely universal public demand for Saddam to be taken out Bush Sr. pulled back. Being the skilled former head of the CIA he was (perhaps our most prepared President for war of all time) he and his team reasoned taking Saddam out would destabilize the region and even though Bush Sr. was extremely sensitive about being called a "wimp" president, he went against his own personal interests and made a spectacularly difficult one in leaving Saddam in place.
Of course as history has revealed Bush Sr. was exactly correct as we found out the hard way when we went back later and undid his stoke of genius and as Sr. predicted, we destabilized the region and made Iran the regional winner.
So now we have Biden and I believe he is following a similar path. He's sitting back taking the shots he knows are coming, but he's proving already to be on point in walking a very fine line. History will be very kind to him as well if he continues to steer us through what looks like will be the final days of Russia as a world power.
I'm talking the supposed 5th Column in Ukraine today.Who was president before Poroshenko? Why did he have to end up fleeing the country, and to where?
There's absolutely no reason in the world to doubt Jussie's claims of sodomy threats, right?
Comparing Russia to Ukraine and coming to the conclusion both are shit bags is akin to comparing Hitler to a jaywalker.Our government? Nope. Our people? Yes.
Not supporting one of two shitbag countries is alright. When Duke and UNC play each other, me not supporting either team doesn’t mean I hate Kentucky. 😂
The US doesn't have the oil reserves to sustain hyper production. If we had spent the last 50 years not importing oil we would be dried out. All the oil is in south America and the middle east. Everything left in north America is really ****ing expensive to get to and also destroys the land and poison the water table. The only viable solution for the US is a shitload of nuclear and electric cars. 70% of our oil use is transportation. Cut that in half and oil isn't an issue anymore.
US oil profit margin for 2021 - 240billion. Yea, that overhead is really hurtingAny chance that the oil companies’ overhead is increasing? (Perhaps due to increased environmental regulations, or oil transport costs?). What about increased taxes on fuel?
I honestly wish there was a law that required gas station receipts showed you a breakdown of how much fuel tax you were paying.
Like almost everything he did....Trump was so much of a divisive prick about it that he rarely got any of the results he wanted even if he was in the countries paying more to NATO.So Trump had the idea, the concern that NATO wasn't worthwhile to the US. What's wrong with raising that question? Lots of things this country does ought to be questioned. But because he can be rational now & then, he took the input and acted on that input: did nothing.
Comparing Russia to Ukraine and coming to the conclusion both are shit bags is akin to comparing Hitler to a jaywalker.
You may wanna reevaluate that position in light of recent events.
Like almost everything he did....Trump was so much of a divisive prick about it that he rarely got any of the results he wanted even if he was in the countries paying more to NATO.
He never did learn that government doesn't run like a business. You can't fire countries for not doing as they are told. You cannot insult and berate political opponents into following your ideas.
His hubris and narcissistic tendencies endeared him to the autocrats of the world at the expense of our traditional allies.
He's one of those people that pisses you off so much with his condescending attitude that you'll be damned before you go along with anything he wants.
Doesn't matter how great your ideas are if you can't convince anyone to follow you.
Zelinsky is Jewish. Please quit repeating Russian state tv lies and Fox talking points.No it’s not. Considering Ukraine verified that the Nazis are fighting for Ukraine. That would make Zelensky, a Hitler. Since Hitler was a Nazi and the Nazis are fighting for Ukraine
Other than the Afghan withdrawal....Biden is doing fine. He doesn't control gas prices and has pretty much told the oil companies to get to drilling. Glad he's President instead of the fool that called Putin a genius and wants to bomb Russia with jets painted to look like Chinese planes.Awful take.
Sam: “maybe if I take away attention from the worst president since Obama and keep bringing up Trump, then maybe Biden will get no attention “
US oil profit margin for 2021 - 240billion. Yea, that overhead is really hurting
Zelinsky is Jewish. Please quit repeating Russian state tv lies and Fox talking points.
There is a free mental health clinic at the end of the street 🍺Other than the Afghan withdrawal....Biden is doing fine. He doesn't control gas prices and has pretty much told the oil companies to get to drilling. Glad he's President instead of the fool that called Putin a genius and wants to bomb Russia with jets painted to look like Chinese planes.
Brilliant minds think alike, bro.Psaki loves Russia
Zelinsky is Jewish. Please quit repeating Russian state tv lies and Fox talking points.
Comparing Russia to Ukraine and coming to the conclusion both are shit bags is akin to comparing Hitler to a jaywalker.
You may wanna reevaluate that position in light of recent events.
Former Trump staff member who sued to get out of her NDA, has a word for The Paddock.
Gas tax is the biggest con these state governments come up with. Our roads are a mess that this tax is supposed to fix yet here we are. The less money we have to pay to the government whether local, state or federal the better. I am getting ready to write an enormous check to the Feds for my taxes and frankly I would feel better if I could just take that money, convert it to cash and burn it in my fireplace because I can promise you the Feds will find an even worse way to waste it.