Best economy in our history? Lmao! You Trump slurpers are always good for a laugh.

Best economy in our history? Lmao! You Trump slurpers are always good for a laugh.
He's not a deity. He's a scientist who has given advice on how to avoid getting sick to the best of his ability during the worst world wide pandemic in 100 years. The level of hatred on the right for him is just nuts. He's not Satan either.Nonsense...fauci is the master of word salad and talking over ppls heads using various things ppl won't understand so they can't ask anything back. It's also why he absolutely refuses to do interviews with anyone accept the triple mask afraid of the grocery crowd...aka his fan base.
You all have made this guy a diety when he's an infectious disease doctor...just like any other, whom many disagree with him...but that's wrong think and fauci works for the you trust him.
What's so hard with him or the cdc saying this: "we were wrong about this, or approached this particular thing wrong"
Ppl would respect him if he would do that...but he won't, he just doubles or changes definitions or whatever else.
Once again...Trump never wanted to defund nato. You keep saying this over and over. All he suggested was that the other countries Pay a percentage relative to gdp as opposed to the US paying the majority of it.
Do I need to repeat this again...bc every few days there you take off again posting the same talking point nonsense
Translation: "Dems gonna lose big in 2022 and 2024 because of their incompetence and overall shitty performance".
A lot of people starting to wager that Desantis is going to be the guy. I think that if Desantis runs he wins. If Trump runs its a total shit show and tossup.
Translation: "Dems gonna lose big in 2022 and 2024 because of their incompetence and overall shitty performance".
Game. Set. Match.
I hope so, but still have the fear of cheating and rinos.Translation: "Dems gonna lose big in 2022 and 2024 because of their incompetence and overall shitty performance".
Game. Set. Match.
I'm not blaming Trump for Putin invading Ukraine. I said I believe he was going in no matter who the President was.Just keep telling yourself that. Putin invaded Ukraine when? When your boy was in office. But hey, go ahead...blame Trump!
You need to get laid and smoke some weed
He did more than just negotiate. He actually put in place a plan to remove 12,000 US troops out of Germany. Thank God Biden put a stop to that insanity. And some clowns keep acting like Trump had Putin shaking in his boots. 🤡Trump was doing what he does, negotiating. He wanted our so called allies to pay their dues. Without us there was no NATO. Europe knows that.
I don't disagree that Putin needs to be ousted, but the problem is the Globalist alliance and WEF will want a say in who that replacement is further strengthening their goal of a One World Government. Same goes for Ukraine. Hopefully the citizens of those countries haven't bought into that nonsense and push to avoid that catastrophe. Don't want to trade one catastrophe for another.With Russia set to default by April 15th we've now entered a new period. Call it the Putin death watch.
Russia is immersed in the greatest military blunder in history. The financial loses are staggering even without the military humbling and complete loss of reputation. It is an unfolding disaster with no even mildly attractive exit signs.
Russia's best option BY FAR is to kill/replace/imprison Putin. That is the fastest way out of this. Just lay it all off on him, say he was crazy or whatever you like, but a quick Putin exit has got to be very, very attractive to a lot of dangerous people in Russia right now.
What can Putin offer in terms of an exit strategy that is more appealing than simply disappearing him? Nothing. No options out there.
So the Putin watch is on. We can conclude with high confidence at the first opportunity Putin will be out. How long can a firmly entrenched Putin last? How many people can he arrest before he slips up? His days are numbered. How many days is the only question. NOBODY walks away from a mistake like this. Nobody.
That's a take alright.
November is a long ways away and at the rapid pace things in this world are deteriorating, I have no clue what the next few months, much less the next few years are going to bring. The Dems have already pretty much shown they have zero regard for human life, or human rights and will stop at nothing to destroy their opposition in whatever ways that allow them to keep or take power.Hypothetically, yes. In reality, no. Dems will never give up power now
I don't disagree that Putin needs to be ousted, but the problem is the Globalist alliance and WEF will want a say in who that replacement is further strengthening their goal of a One World Government. Same goes for Ukraine. Hopefully the citizens of those countries haven't bought into that nonsense and push to avoid that catastrophe. Don't want to trade one catastrophe for another.
So we're just supposed to allow people to get off scot free when faking a hate crime. He needs to be made an example of because what he did set back race relations and fostered racial tensions in this country, and people like this twitter poster and the MSM who bought into it all are complicit as well.
Awesome job that we are a corporatocracy.
So this is no competition concern but they're blocking the allegiant spirit merger? Lol I guess the latter pair didnt make enough political contributions, plus much of their traffic is in Florida.
So we agree that Trump didn't weaken NATO. Thanks.Putin wanted Trump to continue defunding NATO and kissing his ass. When Trump lost, he wrongly assumed that Trump had weakened NATO enough and that he could do whatever he wanted.
The left demands blind devotion to whatever they want or are promoting at that time. This group is the only one who seeks out a brand's opinion ("Oh, please, Gushers, tell us your opinion on BLM and the election") and then takes any silence as a complete endorsement which oddly does not apply to anything China related.
So Trump had the idea, the concern that NATO wasn't worthwhile to the US. What's wrong with raising that question? Lots of things this country does ought to be questioned. But because he can be rational now & then, he took the input and acted on that input: did nothing.John Bolton, certainly no Democrat, is on record saying Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO in 2018 and repeatedly had to be talked out of it. At the NATO Summit in 2018 Trump very nearly did exactly that and had to again be talked out of pulling the US from NATO.
Just like all the Russia stooges in Ukraine rising up? LOL.China will try to Hong Kong Taiwan. A slow and methodical takeover by quietly replacing the government with CCP stooges.
I hope you're right but strongly doubt it. I don't see an internal collapse of Putin support any time soon.With Russia set to default by April 15th we've now entered a new period. Call it the Putin death watch.
Russia is immersed in the greatest military blunder in history. The financial loses are staggering even without the military humbling and complete loss of reputation. It is an unfolding disaster with no even mildly attractive exit signs.
Russia's best option BY FAR is to kill/replace/imprison Putin. That is the fastest way out of this. Just lay it all off on him, say he was crazy or whatever you like, but a quick Putin exit has got to be very, very attractive to a lot of dangerous people in Russia right now.
What can Putin offer in terms of an exit strategy that is more appealing than simply disappearing him? Nothing. No options out there.
So the Putin watch is on. We can conclude with high confidence at the first opportunity Putin will be out. How long can a firmly entrenched Putin last? How many people can he arrest before he slips up? His days are numbered. How many days is the only question. NOBODY walks away from a mistake like this. Nobody.
Does Syria border Poland?
So that's a 4100 covid deaths undercount?
Net, excusing Biden for not stopping the invasion with more support for U before it. Nice deflection.I'm not blaming Trump for Putin invading Ukraine. I said I believe he was going in no matter who the President was.
He does this constantly. Repeats the same lies every three to four days