And your whacked out conspiracy theories keep you strung out and paranoid.sure it is. Fake news keeps you fat and content
And your whacked out conspiracy theories keep you strung out and paranoid.sure it is. Fake news keeps you fat and content
Good Lord you guys are so damn gullible.
Good Lord you guys are so damn gullible.
Fact check: False claims about George Soros
Social media users have been sharing an image online that makes several disparaging and false claims about George Soros. Some of these claims include Soros being a former Nazi, Soros “swearing to destroy the U.S.A.”, Soros owning ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, and Soros paying for
Fact check: George Soros did not say he would fund “Black Hate groups”
An old meme, which falsely alleges George Soros said he would “bring down” the U.S. by funding “Black Hate groups”, has begun to recirculate online amid the protests over the death of George
And your whacked out conspiracy theories keep you strung out and paranoid.
Dims must be so proud of this man. Good job, lib dims. Smh
Sambo has a bunch of Dion 😂🍺I mean, I gotta agree with Joe on this, what guys don’t take pictures of their guy friends naked?
C’mon, man. You know that’s not what I’m saying. Should they be counted? Most definitely. Should the former NY governor be held accountable for his negligent actions? Most definitely.So we shouldn't count those from the most at risk age group since they are less human. Got it.
C’mon, man. You know that’s not what I’m saying. Should they be counted? Most definitely. Should the former NY governor be held accountable for his negligent actions? Most definitely.
What I am referring to is the fact that we should have addressed the issue of the most vulnerable (that exact age group & other at risk groups) from the get go. That should have been the focus. Instead we had blanket lock downs, vaccine mandates, ridiculously stupid mask mandates, shutting down schools for 2 years, etc...And In the particular case of NY you had all of that stuff while the governor was forcing elderly back into nursing homes.
The Cuomo administration’s March 25 directive barred nursing homes from refusing people just because they had COVID-19.
It worked though. They got their puppet into the Whitehouse.
Trumps average approval on the virus is now 39%. Overall approval 42%. Crushing it! Trump is leading the GoP to a bloodbath in November.
So this is that white privilege I hear so much about.
Biden saves us again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!An additional 800mil for Ukraine! Yayyy!
Also, per CBS, gasoline has decreased a penny each day since Monday! Yayyy! YOURE WELCOME POOR FOLKS!!!!
First, the “right” is not alone in being concerned, as Biden’s own SOS has made clear this winter.Taiwan has 258 mountain peaks at an elevation of more than 3000 meters to fight from and are riddled with pre-positioned defensive positions pre-targeted on any potential landing areas below. Think Afghanistan on steroids. A nightmare to consider invading and it is an island. You couldn't pick a worse place to try and fight anywhere on the globe. It really is, in all the world, a uniquely difficult military objective to even consider.
The littoral zone is the area and stage of conflict where Taiwan’s advantages are optimized, and where its military has the potential to be most lethal. This is where warships and fighter jets can attack the enemy with support from CDCMs, UAVs and anti-aircraft defense coverage. Taiwan’s military can conduct joint fire strikes against the PLA from air, sea and shore assets, with the full coverage of multi-layer air defense systems. Coordinating and executing successful landing operations are tremendously difficult, especially when transporting thousands of troops and heavy machinery across the Taiwan Strait. With its capabilities limited during transit, the PLA will be most vulnerable when nearing landing beaches. A layered defense of sea mines and pre-deployed obstacles along with swarming fast-attack craft and missile assault boats will hinder the enemy’s advance. As the enemy approaches landing beaches, land-based precision-guided munitions and ground forces will provide additional firepower.
Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained
Think about China contemplating an assault they don't have the ships for to begin with, to land on beaches they can't possibly hold and are not of sufficient size and number to accommodate the number of troops they need to land, and to support a troop level they can't possibly sustain... while also wondering how they will defend against the United States Pacific Fleet.
Never going to happen. The right needs to find some other boogieman to scare their sheep with. Taiwan has smartly focused on high quality military capability sporting the latest and most advanced systems in the world. It is a hornets nest wrapped deep in well defended mountainous positions. This really is a foolish question and it amazes me the right has gotten so much traction with it from their cackling flock.
Qa is Q in Russian. You are Putin. You are Q. Your secret is out. Now quit bombing children's hospitals. You are no longer anonymous.says the guy believes whacked out conspiracy theories. You’re Blue Anon
More news today. Anti-Trump RINO Robin Vos, speaker of the Wisconsin House, stated today that there was widespread voter fraud in Wisconsin but the state legislature won’t decertify.
crazy, they got an Anti-Trumper to admit that there was election fraud
Qa is Q in Russian. You are Putin. You are Q. Your secret is out. Now quit bombing children's hospitals. You are no longer anonymous.
He and Ped Ed work together on Biden's sniff a child project. He needs to come clean and stop assaulting children.Ok Blue Anon.
He and Ped Ed work together on Biden's sniff a child project. He needs to come clean and stop assaulting children.
* KA - BOOM *Trump left office down 12million jobs, GDP down 4%, unemployment at 6.5%, inflation already shooting up, stock market hyper inflated, Trumpsters trying to invade the Capital. HE went to NK and sucked off Rocket Boy and got nothing. He went to Helsinki and told the world that Putin had nothing to do with hacking, sucked him off as well, and got nothing. Hadn't gotten a single piece of legislation passed since his 1st year in office. What a great inheritance!
Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:
So he left office with less jobs then he started, higher unemployment then he started, and cratered GDP.
- Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%
- Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%
- George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%
- Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%
- George W. Bush (R): 2.2%
- Barack Obama (D): 1.62%
- Donald Trump (R): 0.95%
The only thing he accomplished was letting pharma accelerate vaccine research and his brain dead sheep think it was a conspiracy to micro chip and cull the population. LMAO!
Not true. There’s video of him. And there is a left wing propaganda blitz to try cover it up through left wing fact checking
those aren’t actual credible fact checkers, fyi