Ah, the critical thought person. How do you flatter yourself.
lol, he gives more critical thought than you give.
you align with every globalist MSM narrative. When’s the next WEF meeting for you all to talk about the destruction of America?
Ah, the critical thought person. How do you flatter yourself.
Your disassociation makes you almost impossible to reply to. China? Really? You find enough equivalency there to introduce that into your main argument/post?What makes you a naive rube is thinking people who are not fully supporting the current mainstream narrative are somehow supporting Russia or are anti-American.
There’s a hell of a lot of nuance, and the best you could do was come up with some lame comments about a New York real estate swindler.
What makes you a naive rube is buying completely into the mainstream corporate narrative every step of the way without exercising critical thought. I’m sure your positions on Covid fall directly in line with your positions on Trump and Ukraine.
There’s a genocide going on in China, but you’ll never be told to focus on it, so it will continue into perpetuity. That’s the problem. Your so focused on the popular narrative you’re told to support, but you won’t look behind the curtain.
Yep. The China stuff alone shows what frauds they are. But the "won't look behind the curtain" is their motto for everything Dem-related. Anyone who questions them is a "conspiracy theorist." They never learn. When it came to COVID which they claimed was just the deadliest thing ever and killing millions and the virus is why the government needed total control, they seemed to not give a crap at who was responsible.What makes you a naive rube is thinking people who are not fully supporting the current mainstream narrative are somehow supporting Russia or are anti-American.
There’s a hell of a lot of nuance, and the best you could do was come up with some lame comments about a New York real estate swindler.
What makes you a naive rube is buying completely into the mainstream corporate narrative every step of the way without exercising critical thought. I’m sure your positions on Covid fall directly in line with your positions on Trump and Ukraine.
There’s a genocide going on in China, but you’ll never be told to focus on it, so it will continue into perpetuity. That’s the problem. Your so focused on the popular narrative you’re told to support, but you won’t look behind the curtain.
* KA - BOOM *You way over estimate Trumps bargaining power and way under estimate China's ability to plan long term. Xi has China's roadmap laid out for 50 years. We can't even map out our future for 50 days. Im real sure they will just cave after a month, that has worked out real well so far. China is growing 3x faster than we are, they have a lot more room to breath and a leader that has no fear of losing an election. The US companies that are taking a big hit from the tariffs aren't even bringing the jobs back to the US, they are moving them to Vietnam. The rest of the companies will just raise prices and crush consumers. So the tariffs are a complete failure at every level.
The Democrat Party agenda is pure radicalism
Yep. The China stuff alone shows what frauds they are. But the "won't look behind the curtain" is their motto for everything Dem-related. Anyone who questions them is a "conspiracy theorist." They never learn. When it cam to COVID which they claimed was just the deadliest thing ever and killing millions and the virus is why the government needed total control, they seemed to not give a crap at who was responsible.
Yes, the same group who tells little white fifth graders how they're responsible for racism somehow doesn't give a shit about a country (and our government) committing bioterrorism and killing people throughout the world. So keep that in mind when they fake the tears for Ukraine and condemn Russia but never have the balls to say anything about China because we all know they're compromised.
Don’t worry, these “moderates” will get their next marching orders from the MSM soon enough. All these “moderates” are just left wing fanatical Anti-Americans
Your disassociation makes you almost impossible to reply to. China? Really? You find enough equivalency there to introduce that into your main argument/post?
Ideals are big things and lack nuance. The United States and Russia/China are diametrically opposed. No nuance is needed to discern your loyalty there. You can't say because you had a bad omelette in Omaha that Russia and America might as well be the same.
This "mainstream corporate narrative" happens to be "reality" so "yes" I am big into participating in the actual real world instead of some fringe internet nutcase conspiracy group that thinks pedophiles operating pizza shops are running rampant in the Democratic Party. Seriously, why would you even think I need to respond to that sort of thing?
I love it too. It's pure comedy that it's coming from the group who burns our flags at protests, has colleges vote to remove the flag to not offend, the ones who orgasm for kneeling during the anthem, tears down statues, and constantly teach how evil America was and is. The group of globalist ideology who condemns nationalism and national interest suddenly cosplaying patriotic love for this country is epic gaslighting.They know they're traitors.
It's why you see them all of the sudden so profusely professing love of country the last few weeks.
So which resident leftist Is Bess a sock account for?Haha triggered. TDS
Think about how much better we'll all feel when the nuts on the left and right are shut up and no longer in control of our parties? When we can argue about real issues instead of some boogieman conjured up to scare you back into voting for people you know are insane? Bill and I have many political differences on the issues, but fundamentally Bill is not a bad guy. He's not a person I would hate because he is a Republican.
Good normal people with political differences. That's what most of us are. Struggling the best we can to go to work, support our families, and live our lives.
How did we get to the point where that made us all enemies? Don't you see how manipulative that was? To make you hate anything that didn't think the way you do?
All liberals are sick pedophiles. All republicans are racist demons. Listen to what the devil is whispering to you and realize we must all cast these lunatics off and once again find the middle. Folks, I will be supporting Mitt Romney in 2024. I hope you will, too.
Fast forward two years later....Oil is now cheaper than milk. Start chugging it up ya Trumpsters! Hopefully all of you are hitting the streets to protest. Best thing that could happen for November.
The best thing for this country is to have the Democratic Party break into 2 new parties: The Insane Party and The Moderate (Sane) Party.This.
As a liberal, I can never vote for them again, which is maybe the thing that peeves me off the most about them.
They left me no choice. I can't go down that path.
You just described Democrats to a tee.Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology.
You just described Democrats to a tee.
He basically revealed his sock account identity at the end of that last reply. he's off to ignore already for me. He's a troll.It’s not right v left. It’s top v bottom. Get that through your head and you’ll understand a lot of my position on the current US government, Ukraine, Russia, China, etc.
1992 Bill Clinton would be a far right Nazi to this Democrat Party base. Their party has went so off the rails that everything else is "Far Right."The best thing for this country is to have the Democratic Party break into 2 new parties: The Insane Party and The Moderate (Sane) Party.
His first post (bess..) reminded me a lot of Mitt2024. Who I put on ignore...as I will bess...He basically revealed his sock account identity at the end of that last reply. he's off to ignore already for me. He's a troll.
'But some foreign policy experts have argued that the tumultuous U.S. relationship with the Gulf states is rooted in decisions made during the Obama administration when then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice prioritized human rights over geopolitical ties.'
To be fair, the girl was much hotter in her pictures in the article than her mugshot. So I’m with you on this one.LMAO.
If/when this happens this country is completely screwed. This may worry me more than anything else outside of a nuclear war. I knew Biden would be a mess but he and the Dems have been far worse than I ever expected.
Is that 60 year old Colin Kapernick?