This is rich. Your party has been absolute puppets of China. I don't think there's a leftist industry that hasn't taken China's money and done whatever they wanted. You all misrepresent so much and your constant phoniness is on display. You got the buzzwords down and your base eats up the humanitarian bullshit sold to cover the true political agenda.I appreciate the attempt at a real answer.
The United States has the greatest, fairest, most opportunistic form of Government the world has ever known, warts and all. It is far from perfect, but it is the best mankind is capable of forming and keeping.
Right now, today, those same ideals that brought us here to form our country are being fought and died for in Ukraine by the Ukrainian people struggling to keep what we take for granted. In Russia it is a 15 year jail sentence for what we are here doing right now in this thread.
Yes, I stand with my country and the people and Government of Ukraine against Putin, Russia, and his Chinese allies. My stance does not mean Ukraine nor the United States are perfect, it means that the values of the United States are my values as well and they are also the same ones Ukrainians are bravely fighting and dying for as we chat here, safely in our homes.
When the smoke is cleared and Putin defeated, it will be time for us to address what is wrong here at home in our politics. I personally believe if we don't unite in the center against the extremes on both sides then we are undone, but that time is not now.
So if in your eyes that makes me "naive" or a "rube" for believing in my country then I am guilty as charged. What I will not be is a person on the sidelines cheering on the enemy under one pretense or another. This is a simple choice and thankfully for all of you there are no jail sentences awaiting your decisions on whether or not to continue your cheer leading of Putin, Russia, and China against Ukraine.
You all blend in and out of whatever the latest talking point is. Even if you had a stance a week ago, that's tossed out in order to try and achieve whatever power Dems seek to acquire or whatever narrative they wish to shift. The shift on war is amusing and incredibly contradictory on your part not on ours. You're the ones who portray yourselves as anti-war yet are all about it and despite the theatrics under Bush, you're all about the Dem warhawks.
You also believe everything you do is virtuous. Your blind obedience to everything Democrat is "virtuous" and anyone who doesn't bow down to the machine is subjected to your hysterics. You just shift as soon as the TV tells you to. A month ago, your TV told you to hate anyone who didn't get four shots and wear two masks. You had the "I'm vaccinated" profile pic filter on your social media, your party tried to take away people's livelihoods and now, BOOM, it's "Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!" You are a cult.
Oh, and the "extremes of both parties" stuff is even more amusing. You don't even know what extreme is because what's normal to you is radical leftism which permeates through every influential industry throughout our country. Meanwhile, a parent taking an interest in not wanting their children subjected to radical leftism indoctrination and useless mask mandates from leftist school board members is "extreme." If conservatives were extreme, you all wouldn't be so mouthy and aggressive all the time...kind of like how you've always been terrified to offend Muslims but never Christians.
The Democrat Party agenda is pure radicalism so you can drop the "Oh geez, I'm a sensible moderate as I parrot every single leftist talking point at all times." No one is goin to unite with a group who wants open borders, mass government control, and with a group who has slandered us for years. So you and your 50 accounts can GFY, Z.