How will they rule ??!

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Because it isn't price gouging. It's inflation and the pass through to the consumer.

We're all getting hammered by dumb liberal financial policies, like we always are. We can't just spend trillions we don't have, every time, and expect anything other than massive inflation.

Of course then it's compounded by lockdown mishandling and handouts that resulted in a massive labor crunch. That artificially drove up wages, which also will get passed to consumers.

Finally we have the botched energy production. If we were energy independent as before, Russia being Russia would have no impact on prices.

Roll it all up and it's a giant liberal cluster f+ck burrito that we always get when libs are in charge
Republicans have held the legislature or the WH for most of that spending. We were never energy independent, complete bullshit line. That imaginary, "independence", brief moment of net export was ruined by Trump not Biden. When we go back to net export later this year we still wont be independent. you can't import 40% of oil use and use that word. Oil is global, everything impacts prices. They only way it doesn't is if you nationalize the industry and control pricing with legislation.
We don't have a free market. We have a market that protects corporate profits at all costs and subsidizes corporate losses at any cost to tax payers. Thanks mostly to Republicans.
oil is down to $95 today which is equal to $2.75 gas. lets see how long it takes to for gas to fall with it to under $3.
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Because it isn't price gouging. It's inflation and the pass through to the consumer.

We're all getting hammered by dumb liberal financial policies, like we always are. We can't just spend trillions we don't have, every time, and expect anything other than massive inflation.

Of course then it's compounded by lockdown mishandling and handouts that resulted in a massive labor crunch. That artificially drove up wages, which also will get passed to consumers.

Finally we have the botched energy production. If we were energy independent as before, Russia being Russia would have no impact on prices.

Roll it all up and it's a giant liberal cluster f+ck burrito that we always get when libs are in charge
You cannot reason with them because a key component of the Democrat Party is that it is never their fault. It is someone else's fault. They have never failed. Everything they do is good, right, and has good intentions. They are infallible. No one else can possibly be right or have a better solution. When they are given power and get to implement all of their policies, it will somehow be their political opponent's fault when it inevitably turns into a disaster.

Of course, the other big component is to always project on to your opponent and accuse them of what you're actually doing- Alinsky style.

So when things were booming under Trump, it was "actually cause of Obama." When the Dems' masters China unleashed COVID and Dems began to lockdown their states and industries-- of course, this was Trump's fault. When inflation comes from pumping out the checks and gas prices are through the roof, well, that's because of Putin. If anything shows any type of recovery, well, that's Biden.

See how this works?
Because it isn't price gouging. It's inflation and the pass through to the consumer.

We're all getting hammered by dumb liberal financial policies, like we always are. We can't just spend trillions we don't have, every time, and expect anything other than massive inflation.

Of course then it's compounded by lockdown mishandling and handouts that resulted in a massive labor crunch. That artificially drove up wages, which also will get passed to consumers.

Finally we have the botched energy production. If we were energy independent as before, Russia being Russia would have no impact on prices.

Roll it all up and it's a giant liberal cluster f+ck burrito that we always get when libs are in charge
Example #2,000,000,000,456,378,890,345,123,000 of why liberals should never be in charge of ANYTHING... EVER.

They are made to follow orders, not to think.
Which will cause more supply chain issues, effecting supply and ultimately price. It never ends.

If there was any leadership, they would be fun court pressing these companies to bring sourcing back to the US
It's crazy. How would outsourcing manufacturing, being energy dependent, and being for mass third world migration ever be for the good of the public? It's good for the elite; not for the citizens of the country. It puts us in a bind. It never should have been allowed to occur.

Strategic assets should never leave domestic soil. I think I would go as far to say that includes the military as well.
Learning from the mistakes of the past is the exact reason to study history. Now you’re jealous because I was doing that from a younger age than you did? Quit being so resentful. The left knew the Patriot Act was bullshit at the time. We campaigned against it. I wrote my college application essay on its evils. Same with the invasion of Iraq. There was no justification, the ‘intelligence’ was garbage, even if they had had the WMDs(they didn’t) they had no delivery systems for it. America never even claimed that they did. All of this was obvious AT THE TIME to those of us paying attention. We knew best then, we know best now, and we’ll know best in the future. Because our guiding principles are based on reality. You’ve taken the first step by admitting we were right then. We were. Now take the next step. We’re right now too.

lol yes says our resident communist. Walking example of how worthless a history degree is. Don’t have to learn an ounce of real history and certainly not anything applicable in the real world.
Which will cause more supply chain issues, effecting supply and ultimately price. It never ends.

If there was any leadership, they would be fun court pressing these companies to bring sourcing back to the US
How many liberal politicians have ever had to worry about making a profit so there's money left over to make payroll? As a bonus, I'd say there's also not very many R politicians who have done that either.
Really hope I am wrong but this could be the "financial tsunami" we knew was coming but when was always the question. Our worthless politicians have spent the country to oblivion. Covid was the final nail to the coffin which is exactly why China unleashed it but if the US goes down everyone is going down even worse. If this is it, would rather have it happen now while folks in my generation still have time to recover from it. Those of you in your later years, really hope you have saved well because you are going to need it.

To add to it, we only have a half brain dead POTUS who is close to getting us into World War 3 and thinks money literally grows on trees.
lol yes says our resident communist. Walking example of how worthless a history degree is. Don’t have to learn an ounce of real history and certainly not anything applicable in the real world.
"No, I don't regret giving the president authority because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade."

- Hillary Clinton
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.

So this is no competition concern but they're blocking the allegiant spirit merger? Lol I guess the latter pair didnt make enough political contributions, plus much of their traffic is in Florida.
According to @Platinumdrgn , Amazon is the greatest corporation on the planet. Nevertheless, he howls and screams about all the other evil corporations.
The history of which presidents were against the Central Banking system is pretty fascinating especially President Andrew Jackson. Believing it held too much power without accountability and undermined the rights of states, emptied the funds of the National Bank. His political opponents were enraged. He survived an assassination attempt a couple of years after.

Presidents McKinley and Kennedy were all against the Central Banking system as well. They were both assassinated.

There's obviously been other presidents who opposed it but I think this is pretty interesting. Basically, the American banking system/Rothschild family and who and what they have funded is an enormous deep dive.
It's crazy. How would outsourcing manufacturing, being energy dependent, and being for mass third world migration ever be for the good of the public? It's good for the elite; not for the citizens of the country. It puts us in a bind. It never should have been allowed to occur.

Strategic assets should never leave domestic soil. I think I would go as far to say that includes the military as well.
so you are saying we should nationalize all US natural resources and control US production because corporations cant be trusted. man, we have really come full circle now. Welcome to the reality of capitalism.
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According to @Platinumdrgn , Amazon is the greatest corporation on the planet. Nevertheless, he howls and screams about all the other evil corporations.
Amazon is a shit corporation as far as morality. But they provide a service Americans cant get enough of so that 8 year stock growth has made me well over 2 million. Their real money maker is AWS so the amazon marketplace is just the way to achieve control over consumers. You can be a shit corporation and make lots of money. Bezos was smart and ruthless and understood how wal-mart took over physical retail and used that online. he's still a POS.
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Amazon is a shit corporation as far as morality. But they provide a service Americans cant get enough of so that 8 year stock growth has made me well over 2 million. Their real money maker is AWS so the amazon marketplace is just the way to achieve control over consumers. You can be a shit corporation and make lots of money. Bezos was smart and ruthless and understood how wal-mart took over physical retail and used that online. he's still a POS.
Amazon stock down the last two years.
Absolutely hilarious listening to all these losers saying Tucker Carlson is a Puten apologist. It sounds so much like the same BS they spew about things Trumps says when all it takes is for anyone to listen to a full Trump rally to understand what his full message is instead of sound bites these turds selectively edit to match their narrative.

I think I am a relatively smart/common sense kind of person that has listened to Tucker's full remarks about Putin and everything else and he is like Trump in that he is an equal opportunist when it comes to going after the filth in Washington and in the media. Wonder why Lyndsey Graham or Mitch McConnell who we all know are POS RHINO's refuses to go on his show but Hannity is all about him some Lyndsey and the other usual GOP hacks on a nightly basis. Guess who has the higher ratings??

Who knows what the real facts are these days but seems Tucker and his team do a pretty good job investigating things before airing his commentary on it. When a high ranking government official says under oath they are worried about biolabs in Ukraine being compromised by the Russians and Tucker and Tulsi discuss her exact words, how is that being puppets for Putin??
Well, TC said on air that he was wrong about Putin's intentions the first week or so of the invasion. maybe that's where some of the apologist thoughts come from.

Me, I get tired of his inference questions without actually stating where where he stands. Net, I quit him.
This is the reason I, along with a few others on here, don't believe every news article/tweet/msm about this Russia/Ukraine war.

Seriously? A defense expert thinks/says that Russia only has 14 days left? They'll be outnumbered? Run out of ammo? Etc. Unlike the U.S., Russia hasn't spent the last 50 years spending money on social programs. That money and more I'm sure has gone to building up their military.

Gassy & Potang know that is false. Just ask them. But will probably dodge.
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
Market believes Ukraine is winning. Gassy & Potang will deny it though. Have secret inside sources.
Amazon stock down the last two years.
Uhhhm. No. Up about $1000 a share over 2 years. It's down a bit this year but will end up another 10-20% once things settle and their new aquistions go through. I bought the bulk of my original shares under $700. I was buying small amounts when I was younger under $200. I've never stopped buying, probably never will. Amazon is my growth. Apple, Walmart, ups, eix, 3m are my dividends and all companies I worked for at some point.
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Lol at libs flooding social media with their nonsense about the price of oil. As if the price of a commodity immediately effects the price at the pump; like it's some real time light switch.

Of course, like anything else, they don't understand how it actually works and instead just parrots whatever NPC drivel they're told
Well it does immediately affect the price - if it's going up. It takes months to come down while the profits are reaped.
Amazon is a shit corporation as far as morality. But they provide a service Americans cant get enough of so that 8 year stock growth has made me well over 2 million. Their real money maker is AWS so the amazon marketplace is just the way to achieve control over consumers. You can be a shit corporation and make lots of money. Bezos was smart and ruthless and understood how wal-mart took over physical retail and used that online. he's still a POS.
Translation: "I never put my money where my mouth is."

Game. Set. Match. You are again dismissed.
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Uhhhm. No. Up about $1000 a share over 2 years. It's down a bit this year but will end up another 10-20% once things settle and their new aquistions go through. I bought the bulk of my original shares under $700. I was buying small amounts when I was younger under $200. I've never stopped buying, probably never will. Amazon is my growth. Apple, Walmart, ups, eix, 3m are my dividends and all companies I worked for at some point.
$2850 in Jun'20. $2950 after +$100 day. So Jun '20 till yesterday it was flat. So my bad, flat for 21 months not two years of flat. My deepest apologies.

A nation under such vicious siege, people can come and go as they please

Well it does immediately affect the price - if it's going up. It takes months to come down while the profits are reaped.

I'll never defend oil companies. They're vile. You're right it goes alot faster in one direction, but it's always been that way. It isn't like Biden is playing against a stacked deck.
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