Republicans have held the legislature or the WH for most of that spending. We were never energy independent, complete bullshit line. That imaginary, "independence", brief moment of net export was ruined by Trump not Biden. When we go back to net export later this year we still wont be independent. you can't import 40% of oil use and use that word. Oil is global, everything impacts prices. They only way it doesn't is if you nationalize the industry and control pricing with legislation.Because it isn't price gouging. It's inflation and the pass through to the consumer.
We're all getting hammered by dumb liberal financial policies, like we always are. We can't just spend trillions we don't have, every time, and expect anything other than massive inflation.
Of course then it's compounded by lockdown mishandling and handouts that resulted in a massive labor crunch. That artificially drove up wages, which also will get passed to consumers.
Finally we have the botched energy production. If we were energy independent as before, Russia being Russia would have no impact on prices.
Roll it all up and it's a giant liberal cluster f+ck burrito that we always get when libs are in charge
We don't have a free market. We have a market that protects corporate profits at all costs and subsidizes corporate losses at any cost to tax payers. Thanks mostly to Republicans.
oil is down to $95 today which is equal to $2.75 gas. lets see how long it takes to for gas to fall with it to under $3.
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