When it came out last month at 7.5% (I think) for January I made a quick post that that was huge. Now 10%!!!
I applaud the attempt at educating yourself but maybe try listening to those who’ve always seen through it. The fact that Obama, of all people, was a wake up call is absurd. The president before that was the one who signed the Patriot Act and started multiple wars for no reason. Why did you have to wake up to this later in life? Some of us have been paying attention the whole time. Don’t you think we might have a better perspective?What makes you a naive rube is thinking people who are not fully supporting the current mainstream narrative are somehow supporting Russia or are anti-American.
There’s a hell of a lot of nuance, and the best you could do was come up with some lame comments about a New York real estate swindler.
What makes you a naive rube is buying completely into the mainstream corporate narrative every step of the way without exercising critical thought. I’m sure your positions on Covid fall directly in line with your positions on Trump and Ukraine.
There’s a genocide going on in China, but you’ll never be told to focus on it, so it will continue into perpetuity. That’s the problem. Your so focused on the popular narrative you’re told to support, but you won’t look behind the curtain.
Because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t understand the vast difference between patriotism and nationalism. Loving your country and wanting the best for its future and people isn’t tacticool cosplaying with a Gadsden flag.I love it too. It's pure comedy that it's coming from the group who burns our flags at protests, has colleges vote to remove the flag to not offend, the ones who orgasm for kneeling during the anthem, tears down statues, and constantly teach how evil America was and is. The group of globalist ideology who condemns nationalism and national interest suddenly cosplaying patriotic love for this country is epic gaslighting.
This, literally, is what the bully pulpit is for. Joe should be out there calling these companies out publicly for their gouging.Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
Unity is overrated. I’d rather be an abolitionist than have unity with slave masters.Think about how much better we'll all feel when the nuts on the left and right are shut up and no longer in control of our parties? When we can argue about real issues instead of some boogieman conjured up to scare you back into voting for people you know are insane? Bill and I have many political differences on the issues, but fundamentally Bill is not a bad guy. He's not a person I would hate because he is a Republican.
Good normal people with political differences. That's what most of us are. Struggling the best we can to go to work, support our families, and live our lives.
How did we get to the point where that made us all enemies? Don't you see how manipulative that was? To make you hate anything that didn't think the way you do?
All liberals are sick pedophiles. All republicans are racist demons. Listen to what the devil is whispering to you and realize we must all cast these lunatics off and once again find the middle. Folks, I will be supporting Mitt Romney in 2024. I hope you will, too.
? How is Bush my guy? I’ve spewed nothing but hate for him and the uniparty here ad nauseam. Just referenced his terrible BS like three posts ago.Fox News is sickening with this Russia crap. If you Dions/Ed’s out there really think Fox News ain’t on your team, you’re stupid. CNN/Fox both work towards the same goal, just different audiences, so different direction/delivery of propaganda. But they’re 110% globalist nwo bs.
Just like George W. That’s your man, Dions.
Well by my definition slave masters would not be a part of the unity I was describing as I said the middle needs to unite against the extremes on both sides so we can advance as a smart thinking country again instead of having a bunch of knee-jerking lunatics with nothing better to do than obsess on conspiracy theories 24/7 decide all our political candidates for us.Unity is overrated. I’d rather be an abolitionist than have unity with slave masters.
its clear to anyone with eyes that almost none of Russia's spending went to the military. It went to FSB leadership who were placed in military positions and then funneled into stash accounts. Putin shouldn't be surprised about this since it used to be his job. Russia has like 2 maybe functional next generation aircraft and less than a dozen functional MBT. Their drone program is a joke. Their aircraft carrier has to be moved around with tugboats. Their newest super stealth black sea ship is already sunk by unguided MLRS. They have very limited supply of cruise missiles. They are just a less starved North Korea at this point because they have so damn much empty land full of resources.This is the reason I, along with a few others on here, don't believe every news article/tweet/msm about this Russia/Ukraine war.
Seriously? A defense expert thinks/says that Russia only has 14 days left? They'll be outnumbered? Run out of ammo? Etc. Unlike the U.S., Russia hasn't spent the last 50 years spending money on social programs. That money and more I'm sure has gone to building up their military.
Russia May Have Only 14 Days
The Russian military may only be able to sustain the fight in Ukraine for another 14 days, the Daily Mail is reporting.www.newsmax.com
The majority would see that as whining and deflecting. And it wouldn’t help. What do you think would happen, the companies would just listen and go OK! and lower the prices they’ve worked so hard to gouge? Actual legislation is needed, not empty words.This, literally, is what the bully pulpit is for. Joe should be out there calling these companies out publicly for their gouging.
I applaud the attempt at educating yourself but maybe try listening to those who’ve always seen through it. The fact that Obama, of all people, was a wake up call is absurd. The president before that was the one who signed the Patriot Act and started multiple wars for no reason. Why did you have to wake up to this later in life? Some of us have been paying attention the whole time. Don’t you think we might have a better perspective?
The slave masters were the party of unity. The abolitionists were the fringe radicals. Politics needs to reflect reality and have people working to better the lives of its citizens. Doing that boringly or interestingly is window dressing.Well by my definition slave masters would not be a part of the unity I was describing as I said the middle needs to unite against the extremes on both sides so we can advance as a smart thinking country again instead of having a bunch of knee-jerking lunatics with nothing better to do than obsess on conspiracy theories 24/7 decide all our political candidates for us.
Politics needs to be boring again.
Yeah, I'm thinking you're not fully appreciating being seen as a price gouger on the backs of Ukrainians dying in combat or understand seemingly the optics of that but I admire your belief in the legislative process since I guess we can consider that anything but empty. Best to chart some 2 year plan with the mid terms fast approaching than go out and make 1 speech then let cancel culture work their immediate magic.The majority would see that as whining and deflecting. And it wouldn’t help. What do you think would happen, the companies would just listen and go OK! and lower the prices they’ve worked so hard to gouge? Actual legislation is needed, not empty words.
Unity is overrated. I’d rather be an abolitionist than have unity with slave masters.
Where do you live? I’m guessing an urban or suburban area. Profiting off of Ukrainian blood money isn’t popular with mainstream liberals so I can see why you’d have that opinion, but IMO gas prices are a much more motivating factor among those who aren’t already voting Biden. Independents care more about their bill at the gas station than they do about Ukraine.Yeah, I'm thinking you're not fully appreciating being seen as a price gouger on the backs of Ukrainians dying in combat or understand seemingly the optics of that but I admire your belief in the legislative process since I guess we can consider that anything but empty. Best to chart some 2 year plan with the mid terms fast approaching than go out and make 1 speech then let cancel culture work their immediate magic.
Projection again. The right stands with the moneyed interests. So do Democrats. The left is their only opposition.You are united with the slave masters.
You're their pawns.
Too bad the irony is lost on those that need to understand it.Just doing my part to promote Russian propaganda, Dems.
Learning from the mistakes of the past is the exact reason to study history. Now you’re jealous because I was doing that from a younger age than you did? Quit being so resentful. The left knew the Patriot Act was bullshit at the time. We campaigned against it. I wrote my college application essay on its evils. Same with the invasion of Iraq. There was no justification, the ‘intelligence’ was garbage, even if they had had the WMDs(they didn’t) they had no delivery systems for it. America never even claimed that they did. All of this was obvious AT THE TIME to those of us paying attention. We knew best then, we know best now, and we’ll know best in the future. Because our guiding principles are based on reality. You’ve taken the first step by admitting we were right then. We were. Now take the next step. We’re right now too.No, if you’re saying you’ve not learned anything over the course of your life, you do not have a better perspective on anything.
I’d much rather hear from someone who was 15 when the planes hit the towers but has grown and learned over the years as opposed to someone who claims to have majored in history, but refuses to look at mistakes of the past and views inability to learn or change positions as a positive.
Jeez, if you'd led with your last 2 sentences I'd have not wasted 2 minutes on your "I'M ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET TROLL!" announcement.Think about how much better we'll all feel when the nuts on the left and right are shut up and no longer in control of our parties? When we can argue about real issues instead of some boogieman conjured up to scare you back into voting for people you know are insane? Bill and I have many political differences on the issues, but fundamentally Bill is not a bad guy. He's not a person I would hate because he is a Republican.
Good normal people with political differences. That's what most of us are. Struggling the best we can to go to work, support our families, and live our lives.
How did we get to the point where that made us all enemies? Don't you see how manipulative that was? To make you hate anything that didn't think the way you do?
All liberals are sick pedophiles. All republicans are racist demons. Listen to what the devil is whispering to you and realize we must all cast these lunatics off and once again find the middle. Folks, I will be supporting Mitt Romney in 2024. I hope you will, too.
It's obvious who the poster is, they have a very distinct writing style. Why does it matter if they're on a different username? They have a political opinion to share just like anybody else. I'll never get the obsession with blocking people. I've never even had the desire to put someone on ignore, let alone done it. Why participate in a political thread if you're put off by different opinions?Jeez, if you'd led with your last 2 sentences I'd have not wasted 2 minutes on your "I'M ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET TROLL!" announcement.
Only Florida is stupid enough to allow this to happen. Setup seniors to get vaccine first but have no distribution schedule so now 80+ year old people waiting in line days early for a chance at getting a dose.
Projection again. The right stands with the moneyed interests. So do Democrats. The left is their only opposition.
Jeez, if you'd led with your last 2 sentences I'd have not wasted 2 minutes on your "I'M ANOTHER SOCKPUPPET TROLL!" announcement.
multiple Dem congressmen have been doing this. Not a single GoP member has. I wonder why? Just move proof that the GoP praise of "free market" is bullshit because its not a free market and companies just use that a shield to pillage consumers. Time to nationalize energy & healthcare.This, literally, is what the bully pulpit is for. Joe should be out there calling these companies out publicly for their gouging.
multiple Dem congressmen have been doing this. Not a single GoP member has. I wonder why? Just move proof that the GoP praise of "free market" is bullshit because its not a free market and companies just use that a shield to pillage consumers. Time to nationalize energy & healthcare.
thats the whole point of why the oil market is bullshit. When oil futures go up republicans do their song and dance and oil companies use it as cover to immediately jack up gas prices overnight. When oil futures go down republicans are completely quiet and gas prices take months to move back down. Republicans should be on TV right now cheering the oil falling and telling oil companies to quit gouging for their greedy shareholders. But they can't do that because it would help Biden and party is more important than country in Team politics.Lol at libs flooding social media with their nonsense about the price of oil. As if the price of a commodity immediately effects the price at the pump; like it's some real time light switch.
Of course, like anything else, they don't understand how it actually works and instead just parrots whatever NPC drivel they're told