How will they rule ??!

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Lol, that’s life but not a positive sign of pregnancy apparently isn’t. I was once pro-choice. Changed my tune at 41 yrs old based on Mars single cell amoeba being “life”. If a simple living cell on Mars is life, so is a “clump of cells”.
Not saying I'd adopt it. Don't wanna end up in a Body Snatchers pod.
I agree in theory. Just don't like government overreach and opening teachers up to being sued for conversations with students. All it takes now is a kid going home and saying a teacher says anything related to this topic they don't like then it's lawsuit city. It's an unecessary law that is better served by a phone call and meeting with the teacher/principal than lawyers and judges.
No different than the other law or regulations in place now. It’s also why teachers should document everything that is even debatable. All you need is an email to admin saying “this was asked and this is what I said”. Your documentation is better than any word of mouth. I’ve assisted with district investigations in the past. Black and white lines of appropriateness benefit both teachers and students and leaves less room for error. This is a situation where added accountability is a good thing. Very cut and dry and takes away liability.
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Typical black/white Christian Taliban world view incapable of seeing multiple sides of complicated issues.
Supporting a woman's right to an abortion involving rape, incest or mother's health within the first three months is not advocating the murder of innocent children.
Youre right ... that is definitely supporting childrens rights. This is just another terrible take by you.

What is inside the woman? (A baby) Even if you said a "clump of cells" then i would ask "what does that 'clump' turn into if it is not barbarically destroyed? (A human-it NEVER turns into a bird or IS a human being. And it should have rights just like you and I.)
What did the baby do to deserve the barbaric end to its life? (Nothing)

So, yes you do support infanticide. I thought this may be the 1 issue we agreed but i guess not.

Most of your talking points are the rediculous cnn/msnbc/ the view talking points. No basis in reality at all. All paper tigers .... to illustrate, if we agree to end ALL abortions except for rape and incest amd mothers health in the first 3 months only, would you agree to that? We know you wont bc your kind cannot cross that bridge mentally.
No different than the other law or regulations in place now. It’s also why teachers should document everything that is even debatable. All you need is an email to admin saying “this was asked and this is what I said”. Your documentation is better than any word of mouth. I’ve assisted with district investigations in the past. Black and white lines of appropriateness benefit both teachers and students and leaves less room for error. This is a situation where added accountability is a good thing. Very cut and dry and takes away liability.
Oh I know all about documentation and CYA. Taught Special Ed my whole career. I also know kids will say you said things you didn't and even truly believe that's what they heard. Luckily, I had great relationships with my students and parents so it never went to total crazytown for me....but I saw it many times with coworkers.
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Youre right ... that is definitely supporting childrens rights. This is just another terrible take by you.

What is inside the woman? (A baby) Even if you said a "clump of cells" then i would ask "what does that 'clump' turn into if it is not barbarically destroyed? (A human-it NEVER turns into a bird or IS a human being. And it should have rights just like you and I.)
What did the baby do to deserve the barbaric end to its life? (Nothing)

So, yes you do support infanticide. I thought this may be the 1 issue we agreed but i guess not.

Most of your talking points are the rediculous cnn/msnbc/ the view talking points. No basis in reality at all. All paper tigers .... to illustrate, if we agree to end ALL abortions except for rape and incest amd mothers health in the first 3 months only, would you agree to that? We know you wont bc your kind cannot cross that bridge mentally.
I would agree to that but also throw in consentual sex too up to 3 months. Ban it after 3 months except for minors effected by rape/incest and mother's life.
Saw another interview with one of the high up people in the petroleum industry. They showed him what Psaki and Biden were saying, blaming the oil people. Once again, as many interviews before, he said they are lying. He said it is the restrictions they have put on the oil companies that is hindering most of it. Went over several things they have reversed from what Trump had done. Biden would rather go deal with two of our enemies, Venezuela and Iran, to get more oil instead of us just producing and taking care of ourselves. Every day that man is killing hard working Americans in the pocket book but he would rather appease the radicals in his party than look out for the average American. By the time he is done a person could write a book about all the lies he tells. His party banks on the fact that so many Americans does not keep up with what is going on, don't care or are ignorant. They just hear a few bits and pieces here and there from them and assume they are telling the truth. Because surely a President of the country wouldn't lie. But that is where we are at in these times. The political, non caring, ignorant and anti American people are starting to almost out number the people that keeps up with the issues daily, understands the policies, laws and just wants what is best for this country and its people.
Lol, that’s life but not a positive sign of pregnancy apparently isn’t. I was once pro-choice. Changed my tune at 41 yrs old based on Mars single cell amoeba being “life”. If a simple living cell on Mars is life, so is a “clump of cells”.
Both sperm and unfertilized eggs are living cells by that standard as well. Are masturbation and menstruation murder?
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For someone who claims to be apolitical comparing Biden to Putin is awful partisan.
Well there is more than just killing their people, but just in different ways. They both happen to be chronic liars. I don't know how many times I have seen an interview with Biden when he says something that I know for a fact is wrong. Putin doing the same thing with his soldiers in the war and what he is telling his people. They both are similar in laws and crimes they have been involved with forever. Putin having people killed like the mafia would and the Biden family so much unlawful behavior they have even wrote a book about their family and making a movie about the Biden crime family. Just another friendly example. Could go on, but you don't care. As long as they have power control.
Sure, but let’s get you whackos under control first before that gets tackled. Let’s start with abortion, deal?
Try to legislate that then. Don’t think you’re going to get many who agree with your abortion take that women are committing murder every month simply by existing and shedding eggs.
Still not the teachers position to get involved in matters as that. Call a social workder to the school and help the child. Not offer their opinions.

They are paid to teach basic education fundamantals, not indoctrinate kids in their ideologies.
Education majors are always the dumbest people on campus. Maybe surpassed by gender studies nowadays.

Also, the biggest sluts.

So a mixed bag, all in all. 😆
The last show I saw about abortion one thing stood out to me that still sticks out in my mind. I remember them explaining why and showing a baby in a womb and telling why they know for sure that baby had feelings of happiness for instance. Too technical for me to explain, but that baby was much younger than when an abortion is allowed. I remember this because of how they showed this baby had feelings already and thinking of how many have been killed all these years. Still makes me sad thinking about it because knowing these unborn babies has feelings long before an abortion it makes me cringe thinking about when they are killed and the kind of pain they endure for that second of time.
You are very confused. PRIVATE companies deciding not to allow their platforms to spread lies and create riots is capitalism not communism.
Are you saying the government should take over private companies and force them to allow anyone to say anything they want using their platform?? That's Russian state tv.
If you get kicked out of a private business for not following the rules that is how capitalism and democratic rule of law works.
If you wanna spread lies and advocate for riots at the Capitol or bombing Russia with US planes disguised as Chinese jets.....go create your own crazy azz Twatter company and say crazy azz stuff on your own dime comrade. It's called capitalism.
You're the one who's confused, as usual, J. EDGAR. You didn't read my post in its entirety, because I clearly stated that the GOVERNMENT is USING the tech companies to SILENCE conservatives. That's FASCISM by definition.
Unrelated but I started watching Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty.

Seemed fun. I’m a fan of 70s/80s era of basketball so thought it would be cool and some of it is but out of nowhere periodically it just plays up this anti-white BS and an obsession with race and then there’s a moment where Dr. Buss is introducing rookie Magic Johnson to Don Sterling and on the screen comes up “The second worst Donald of the 80s.”

I hit pause. Knew I had seen the ‘inject your politics out of nowhere’ gimmick before in a couple of sports books I’ve read. Did a wiki search and what do you know? Jeff Pearlman, as I expected.

Dude is obsessed with hating Trump. Hardcore leftist. The guy takes stories which usually tend to be hit jobs but entertaining and then finds a way to bash whoever he doesn’t like politically. It’s really weird.

It would be like hanging out with a buddy at a ball game and you’re like “Watch my stuff, I’m gonna grab a beer. Want anything?” And he’s like “Yeah, gimme a hot dog, I hate Trump....and a beer.”

Just out of nowhere. 😂 He does this in so many of his books. He took the USFL history and it just became about Trump for 70% of it.
You're the one who's confused, as usual, J. EDGAR. You didn't read my post in its entirety, because I clearly stated that the GOVERNMENT is USING the tech companies to SILENCE conservatives. That's FASCISM by definition.
What big tech company is the US government in charge of?? Can you name one that is controlled by the federal government? are so confused about how private companies and capitalism works.
When Twitter shut down Trump...that was not a government mandate or law. That was a private company decision made because Trump kept lying and spreading disinformation, like Putin does in Russia. He was breaking their rules for use. Twitter shut Trump down, not the US government. Hell, he was still in charge of the damn government when they shut his azz down.
Hey dipshit…maybe read the bill first. There is NOTHING that would keep a teacher from answering a question about the matter. This is about curriculum. Kids 5-8 years old are not going to be taught about girls with weiners or gays as part of the school curriculum. Nor should they. Kids that age need reading, writing and arithmetic 10X more.

There is nothing in the bill I read that says the word “gay” can’t be spoken or even discussed. It just can’t be taught as part of the normal class work. This bullshit notion of it being a “can’t say gay” bill is just that…bullshit.
It's the same way as when they act like requiring ID to vote is voter suppression. They misrepresent everything and their sheep suck it right up.
Since when are teachers qualified to answer that question? A degree in math or history is now considered a qualification to discuss these topics at school? Ridiculous.
With the garbage they're teaching in college these days they probably give them a free worthless sociology degree with their chosen major. Make them all think they are qualified to teach our kids their version of the birds and the bees.

A plane carrying former president Donald Trump suffered engine failure late Saturday evening over the Gulf of Mexico, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after taking off from the city.

Article is behind a pay wall so I didn't read it. But, is that the 757 he owned (and maybe still does) up until he was elected? I seem to recall reading an article back in '16 or '17 that that plane had a complete overhaul including the engines (top of the line Rolls I believe). Maybe he sold it and/or just doesn't use it very often now...but odd to have engine failure on an engine that is not very old.
Sounds like some Clinton like stuff going on.
Here it is.
What big tech company is the US government in charge of?? Can you name one that is controlled by the federal government? are so confused about how private companies and capitalism works.
When Twitter shut down Trump...that was not a government mandate or law. That was a private company decision made because Trump kept lying and spreading disinformation, like Putin does in Russia. He was breaking their rules for use. Twitter shut Trump down, not the US government. Hell, he was still in charge of the damn government when they shut his azz down.
Deep state owns a lot. And now it is an unholy alliance. Dems also paid corporate news (even this problem is 100%) to shill lies about the poison darts like vh.
how many jobs did we lose after raising min wage last time? oh thats right, none. We gained millions of jobs for the next 10 years. Its funny that dumb poor white people still fall for the made up fallacy that raising min wage kills jobs. Business adapt and learn how to work with the wages or they didn't deserve to be in business in the 1st place. and someone smarter and less of a greedy asshole will step in and fill the supply void. The average hourly pay in the US is already at $12 so the increase will change very little. We have allowed the middle class to erode away because the GoP has brainwashed its sheep into championing the greed of businesses over the needs of the populace.
It's the same way as when they act like requiring ID to vote is voter suppression. They misrepresent everything and their sheep suck it right up.
You hit the nail on the head. Misrepresent, advertise over and over the misrepresentation, and watch it spread like wildfire… and that leads to the people who question nothing look like this:


Media keeps calling this bill “the so called don’t say gay bill”. Is that how it works? We can just say “so called” and then say whatever we want? How many people do you think have no idea what the bill says? Because of media’s misrepresentation, many people think it’s a bill where you cant say gay; in reality it’s a bill that prevents teachers from instructional lessons on sex/sexuality for kids grade K-3 (and it should be 5 IMO. I don’t get why they cut off at 3)

We have had it so good here in America (sadly that looks to be changing rapidly) that we have to make a mountain out of every mole hill.