You hit the nail on the head. Misrepresent, advertise over and over the misrepresentation, and watch it spread like wildfire… and that leads to the people who question nothing look like this:
Media keeps calling this bill “the so called don’t say gay bill”. Is that how it works? We can just say “so called” and then say whatever we want? How many people do you think have no idea what the bill says? Because of media’s misrepresentation, many people think it’s a bill where you cant say gay; in reality it’s a bill that prevents teachers from instructional lessons on sex/sexuality for kids grade K-3 (and it should be 5 IMO. I don’t get why they cut off at 3)
We have had it so good here in America (sadly that looks to be changing rapidly) that we have to make a mountain out of every mole hill.
Misrepresent, advertise over and over the misrepresentation, and watch it spread like wildfire… and that leads to the people who question nothing look like this:
Perhaps the greatest propaganda ploy in history. Taking a word that has historically meant happy, joyful, satisfied, etc and use it for the 'gay' lifestyle. If it's so great....why did they have to change the verbage?;
I see you are referring to the stories that I like to call, “damn near all of them.”The best is when one of the failing outlets claims something based on anonymous sources, then all other outlets report that someone else is reporting. No one has to verify anything and they can amplify whatever narrative they want.
Changing words and definitions is all the rage.Perhaps the greatest propaganda ploy in history. Taking a word that has historically meant happy, joyful, satisfied, etc and use it for the 'gay' lifestyle. If it's so great....why did they have to change the verbage?
Doesn't look like much of an "alpha" to me:
It’s really strange how much time the lefties on here spend defending Democrat pedophilia and perversions.
Does sambowieshin even live in Florida? Keeps saying he doesn’t want government interference, yet here he is as (I presume) a non Florida resident trying to persuade policy of a state he doesn’t even live in.
Yeah, sure, it’s about limiting government interference not your disgusting perversions.
So in summation, all Democrats are perverts and stupid and see everything simplistically in black and white without nuance, but you guys see through all the propaganda in climate change, covid vaccines, Ukraine, and are led by Donald Trump as your chosen savior?
What, in Donald Trump's entire life, ever, made him a person you would trust to hire as a contractor for your home remodeling project? HIs track record of bankruptcy, cheating on multiple wives with multiple divorces, cheating every contractor he's ever done business with, running a fake school, or was it the Trump Steaks?
Oh, but he's rude when he talks to people. That's the winner. I'm surprised you guys don't just adopt Andrew Dice Clay as your chosen leader. Think of how great he would be for you on the international stage. He'd moon the UN. Think about how awesome you guys would feel to have an "alpha" like him for you small little people to feel big about?
That's what you're all so transparently about anyway. Small little insignificant "men" clustering together on a sports message board where you've all got it figured out. Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. Good luck with your miserable lives, and take Trump and Putin with you.
It’s really strange how much time the lefties on here spend defending Democrat pedophilia and perversions.
Does sambowieshin even live in Florida? Keeps saying he doesn’t want government interference, yet here he is as (I presume) a non Florida resident trying to persuade policy of a state he doesn’t even live in.
Yeah, sure, it’s about limiting government interference not your disgusting perversions.
Wow, another out of context photograph.
quick, throw in a CNN “very fine people” bit
lol, nice try liberal.
So in summation, all Democrats are perverts and stupid and see everything simplistically in black and white without nuance, but you guys see through all the propaganda in climate change, covid vaccines, Ukraine, and are led by Donald Trump as your chosen savior?
What, in Donald Trump's entire life, ever, made him a person you would trust to hire as a contractor for your home remodeling project? HIs track record of bankruptcy, cheating on multiple wives with multiple divorces, cheating every contractor he's ever done business with, running a fake school, or was it the Trump Steaks?
Oh, but he's rude when he talks to people. That's the winner. I'm surprised you guys don't just adopt Andrew Dice Clay as your chosen leader. Think of how great he would be for you on the international stage. He'd moon the UN. Think about how awesome you guys would feel to have an "alpha" like him for you small little people to feel big about?
That's what you're all so transparently about anyway. Small little insignificant "men" clustering together on a sports message board where you've all got it figured out. Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. Good luck with your miserable lives, and take Trump and Putin with you.
Missed your comment yesterday.Article is behind a pay wall so I didn't read it. But, is that the 757 he owned (and maybe still does) up until he was elected? I seem to recall reading an article back in '16 or '17 that that plane had a complete overhaul including the engines (top of the line Rolls I believe). Maybe he sold it and/or just doesn't use it very often now...but odd to have engine failure on an engine that is not very old.
The argument only can come down to that, their pure hatred of the man and their bs distortions.
Thou dost protest too much, me thinks.
You big mad are you? AwwwwSo in summation, all Democrats are perverts and stupid and see everything simplistically in black and white without nuance, but you guys see through all the propaganda in climate change, covid vaccines, Ukraine, and are led by Donald Trump as your chosen savior?
What, in Donald Trump's entire life, ever, made him a person you would trust to hire as a contractor for your home remodeling project? HIs track record of bankruptcy, cheating on multiple wives with multiple divorces, cheating every contractor he's ever done business with, running a fake school, or was it the Trump Steaks?
Oh, but he's rude when he talks to people. That's the winner. I'm surprised you guys don't just adopt Andrew Dice Clay as your chosen leader. Think of how great he would be for you on the international stage. He'd moon the UN. Think about how awesome you guys would feel to have an "alpha" like him for you small little people to feel big about?
That's what you're all so transparently about anyway. Small little insignificant "men" clustering together on a sports message board where you've all got it figured out. Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. Good luck with your miserable lives, and take Trump and Putin with you.
Ask Jared, ivanka, dipshit Jr, less of a dipshits wife, and the rest of the Trump family. They all got nice multi million consulting fees from the campaign & administration.
So $115 oil is winning. Because it's pushing people to EV's while the poor suffer is the only reason to utter anything so stupid.Crude fell 13% in one day thanks to the actions of Biden! WINNING! getting shit done!
Good.It also opens the school districts to lawsuits over anything being discussed “in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.” Which in legalese could basically be anything a disgruntled parent wants it to be.
DA, doesn't matter how many cops there are when violent criminals are released on little or no bond and prosecutors won't prosecute & judges are lenient on sentences. Jail space is the least of the problems. Me, I love the violent crime waves in lib cities. They voted for crime waves.Less than half the prison population is in for violent crimes. If we weren’t spending countless man hours on the drug war and filling the prisons we already have with nonviolent offenders cops would have all those hours to pursue violent criminals and more than enough space to put them.
He didn't say teach Christianity. He said Christian values. Transgender is a value also because it's not reality.There are private schools for teaching that. PUBLIC schools are for everyone....not just Christians.
What law says Christ can't be discussed in schools, kids can't say a prayer, meet before school for FCA or attend church after school???
Ever heard of a little something called separation of church and state in our Constitution??
Show me the statistics on that. I don't believe it. Some do, but many don't.Most public schools do a good job every day.
Society's job to educate imo. But public schools aren't the right system. Vouchers are.Here is a novel idea ...
Get rid of government school. However, too many "parents" do not want to lose their free baby sitter.
Some folks are fixated on the subject. About 4th post on the same thing: Nothing happened.Hmmmmmmm.
A plane carrying former president Donald Trump suffered engine failure late Saturday evening over the Gulf of Mexico, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing in New Orleans shortly after taking off from the city.
I hate the term "non-violent" offenders. Does that give them a free pass if they didn't use a knife, gun, etc?If we weren’t spending countless man hours on the drug war and filling the prisons we already have with nonviolent offenders cops would have all those hours to pursue violent criminals and more than enough space to put them.
Maybe it's another one of my aliases I've forgotten to use?Haven't seen @blubo around for about a month.
Screen grab from Psaki's twitter. Pay attention to the last post. Looks like things are about to get worse.
show me where biden shut down us energy production? you cant because it didn;t happen. The only drop was in 2020 because of the fatass cheeto. Oil prices cratered and covid hit so production cratered. oil and gas production are up last year and this year and not stopping. Biden froze new leases, stuff that takes years to develop into flowing oil. The oil companies have enough tapped wells and ongoing projects for decades of production.
We were never energy independent under Trump. That is the dumbest talking point of the Trump Presidency. Independent means self sufficient which we never were. in 2019 we were still importing 5million barrels a day. US oil production has never gone above 14mill barrels a day. Consumption hasn't been below 18million barrels a day since the 2000's. I know math is hard for uneducated Trumpsters. keystoneXL was for Canadian oil and we are still receiving all of it through other pipelines. Their wasn't a single day of Trumps presidency that we weren't importing crude/LNG/coal and finished product from ME, Russia, South America, Canada. Natural Gas was what drove the US energy boom and that Boom was from Obama.
This image shows very clearly which president did all the work of equaling out our crude imports/exports. But that doesn't make us energy independent. It just means we are exporting out a lot of finished petro product. Obamas 2015 energy bill lifted the ban on exporting domestic crude which allowed the final push to 2019's net export. 2021 was pretty much equal export/import. 2022 is projected for a tiny net import because of covid screwing with the markets. 2023 and beyond is projected back to net export.
Of course all of this is offset by the fact that the President has very minimal control of oil. The companies will only produce and export what makes them the most profit. oil market is through the roof right now so production is going to also go through the roof to cash in. As soon as prices crash production will crash with it. That's the free market.
The only thing that would actually make the US energy independent would to be to go All In on renewables and nuclear. Which seems to be the long term goal of most smart states. Of course nuclear takes forever because every one wants the energy but America also loves NIMBY.
US gas production rebound continues amid bullish growth outlook | Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
www.hellenicshippingnews.comEIA expects US petroleum trade to shift toward net imports during 2022
In 2021, the United States returned to importing more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it exports following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)...www.greencarcongress.comDon’t Believe the U.S. Energy Independence Hype
Simply producing more than you consume might qualify as self-sufficiency, but not true
Why is anyone required to be on his show? I'd likely have better things to do too than be with that Russia apologist.Tucker announced that Little Marco DECLINED to come on the show tonight to discuss the Victoria Nuland testimony on "biological research facilities" in Ukraine.
Rubio is AN ASSET!
Ahhh, George Mikan was the best.Unrelated but I started watching Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty.
About to be another pandemic, gotta have that absentee vote in the fall elections.Screen grab from Psaki's twitter. Pay attention to the last post. Looks like things are about to get worse.
You're a banal cherrypicker.So in summation, all Democrats are perverts and stupid and see everything simplistically in black and white without nuance, but you guys see through all the propaganda in climate change, covid vaccines, Ukraine, and are led by Donald Trump as your chosen savior?
What, in Donald Trump's entire life, ever, made him a person you would trust to hire as a contractor for your home remodeling project? HIs track record of bankruptcy, cheating on multiple wives with multiple divorces, cheating every contractor he's ever done business with, running a fake school, or was it the Trump Steaks?
Literally every day about 50.7 million kids are picked up by buses. They are transported to school. They are taught reading, writing, math, social studies, science, social skills, physical education, life skills and much more. They are fed breakfast and lunch. They are transported back home except for the ones who stay after school for drama club, sports, academic team or other clubs sponsored by teachers.Show me the statistics on that. I don't believe it. Some do, but many don't.
Russia apologist, eh? Your mask just came off.Why is anyone required to be on his show? I'd likely have better things to do too than be with that Russia apologist.