A month ago it was $2.78 at that same Costco.$3.66 at Costco Lexington. 3 friggin 66!!
A month ago it was $2.78 at that same Costco.$3.66 at Costco Lexington. 3 friggin 66!!
The production of fertilizer is an energy-intensive process. The most common nitrogen-based fertilizer is anhydrous ammonia. The most common process for making ammonia is a variation of the Haber process that was developed in the late 1800s. This process uses natural gas as a direct feedstock, and is literally combusted and reacted with air (containing nitrogen) over a noble metal catalyst at high temperature.Not a farmer but since I live in the midst of the corn belt (farms all around me that grow corn and/or soy) I know quite a few. Have talked with a couple and they are all bracing for not only much higher prices to do what they do....gas and fertilizer....and perhaps a lower yield this year. Either will add to higher food prices.
Some are talking about trying to cut back on fertilizer...but if they do the yield won't be nearly what they want.
That's actually a pretty good deal. It's pretty much $3.99 everywhere here in the Evansville area.$3.66 at Costco Lexington. 3 friggin 66!!
The point was it was Costco. Always the cheapest gas in town, or close.That's actually a pretty good deal. It's pretty much $3.99 everywhere here in the Evansville area.
$4.29 here in Louisville.That's actually a pretty good deal. It's pretty much $3.99 everywhere here in the Evansville area.
Grant Botma is obviously the Antichrist 🍺
We have almost reached a communist paradise.So when I own nothing "and like it". What happens when my furnace breaks down or I need a new roof put on the home that's no longer mine? Who's my landlord? what kind of wait time will I experience to get the repairs? who foots the bill for them?
Sounds like our plan too, minus the tenting. We have plenty of critters, and deer, but over the years we've been lucky in that they pretty much have avoided the veg garden. We've got a couple good sized fields and 3 o4 acres of woods, plus a gigantic cornfield behind the woods, so I guess the critters and deer have other things to do.It's hitting at a bad time. We're kindof in the same boat. But I am seriously expanding the garden and tenting it to protect it from critters this year. Wife is going to do a lot more canning as well. We tinkered with it some but ramping it up this year. Problem is, we're two months from getting everything in the ground and another two months from that before we start really being able to harvest much from the garden. Going to hit the Farmers Markets more too this year.
"A clean conccious is worth a buck or two"? Try about $30 bucks every damn time we fill up now. AND RISING!!
Like I was saying before, the solution is so simple! If this guy who is only worth $75 million can afford it, anyone can! Dig in people!
Ours was about the same ($307). Last year was around $185. Luckily, the weather has been a bit warmer so we just turned the HVAC off and when it gets cold in the house we just put on our Comfy pullovers. Friend of mine just got a bill for over $700. Is usually in the $350 range.Just got my Electric Bill. New high of $314. I keep my house at 66 degrees in the winter. I checked the Fuel cost adjustment number and compared it against my last three bills. two months ago the multiplyer was -.002130/KWH (yes, a negative number, the cost adjustment was a credit) Last month it was .011700/KWH so a positive number. This month it jumped to .018580/KWH. so my cost adjustment this month was over $54 versus what would have been a $5.84 credit two months ago.
Can somebody with more knowledge than me explain the fuel cost adjustment? Also, when I divided the "Current Electric Charge" (pre cost adjustment) I noticed that cost/KWH had a bit of creep in it as well. going from 11.94 to 12.10 to 12.22 over the course of each bill.
We have a little bit of everything, though deers aren't much of an issue since I have a board fence around the back yard. It's mainly the smaller critters like rabbits, squirrels, coons, and well our chickens. So I'm tenting it with bird netting and taking a few other measures to minimize them getting in.Had to laugh about the “critters”. We have deer in the woods nearby, and while we don’t see them much, they always tend to find any food my wife is growing (apparently between the hours of 1 AM and 4 AM).
True, but pretty sure that Tweet was tongue in cheek.Thing is, the middle class probably has this ability to an extent to help mitigate the impact of record setting gas prices. Poor people probably still have to drive into their shitty jobs each day though.
Let’s go Brandon.
Because nobody cares about hunter biden. Just like nobody cares about Jr meeting with the Russians. All of politics, including the Trump family, is dirty as hell. Americans just want to go back to not seeing it all over the news 24/7. If people wanted something different they wouldn't vote the same people into office for 40+ years.
He admits he’s a bot right in his last name.
Thank a Democrat for this.Biden giving a pathetic speech right now as if it will matter. Us not taking oil from Russia will do NOTHING to hurt them and it also has been confirmed that we were pumping 1.9 Million barrels of oil PER DAY more back in December of 2019 than we are today........so Psaki is a flat LIAR. We are literally watching the collapse of America in the name of Climate Change! It's INSANE !!!!
Boy their speech timing sucks ass. pretty sure a large number of Americans don't want to hear that speech right about now.
I hope to God this country comes to it's senses sometime soon and puts the right people in charge. That statement by Biden should come back to haunt him at election time. It should also be held out there like Obama's "Magic wand" comment when proven utterly false.“being energy independent is just not attainable. It isn’t”
- the president, live on TV
He then explained why we must make clean energy, so “prices at gas pumps won’t matter”.
WHAT A LOSER! Thankfully for him, he’s anti-American policies won’t effect him and all his nato friends.
It's all on purpose in order to facilitate the Great Reset. They aren't even hiding it anymore and I haven't heard much of a peep out of Republicans as they sit back and allow it to happen.Biden giving a pathetic speech right now as if it will matter. Us not taking oil from Russia will do NOTHING to hurt them and it also has been confirmed that we were pumping 1.9 Million barrels of oil PER DAY more back in December of 2019 than we are today........so Psaki is a flat LIAR. We are literally watching the collapse of America in the name of Climate Change! It's INSANE !!!!
* KA - BOOM *So kind of like the hundreds of thousand of south American refugees TRumpsters like to shit on? exceptt we didn't have a wet foot dry foot policy in place for 50 years for them. Cubans just had to get one foot on land to get refuge and residency. Thankfully Obama ended that stupid policy. They were illegals 1 foot from land but get that pinky toe in the sand and magically become 1 year citizens.
What makes you think you will be alive to have a furnace? None of this works with current population numbers. Smaller numbers = easy to control.So when I own nothing "and like it". What happens when my furnace breaks down or I need a new roof put on the home that's no longer mine? Who's my landlord? what kind of wait time will I experience to get the repairs? who foots the bill for them?
I loathe that smarmy mofo. He isn't funny and he is an asshole to boot.
Like I was saying before, the solution is so simple! If this guy who is only worth $75 million can afford it, anyone can! Dig in people!
Just got my Electric Bill. New high of $314. I keep my house at 66 degrees in the winter. I checked the Fuel cost adjustment number and compared it against my last three bills. two months ago the multiplyer was -.002130/KWH (yes, a negative number, the cost adjustment was a credit) Last month it was .011700/KWH so a positive number. This month it jumped to .018580/KWH. so my cost adjustment this month was over $54 versus what would have been a $5.84 credit two months ago.
Can somebody with more knowledge than me explain the fuel cost adjustment? Also, when I divided the "Current Electric Charge" (pre cost adjustment) I noticed that cost/KWH had a bit of creep in it as well. going from 11.94 to 12.10 to 12.22 over the course of each bill.
I think we're all on board with not taking oil from Russia, but when this retarded administration does it, and then goes begging other countries who aren't necessarily our friends, and who probably resells oil they import from Russia themselves, then we gripe. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PROBLEM COULD BE GREATLY RESOLVED BY UTILIZING OUR OWN RESOURCES!!! WHICH THEY PATENTLY REFUSE TO DO!!This thread’s hilarious. Ever since the invasion there have been pages and pages saying, “You know they aren’t serious with these sanctions, our criminal administration is still buying their oil!” Now we stop and it’s immediately, “That’ll make gas go up!! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!” Y’all don’t get to have it both ways.
Wait, so Biden separated kids from their parents???This is psychotic and if were one of those parents I would be tearing down the doors of that state agency. And I’m not even a parent.
Then just a couple of months ago we were getting a credit back for fuel costs. So I guess Salt River was passing some savings they got at the time along to the consumers?“Fuel cost adjustment” should be then passing along the increased cost of fuel.
Then just a couple of months ago we were getting a credit back for fuel costs. So I guess Salt River was passing some savings they got at the time along to the consumers?
So mark you as being cool with paying $5/gallon? Makes sense coming from a communist who is “all about the working class”.This thread’s hilarious. Ever since the invasion there have been pages and pages saying, “You know they aren’t serious with these sanctions, our criminal administration is still buying their oil!” Now we stop and it’s immediately, “That’ll make gas go up!! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!” Y’all don’t get to have it both ways.
Yeah I love a car where you have to replace the battery after 10 years for a price of $12k.Russian oil means shit to the gas situation. Most of what we get from them are petroleum products. Those are going to hurt in other areas because they are refined products and we lack the capacity to refine.
This whole situation is another elitist manufactured problem. Stop being dicks and start up the refineries that are idle right, turn on the pipelines, and start drilling for oil. Enough of this shit.
I have no problems with EVs. I really do think they are the future, but you cannot just make the leap to electric at the snap of the fingers. The tech isn't even ready yet, ffs.
"Presidents don't affect the lives of the average American"