Yikes! I lucked out. Filled up yesterday for $38.00 at $3.79/gal. Possible we may break records and experience at least $5/gal for regular unleaded. Hope not.Next pay check. People already bitching at work today. I had to swipe my card twice on diesel because it stops at $100 sale. I wanted to fill it up so had to do another purchase.
So you're saying he's the 'wife' in the relationship?
He definitely makes the sandwiches.So you're saying he's the 'wife' in the relationship?
Dammit, bee!! Why cant they parody the opposite. Their funny becomes unfunny 2 weeks later.
Soon it may cost more to fill up my old pickup than it is worth.
because we have a quasi free market economy where prices are hugely dictated by wall street speculation and not by just supply and demand. It takes a very long time for supply changes to affect prices. Wall street can spike the price 20% in a day. On top of that you have a refinery "explosion" almost every other week now so they have an excuse for the increased prices.
overlay a supply chart with a price chart. You will quickly see they have little correlation except for extreme fluctuations.
Crude Oil Production Statistics | Crude Oil | Enerdata
Crude Oil Production detailed by Region. Get updated figures on crude production with graphs and analysis provided by Enerdata.yearbook.enerdata.net
Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart
Interactive charts of West Texas Intermediate (WTI or NYMEX) crude oil prices per barrel back to 1946. The price of oil shown is adjusted for inflation using the headline CPI and is shown by default on a logarithmic scale. The current month is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest value.www.macrotrends.net
as you can see. Oil supply has taken only 1 "major" dip of 6%, 2020, entirely because of the covid scare. It has maintained and very steady increase since the 80's with a few very small fluctuations. And yet oil prices have swung wildly throughout history. Oil is driven by fear and manipulation.
OK, revisiting this post I made. I was wrong. they shot past the $4.00 mark without hesitation. It's 4.25 all over Louisville right now.Yep, they'll slowly drop and raise it a few cents over the next couple or three weeks while everybody adjusts to paying that much. it will slowly drop in increments to $3.69 or $3.79 then shoot back up to $3.99 then just around Easter They'll top the $4.00 mark. That's exactly what they did around the holidays when gas hit that $2.99 mark.
True, but it would expose the Election Rigging and officially make Biden an Illegitimate President.The vote can be de-certified in all those states where the fraud occurred but there is no constitutional remedy that would remove Biden from office. It is what it is.
As our resident apologists fly out of the woodwork.we were never energy independent. That is one of the dumbest made up Trump lies. We imported 6 million barrels a day of crude last year. We were exporting about 5million of refined products and importing 2million. There is nothing "independent" about those numbers. We had net exports of some finished products but still relied on the rest of the world for the raw crude. and as of the last update we are still an exporter for 2021 at 3million bpd. oil production went down last year from 13million bpd to 11m bpd. it is projected to return to over 12mil bpd by the end of the year and back to over 13mil bpd next year. Our most dramatic increase in production was from 2008 -2015. hmmm, I wonder who was in charge then? If you haven't figured it out yet gas prices don't follow our production rates. They just go wherever rich speculators **** with the market. production is up, imports are down, prices sky high because rich assholes in NY and TX need some more yachts. The only real world problems that should have effected prices is the TX refinery shutdowns from their stupidity and lack of trucking to move product to customers.
Always watch for how California is because it's a precursor for what's to come. They are insane.
I do not give a shit about Ukraine nor do I appreciate the massive propaganda for them. Why should I give a crap about their plight when Dems are actively trying to destroy people here. To top it off, siphoning money from Americans to "give to Ukraine" is such nonsense.
OK, revisiting this post I made. I was wrong. they shot past the $4.00 mark without hesitation. It's 4.25 all over Louisville right now.
Watch how the Governor handles a dishonest press. He has to face this every time he has a press conference. You have to call them out when they peddle false narratives.