How will they rule ??!

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I'm tired of trash like you spewing complete lies like they are facts. I'm tired of the demented perv who walks like a mental patient running this country like a carnival. I'm tired of his skank stuttering like someome with turrette syndrome and laughing like a hyena.
Nothing he does helps. Nothing he says is true. Nothing they do works. They lied for 2 years about masks and vaccines. They hide data at the CDc like teenage boys hid playboy mags in the day.
I;m tired of this country worrying about pronouns and gender studies instead energy independence.
Tired of you period. You lie in every post you make. E V E R Y O N E
If you haven't blocked Sam yet, you're essentially kicking your own ass.

The unfortunate thing is the rest of us have to witness one-side of these retarded arguments over and over ad infinitum.
I'm going to respond to this, certainly not to pick on you personally but just to provide my view given that i work in the oil industry as an engineer.

Prior to the pandemic, we achieved a degree of energy independence that we had not had since perhaps the 1960s. Through a combination of the ingenuity of domestic oil producers, along with incredible amounts of capital from Wall Street and other venture capital funds (and NO THANKS to the Obama administration), America became a net exporter of energy. The vast majority of domestic growth in oil and gas production came through shale drilling.

This enabled us to de-couple foreign policy considerations from energy policy. Without the shale revolution, there's no way we could have kept Iran's oil off the market in response to their nuclear ambitions. (This was absolutely the correct call by President Trump.)

The pandemic decimated energy demand throughout the world, leading to dramatic oversupply and falling prices. In response to falling demand (increased inventory), oil and gas producers began drastically cutting production. I can tell you that were massive layoffs in the oil and gas industry because of this.

As the Covid lockdowns ended, oil and gas demand finally began to rebound. Unfortunately, the industry was not fully prepared to rapidly ramp up production from a weakened position.

I will say that I disagree with the Biden's administration to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and to deny NEW oil and gas leases on federal lands. However, there is a lag effect in these actions.... they didn't immediately affect our ability to increase production, but they are just now starting to.

The whole energy supply / demand dynamic is fairly complex. There's virtually nothing positive I can say about the Biden administration, but I will say that Biden is not completely at fault for our current situation.
Fair. It's too easy to see issues as black and white and my response was definitely very close to that.

I understand it takes time and $$$ to restart a rig that was shut down during COVID. At what point since March 2020 did demand start trending upward and energy companies begin the process of ramping up rig count? If that point was late fall of 2021, then, yes, it's unfair to lay ALL the blame on this admin's policies. If it was, say, early 2021 (or earlier), wouldn't canceling the pipeline and denying new leases since then have been more (not all, to be fair) of the problem than lack of time and $$$ to bring rigs online?

You bring a wealth of experience and insight into this issue. I'd like to understand when policy began affecting oil prices. Not to mention that giving up energy independence is a national security issue and, as we've seen with Germany needing Russian oil for their economy, puts our NATO allies at increased risk or at least their need for oil may influence their foreign policy decisions (trading their own economic slowdown for decreasing cash flow into Russia/Putin). But, that's my opinion. Your background would definitely be more informed than mine. Is that a reasonable conclusion from Biden's policies?
Will we ever know how many American lives could have been saved if the government had allowed this treatment early on. Probably multi thousands and thousands.

President Trump 's doctor treated him as your buddy was treated and responed in the same manner. That should have told the world his treatment worked and it could work on most Americans. But NO, the Democrats made it a political disease and attacked Trump for getting well. They wanted him to die from it.
The fact they refused to allow the treatment and suppressed access to the drugs in a lot of places and cases, to me, constitutes a crime against humanity.
Speculation has it that Biden will stress how his admin 'defeated' COVID in the SOTU. Of course, all the Dems will stand and cheer and the media will lap it up. While, of course, they did nothing of the sort. When NYC lifted the mask ban, the # of cases and # of daily deaths were approximately 2x what they were 12 months prior. How is that defeating anything? How is that following 'the science'?

There will not be one iota of ink in MSM that mentions less stringent states/countries had the exact same outcomes as the most stringent. No mention of the Johns Hopkins study that concluded shutdowns did no good and perhaps were making the problem worse. No mention of refusing to release data on the efficacy of vaccines, you know, 'the science'. No mention of NIH partially funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.

I took both vaccines and a booster. Had no problems with the shots (that I know of). Caught omicron in mid-January and fought it off within a week with mild/intermediate symptoms. I was not and am not an anti-vaxxer. Wife still has days of complete exhaustion and she caught it the same time with the same vacs and booster. Even after all this time, her doctor has told her that there's really nothing they can do to help her get over her symptoms or lessen them. After 2 years? I find that appalling. We spent how many billions of dollars on vaccines and, after 2 years, we have NO medicines or treatment protocols to lessen the severity of this virus? I am incredulous that this is the case and feel that the lack of treatment protocols has been by design. Why didn't we spend as much time and effort developing treatments as we did the vaccines? It has been 'vaccines only' since COVID broke out and it feels like that was a conscious decision. And Americans have suffered because of that decision.
I'm going to respond to this, certainly not to pick on you personally but just to provide my view given that i work in the oil industry as an engineer.

Prior to the pandemic, we achieved a degree of energy independence that we had not had since perhaps the 1960s. Through a combination of the ingenuity of domestic oil producers, along with incredible amounts of capital from Wall Street and other venture capital funds (and NO THANKS to the Obama administration), America became a net exporter of energy. The vast majority of domestic growth in oil and gas production came through shale drilling.

This enabled us to de-couple foreign policy considerations from energy policy. Without the shale revolution, there's no way we could have kept Iran's oil off the market in response to their nuclear ambitions. (This was absolutely the correct call by President Trump.)

The pandemic decimated energy demand throughout the world, leading to dramatic oversupply and falling prices. In response to falling demand (increased inventory), oil and gas producers began drastically cutting production. I can tell you that were massive layoffs in the oil and gas industry because of this.

As the Covid lockdowns ended, oil and gas demand finally began to rebound. Unfortunately, the industry was not fully prepared to rapidly ramp up production from a weakened position.

I will say that I disagree with the Biden's administration to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and to deny NEW oil and gas leases on federal lands. However, there is a lag effect in these actions.... they didn't immediately affect our ability to increase production, but they are just now starting to.

The whole energy supply / demand dynamic is fairly complex. There's virtually nothing positive I can say about the Biden administration, but I will say that Biden is not completely at fault for our current situation.
By buying oil from Russia, Biden gave Putin $100B to prosecute his war. We didn't have to give him a dime.
Some great quotes from political figures in the past regarding the invisible cabal who actually run things.

“Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great staffs, both of the old parties have ganged aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day."- Teddy Roosevelt

Others on the government creating the banking giants who are not the result of a free market competition.

“If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
– Andrew Jackson

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.”
– John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States

“There is an evil which ought to be guarded against in the indefinite accumulation of property from the capacity of holding it in perpetuity by…corporations. The power of all corporations ought to be limited in this respect. The growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
– James Madison

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, 1913

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
Senator Daniel K. Inouye, 1987

“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
– Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
Yes Ukraine has Nazis. Azov and others I’ve posted about before. Armed and trained by America. But so does Russia and all armed forces. We do too. Zelenskyy and his government are center left libs. Putin’s further right than Ukrainian leadership, this de-nazifying is a completely bs pretext and anyone who buys it is dumb or lying.
Well, you consider half of America Nazi's so we'll all take what you said there with a grain of salt.
There will not be one iota of ink in MSM that mentions less stringent states/countries had the exact same outcomes as the most stringent. No mention of the Johns Hopkins study that concluded shutdowns did no good and perhaps were making the problem worse. No mention of refusing to release data on the efficacy of vaccines, you know, 'the science'. No mention of NIH partially funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab.
This x1000.

I'll ask this question again: why isn't everyone in Florida and India dead?
Lmao. Guy with dementia has a plan for mental health

Can't wait to see what it is. let me guess:
More therapists in the schools. Woke uber-liberal therapists with degrees from woke liberal arts universities telling all these kids with mental disorders that its ok for them to be the way they are and that normal sane people are nazi, bigot, white supremacists.
Lmao. Guy with dementia has a plan for mental health

If he was worried about it he would stop empowering people like this below with important jobs and make them get help. Unfortunately the ones that are supposed to help are mostly increasing the problem.
Get ready to see more of this kind of thing as the economy in the US gets worse and people start to suffer.

Guess I'm lost on the racial epithets? sensationalize much? Gotta push race into everything. I don't want to see one Lib on here condemn this, (Even though I personally think the whole thing was uncalled for), because Republican politicians faced these exact same sorts of threats on numerous occasions from liberal mobs and liberal wack jobs in general and had the endorsement of people like Maxine Waters. So liberals who supported that sort of thing have no skin in this game. But I will call that dude a wack job for harassing the Governor like that.
What's insane is thinking that appeasement and ignoring bloodthirsty dictators is the right way to go. Many thought Hitler would stop after Poland too. How'd that work out?
And don't think for a second that China isnt watching all of this and how the world reacts.

So where was your outrage over Crimea? And why did Obama appease putin then?

Riddle me that one, SCIENCE DUDE
Wonder how long it will be before the us leads the charge to rebuild Ukraine? Bunch of fat contracts about to be handed out to shady people.

Other option is we'll just import all their people and stick them in a battleground state

Looks like we'll be importing them. Coming soon, to a battleground state near you.
Research what some stupid celebrity says about the first land war in Europe since WW2? No thanks.
The US government and NATO have been very clear about not sending our troops or planes into Ukraine.

First land war in Europe since ww2, SCIENCE DUDE says.

Milosovic ring a bell, numbnuts?

Bosnia? Herzegovina? Kosovo?

Just please stop embarrassing yourself. Multiple times a day. Good Lord.
Free to them. Definitely not free to the us taxpayers
We have some rental properties. Years ago we had a renter that wanted to do Section 8. I didn't want to but the Mrs OK'd it. They were there about a year. Since, have had little to no contact with the housing authority....but obviously still on their contact list. We got...back about email (obviously a stock email to a lot of people) offering a $600 'bonus' to people who would rent to a Section 8'er. Since we haven't gotten anything from them for years, I assume it was for Afghans or the illegals.