How will they rule ??!

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Really is amazing how the venn diagram of people who were freaking out about Covid two weeks ago, and people who are freaking out about Russia and want the US involved in a war in Ukraine is a circle.

It’s almost like there’s a group of people who is unable to exercise critical thought and just falls for whatever propaganda they’re sold.

Orange man bad.

Man that is what the scariest thing is. They expect you to fall in line and endorse all these actions against Putin without any apparent thought to what might happen.

Very similar to how they approached Covid.

I can be against Covid and Putin without being mandated into an injection or nuclear war.
Liberal leaders: Putin is terrible !!!!

Liberal leaders, sports figures,, Hollywood, etc:: Mehh, Xi gets a pass.

why? Putin isn’t enriching them and their families. Xi is.

Poor liberals, none of them would spit on you if you were on fire, but they need your vote/support.
Are you saying we should be bigger fans of Putin? The same guy killing children in Ukraine? Ok
Man that is what the scariest thing is. They expect you to fall in line and endorse all these actions against Putin without any apparent thought to what might happen.

Very similar to how they approached Covid.

I can be against Covid and Putin without being mandated into an injection or nuclear war.
Who is calling for a nuclear war? Haven't heard anyone advocate for that. Haven't heard anyone advocate for sending our troops into Ukraine. What are you even talking about?
Trump was a loud mouth loser that couldn't get it done. But Biden gets shit done.
Wonder how long it will be before the us leads the charge to rebuild Ukraine? Bunch of fat contracts about to be handed out to shady people.

Other option is we'll just import all their people and stick them in a battleground state
Well news for many on here, the unvaccinated can't travel abroad so all those ppl can't go over there and
Who is calling for a nuclear war? Haven't heard anyone advocate for that. Haven't heard anyone advocate for sending our troops into Ukraine. What are you even talking about?
Ah yes, sanctions that hurt every day citizens of Russia. That'll surely do the trick and hurt putin. Of course you can't say this bc all of you have been so conditioned to call rebuttal either nazi or putin puppet

Some old m
Ah yes, sanctions that hurt every day citizens of Russia. That'll surely do the trick and hurt putin. Of course you can't say this bc all of you have been so conditioned to call rebuttal either nazi or putin puppet

The left only hates Russia because they got rid of communism. If that came back they'd be like:

Ah yes, sanctions that hurt every day citizens of Russia. That'll surely do the trick and hurt putin. Of course you can't say this bc all of you have been so conditioned to call rebuttal either nazi or putin puppet

I agree completely regarding oil.
If we'd remained energy independent, oil would not have seen the rise in price as we were EXPORTING oil, not at the mercy of OPEC, Russia, et al, to set the price of oil we consume. Yes, Russia's invasion has bumped up the price of oil but, if still energy independent, it wouldn't affect us one bit. Most/all of oil's rise can be laid at Biden's feet due to closing pipelines the first day in office.
I'm going to respond to this, certainly not to pick on you personally but just to provide my view given that i work in the oil industry as an engineer.

Prior to the pandemic, we achieved a degree of energy independence that we had not had since perhaps the 1960s. Through a combination of the ingenuity of domestic oil producers, along with incredible amounts of capital from Wall Street and other venture capital funds (and NO THANKS to the Obama administration), America became a net exporter of energy. The vast majority of domestic growth in oil and gas production came through shale drilling.

This enabled us to de-couple foreign policy considerations from energy policy. Without the shale revolution, there's no way we could have kept Iran's oil off the market in response to their nuclear ambitions. (This was absolutely the correct call by President Trump.)

The pandemic decimated energy demand throughout the world, leading to dramatic oversupply and falling prices. In response to falling demand (increased inventory), oil and gas producers began drastically cutting production. I can tell you that were massive layoffs in the oil and gas industry because of this.

As the Covid lockdowns ended, oil and gas demand finally began to rebound. Unfortunately, the industry was not fully prepared to rapidly ramp up production from a weakened position.

I will say that I disagree with the Biden's administration to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and to deny NEW oil and gas leases on federal lands. However, there is a lag effect in these actions.... they didn't immediately affect our ability to increase production, but they are just now starting to.

The whole energy supply / demand dynamic is fairly complex. There's virtually nothing positive I can say about the Biden administration, but I will say that Biden is not completely at fault for our current situation.
Do your own research, shinbone. Multiple blue checks and celebs handwringing over why we’re not taking more and more action.
Research what some stupid celebrity says about the first land war in Europe since WW2? No thanks.
The US government and NATO have been very clear about not sending our troops or planes into Ukraine.
Ukraine was all about timing and Putin's state of mental health much more than who is President imo.
We will never know whether he would have done this during Trump's second term or not. Personally, I think it would have happened regardless.
If he had done it under Trump, what difference would it have made?? Trump is just as much of a non interventionist as Biden and had total disdain for NATO as well as the UN.....who are both highly involved in this war.
I could just as easily argue he would have said..."Not our problem" and done nothing as opposed to rallying NATO and the world in opposition to this. He sure as hell wouldnt be sending troops into a non NATO country or criticizing Putin. He's had plenty of good things to say about Putin the last week for sure.
That's the thing....we do know. Trump was in for 4 years and Putin did nothing. You can't even be honest for one second about this. Not one.

You're missing the whole dude. Nobody wants the US involved in this. I don't. Nobody is saying Trump would have intervened.

What people are saying is, Trump showed strength. Putin knew better than to do somthing like this while he was in office. As soon as Biden stopped the US from being energy independent, this whole thing was set in motion.That's the whole thing. You can't see anytihg past your hatred of Trump.

Wake up due. W A K E U P

I'm not for the US intervening at this point.
What's insane is thinking that appeasement and ignoring bloodthirsty dictators is the right way to go. Many thought Hitler would stop after Poland too. How'd that work out?
And don't think for a second that China isnt watching all of this and how the world reacts.
Which one of these bloodthirsty dictators did anything when Trump was in office?
Get ready to see more of this kind of thing as the economy in the US gets worse and people start to suffer.

Get ready to see more of this kind of thing as the economy in the US gets worse and people start to suffer.

That is not the way to do it though. I disagree with the left when they do it, not going to condone it now. Vote him out.
That's the thing....we do know. Trump was in for 4 years and Putin did nothing. You can't even be honest for one second about this. Not one.

You're missing the whole dude. Nobody wants the US involved in this. I don't. Nobody is saying Trump would have intervened.

What people are saying is, Trump showed strength. Putin knew better than to do somthing like this while he was in office. As soon as Biden stopped the US from being energy independent, this whole thing was set in motion.That's the whole thing. You can't see anytihg past your hatred of Trump.

Wake up due. W A K E U P

I'm not for the US intervening at this point.
Putin was driven nuts from the day pro West Zelinsky was voted into office in 2019. That was already 2 years into Trump's tenure. Preparing and planning an attack on the scale of Ukraine took time.
I will admit that Trump's appearance at times of being unstable, unpredictable and easily enraged may have played into Putin's calculation but ultimately, Putin was going into Ukraine no matter who was President was at this point.
I do agree that this situation calls for increased oil production and a temporary halt to worrying about it in order to drive the oil prices down and starve Putin of $$.
I also agree that Biden appears old and weak compared to Trump. But Trump's disrespect for our democracy, dumb azz tweets, and erratic behavior is on him for why he lost. I also am not sure he wouldn't have just washed his hands of this whole Ukraine situation and NATO right now.
Biden F'd up Afghanistan but is actually handling this situation pretty darn well imo.
We need new Presidential leadership in 2024 from anyone NOT named Trump or Biden.
Which one of these bloodthirsty dictators did anything when Trump was in office?
Iran rained missiles down on our soldiers in Iraq for starters. They also killed Americans in Iraq. We also abandoned our Kurdish allies in Afghanistan which was wrong.

If we'd remained energy independent, oil would not have seen the rise in price as we were EXPORTING oil, not at the mercy of OPEC, Russia, et al, to set the price of oil we consume. Yes, Russia's invasion has bumped up the price of oil but, if still energy independent, it wouldn't affect us one bit. Most/all of oil's rise can be laid at Biden's feet due to closing pipelines the first day in office.
Your to stupid to look at actual data. Sad
Or know that until obamas 2015 energy bill they weren't allowed to export domestic oil.

We use 20million barrels a day. The highest we ever achieved for production was 13million a day. Please give an elaborate explanation on how that would ever be considered "energy independent". Math is hard for trumpsters.
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Iran rained missiles down on our soldiers in Iraq for starters. They also killed Americans in Iraq. We also abandoned our Kurdish allies in Afghanistan which was wrong.

Speaking of, remember when democrats were sad that a terrorist was killed