I'm glad to see they're getting the fences up around the Capitol so they can keep those rowdy AMERICAN Truckers from storming the Capitol Building. Meanwhile, on America's Southern border...
So how much caffeine are they pumping into Joe so that he can stay awake tonight during the SOTU address?
The pipeline was for Canadian oil so no effect on us production. The oil companies use a fraction of their current leases, they don't need new ones to restart current ones.Fair. It's too easy to see issues as black and white and my response was definitely very close to that.
I understand it takes time and $$$ to restart a rig that was shut down during COVID. At what point since March 2020 did demand start trending upward and energy companies begin the process of ramping up rig count? If that point was late fall of 2021, then, yes, it's unfair to lay ALL the blame on this admin's policies. If it was, say, early 2021 (or earlier), wouldn't canceling the pipeline and denying new leases since then have been more (not all, to be fair) of the problem than lack of time and $$$ to bring rigs online?
You bring a wealth of experience and insight into this issue. I'd like to understand when policy began affecting oil prices. Not to mention that giving up energy independence is a national security issue and, as we've seen with Germany needing Russian oil for their economy, puts our NATO allies at increased risk or at least their need for oil may influence their foreign policy decisions (trading their own economic slowdown for decreasing cash flow into Russia/Putin). But, that's my opinion. Your background would definitely be more informed than mine. Is that a reasonable conclusion from Biden's policies?
Are you just ignoring that Trump bought 4x as much oil from Russia than Biden has? Or the pretty ****ing stupid idea that presidents buy oil when it's private companies that buy oil.By buying oil from Russia, Biden gave Putin $100B to prosecute his war. We didn't have to give him a dime.
I imagine some injections, and something much stronger than caffeine.So how much caffeine are they pumping into Joe so that he can stay awake tonight during the SOTU address?
Oh really? Explain that oneAnd our previous President didn't.
SCIENCE DUDE is having a rough time in the Political Thread. He is a victim of public education.So where was your outrage over Crimea? And why did Obama appease putin then?
Riddle me that one, SCIENCE DUDE
I think they may just have this poster of him as he calls it in from the COVID bunker at the WH...Caffeine. Lol. It will be decades before you and I have access to whatever they’re pumping into him.
Is he doing it live in front of Congress or are they doing it at his fake White House?
I voted for his GOP opponent, Eva Guzman. Her father was killed by an illegal immigrant.You would think if you were running for an important statewide office....you might know the history of the state. Especially one of, if not the most known historical events.
Hey, THESE GUYS might vote Republican.
Looks like we'll be importing them. Coming soon, to a battleground state near you.
"Biden" didn't buy the oil. Refining companies did. I would be curious to know which American refineries are buying Russian oil. Oftentimes companies will enter into long-term contracts to purchase crude. Even so, if American refineries refuse to buy Russian crude, Russia probably has the capability to divert the crude to other locations.By buying oil from Russia, Biden gave Putin $100B to prosecute his war. We didn't have to give him a dime.
Respectfully disagree... Greg Gutfield is pretty solid.Tucker is literally the only person worth a shit on Fox.
Dems are putrid scum who will politicize anything. Blame and slander anyone who opposes them in this country even when it’s regarding a foreign conflict.
According to Reuters, concern is considering bankruptcy.Nordstream 2 declared bankruptcy earlier. Biden Just keeps getting shit DONE! The US can buy it up for pennies and charge Russia to move their oil. Winning!
Nordstream 2 declared bankruptcy earlier. Biden Just keeps getting shit DONE! The US can buy it up for pennies and charge Russia to move their oil. Winning!
Burger King shrinks chicken nuggets meal size as inflation eats into margins
The fast-food giant has also removed its popular Whopper as a core discount item
'...the fast-food giant has reduced the number of chicken nuggets in its meals from 10 pieces to eight'
'Burger King isn't the only restaurant adjusting its menu items to combat higher costs. Domino's Pizza said it would reduce the number of wings in its $7.99 carryout deal to eight pieces from 10......Other restaurants taking a hit from inflation include Wingstop, which said that costs for its bone-in chicken wings rose 27.5% year over year in the fourth quarter and a record 40.9% year over year for fiscal year 2021, and Little Caesar's, which said it would bump up the price of its famous Hot-N-Ready pizza by 11% to $5.55.'
Nordstream 2 is a gas pipeline. Your hyperbole notwithstanding, the American government isn’t going to be getting into the pipeline business, to say nothing of the practical ramifications of bankruptcy - equivalent to Chapter 7, 13 etc.Nordstream 2 declared bankruptcy earlier. Biden Just keeps getting shit DONE! The US can buy it up for pennies and charge Russia to move their oil. Winning!
That was almost coherentPutin was driven nuts from the day pro West Zelinsky was voted into office in 2019. That was already 2 years into Trump's tenure. Preparing and planning an attack on the scale of Ukraine took time.
I will admit that Trump's appearance at times of being unstable, unpredictable and easily enraged may have played into Putin's calculation but ultimately, Putin was going into Ukraine no matter who was President was at this point.
I do agree that this situation calls for increased oil production and a temporary halt to worrying about it in order to drive the oil prices down and starve Putin of $$.
I also agree that Biden appears old and weak compared to Trump. But Trump's disrespect for our democracy, dumb azz tweets, and erratic behavior is on him for why he lost. I also am not sure he wouldn't have just washed his hands of this whole Ukraine situation and NATO right now.
Biden F'd up Afghanistan but is actually handling this situation pretty darn well imo.
We need new Presidential leadership in 2024 from anyone NOT named Trump or Biden.
That was almost coherent
Did Iran invade Iraq? I must have missed that.Iran rained missiles down on our soldiers in Iraq for starters. They also killed Americans in Iraq. We also abandoned our Kurdish allies in Afghanistan which was wrong.
Iran rocket attack on Iraqi military base injured 11 US service members, official reveals
Eleven U.S. service members were flown out of Iraq and treated for concussion symptoms after Iran's rocket attack targeting Iraqi military bases earlier this month, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command revealed Thursday night.www.foxnews.com
Iran likely launched attack that killed Americans in Iraq: US general
The head of U.S. forces in the Middle East says an Iranian-backed militia likely launched the attack killing the two Americans and a British soldier in Iraq Wednesday night.www.foxnews.com
U.S. soldiers who fought alongside Kurds blast Trump's Syria retreat
In the summer of 2004, U.S. soldier Greg Walker drove to a checkpoint just outside of Baghdad's Green Zone with his Kurdish bodyguard, Azaz. When he stepped out of his SUV, three Iraqi guards turned him around at gunpoint.www.reuters.com
SCIENCE DUDE is having a rough time in the Political Thread. He is a victim of public education.
Plat can lie with the best of them tooThat is because he is a deceitful liar, who is the most clueless in the whole thread.
Just absolutely pitiful his levels of stupidity.
That was a limited regional Civil War that was the result of the breakup of the former Communist Yugoslavian state government. That was not one dictator led sovereign country crossing borders and attacking another sovereign democratic nation. At the time those were former republics and regional sections of Yugoslavia that had just recently defined their territories. Totally different situation altogether from Ukraine vs Russia.First land war in Europe since ww2, SCIENCE DUDE says.
Milosovic ring a bell, numbnuts?
Bosnia? Herzegovina? Kosovo?
Just please stop embarrassing yourself. Multiple times a day. Good Lord.
Lion's share goes to the west coast refineries. They are using Russian crude to meet short falls caused by sanctions on Venezuela. The rest goes to the east coast and the gulf."Biden" didn't buy the oil. Refining companies did. I would be curious to know which American refineries are buying Russian oil. Oftentimes companies will enter into long-term contracts to purchase crude. Even so, if American refineries refuse to buy Russian crude, Russia probably has the capability to divert the crude to other locations.
I agree that putting money into Russian coffers is an odious thing to do. However, they produce upwards of 10M bpd of crude, and the world can't simply take that volume of oil off the market without extreme impacts (daily world consumption is nominally 100M bpd). Unless the rest of the world is able to make up the entire Russian volume, and to do so at a cost that makes Russian uneconomic, simply boycotting Russian oil is a pipe dream.
One area where we could make a difference is in natural gas. With the massive increase in natural gas production here in America, there has been a huge build-out of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure to ship our gas around the world. Biden could and should be employing a full-court press to get European nations to buy natural gas from us instead of Russia. We are in a position to take a significant market share from them if we did. On the other hand, Russia is diversifying its risk by constructing pipelines to ship additional natural gas to China.
Not Americans. Real European Nazis. Their flag is the SS symbol. They're covered in Swastika tattoos. They're openly, proudly Nazis. Not some hidden thing. Not y'all screaming "FASCISTS!!" when told to wear masks. Regardless, Putin is clearly the unjustified aggressor here and clearly in the wrong.Well, you consider half of America Nazi's so we'll all take what you said there with a grain of salt.
Makes sense that the West Coast refineries are the primary American customers of Russian crude, since a lot of their crude is produced in Siberia.Lion's share goes to the west coast refineries. They are using Russian crude to meet short falls caused by sanctions on Venezuela. The rest goes to the east coast and the gulf.
The jones act limits the size of ships allowed to ship oil. Thanks to that, it isn't profitable to ship in large sums of oil, hence pipelines. We use Russian etal., oil in those areas that have no access to a pipeline.
The US imports way more than just crude from Russia, though. In fact crude import is minute compared to other petroleum products that we get from them. Those are going to be hard to replace.
But completely true. Those showers with Ashley...
Not Americans. Real European Nazis. Their flag is the SS symbol. They're covered in Swastika tattoos. They're openly, proudly Nazis. Not some hidden thing. Not y'all screaming "FASCISTS!!" when told to wear masks. Regardless, Putin is clearly the unjustified aggressor here and clearly in the wrong.
They are no better than Russia.The same people who lied to you about Epstein Island, Covid, 9/11, and literally everything now want you to accept without question that the Ukrainian government is the good guy.