Betcha we have sent a ton more arms in there than we are advertising to Russia. There is a reason so many Russian convoys look like they were melted in the middle of the road.They can count on America to provide blankets and hot cocoa
Betcha we have sent a ton more arms in there than we are advertising to Russia. There is a reason so many Russian convoys look like they were melted in the middle of the road.They can count on America to provide blankets and hot cocoa
You are sorely mistaken. I actually hope Romney runs in 2024
Libs and Biden are the only ones doing anything about the situation. The head of the Republican party called Putin a savvy genius and the head mouth piece for Fox News tells us we should love Putin instead of hating him. You are very confused and clueless.It is obvious that the Ukrainian people care more about their country than liberals do about the USA.....sad. You think you would ever see Pelosi or Warren pick up a rifle like this 79 yr old grandmother....
He has to move fast to outrun public opinion. The longer it takes to capture Kiev the less chance he has of victory.It's a pretty big sign too that the russian military were not really prepped or prepared for this. They've bypassed other cities all together. This convoy has no air cover. I'm guessing putin just expected Ukraine to roll over.
Considering most of the Russian military is probably young, doesn't know anything of the Soviet union, most of them probably don't want to be there or see Ukraine as an enemy
Libs and Biden are the only ones doing anything about the situation. The head of the Republican party called Putin a savvy genius and the head mouth piece for Fox News tells us we should love Putin instead of hating him. You are very confused and clueless.
Betcha we have sent a ton more arms in there than we are advertising to Russia. There is a reason so many Russian convoys look like they were melted in the middle of the road.
Don't worry. Brandon will fix everything.Stupid question.....this so called "convoy" of tanks/weapons that are en route are evidently in a single file line or similar....are the Ukrainian air assault grounded to where they can't go try and take them out? It would seem like sitting ducks.
If they can't do anything, then I would say that someone needs to step in and put a stop to this convoy, but that may open up another can of worms.
Could it be something like Russia throwing in it's "C" team (to use basketball terminology) Forcing the Ukraine to use up a lot of its defense resources early before brining in the "A" team to wipe out an exhausted defense?He has to move fast to outrun public opinion. The longer it takes to capture Kiev the less chance he has of victory.
I can promise you that Putin has high air cover. Those stinger missiles are to much of a danger to keep helicopters up and flying for no reason. They don't need low air cover anyway since Ukraine has next to zero forward force projection.
That huge serpent like Russian convoy is there to surround and control. Many of the cities he left at his back are filled with Russian partisans so the threat from them is much less than in a traditional campaign.
Once Kiev is fully blockaded, they will then cut off outside supply lines and take care of the other cities like Odessa.
Russians don't think of war like we do. Losses are expected and accepted. Those losses they took were mostly conscripts (cannon fodder). The bulk of Putin's veteran forces and modern armor are still in reserve.
Without having a trusted source for the number of actual losses for both sides, imo, It's a fallacy to think Russia isn't doing well in this war. They have moved almost all the way to the capitol in five days. That's hundred of miles through contested territory. Pretty good in any war.
LOL at all the dipsh!ts who bought the mask mandates hook line and sinker. If the Dems think parents are going to forget having their kids masked up, and then the mandates lifted right before the SOTU so Biden can claim victory over Covid, they better think again.
LOL at all the dipsh!ts who bought the mask mandates hook line and sinker. If the Dems think parents are going to forget having their kids masked up, and then the mandates lifted right before the SOTU so Biden can claim victory over Covid, they better think again.
LOL at all the dipsh!ts who bought the mask mandates hook line and sinker. If the Dems think parents are going to forget having their kids masked up, and then the mandates lifted right before the SOTU so Biden can claim victory over Covid, they better think again.
* KA - BOOM *because we have a quasi free market economy where prices are hugely dictated by wall street speculation and not by just supply and demand. It takes a very long time for supply changes to affect prices. Wall street can spike the price 20% in a day. On top of that you have a refinery "explosion" almost every other week now so they have an excuse for the increased prices.
overlay a supply chart with a price chart. You will quickly see they have little correlation except for extreme fluctuations.
Crude Oil Production Statistics | Crude Oil | Enerdata
Crude Oil Production detailed by Region. Get updated figures on crude production with graphs and analysis provided by
Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart
Interactive charts of West Texas Intermediate (WTI or NYMEX) crude oil prices per barrel back to 1946. The price of oil shown is adjusted for inflation using the headline CPI and is shown by default on a logarithmic scale. The current month is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest
as you can see. Oil supply has taken only 1 "major" dip of 6%, 2020, entirely because of the covid scare. It has maintained and very steady increase since the 80's with a few very small fluctuations. And yet oil prices have swung wildly throughout history. Oil is driven by fear and manipulation.
Trump just threatening to commit war crimes against Iran on Twitter. all normal guys!
Your attempts to distort are laughable. He’s clearly showing how Democrats are hypocrites saying to hate Putin (duh) while looking the other way in regards to Xi. Man you guys are desperate. Lie, smear and distort. Dem playbook.You musta missed this gem....Are you a Putin fanboy too like Trump?
$104.16 / bbl as of 10AM CST.... If you're willing to wait a year, March 2023 crude oil is selling for $82.35 /bbl* KA - BOOM *
CNBC: WTI tops $100/barrel.
Highest level since 2014
Thanks, Joe!
Will we ever know how many American lives could have been saved if the government had allowed this treatment early on. Probably multi thousands and thousands.A lot of Karens will actually believe Mush Head beat covid. No clue this happened because of mid terms. They refuse to believe 2+2=4.
Btw, very proud to say my household is 1000% vax free. I will also say because I know first hand. My buddy tested posi last Tuesday. His Dr prescribed ivermectin and a z pack. One and a half days later he was 100% better with zero symptoms.
You might be pissed but you will probably laugh your ass off.Not even gonna watch. There’s a game on tonight. I’m sure I’ll be pissed when I read the recap of it.
Your attempts to listen AND see the exact words he says on video...then say he said something else is Orwellian.Your attempts to distort are laughable. He’s clearly showing how Democrats are hypocrites saying to hate Putin while bowing down to the horrible Xi. Man you guys are desperate. Lie, smear and distort. Dem playbook.
You're saying the Dems staged a coup of Crimea in 2014?your side staged a coup in 2014. You all are good at that
If we'd remained energy independent, oil would not have seen the rise in price as we were EXPORTING oil, not at the mercy of OPEC, Russia, et al, to set the price of oil we consume. Yes, Russia's invasion has bumped up the price of oil but, if still energy independent, it wouldn't affect us one bit. Most/all of oil's rise can be laid at Biden's feet due to closing pipelines the first day in office.$104.16 / bbl as of 10AM CST.... If you're willing to wait a year, March 2023 crude oil is selling for $82.35 /bbl
Joe's done his part, but I blame Vlad and the boys for this most recent run-up in price.
Most vaxxed also had Covid. Covid also causes clotting disorders. Way too early to draw scientific conclusions.My nephew M.D. said that one of the hospitals he works with had 5 major stroke cases yesterday. Said all the doctors were/have been talking about how many stroke cases they have been seeing. I guess 5 in one day is a lot....normally for this hospital its 5 a month.
All were vaxxed.
Since Brandon was installed the average Jack and Jill are paying $276 more a month because of inflation. And Brandon is just getting started Bro.$104.16 / bbl as of 10AM CST.... If you're willing to wait a year, March 2023 crude oil is selling for $82.35 /bbl
Joe's done his part, but I blame Vlad and the boys for this most recent run-up in price.
You’re overestimating Americans. Of course they’ll forget just like they do everything else. The same ones you’re complaining about buying the mandate will now be thrilled it’s being lifted.LOL at all the dipsh!ts who bought the mask mandates hook line and sinker. If the Dems think parents are going to forget having their kids masked up, and then the mandates lifted right before the SOTU so Biden can claim victory over Covid, they better think again.
Yes Ukraine has Nazis. Azov and others I’ve posted about before. Armed and trained by America. But so does Russia and all armed forces. We do too. Zelenskyy and his government are center left libs. Putin’s further right than Ukrainian leadership, this de-nazifying is a completely bs pretext and anyone who buys it is dumb or lying.