How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
You really think Trump is going to force the world backwards? You've bought into the media BS and watched too many SNL/Colbert episodes..

Society moves forward, with or without the President. He might not spend his entire effing day trying to appease every group of people for votes (Thank God).. but he's not going to stone the gays and hang the blacks.

Trump won't be allowed or able to reverse the trends, and that may be a good thing (I'm a conservative mostly for economic reasons).

If you think he's going to bring us back into 50's.. [roll] Just stop..
Trump is the problem. Hillary is the problem. I hope both of their stages collapse tonight. I don't care about the stupid media bs. The pussy grabbing, the wikileaks limited hangout, etc. All distractions. I want an actual democracy. I want power out of the hands of elite billionaires. I want to burn this mother effer to the ground and create a society where real people have an actual say in their lives. Bottom up. Not top down. A society that transcends political parties. It will never happen. But a man can dream.
Calling me dumb dumb but thinking Democrats have minorities best interest at heart. :joy:

That party has made minorities voting vegetable/slaves for over 50 years! Keep the inner cities down and keep giving handouts to take away the need/want to do better...yep, they sure care.
Where did I say democrats have minorities best interest? The Democratic Party doesn't care about minorities. They just want their votes.
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Trump is the problem. Hillary is the problem. I hope both of their stages collapse tonight. I don't care about the stupid media bs. The pussy grabbing, the wikileaks limited hangout, etc. All distractions. I want an actual democracy. I want power out of the hands of elite billionaires. I want to burn this mother effer to the ground and create a society where real people have an actual say in their lives. Bottom up. Not top down. A society that transcends political parties. It will never happen. But a man can dream.

It's been gone over before and a little too late.

But Trump's problems don't bother me. What he said in private 10 years ago? The now false rape allegations? If I truly believed he was going to set the world back decades, I wouldn't vote for him. But he can't do that, nor do I think he will. My only worry with him is a temper. President doesn't even have to be the smartest man in the room, as long as he puts the right people around him.

Hillary on the other hand, has endless.. daily, even.. eye-opening issues that come out, ranging from total incompetence, integrity, cheating the system, cheating her own party, staging, lying, murdering, etc. You name it. On top of it, career politician, the type of person I THOUGHT we all hated..

The only thing that was overstated (trying to be objective) was her health. Looks like a non-issue.

At the end of the day, one persons problems really aren't an issue. The other persons are. For me, at least.
I voted for some people today who I had never heard of. It was for city commissioners and I only knew one of them. I did not vote for her. I had the choice to vote by paper ballot or electronically. I went with electric. I did not get an "I voted" sticker. Don't label me.
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hahaha nope. Florida.

Frank Luntz doesn't have a clue what's he's talking about in Florida.

oh, darn . . . I knew that (you lived in Florida). You've been issuing your personal stamp on Florida for days and weeks now. Holding you to that. Late afternoon rumblings have me unsettled.
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oh, darn . . . I knew that (you lived in Florida). You've been issuing your personal stamp on Florida for days and weeks now. Holding you to that. Late afternoon rumblings have me unsettled.

I'm not wavering
You're correct. Florida is literally incapable of getting their votes counted on a reasonable timeline.

I swear to god, Willy, if your ****ing state makes all of us miserable yet again, I'll hold you personally responsible.
Gary Johnson getting three times the late support according to the exit polls just released. From whom is he taking more votes from; Clinton or Trump?
If this thing is a showdown right now ,trump wins... because ya know, rePublicans have jobs ... :boxing::cool2:
Tell him that voter ID laws don't work? :eek:

Actually, they do work, but in order for them to work, they would need to be enforced first.

If Jim C. is being honest, then obviously that wasn't the case & his county failed to enforce their own laws. Make sense?
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If there was a candidate down the ballot running without opposition I wrote myself in. If I don't know you and you have no opponent I'm not giving you a vote..government doesn't know what's best for me
A trump presidency would be horrible for this country.

*extreme larry david voice* Having said that, seeing the know it all Vox/Jezebel/Salon types wail and gnash their teeth would be nice. Seriously, between the idiots masquerading as experts on Vox and the "must be nice to be privileged enough to not *have* to vote for Hillary like me" Jezebels, I wouldn't hate THAT ONE PART. The rest would still be awful, but that would be delicious
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I love the people that clamored for Benedict bush and family for president in 2000. He is by far one of the worst presidents ever. I'm not saying Obama was the greatest but he's not leaving a giant shot hole and a recession to boot behind in his legacy