How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Trump is the problem. Hillary is the problem. I hope both of their stages collapse tonight. I don't care about the stupid media bs. The pussy grabbing, the wikileaks limited hangout, etc. All distractions. I want an actual democracy. I want power out of the hands of elite billionaires. I want to burn this mother effer to the ground and create a society where real people have an actual say in their lives. Bottom up. Not top down. A society that transcends political parties. It will never happen. But a man can dream.


For that to happen it's gonna take a lot of people to feel that way, and finally make a stand. I'm ready when the call comes, until then I will vote for the least shitty. I completely agree with you though.
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It was 79 to 18 % and it was in the coal districts.

He will win KY 65 - 35% once Jefferson county is included which is still huge.
It was 79 to 18 % and it was in the coal districts.

He will win KY 65 - 35% once Jefferson county is included which is still huge.

Romney won KY 62-38. Will be interesting to see how far that swings, considering that was a Mormon vs a Black Guy, not exactly the 2 most popular demographics for Kentucky.
Every conversation I've had with a Democrat on twitter today, tells me they're the least informed people in this nation. Trying to debate with those idiots is pointless. They only know buzzwords and aren't the slightest bit informed whatsoever.

He's racist and hates women and she has experience.

That's it. That's what they have. Then insulting you.

At least some of the left on here can go a little deeper than that.
Every conversation I've had with a Democrat on twitter today, tells me they're the least informed people in this nation. Trying to debate with those idiots is pointless. They only know buzzwords and aren't the slightest bit informed whatsoever.

He's racist and hates women and she has experience.

That's it. That's what they have. Then insulting you.

At least some of the left on here can go a little deeper than that.

You're not 40 yet I don't think. You'll learn.
Every conversation I've had with a Democrat on twitter today, tells me they're the least informed people in this nation. Trying to debate with those idiots is pointless. They only know buzzwords and aren't the slightest bit informed whatsoever.

He's racist and hates women and she has experience.

That's it. That's what they have. Then insulting you.

At least some of the left on here can go a little deeper than that.

That's such a shallow argument. At the same time, Trump kind of gave those shallow minds plenty of fuel. He was his own worst enemy during the campaign. I think this ultimately turned on 3 things;

1) The first debate. Despite what Hannity and Newt would have anyone believe, he got torched in that thing. It also coupled with the one week twitter bender he went on about the Miss Universe (obviously her 15 mins are up because I don't even remember her name.)

2) The Tape. It basically completely tore the GOP apart and despite the fact that yeah, a lot of men talk like this when women aren't around, it was a really bad look for a potential president.

3) Comey's announcement Sunday. The polls had largely tightened to ~1-2 points gradually after he sent the first letter to congress, then moved back up to ~4 points in the aftermath of the 2nd letter. 4 points is a much bigger polling mistake to fade than 1 or 2.

And even with all this, Trump could still win. In a way, it shows how bad both candidates really are. I think if you replace either with a competent candidate, they win 380 EVs.
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What time should I start tuning into pretty much established results? I don't want to drive myself crazy and watch the news so I'm relying on all of you.
I'll concede that's a possibility. However, that could have been avoided had the birth certificate been made available upon first being questioned and easily verified.
Actually is was but the birthers kept making excuses as to why it was "fake".
There was a mountain of evidence that proved otherwise. The least of which was the birth announcement in the Honolulu newspaper under births at the local hospital in August, 1961. Yeah, any reasonable person would think that a conspiracy was started at Obama's birth because they knew that 50 years later he would want to run for POTUS. Good grief. Anyone could go to any public library that had the Honolulu paper on microfiche and research it.

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What time should I start tuning into pretty much established results? I don't want to drive myself crazy and watch the news so I'm relying on all of you.

Starting at like 8:30 they will start coming in fast and furious. Obviously deep red and blue states will be called fast. By 11ish we will probably know about Fla and NC. If he wins both of those we are in for a long night.
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Just heard that 8 precincts in NC are going to extend polling times. 20 minutes to an hour for each.
Polls are staying open longer in the Durham area so the Dems have more times to get their votes.
Does the Paddock have any stronghold connections to deter liberal voters in N Carolina?
Looks like Vermont is hillary. WTF are they thinking? I'm guessing small state, small population, that she use Clinton Foundation to buy that entire state. Vermont. F*** you.

Vermont, one of the whitest states in the nation are so far removed from all of the leftist BS the Dems inflict on other states.
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Look if they have to extend hours for people who don't work then my guess is it will hurt them more than help them.
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TommyG could make some phone calls.

We need it. But hell, who's to say that those snobby libs won't end up voting Trump. Job growth for middle class libs has been shit. Like nursing home shit in your depends kinda shit.