How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
B/c their most recent poll from the 6th was taken down, & instead they used an older poll favoring Clinton.

That was the whole point of the story. Of course it's not showing up on Reuters since they've taken it down.
The first news report I heard on the radio this morning was to be leery of any polling data being reported today because that reporting had the highest probability of being manipulated/hacked.
Reuters would have no reason to pull a poll that was done in good faith. News agencies gain credibility by being right, not by affirming someone's bias for political purposes.
I also believe if there was a dramatic shift then that shift would have been picked up by other sources and polling organizations. All of the other polls and data has indicated it going the other way since Comey's announcement that the email investigation was again closed.
Silver gives Trump a 28% chance as of this morning. Those aren't impossible odds but it demonstrates the narrow path Trump must navigate. Watch for New Hampshire which we should know early this evening. If New Hampshire goes blue then that's a bad sign for Trump. If he loses Florida or N. Carolina then he has next to zero chance.
Can you imagine being part of the Clinton camp right now. Knowing you need this election more than you've ever needed in you life. That (absent a likely Obama pardon) your whole world will come crashing down if Trump is elected. That you'll go from being on the cusp of working in the White House to being on your way to prison for the crimes you committed.

I cannot even imagine the joy I'll feel if I wake up tomorrow, Clinton has lost, and all those rats start scurrying.

You hit the nail on the head with comparing it to UNC having a title snatched away. This would be even better.

It would be one of the most incredible wins conservatives could ever have because it's a complete rejection of the Clintons, Obama, corrupt media and corrupt DC.
Yeah. About what I expected. Just another dumb. Hope your orange savior makes America straight again for you.

You really think Trump is going to force the world backwards? You've bought into the media BS and watched too many SNL/Colbert episodes..

Society moves forward, with or without the President. He might not spend his entire effing day trying to appease every group of people for votes (Thank God).. but he's not going to stone the gays and hang the blacks.

Trump won't be allowed or able to reverse the trends, and that may be a good thing (I'm a conservative mostly for economic reasons).

If you think he's going to bring us back into 50's.. [roll] Just stop..
Can you imagine being part of the Clinton camp right now. Knowing you need this election more than you've ever needed in you life. That (absent a likely Obama pardon) your whole world will come crashing down if Trump is elected. That you'll go from being on the cusp of working in the White House to being on your way to prison for the crimes you committed.

I cannot even imagine the joy I'll feel if I wake up tomorrow, Clinton has lost, and all those rats start scurrying.
I'd like to see it but it was all rhetoric from Trump. He won't touch her if he wins, IMO.
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You really think Trump is going to force the world backwards? You've bought into the media BS and watched too many SNL/Colbert episodes..

Society moves forward, with or without the President. He might not spend his entire effing day trying to appease every group of people for votes (Thank God).. but he's not going to stone the gays and hang the blacks.

Trump won't be allowed or able to reverse the trends, and that may be a good thing (I'm a conservative mostly for economic reasons).

If you think he's going to bring us back into 50's.. [roll] Just stop..
They've had it drilled into their heads that Trump = Hitler and the U.S. will become Nazi Germany if he wins. They are nuts.
Calling me dumb dumb but thinking Democrats have minorities best interest at heart. :joy:

That party has made minorities voting vegetable/slaves for over 50 years! Keep the inner cities down and keep giving handouts to take away the need/want to do better...yep, they sure care.
I'd like to see it but it was all rhetoric from Trump. He won't touch her if he wins, IMO.

My fantasy doesn't really include Trump. It just excludes the most corrupt people this country has ever seen. With no Obama, Lynch, McCabe, Comey, etc. there probably won't be anyone willing to stoop to the levels of corruption required to clear the Clinton Syndicate, and the FBI and DOJ will be free to pursue justice.

At least that's my fantasy.
They've had it drilled into their heads that Trump = Hitler and the U.S. will become Nazi Germany if he wins. They are nuts.

Funny you mention Hitler, he has a couple quotes that fit the Hillary camp pretty damn well. Actually they fit the Democratic party pretty well when it comes to the treatment of minorities.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
Bush's did business with the Bin Laden family, Clinton's take "dontations" from Middle Eastern Countries. What more you do you need to know about the political elites in the United States?
Bin Laden's family <> Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden's family was in the oil business. The Bushs' are in the oil business...pretty good chance that a lot of people in the oil business did business with the Bin Ladens'.
The CF does take donations from many sources just as it does work in many places...more than 180 different countries. If they do work in the Middle East (which they do) is it wrong to take money from middle eastern countries and sources to fund that work?
If so, who should fund that work?
Bin Laden's family <> Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden's family was in the oil business. The Bushs' are in the oil business...pretty good chance that a lot of people in the oil business did business with the Bin Ladens'.
The CF does take donations from many sources just as it does work in many places...more than 180 different countries. If they do work in the Middle East (which they do) is it wrong to take money from middle eastern countries and sources to fund that work?
If so, who should fund that work?

If the Bush's and Clinton's were common citizens there would be nothing wrong with it at all, it's just business, right?
Now when both families at some point in time have either led the country or made decisions on behalf of the country...that's a bit of a problem.
Funny you mention Hitler, he has a couple quotes that fit the Hillary camp pretty damn well. Actually they fit the Democratic party pretty well when it comes to the treatment of minorities.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering
This shit is cold.

Calling me dumb dumb but thinking Democrats have minorities best interest at heart. :joy:

That party has made minorities voting vegetable/slaves for over 50 years! Keep the inner cities down and keep giving handouts to take away the need/want to do better...yep, they sure care.
The policies of the government have kept, and insured, the social subservience of minorities. One could argue the David Duke's of the world have had no better ally than the U.S. Government. Yet all the political rhetoric is completely opposite of that bitter truth.
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If the Bush's and Clinton's were common citizens there would be nothing wrong with it at all, it's just business, right?
Now when both families at some point in time have either led the country or made decisions on the countries behalf...that's a bit of a problem.
Please expand on what you are saying.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

Didn't The Donald do just that with the Obama birth certificate issue?
He knew the truth but continued to lead people to believe otherwise.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

-- Norman Mattoon Thomas
Bin Laden's family <> Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden's family was in the oil business. The Bushs' are in the oil business...pretty good chance that a lot of people in the oil business did business with the Bin Ladens'.
The CF does take donations from many sources just as it does work in many places...more than 180 different countries. If they do work in the Middle East (which they do) is it wrong to take money from middle eastern countries and sources to fund that work?
If so, who should fund that work?
John kasich
I am going to the store to get me some alcohol to enhance my shitposting by 10000X tonight

election night amateur. you'll have to wait till the polls close. got no f'king booze and all this sh't needs your help now. asshat!
Please expand on what you are saying.

Conflict of interest, plain and simple. I mean we could dig deeper into values, patriotism and serving our Country in an honorable way for the people, but nobody wants to hear that shit anymore, right?

Didn't The Donald do just that with the Obama birth certificate issue?
He knew the truth but continued to lead people to believe otherwise.

I'll concede that's a possibility. However, that could have been avoided had the birth certificate been made available upon first being questioned and easily verified.
Good or bad? Probably good.
I'd say good, considering the enthusiasm for Trump is there & his voters should get to the polls regardless of time constraints.

With the black vote already way down in NC, time constraints may just hurt it that much more.
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