How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How could a party that is against voter ID laws, has sanctuary cities & wants open borders, supports Islam and BLM radicals, ever be considered the "good guys?"

I can't remember who wrote the article but it was discussing how the white population is being more aware of their whiteness in the sense that they always felt comfortable because they were the majority. Now, however, the population has decreased 25 percent in three decades and we're headed toward minority status and we are becoming more aware of our best interests as a race and looking at self preservation.

Understandable considering you're being portrayed as the villain to all minorities by elitist Democrats. Hell, we have Lena Dunham calling for the extinction of straight white males because you know, we're evil and everyone else can do it better if we get out of the way. Anyways, the article was in regards to why Trump was appealing.
Republicans in NC cheering the fact that they kept American citizens from voting through disenfranchisement. Real proud moment for you guys. And ya wonder why you'll never get the minority vote.

Yeah, you're the 'good guys'. [roll]I mean what minority didn't you blame the countries problems on? Asians maybe? Oh wait...giiina!
I think we need armed guards at democrat voting precincts through out the country. Shoot on site if they see foul play with voter registration officials.
get some new material...the middle aged drug addict is played out.
Which would be interesting, if it was limited to LIKELY voters instead of REGISTERED voters. As it is, it's a bad omen for Clinton. Also, an internal indicated that 55 percent of VA respondents approved of ACA aka Obamacare. If you think that 55 percent of actual voters approve of it, it's a good poll. Otherwise, you are in trouble.
Yep so many great minority ran countries in this world.

G I find myself saying I wish we were more like Mexico, Iran, Iraq, India, Syria, Japan, China, Anywhere in Africa, Venazuala, Brazil.........etc etc etc

I get the frustration with whites but get this and the counter argument is plain as day and fair.......but be accountable for you today. Don't bring up yesteryear, don't talk like a defeated individual, do not consider anyone is holding you down.........simply keep playing the game as smart as you can because the financial part of the game isn't just about you it's about growing and leaving it for the next generation. But don't just leave them a nest egg, educate them.

Look there are thousands of whites that have it just as bad as blacks, Mexicans or any other minority there is.

No one just wakes up one day and says today is that day I come up and boom! You have to learn a game before you can master it.
Republicans in NC cheering the fact that they kept American citizens from voting through disenfranchisement. Real proud moment for you guys. And ya wonder why you'll never get the minority vote.

Yeah, you're the 'good guys'. [roll]I mean what minority didn't you blame the countries problems on? Asians maybe? Oh wait...giiina!

Do you even look into the things you hear, or just run with it?

Those "disenfranchised" voters that had been removed were people that had died, or moved and didn't reply to notices from the electoral board.
Everything you believe is a lie, it's a lie to keep minorities in line for the Dems, and you can't even see it through your forced victimhood.
Republicans in NC cheering the fact that they kept American citizens from voting through disenfranchisement. Real proud moment for you guys. And ya wonder why you'll never get the minority vote.

Yeah, you're the 'good guys'. [roll]I mean what minority didn't you blame the countries problems on? Asians maybe? Oh wait...giiina!
Acting like it's the 60s is hilarious as if ppl are standing outside saying "you ain't welcome here boy". Follow the law, you can find an ID real quick when you need your handout. Oh ps congrats voting for the establishment machine that's tied to Wall Street, banks, and 1% because feelings over crony capitalism and we are all just helpless without government telling us what to do.
I'm still awake, still hating anyone that would vote for Hillary Clinton.

I'd root for the astroid that knocked out Dino's over her. Seriously wtf is wrong you liberal assholes????
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At this point, if clinton is going to erase student loan debt, I'd prefer Anonymous go full on F Society so the mortgages on my house are taken care of.

That's basically what she's promising

I'd love to read what the history books will say about us 50 years from now.

"Before communist takeover and Muslims conquered them, the U.S. was once the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. But they became weak and controlled through fear of political correctness & called everything progress and anyone who opposed was called racists.

Weaponnized immigration from the third world was their ultimate downfall."

Countries will look at us as an example of what not to do.

Nope. They'll tell us how awful, greedy, and misguided we were until Obama and Hillary rescued us. That's because libs will control all levels of education
Election eve tracking poll by USA Wide Polling - they take the liberal bias out of polling.
How could a party that is against voter ID laws, has sanctuary cities & wants open borders, supports Islam and BLM radicals, ever be considered the "good guys?"


Let's assume for a second that those things above are good (they aren't).. Let's assume Liberals REALLY believe and want this stuff and in their mind, it's good business.

Not a single one of them is chilling with Muslims/Syrians. They aren't purposefully spending time in ghettos. Instead they are running as fast as they can from minority areas with their friends Chad and Ashley. They hate the special treatment cops supposedly give whites, but have zero issues accepting it when they get pulled over. They are "open to ideas" as long as it's their own. They'd never support open borders if the votes didn't go their way. They aren't any more altruistic or philanthropic. They NEVER, EVER practice what they preach.

It's one thing if you believe in something. A few do, and I have to say, I commend standing for what you believe, even if I don't always agree with it. I have a few friends who believe in the values and actually hold themselves to the standard they hold everyone else and the government to. Unfortunately, that's 10% of Libs, at best.

Forever telling people what to do. Just a pathetic group of people.
Let's assume for a second that those things above are good (they aren't).. Let's assume Liberals REALLY believe and want this stuff and in their mind, it's good business.

Not a single one of them is chilling with Muslims/Syrians. They aren't purposefully spending time in ghettos. Instead they are running as fast as they can from minority areas with their friends Chad and Ashley. They hate special treatment cops supposedly give whites, but have zero issues accepting it when they get pulled over. They are "open to ideas" as long as it's their own. They'd never support open borders if the votes didn't go their way. They aren't any more altruistic or philanthropic. They NEVER, EVER practice what they preach.

It's one thing if you believe in something. A few do, and I have to say, I commend standing for what you believe, even if I don't always agree with it. I have a few friends who believe in the values and actually hold themselves to the standard they hold everyone else and the government to. Unfortunately, that's 10% of Libs, at best.

Forever telling people what to do. Just a pathetic group of people.

The bolded part of your diatribe describes the christian right to a tee.
Nothing religious in my post and I have my own issues with religion anyways.. but a high percentage give to the Church, and a high percentage believes, at least in part, that it helps others.
Nothing religious in my post and I have my own issues with religion anyways.. but a high percentage give to the Church, and a high percentage believes, at least in part, that it helps others.

Right, I won't disagree with that - but organized religion is basically an impetus for the leaders of said religions to line their pockets.
Right, I won't disagree with that - but organized religion is basically an impetus for the leaders of said religions to line their pockets.

No it isn't John, that's a cop out.

My sister in laws house burned down this past Thurs night. Friday morning a guy that lives down the road that doesn't know them or anyone connected to them pulled up. Told them who he was and that a church he was a member would like to help in some way.
The next day he brought them 5 new Columbia coats.
While there are without a doubt people in churches that take advantage of their position, they also do a world of good that no one ever notices.
Right, I won't disagree with that - but organized religion is basically an impetus for the leaders of said religions to line their pockets.

I'm sure there's plenty of that. But further, most Christians have beliefs, and stick with them. I really can't stress that my issue above isn't so much with what someones beliefs are, but instead, actually sticking to them, applying them to yourself, and holding yourself to the same standard you hold others.

Christians and other religions have plenty of faults. But the type of shit you see coming from the liberal millennials/young adults over the last decade is mind-boggling and on a totally different level. It's hypocrisy and contradiction to the highest degree.
Dan Rather just on Don Lemon and said look you don't have a clue what kind of turn out happens. Look at the real numbers and Clinton is in trouble.......

First time they showed this

Whites up 22% from 2.8M to 3.4M, Blacks were way down, but the vote that is supposed to make up for everything was the latinos up 79%, but......

That only took them from 38K to 67K.......GTFO of here.

Nearly 600K more white yet only 30K Latinos with the black vote down?

Really glad they had to show that for Dan because the percentages sound ugly.
Krazy, that's why stats can get you in trouble. The percentages look astronomical, but as the layers are peeled back they lose some luster.
I saw some numbers from Florida on Latinos, early votes were up 75% or some crazy number, and white voters were up 15% approx. Upon closer look that was 460000 more Latinos, but it was 900000 more whites than 2012.
I think tomorrow is going to leave many in America flabbergasted.
Krazy, that's why stats can get you in trouble. The percentages look astronomical, but as the layers are peeled back they lose some luster.
I saw some numbers from Florida on Latinos, early votes were up 75% or some crazy number, and white voters were up 15% approx. Upon closer look that was 460000 more Latinos, but it was 900000 more whites than 2012.
I think tomorrow is going to leave many in America flabbergasted.

Yea Dan had them talking NC.

I mean I know it and get it, but it's crazy they even showed the bias.

It really was shocking and they all were saying she has challenges tomorrow and if Philly doesn't support her like they did Obama etc etc

Tonight the language changed a little.
The thing about Latinos in Florida is that most of those are probably Cuban. And don't the Cubans tend to side with Republicans?
The thing about Latinos in Florida is that most of those are probably Cuban. And don't the Cubans tend to side with Republicans?

I can't imagine the Cubans in Florida are all that thrilled with Obama loosening up on Cuba. Since the bulk of their families fled Cuba after Castro.
No it isn't John, that's a cop out.

My sister in laws house burned down this past Thurs night. Friday morning a guy that lives down the road that doesn't know them or anyone connected to them pulled up. Told them who he was and that a church he was a member would like to help in some way.
The next day he brought them 5 new Columbia coats.
While there are without a doubt people in churches that take advantage of their position, they also do a world of good that no one ever notices.

Honestly, the christian right is my main turnoff when it comes to the GOP. Yeah, there are some good people that go to church. There are also lots of good people who never go near a church, but at least the latter aren't a closed minded bunch of intolerant holier than thous.

What's "SJW" stand for? That's a new one on me.