How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Honestly, the christian right is my main turnoff when it comes to the GOP. Yeah, there are some good people that go to church. There are also lots of good people who never go near a church, but at least the latter aren't a closed minded bunch of intolerant holier than thous.

What's "SJW" stand for? That's a new one on me.

Social Justice Warrior

Basically a collection of blue haired feminists, beta males and a bunch of crybabies who want to enforce speech codes and are offended by Halloween costumes
Honestly, the christian right is my main turnoff when it comes to the GOP. Yeah, there are some good people that go to church. There are also lots of good people who never go near a church, but at least the latter aren't a closed minded bunch of intolerant holier than thous.

What's "SJW" stand for? That's a new one on me.

It's a lot more than some John, and of course there's good people that don't go to church.

For the record, I don't go to church, but I understand the importance of Churches in a community.

Each their own
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The thing about Latinos in Florida is that most of those are probably Cuban. And don't the Cubans tend to side with Republicans?
Not necessarily. To be blunt, white Cubans usually do. Non-white Cubans, not so much. This is not a racist post, it's simply a reflection of demographics in general. As a whole Cubans used to be overwhelmingly Republican, but that's not the case anymore and Dade County is now a blue county- although not as blue as many other "big city" counties.
I can't imagine the Cubans in Florida are all that thrilled with Obama loosening up on Cuba. Since the bulk of their families fled Cuba after Castro.
Correct. It won't necessarily make a huge difference in the vote totals, but it might make enough of a difference to swing Florida, which was probably going to Trump anyway. Another small vote swing may come from Haitians, who normally would overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic candidate, but might not be as eager to vote for Clinton. She might be lucky to get a bare majority of that vote, instead of 90 percent of it. There's a very good reason for that potential loss, and frankly they should punish her even more than they are going to. They should neither forgive nor forget, and I hope they do neither tomorrow.
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Bill sounding more like a Trump surrogate after his earlier Obamacare slip & that speech that leaked today.
Bill sounding more like a Trump surrogate after his earlier Obamacare slip & that speech that leaked today.
When he goes into that booth, he'll vote for whoever he pleases. I suspect that he will vote in the same manner that his home state will overwhelmingly vote.
Honestly, the christian right is my main turnoff when it comes to the GOP. Yeah, there are some good people that go to church. There are also lots of good people who never go near a church, but at least the latter aren't a closed minded bunch of intolerant holier than thous.

What's "SJW" stand for? That's a new one on me.

Tuned in to hear Ted Nugent rock out. Wow he did better than that. He blasted liberal pussys like cardracist and Moe.

Anyone not behind that speech is a comi bitch.
Tom Brady okayd trump announcing him voting for him.

And belichick

Not so fast, though...

Sports Illustrated: Donald Trump says Tom Brady Voted for Him, Brady Says He Didn't Vote

Also, I just thought this was humorous given the other two messages...and Ted Nugent:

How pathetic is it that you have to resort to using brain dead celebrities to sway your idiot voter base?

Seriously, though, happy voting, guys. No matter which side you support, at least the election itself will be behind us soon enough. I'm pretty sure the entire country needs a break at this point.
Tomorrow is either the beginning of the road to getting this place back to normal or the beginning of the end for this nation.

Most important election in our lifetimes.
Not so fast, though...

Sports Illustrated: Donald Trump says Tom Brady Voted for Him, Brady Says He Didn't Vote

Also, I just thought this was humorous given the other two messages...and Ted Nugent:

Seriously, though, happy voting, guys. No matter which side you support, at least the election itself will be behind us soon enough. I'm pretty sure the entire country needs a break at this point.

Lol. So he gives an interview in the morning saying he hadn't voted yet. But trump says he voted earlier today. You realize that there was a whole day in which he could have voted which falls into the timeframe of what trump said? Gawd dang, that's a perfect example of how MSM twists anything to fit.
This might be dumb but why does Nebraska have stripes?

We could see a total blowout or this map .

Maine and Nebraska have taken a slightly different approach in recent years. These states allocate two Electoral Votes to the popular vote winner, and then one each to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district (2 in Maine, 3 in Nebraska) in their state. This creates multiple popular vote contests in these states, which could lead to a split Electoral Vote.

The popular vote winner of a state must win* at least one of the districts. That is why (in our website and App maps) you cannot assign all the district Electoral Votes to the losing party in the state. Note that since these rules were adapted, Maine has never split its Electoral Votes. However, in 2008, Nebraska did for the first time, as Barack Obama won the 2nd Congressional District (Omaha and its suburbs), gaining a Democratic Electoral Vote in Nebraska for the first time since 1964.
2 polling stations have closed in new hampshire

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Most important election in our lifetimes.

they always are. and if you don't want people to own guns, have guns, then by all means vote for Hillary. But at least have the decency to say it, instead of being one of many millions of coward liberals lacking the guts to come right out with the words "I don't want my friends to have their guns." you know who you are.
Lol. So he gives an interview in the morning saying he hadn't voted yet. But trump says he voted earlier today. You realize that there was a whole day in which he could have voted which falls into the timeframe of what trump said? Gawd dang, that's a perfect example of how MSM twists anything to fit.

I'm not sure that's possible. Early voting in Massachusetts ended on Friday. Regardless, it's just a link to a Sports Illustrated article. I guess that qualifies as mainstream media, but it's not a reflection of what I believe. I just thought it was humorous.

At this point, someone could post an article about how the Earth only has one moon, but if it came from MSNBC, there would be people in here scoffing about how it's obvious propaganda. And liberals would be doing the same thing if it came from Breitbart.

Like I said yesterday, that's my greatest concern after paying close attention during this election cycle. Each side relies on its own facts, so they reject everything the other side says without even considering it on the merits. That's a frightening proposition, and we have to find a way to do better going forward.
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I'm not sure that's possible. Early voting in Massachusetts ended on Friday. Regardless, it's just a link to a Sports Illustrated article. I guess that qualifies as mainstream media, but it's not a reflection of what I believe. I just thought it was humorous.

At this point, someone could post an article about how the Earth only has one moon, but if it came from MSNBC, there would be people in here scoffing about how it's obvious propaganda. And liberals would be doing the same thing if it came from Breitbart.

Like I said yesterday, that's my greatest concern after paying close attention during this election cycle. Each side relies on its own facts, so they reject everything the other side says without even considering it on the merits. That's a frightening proposition, and we have to find a way to do better going forward.

I would say that it's a pretty bold move to lie when it would just take a reporter verifying. Don't know about mass absentee but I would think that's how tommy b votes

As for your post. The MSM has been confirmed t be playing for one side. They have no credibility and deserve none. Brett art is not MSM and should be taken with a couple grains of salt. The media needs to be fixed or we will not have a better way.
Tomorrow is either the beginning of the road to getting this place back to normal or the beginning of the end for this nation.

Most important election in our lifetimes.
Is this a copy/paste from 2004? 2008? 2012?

Histrionics. You'll be fine regardless of who wins.
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they always are. and if you don't want people to own guns, have guns, then by all means vote for Hillary. But at least have the decency to say it, instead of being one of many millions of coward liberals lacking the guts to come right out with the words "I don't want my friends to have their guns." you know who you are.

2nd amendment isn't going anywhere. Precedent is a HUGE part of Supreme Court decisions - it's not just whimsy. I tell my liberal friends the same thing about abortion rights. The court could get stacked with 9 conservative Justices and those aren't going anywhere either.
I would say that it's a pretty bold move to lie when it would just take a reporter verifying. Don't know about mass absentee but I would think that's how tommy b votes

Given how this campaign season has played out, would you really be surprised if Trump or Clinton blatantly lied about something in the final hours before the election?

I'd be shocked if they didn't.
I really believe Trump wins tomorrow night. It's 3 vs 1 and yet I believe.

I was about to lose my marbles listening to Hillary tonight talking about wanting to stop this division coming from Trump and heal. Bitch, are you serious? Are you serious? Democrats create racial, class and even gender division 24/7. They demonize whites and cops and claim minorities are victims. We're taught about white privilege, we're taught whites are oppressors and create a victim narrative and enforce diversity quotas (we all know what diversity is code for).

We have a president who will not discuss any time an illegal or black guy kills a white person or a cop but it takes him 15 minutes to come to a conclusion on a cop vs black guy incident.

Racial relations were better before Obama and better when the left isn't there to create division.
Given how this campaign season has played out, would you really be surprised if Trump or Clinton blatantly lied about something in the final hours before the election?

I'd be shocked if they didn't.

No I wouldn't. But something where Tom Brady could send an instant tweet out refuting it and making him look like a complete buffoon hours before all those new hampshirans(?) vote would be extremely stupid
Is this a copy/paste from 2004? 2008? 2012?

Histrionics. You'll be fine regardless of who wins.

You think we were this far left and this radical in those elections? Did we have a candidate that wants to stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun nuts and have open borders?

No. Our society wasn't as effed up in those elections.
As for your post. The MSM has been confirmed t be playing for one side. They have no credibility and deserve none. Brett art is not MSM and should be taken with a couple grains of salt. The media needs to be fixed or we will not have a better way.

I don't disagree. But I think the hardest part is on us. The only way the media will change is if we fix it ourselves by doing a better job of considering all perspectives and making rational decisions based on all available information.

We have to shun the propagandists on both sides. Neither faction can be allowed to have a monopoly on the facts.

It's not possible for any of us to be reasonable if we're working with imperfect information. Sadly, though, most voters fall into that category at this point.
I don't disagree. But I think the hardest part is on us. The only way the media will change is if we fix it ourselves by doing a better job of considering all perspectives and making rational decisions based on all available information.

We have to shun the propagandists on both sides. Neither faction can be allowed to have a monopoly on the facts.

It's not possible for any of us to be reasonable if we're working with imperfect information. Sadly, though, most voters fall into that category at this point.


Which is why I will be voting DT. despite the media narrative , I believe he is a good person and will be immensely better for America than hrc
No I wouldn't. But something where Tom Brady could send an instant tweet out refuting it and making him look like a complete buffoon hours before all those new hampshirans(?) vote would be extremely stupid

At this point, I'm not sure that would even make a difference. Election Day is tomorrow, so it's now or never. If you're behind, you don't have anything to lose.