How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Man the way Obama campaigns I bet he would win again if he anounces he was running right now.

Got to give it to that guy he is good at campaigning.

If he doesn't get her over the hump then that should tell you all you need to know about her.
Of course he would. Which makes zero sense since polls say 60-70% think the country is heading in the wrong direction.
Although the Hillary criminal activity has a big part of this election, I honestly think the A Bomb was the Obamacare hikes that folks are getting earlier than what the Dems thought. If you want to get someone's attention you get it by taking money out of their wallet. A ton of folks feel hoodwinked by Obama and the Dems and it's going to cost Hillary the White House.
Very few of those people will actually see those increases because of the subsidies. People who make too much for subsidies will see that, which is a small portion of those with Obamacare.

The problem is DT has no real plan to replace it with. Cross state plans will do very little to move the needle.
Of course he would. Which makes zero sense since polls say 60-70% think the country is heading in the wrong direction.

There are other actors than the president, and other fields than politics. It makes zero sense to discount those.

The problem is DT has no real plan to replace it with. Cross state plans will do very little to move the needle.

I saw some interesting McCain stuff about getting rid of the disastrous employer/insurance coupling (which is itself a legacy of WWII wage freezes) that would be nice to see. No (non-legacy tax policy) reason to select from the 2-4 health plans offered by your employer when they could just pay you that money for you to buy your own insurance in functional marketplaces. Would 1) get rid of stupid Hobby Lobby rulings, 2) make people more aware of the cost of healthcare (people have been largely ignorant of the stunning rise in costs the last 30 years), and 3) help create more robust options (free market, whee!).
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Re Anonymous: You can find their announcement on Youtube but on Facebook it was showing over 100,000 people on-line watching. And then it went dead. On Youtube, it's showing less than 100 people have viewed it.

FWIW, it's not all that much to see.
Very few of those people will actually see those increases because of the subsidies. People who make too much for subsidies will see that, which is a small portion of those with Obamacare.
Killa, I've seen huge increase for one of my client's adult son. The young man made less than $40,000 for each of the last three years. They felt like they were gut-shot.
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You can find their announcement on Youtube but on Facebook it was showing over 100,000 people on-line watching. And then it went dead. On Youtube, it's showing less than 100 people have viewed it.

FWIW, it's not all that much to see.

Yeah. Desperate move for relevance as they were absent this election
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Very few of those people will actually see those increases because of the subsidies. People who make too much for subsidies will see that, which is a small portion of those with Obamacare.

The problem is DT has no real plan to replace it with. Cross state plans will do very little to move the needle.

You are voting for a damn globalist because that makes earth better but crossing state lines for health insurance won't work.

Get a f'n clue.
I'm jet-lagged AF...
So we all in agreement with Hillary winning tomorrow night yet? Surely Willy has finally seen the light...
I'd find it hilarious if Trump just constantly trolled Hillary's and Obama's twitter. That would be entertaining even if he didn't win.

But if he won, he could tweet Obama like "Hey. You left your shit-stained drawers in the dresser."

I just want Hillary voters to know that despite what happens tomorrow, you're "useful idiots" that are played because you're weak minded tards.
Ok, so we know the media is corrupted. What unbiased live poll can we follow tomorrow?

No one has a clue! I mean the divide is in so you'll have majority of white men vote trump with some women, blacks and latinos in there sparingly.

Then you'll have majority blacks, women and latinos with a few white males sparingly for Clinton.

Now considering all the pa spring you tell me where the divide is and who is against who?
It never ceases to amaze me that the communists won the country without firing a shot.

I'd love to read what the history books will say about us 50 years from now.

"Before communist takeover and Muslims conquered them, the U.S. was once the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. But they became weak and controlled through fear of political correctness & called everything progress and anyone who opposed was called racists.

Weaponnized immigration from the third world was their ultimate downfall."

Countries will look at us as an example of what not to do.
I'm looking at Trump as being a nasty mouthed Ronald Reagan. Thanks my hope.

Lick my balls. I don't care. Seriously, I wake up sometimes I can smell my testicles and they stink. So Lick'em. Eff you. Trump MF'er.
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They already are. Russia is laughing as is China, Japan and European countries as well.

They can't believe our leaders will take on their losers and once they cross that ocean they ain't coming back.
and how is that any more faithless than the process we have recently witnessed, the POTUS verbally and formally informing illegals that they can vote with no consequence? Honestly, Obama's faithless efforts are resulting in millions of fraudulent votes. What is the maximum number of faithless votes from the electoral college? because those are more important, Obama's egregiousness is less treasonous? (pretend to not understand)
Sorry, was the (very common) term "faithless elector" a trigger for you? What's a more mainstream term for it?
Ok, so we know the media is corrupted. What unbiased live poll can we follow tomorrow?

I always follow the money because it isn't biased. Despite a ton of evidence that Trump should be at WORST a 2-1 dog, I can still get +430.

This means only one of 2 things - the polls are right, and Trump is drawing to an inside straight, or the books aren't moving the line because they know something the bettors don't and want money to keep pouring in on Hillary.

I just doubled down on my previous bet. I personally don't think Trump wins, but at north of 4-1 odds, it's a good value based on what I am seeing.
I always follow the money because it isn't biased. Despite a ton of evidence that Trump should be at WORST a 2-1 dog, I can still get +430.

This means only one of 2 things - the polls are right, and Trump is drawing to an inside straight, or the books aren't moving the line because they know something the bettors don't and want money to keep pouring in on Hillary.

I just doubled down on my previous bet. I personally don't think Trump wins, but at north of 4-1 odds, it's a good value based on what I am seeing.

You're going to win a lot of Limey money tomorrow John.