How will they rule ??!

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Z, Romney never had a chance, it was fairly obvious. Hell, for the first time since I've been eligible to vote for Pres I chose not too in 2012.

You were prepackaged a candidate this year, and went swallowed it whole.
They had to rig the primary for her to win, and she still struggled. Now PA and Mi are in play, stones and glass houses come to mind.

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Which would mean neither got to 270.

I wonder who the Republican led congress would elect? I doubt it would be Trump.
In 2 years that would mean a hell of a lot of those Republicans would be voted out of the House if they turned their backs on the Republican nominee.
I have noticed lately about Trump locations. Firmly have planted, Michigan, Penns, Florida, North Carolina, and New Hampshire as late election rallies. I don't think he loses any of those states.

tall talk, Willy . . . tall talk. If he wins Michigan then he wins a lot more . . . not just everything else you mention but namely Colorado and then states like Nevada and New Mex would also have to go red. but I can't buy it. However if Michigan did flip red then it is absolute Code Red for dems. Believe it when I see it. Hope you are right.
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In 2 years that would mean a hell of a lot of those Republicans would be voted out of the House if they turned their backs on the Republican nominee.
I was thinking an establishment figure would be their first choice.
These clowns can't see 3 feet in front of them. Total reactionary group of poosays.
I was thinking an establishment figure would be their first choice.
These clowns can't see 3 feet in front of them. Total reactionary group of poosays.

Their only options are to select someone from the top3 electoral vote getters: trump or Clinton and possibly McMullen

Vp is top2
tall talk, Willy . . . tall talk. If he wins Michigan then he wins a lot more . . . not just everything else you mention but namely Colorado and then states like Nevada and New Mex would also have to go red. but I can't buy it. However if Michigan did flip red then it is absolute Code Red for dems. Believe it when I see it. Hope you are right.

It may not be far fetched after all. I think his main focus has been on those states and because of it, he will win them.

There is a real sense of change in the air and it's not some catchy 2008 campaign promise either.
You have throes of dumb ass Hillary voters who have no clue why Qatar and Saudi Arabia gave Hillary Foundation money to keep meddling in Syria. I have never seen a more stupid voting base. Just so effing stupid. Just really really dumb. So dumb. So very very dumb and stupid. Just pure stupidity.
I saw an article comparing climate change deniers to HRC voters. Even with the evidence present, they still refuse to accept the truth. People cant accept facts. If you are voting for HRC after the wikileaks stuff, you are basically the equivalent of a science denier. I get Trump is bad, but you dont circumvent democracy by rigging elections and censoring truth. She is big brother.

It took me awhile to see it, but cant fight the evidence. I am still undecided at this point. Really leaning towards Dickbutt.
Can Obama sign an EO declaring himself POTUS for life while the Republicans stand by and don't really do a goddam thing while yelling loudly about it?

That's probably the most likely outcome given the past 8 years.

more like sign an executive order banning the US Constitution, effectively anointing himself king.
This feels very Romneyesque on here. You guys were convinced Romney was gonna win because Obama was so terrible and how could anyone bla bla bla.

Probably because you live in an echo chamber and think everyone else believes the war against reality that goes on in Republican circles.

First, it's Hillary is a lesbian. Hillary has some super secret disease was next. Hillary is going to be indicted(never gonna happen). And now it's she's some satan worshipper that sacrifices children or whatever the latest wikilinks word salad generator has come up with today.

Donald J Trump can't even be trusted to write a freakin tweat these days by his advisors. Maybe he's still traumatized by the 'assassination attempt' by a 'Republicans against Trump' sign [roll]
Can Obama sign an EO declaring himself POTUS for life while the Republicans stand by and don't really do a goddam thing while yelling loudly about it?

That's probably the most likely outcome given the past 8 years.

Don't think he hasn't given tons of thought to trying to hold onto the office anyway he can.
Can Obama sign an EO declaring himself POTUS for life while the Republicans stand by and don't really do a goddam thing while yelling loudly about it?

That's probably the most likely outcome given the past 8 years.
Goes to the Suprrme Court and they say sounds ok to us. Proceed Mr Obama.
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This feels very Romneyesque on here. You guys were convinced Romney was gonna win because Obama was so terrible and how could anyone bla bla bla.

Probably because you live in an echo chamber and think everyone else believes the war against reality that goes on in Republican circles.

First, it's Hillary is a lesbian. Hillary has some super secret disease was next. Hillary is going to be indicted(never gonna happen). And now it's she's some satan worshipper that sacrifices children or whatever the latest wikilinks word salad generator has come up with today.

Donald J Trump can't even be trusted to write a freakin tweat these days by his advisors. Maybe he's still traumatized by the 'assassination attempt' by a 'Republicans against Trump' sign [roll]

Doesn't feel like Romney at all. I knew that loser was going to get smashed. Totally different this time.

Doesn't matter. When Trump wins, I hope he starts imprisoning hillary voters for Aid and Abetting a treasoner.
I saw an article comparing climate change deniers to HRC voters. Even with the evidence present, they still refuse to accept the truth. People cant accept facts. If you are voting for HRC after the wikileaks stuff, you are basically the equivalent of a science denier. I get Trump is bad, but you dont circumvent democracy by rigging elections and censoring truth. She is big brother.

It took me awhile to see it, but cant fight the evidence. I am still undecided at this point. Really leaning towards Dickbutt.

Great post. Totally agree with that.
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Notice how the laughable buffoons who call themselves conservatives and think they own all the integrity are always wanting to "investigate" and are fully behind any investigation of a liberal but are almost never satisfied when the investigation finds nothing. What a collection of ignorance. They are the quintessential example of the "sky is falling" crowd.
The transportation strike in Philly could seriously impact Dem turnout tomorrow.
nope, it will miraculously be settled by 6 am, just like how all those 625,000 emails were reviewed.
Donald J Trump can't even be trusted to write a freakin tweat these days by his advisors. Maybe he's still traumatized by the 'assassination attempt' by a 'Republicans against Trump' sign [roll]

Donald Trump = Cannot be trusted to write a tweet.
Hillary Clinton = Has shown time and again she cannot be trusted with classified material.

Which one is covered by SF-312 and/or OF-109? Never-mind.
Donald Trump = Cannot be trusted to write a tweet.
Hillary Clinton = Has shown time and again she cannot be trusted with classified material.

Which one is covered by SF-312 and/or OF-109? Never-mind.

Cardkilla is a moron. His candidate let's her GD maid print and fax classified information, deletes emails after being subpoenaed, uses personal servers for classified information and he has the audacity to comment on a Trump tweet. LOL. Special kinda stupid.
This feels very Romneyesque on here. You guys were convinced Romney was gonna win because Obama was so terrible and how could anyone bla bla bla.

Probably because you live in an echo chamber and think everyone else believes the war against reality that goes on in Republican circles.

First, it's Hillary is a lesbian. Hillary has some super secret disease was next. Hillary is going to be indicted(never gonna happen). And now it's she's some satan worshipper that sacrifices children or whatever the latest wikilinks word salad generator has come up with today.

Donald J Trump can't even be trusted to write a freakin tweat these days by his advisors. Maybe he's still traumatized by the 'assassination attempt' by a 'Republicans against Trump' sign [roll]

I think you make a good point mentioning the 2012 election. Obama won of course, but his numbers were far down from 2008. He lost NC, squeaked by in FL by less than 1%. Even in the states he carried his numbers were down in each state. To think Hillary will do better than an incumbent who was fairly popular is a tough pill to swallow.

Right now it appears that Trump will take Iowa, Ohio and likely North Carolina. He's in play in several other swing states. I am not a Trump fan, didn't vote for him in the primary and haven't been a supporter in the general election, but acting like Hillary is Obama in 2012 is foolish. She isn't even Obama Lite.
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Z, You linked something that had absolutely nothing to do with what you or I wrote.

I wrote it was fairly obvious Obama was going to win, and it was. So much so that as I wrote, I didn't bother to go vote.
Links to news casts are not the same as how people felt.

There was no buzz for Romney, the same for McCain, which is why he chose Palin. He hoped she would fire up women enough to overcome the excitement for Obama.
This election is the opposite, Trump has all the juice, Hillary is flat which is why she's got Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Obama out in Michigan and Pa the past 2 days.
Think about that, she's struggling to hold onto historically blue states that haven't voted Rep in 30 years. It's over Z
A preview into the future if Hillary wins on how her administration will vet Syrian refugees coming into the country.

Interesting thought.

We have enough information on Clinton to predict her every political move.

If she wins.

1. A major move to outcast those were caught in the scandal. Means Podesta, Huma, etc will be cut off from the Clinton machine. There will be some blowback from her insiders.
2. Amped up support for islamic terrorist middle eastern countries to keep Russia from buidling that pipeline in Syria
3. Favorable media imaging
4. She will make a move to end Free Speech by cutting off websites that don't agree to her agenda. Obama has already alluded about this.
5. She will increase islamic terror in the U.S.
6. She will favor BIG Financing like Citi and Goldman Sachs
7. Pay attention who she appoints, more than likely she already been given directives by Citi and Goldman Sachs.
Cardkilla is a moron. His candidate let's her GD maid print and fax classified information, deletes emails after being subpoenaed, uses personal servers for classified information and he has the audacity to comment on a Trump tweet. LOL. Special kinda stupid.
Willy, this is a point that I find myself in disagreement with you on. I think Cardkilla is a very smart person. There is no way Cardkilla does not see that Hillary has mishandled classified information on numerous occasions.

But there is a majority of Americans who just do not care about such trivial facts.

Edit to add: The FACT of Hillary mishandling classified information is an indisputable fact. Can or will Hillary be held accountable for these actions? That is the debatable portion of her actions.
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Willy, this is a point that I find myself in disagreement with you on. I think Cardkilla is a very smart person. There is no way Cardkilla does not see that Hillary has mishandled classified information on numerous occasions.

But there is a majority of Americans who just do not care about such trivial facts.

Hmm, I dunno man. Looks like he has found a way to talk himself into believing that those emails are indeed irrelevant. I mean we have literal evidence of her treason. It's not made up. She screwed up badly.

Cardkilla thinks she is clean yet her whole staff pleads the 5th. If he is smart, he sure lets his beliefs make him look stupid.
Their only options are to select someone from the top3 electoral vote getters: trump or Clinton and possibly McMullen

Vp is top2
Things would get interesting if a cohort of electors decided to become faithless and cast votes for somebody not even on the ballot currently....just so that the House would have a better option
Z, You linked something that had absolutely nothing to do with what you or I wrote.

I wrote it was fairly obvious Obama was going to win, and it was. So much so that as I wrote, I didn't bother to go vote.
Links to news casts are not the same as how people felt.

There was no buzz for Romney, the same for McCain, which is why he chose Palin. He hoped she would fire up women enough to overcome the excitement for Obama.
This election is the opposite, Trump has all the juice, Hillary is flat which is why she's got Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Obama out in Michigan and Pa the past 2 days.
Think about that, she's struggling to hold onto historically blue states that haven't voted Rep in 30 years. It's over Z

You seem like a sharp guy Bill, and I agree that the signs are all pointing right at Trump. I couldn't resist Trump at +450 any longer. I won't be voting for him but I'll make a nice lick if he wins.
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You seem like a sharp guy Bill, and I agree that the signs are all pointing right at Trump. I couldn't resist Trump at +450 any longer. I won't be voting for him but I'll make a nice lick if he wins.

Shit, cut me in on somma that, brah.

Where do I bet to get that kinda pay-off?
Should move the polls another couple of points in Trump's favor. I'm starting to think this thing may be over...

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