How will they rule ??!

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guess we'd be better off if we just let companies do whatever they want. Really working well in China. Fantastic air/water quality over there. You ever seen pictures of big cities like NY before the clean air regulations were put into place in the 70s? Yeah looks like China.

Actually we already are. You not familiar with the Obama approved TPP?

Basically turning into Idiocracy. Just wait till McDonalds becomes the Dept of Health.

No worries though. Never will happen because American people are smart, right? BWAHAHAHHAHAHHA
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There is reality and there is the theoretical. Chomsky seems to favor a theoretical utopia where everyone makes the same no matter what they do and everyone exists only to serve others. It's a great thought but not realistic in today's society. The reality is that there is some inequality in some respects. A person spends yrs and yrs of dedicated study to become a doctor. Should they make the same as the guy who cleans linens in the hospital? No, they shouldn't. However, the doctor shouldn't make $300,000 (hyperbole) more per yr than the other man.

And no one should get handouts unless they are completely unable to contribute anything in any way to society. There should always be reward for working and negative reinforcement (Skinner's version) for lack thereof.
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I wouldn't count on that. Better start investing in a 401k.

I have one through work and another I put some high school graduation money in many moons ago. The market ruined both of them in 2008 and they both are just now starting to come back. I don't plan on touching either one in the next 35 years. Hell, by the time I reach "retirement age" it will be changed to "die at your desk."

And yes, I don't trust bakers, investors and brokers any more than I trust Obama, Pelosi and McConnell.
Any of those corporations control the media? Six major corporations control the media. They have a direct influence in the information you and I receive. They are heavily involved in the outcomes of elections. US propaganda is some of the best in the history of the modern world.

The very reason I refuse to watch ANY cable news. MSNBC and Fox obviously are the worst offenders, but they all slant the coverage to fit a narrative consistent with what their advertisers want.
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There is reality and there is the theoretical. Chomsky seems to favor a theoretical utopia where everyone makes the same no matter what they do and everyone exists only to serve others. It's a great thought but not realistic in today's society. The reality is that there is some inequality in some respects. A person spends yrs and yrs of dedicated study to become a doctor. Should they make the same as the guy who cleans linens in the hospital? No, they shouldn't. However, the doctor shouldn't make $300,000 (hyperbole) more per yr than the other man.

And no one should get handouts unless they are completely unable to contribute anything in any way to society. There should always be reward for working and negative reinforcement (Skinner's version) for lack thereof.

What right does any one man have to say what another man is worth simply on the basis of his existence? The doctor's worth is determined by his abilities combined by his performance, no differently than the individual who replaces sheets on the bed. The individual who is willing to pay for the service has the right to determine it's value. To impede the man's right to reward himself for his performance is impede society's right to improve collectively as a result. In no civilized society is it logical, productive, or even humanly moral for all men to by rewarded equally regardless of the disparities in their abilities and the disparities in their performance. In this world exists a small number of persons with the true, remarkable ability to create and to inspire and to generate a system of productivity leading to wealth and beauty for additional men to participate and to share. In this system generally goes this: the worker is tasked with providing that individual with increased wealth. In turn, the individual shares a portion of that wealth with the worker. Existing in this world are two forms of men: (1) those who like this system and (2) those who do not.

Barrack Obama once told a stammering Bill O'Reilly that he needed to be taxed at the rate of at least 39% to compensate the struggling waitress (example he used at the time). For those men who fall in the 2nd group above Mr. Obama might receive agreement. But for men of the former group Mr. Obama might be asked this: What right do you have to assume that woman will always be a waitress? What right do you have to assume that she is struggling? What right do you have to deny her a natural set of conditions that will motivate her to achieve, increase her own productivity, to reward herself further under her own humanly moral terms, possibly to be advanced by her employer, or maybe to even own her own restaurant? What right do you have to forcibly subsidize that now virtuous woman into a socialized state of perpetual dependency?
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Not sure why Rand Paul isn't getting the attention. Looks like fools are going to rinse and repeat 2012.

Dude is all about anti-govt. Will work on reforming it. Let people have freedom from social issues. Will have low approach to foreign affairs. I swear. It's almost 99% of Americans are effing brain dead.

Just because he isn't a car salesman. That's why.

Writing in Edward Snowden. Eff it.
There is reality and there is the theoretical. Chomsky seems to favor a theoretical utopia where everyone makes the same no matter what they do and everyone exists only to serve others. It's a great thought but not realistic in today's society. The reality is that there is some inequality in some respects. A person spends yrs and yrs of dedicated study to become a doctor. Should they make the same as the guy who cleans linens in the hospital? No, they shouldn't. However, the doctor shouldn't make $300,000 (hyperbole) more per yr than the other man.

And no one should get handouts unless they are completely unable to contribute anything in any way to society. There should always be reward for working and negative reinforcement (Skinner's version) for lack thereof.
Chomsky doesn't believe that everyone should get paid the same regardless of what they do. Neither do I. Equality doesn't mean equal pay for everyone. It's proportional and fair. It's not a utopia either.
Did the guy busting his ass have the opportunity to attend a private college, university, Ivy League institution? College all of a sudden affordable in America? Also it's naive to think that all CEOs of multinational corporations simply went to school and earned that job. You think the CEO of 21st century fox went to Morehead St and worked his way up the ranks? Hell no.
I don't know. How did the current Potus do it?...I never said there weren't people born with silver spoons in their mouths, but there are lots of people who wern't and they did it. All i'm saying is if you want what the CEO gets nobody is going to give it to you. If you want that you must go get it...sorry life is not always fair. I am nowhere near being "wealthy" as you say and the only thing I begrude millionaires is I'm not one of them
Chomsky doesn't believe that everyone should get paid the same regardless of what they do. Neither do I. Equality doesn't mean equal pay for everyone. It's proportional and fair. It's not a utopia either.
It concerns me that you are so adamant about something that you readily admit to not knowing that much about. Another question for you. If production is collectively determined, how does investment happen? Who invests? How does innovation happen? Think about some of these things for yourself and don't just buy into what he says without questioning if any of it makes sense.
Did the guy busting his ass have the opportunity to attend a private college, university, Ivy League institution? College all of a sudden affordable in America? Also it's naive to think that all CEOs of multinational corporations simply went to school and earned that job. You think the CEO of 21st century fox went to Morehead St and worked his way up the ranks? Hell no.
One other question? You said you have done very well for yourself. Was it handed to you, or did you earn it? Were you from elite wealth and have what you have because of that? If not, how did you succeed and why can't anyone do it?
One other question? You said you have done very well for yourself. Was it handed to you, or did you earn it? Were you from elite wealth and have what you have because of that? If not, how did you succeed and why can't anyone do it?
I earned it. I played by the rules of the game. Doesn't mean I agree with the rules. A lot of people do not have the same opportunities I had growing up. I've seen that first hand. This system can work for some but not the majority. In regards to your other questions above, I don't have all the answers. Maybe one day I will. But the basic tenets that define Libertarian Socialism I agree with and I will further explore them. Maybe one day I will change my mind, change my philosophy. Maybe I will decide Chomsky was full of it. I'm allowed to do that. But maybe I won't. At this moment, I know that the gap between the very wealthy and the poor is growing larger and larger by the day. I know I want that to be fixed. I know that our government is ran by big business and I want that fixed. I know that we as a society aren't truly allowed to participate in policy decisions and I want that fixed. I know that we have done some shady/criminal/imperialistic things in the past and continue to do them I want that fixed. I know that if we continue to elect these puppets we aren't going to fix any of the above.
That dude that invented Facebook should share his money with all the people that use it. They are the only reason it has value.

Bill Gates should divide his fortune between every man, woman, and child on Earth. 8 dollars apiece would change a lot of lives.

If CEO's weren't paid so much, I would be able to better afford my $150/mo cell phone bill, $200/mo cable bill, $1200/mo mortgage, $800/mo car payments, $900/mo credit card minimum payment...

Corporate greed hasn't ruined this country. Personal greed has.
"A noted geologist who coauthored the New York Times bestseller Sugar Busters has turned his attention to convincing Congress that carbon dioxide emissions are good for the Earth and don't cause global warming. Leighton Steward is on Capitol Hill this week armed with studies and his book Fire, Ice and Paradise in a bid to show senators working on the energy bill that the carbon dioxide cap-and-trade scheme could actually hurt the environment by reducing CO2 levels."

This guys is nothing more than a shill for the fossil energy industry:

H. Leighton Steward is the spokesman for front group Plants Need CO2 (the 501(c)(3) backed by coal baron Corbin Robertson) and the registrant of its website. According to its corporate Certificate of Formation[1], Steward is also a director at oil and gas company EOG Resources, formerly known as Enron Oil and Gas Company, where he earned $617,151 in 2008. Steward also serves as an honorary director of the American Petroleum Institute. [2]
This guys is nothing more than a shill for the fossil energy industry:

H. Leighton Steward is the spokesman for front group Plants Need CO2 (the 501(c)(3) backed by coal baron Corbin Robertson) and the registrant of its website. According to its corporate Certificate of Formation[1], Steward is also a director at oil and gas company EOG Resources, formerly known as Enron Oil and Gas Company, where he earned $617,151 in 2008. Steward also serves as an honorary director of the American Petroleum Institute. [2]

You should be careful, you might have a guy come along and lecture you on the "genetic fallacy". The origin of an argument neither proves nor disproves its validity.

Oil money does not disprove Steward's views. Government money does not prove those you support.
Not sure why Rand Paul isn't getting the attention. Looks like fools are going to rinse and repeat 2012.

Dude is all about anti-govt. Will work on reforming it. Let people have freedom from social issues. Will have low approach to foreign affairs. I swear. It's almost 99% of Americans are effing brain dead.

Just because he isn't a car salesman. That's why.

Writing in Edward Snowden. Eff it.

The Israeli lobby and military industrialists wouldn't like him.

I do wonder if Rand Paul was pres would he pardon Snowden?
Yeah, I'm anti-American too. Geez. What have I said that's ignorant and insane?
DBB...You are ok just a different view point and that is what makes America great. I would like you to consider though what your thoughts are with this. If you went into the poor parts of America and gave 10 people 250K each in two years time how much money do you think they would have and actually have something to show for it besides maybe a new car . I'm saying to you that the government cannot give people enough money to get them out of poverty if they don't want it and do the things it takes to get out. I'm not saying it is easy and that is where I would like to see those folks who are in the 1% you speak of step in and give a hand up to some of these kids and adults as far as educating them.
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That dude that invented Facebook should share his money with all the people that use it. They are the only reason it has value.

Bill Gates should divide his fortune between every man, woman, and child on Earth. 8 dollars apiece would change a lot of lives.

If CEO's weren't paid so much, I would be able to better afford my $150/mo cell phone bill, $200/mo cable bill, $1200/mo mortgage, $800/mo car payments, $900/mo credit card minimum payment...

Corporate greed hasn't ruined this country. Personal greed has.
That dude that invented Facebook should share his money with all the people that use it. .

He does precisely that. In case you didn't know, Facebook is free of charge. People wrap their stinking lives around the damn thing and it doesn't cost them a stinking penny. Great idea on your part.
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Let me start by saying his view of the world is very jaded and does not reflect my own. I don't think most people are all about maximizing their own benefit at the expense of other people. So I think he is wrong before he even gets started. This country is extremely charitable. That has historically been a distinguishing characteristic of our country. Second, nothing he is saying is new. Our founding fathers considered Democracy when forming our government. The problem with Democracy is that it becomes a dictatorship of the majority. In other words, when groups decide policy, the majority always get their way and the minority never get theirs. It is simply tyranny by the majority. I can't remember who it was that made this analogy, but I thought it was a good one. If one person decides to take away your liberty we call it a dictatorship and recognize that it is wrong and not in the interest of liberty. If the majority votes to take away your liberty, how does that legitimize it more than when one person does it. It is still tyranny. There is nothing magical about Democracy.

Finally, he acts as though corporations control society. I do think we need to work to reduce special interest influence in government, but it is a fallacy to think corporation control what products are made and how they are distributed without any input from the population. Many corporations that were leaders in their market have gone bankrupt because they did not respond to the needs of their customers. The profit motive causes corporations to respond efficiently to the needs, wants, and desires of their customers. You can find examples in every industry where corporations did not do that well and they no longer exist. I think much of what he says ignores reality and focuses on a fantasy, Utopian, world that can't and doesn't exist. That is common among socialists and communists.

Do we have problems. Absolutely, because no system is perfect and every system is only as good as the people who run it. Our problem, in my opinion, is the rampant expansion of government control over many aspects of our lives. So I would agree with him in terms of government having too much authority and influence.

It is amazing how naive and out-of-touch with reality people are. We are effectively living in an oligarchy. The middle class is disappearing as the gulf between the haves and the have nots intensifies. There is nothing charitable about watching your country be dismantled and looted before your very eyes. We are in the age of the robber barons again only this time they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

An earlier poster was even talking about "working hard" as being a path to wealth. LOL. That is such a cute notion. All you can do is shake your head at how utterly stupid people are. As a species we are terribly susceptible to propaganda and some clearly moreso than others. They swallow it whole and regurgitate it like the above post and it crushes me to see how foolish your average person walking around is. The pot is nearly at full boil and they're still oblivious.
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Looks like Trump, Rubio and Kasich win the poll. That's interesting becasue you have the guy that tells everyone he is going to win (Trump), the guy the media says is going to win (Rubio) and they guy that actually will win in the end (Kasich).
An earlier poster was even talking about "working hard" as being a path to wealth. LOL. That is such a cute notion. All you can do is shake your head at how utterly stupid people are. As a species we are terribly susceptible to propaganda and some clearly moreso than others. They swallow it whole and regurgitate it like the above post and it crushes me to see how foolish your average person walking around is. The pot is nearly at full boil and they're still oblivious.

Let this man and men like him be your human enemy. What right does he have to tell you if you have succeeded? What right does he have to tell you that you are not capable to succeed? Or as Ayn Rand would have written over and over, what right does he have to tell you that you have no right to exist? What right does he have to define what your path to wealth is, what your definition of success is, what your standard of ambition is, and so on? Indeed, the world is complex and trying. Where men consider themselves successful yet are clouded by other men who define them as failures is an environment of evil.
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It is amazing how naive and out-of-touch with reality people are. We are effectively living in an oligarchy. The middle class is disappearing as the gulf between the haves and the have nots intensifies. There is nothing charitable about watching your country be dismantled and looted before your very eyes. We are in the age of the robber barons again only this time they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

An earlier poster was even talking about "working hard" as being a path to wealth. LOL. That is such a cute notion. All you can do is shake your head at how utterly stupid people are. As a species we are terribly susceptible to propaganda and some clearly moreso than others. They swallow it whole and regurgitate it like the above post and it crushes me to see how foolish your average person walking around is. The pot is nearly at full boil and they're still oblivious.
Specifically, what propaganda have I regurgitated? More importantly, what is incorrect about what I said? It's very easy to criticize when you add nothing but BS.
If greed is a deal breaker for you then why in the hell are you a Republican?
This post here puts you in the stupid people category you referenced in the former post. You obviously don't realize that most politicians are greedy.
So a CEO makes 300 times more than the guy busting his ass doing the labor and you're cool with that? Wage slavery man. I'm not cool with it. I'm not talking redistribution of wealth. I'm talking equality.
Sure you are, you are just masking it. Most of the CEO's and owners of companies take big risk in forming and running the companies. Risk most are not willing to make to get things started. Now, you want your "fair share" for not taking the risk. Not saying you should not get paid for your worth, in fact, I am all for raising the minimum wage over $10.00 and hour to possibly get some of those who make more from handouts than they would working the current wage. But, you do not deserve much more if you are not putting forth the effort to make it.
It is amazing how naive and out-of-touch with reality people are. We are effectively living in an oligarchy. The middle class is disappearing as the gulf between the haves and the have nots intensifies. There is nothing charitable about watching your country be dismantled and looted before your very eyes. We are in the age of the robber barons again only this time they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

An earlier poster was even talking about "working hard" as being a path to wealth. LOL. That is such a cute notion. All you can do is shake your head at how utterly stupid people are. As a species we are terribly susceptible to propaganda and some clearly moreso than others. They swallow it whole and regurgitate it like the above post and it crushes me to see how foolish your average person walking around is. The pot is nearly at full boil and they're still oblivious.

You have that victim mentality that is truly destroying our country. If everyone who doesn't come from a wealthy background is doomed to failure, then why the hell did Martin Luther King even bother to lead the civil rights movement?

It was a waste of time right? God forbid you actually do what the hell you have to do to better yourself. Granted I'm only 23, but I came from absolutely nothing. I served my country so that I could be given the opportunity to receive a (free) education and pursue any career that I want.

Let me repeat that, I'm am 23 years old, came from poverty, and I am ALREADY on the path to a career in law enforcement. I'll start out making 40k a year. That's above the poverty line. That's middle class. I consider that successful.

So you are honestly gonna try to tell me that it is impossible to be successful? It's not that damn hard. All you have to do is come up with a plan, set goals, and put them into action, and man tf up.
There is reality and there is the theoretical. Chomsky seems to favor a theoretical utopia where everyone makes the same no matter what they do and everyone exists only to serve others. It's a great thought but not realistic in today's society. The reality is that there is some inequality in some respects. A person spends yrs and yrs of dedicated study to become a doctor. Should they make the same as the guy who cleans linens in the hospital? No, they shouldn't. However, the doctor shouldn't make $300,000 (hyperbole) more per yr than the other man.

And no one should get handouts unless they are completely unable to contribute anything in any way to society. There should always be reward for working and negative reinforcement (Skinner's version) for lack thereof.
This is it in a nutshell, simplistic and easy to understand. Why don't more people see it though?
The Israeli lobby and military industrialists wouldn't like him.

I do wonder if Rand Paul was pres would he pardon Snowden?

You're probably right.
Netanyahu is a tyrant, no different than the Islam tyrants. Just different religion. He'll get his. He'll get served one day.

Paul is exactly what the US needs. Americans are scared of real gov't reform. They like to talk about it, they will even romanticize the idea. But in the end, Americans have no balls. Zilch. Weak little macho cowboy Billy Badasses. That's why we are getting a lame ducker in 2016. Same result, same ol' cries. Nothing changes.
It is amazing how naive and out-of-touch with reality people are. We are effectively living in an oligarchy. The middle class is disappearing as the gulf between the haves and the have nots intensifies. There is nothing charitable about watching your country be dismantled and looted before your very eyes. We are in the age of the robber barons again only this time they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

An earlier poster was even talking about "working hard" as being a path to wealth. LOL. That is such a cute notion. All you can do is shake your head at how utterly stupid people are. As a species we are terribly susceptible to propaganda and some clearly moreso than others. They swallow it whole and regurgitate it like the above post and it crushes me to see how foolish your average person walking around is. The pot is nearly at full boil and they're still oblivious.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it pulled your head out of your ass. There has always been a gulf between the have and the have nots. You have allowed your liberal media to demonize wealth and wealth production because you refuse to take responsibility for your shortcomings.

The lower class isn't proliferating at an alarming rate because the upper class is making the money that supports them, they are simply reproducing at a higher rate. Were not living in an Oligarchy, were living in an Idiocracy. You need more electrolytes.
You have that victim mentality that is truly destroying our country. If everyone who doesn't come from a wealthy background is doomed to failure, then why the hell did Martin Luther King even bother to lead the civil rights movement?

It was a waste of time right? God forbid you actually do what the hell you have to do to better yourself. Granted I'm only 23, but I came from absolutely nothing. I served my country so that I could be given the opportunity to receive a (free) education and pursue any career that I want.

Let me repeat that, I'm am 23 years old, came from poverty, and I am ALREADY on the path to a career in law enforcement. I'll start out making 40k a year. That's above the poverty line. That's middle class. I consider that successful.

So you are honestly gonna try to tell me that it is impossible to be successful? It's not that damn hard. All you have to do is come up with a plan, set goals, and put them into action, and man tf up.
Some people's heads on here would probably explode if I spent the time to explain how I grew up. There is one who knows that reads these forums and he could tell you. My last three years of high school I lived in a bin that was built to store corn which had no electricity. Well, that was my room anyway shared with my brother. That is just a small part and I won't get into the long drawn out story. I joined the military to get away from my life and have made my way to where I am today. 58 years old Retired military, civil servant, wife works for a military contractor and we both make a decent amount of money (Middle class lifestyle). Her story mirrors mine as far as growing up poor quitting school before the 11th grade to get a job in New York City after father abandoned them (3 kids) and mother just quit trying because he left so, we have both struggled to get where we are. But, we have made it this far off of our own determination which is why I am against handouts to those who are able but too lazy to put forth the effort.
Chomsky doesn't believe that everyone should get paid the same regardless of what they do. Neither do I. Equality doesn't mean equal pay for everyone. It's proportional and fair. It's not a utopia either.

Like I said I don't know Chomsky other than the videos you provided. How do you decide what's "proportional and fair?" According to Chomsky's own words in the video, the majority populace would decide. However if there are 10,000 people in the populace you would get 10,000 different opinions on what each person makes. And the vast, vast, vast majority of the populace would have unreasonable demands.
You're probably right.
Netanyahu is a tyrant, no different than the Islam tyrants. Just different religion. He'll get his. He'll get served one day.

Paul is exactly what the US needs. Americans are scared of real gov't reform. They like to talk about it, they will even romanticize the idea. But in the end, Americans have no balls. Zilch. Weak little macho cowboy Billy Badasses. That's why we are getting a lame ducker in 2016. Same result, same ol' cries. Nothing changes.
Real reform would take guts and we would take a hit economically for the first few years but, it would be worth it in the long term.

Real reform would take guts and we would take a hit economically for the first few years but, it would be worth it in the long term.

So that's my point Warrior. We gonna pull the lever for another empty suit behind the corporately sponsored logos of the Rep or Dem party? Takes someone with some balls to make changes. Audit the Fed and cut corporate interest in gov't policy. I think Paul would attempt to address that.
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36 Retired Admirals and Generals sign an open letter supporting the proposed Iran Nuclear agreement:

"We, the undersigned retired military officers, support the agreement as the most effective means currently available to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons," the letter declared. "Military action would be less effective than the deal, assuming it is fully implemented. If the Iranians cheat, our advanced technology, intelligence and the inspections will reveal it, and U.S. military options remain on the table. And if the deal is rejected by America, the Iranians could have a nuclear weapon within a year. The choice is that stark."

Members of congress who are voting against the deal should explain for the record why they think they know more than the 36 retired Admirals and Generals and the Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers, all of whom support the deal.