How will they rule ??!

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It has taken hundreds of years but foreign countries have finally figured out how to overcome America.

The revolution wasn't televised but if Hilliary wins it will be complete.

That may sound like a doomsday thing to say but it's not. The minorities will have a complete grip on govt and begin having decisions made based upon their voting power.

Those decisions will lead to what is basically the equivalent of a mix of Mexico, Africa, Cuba, Middle East, lefty Euro and Hispanic(where do they actually have a base).

Now that said which of those countries would you like to move because it will become America soon enough?

Trump may stall it if he wins, but that may accelerate countries to go to war with us too because he won't play nice with others and that is a guarantee.

Should be fun either way.
Does anyone think we can peacefully de-escalate this insanity at this point? I don't. There are two realities, and on Nov 9, there will only be 1. We sure as hell aren't going to be holding hands and singing we are the world.

If Hillary wins, she will continue to get shit on with corruption / FBI / WikiLeaks / election rigging type stuff.
If Trump wins, he will continue to get shit on by every media outlet, the loose collection of interest groups known as Democrats, and the stock market will probably freak out as well.

I've always been on the "leave me alone, elections aren't real options" train, but it's never been between a "pussy grabbing racist who could start WW3" and a "corrupt satan worshiper who could start WW3" . . . and Donald Trump is a nominee, Alex Jones has been right, the Cubs won the World Series, and Kentucky football won 4 SEC games . . . I don't even know. Does anyone have an EMP proof bomb shelter?

I am so ready for a Wall Street freak-out over Trump. Hell, let loose the Bear
Satanic Clinton child rape.

I thought it was the right link.

just . . . bizarre . . . and at a loss on how to respond. Just can't. I once shook Bill Clinton's hand and held a conversation with him when he was in his first term. Now worried I may need to chop my right arm off, cut out my tongue, brand my eyelids closed.
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If Trump wins I bet anything Obama will have Yellen raise interest rates just to spite Trump.
That will happen anyway. Perhaps as soon as December. The Fed has been threatening to do just that for months now. The rank and file will strike fear into your heart like they do everything....drama queens, all of them. But the idea itself is a positive one for the economy.
Serious you think the kkk was paid off to endorse Trump a week before the election?


I do like that the KKK is collectively condemned (and rightfully so...btw, seen the old video of Trump calling Duke a bigot?) all while no one says shit about BLM, NOI and every other race based activist group.

Trump has no control over that but Dems need minorities like Hispanics and blacks who are often poor and uneducated to not focus on policies and only on "Oh, he hates you" type stuff.
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My dream gif would be for Trump to win on Tuesday and then see someone make a Villanova buzzer beater with Trump over Hillary's UNC.
It has taken hundreds of years but foreign countries have finally figured out how to overcome America.

The revolution wasn't televised but if Hilliary wins it will be complete.

That may sound like a doomsday thing to say but it's not. The minorities will have a complete grip on govt and begin having decisions made based upon their voting power.

Those decisions will lead to what is basically the equivalent of a mix of Mexico, Africa, Cuba, Middle East, lefty Euro and Hispanic(where do they actually have a base).

Now that said which of those countries would you like to move because it will become America soon enough?

Trump may stall it if he wins, but that may accelerate countries to go to war with us too because he won't play nice with others and that is a guarantee.

Should be fun either way.
To answer your question about where I will be most likely to move- Czech Republic is the first choice.
Serious you think the kkk was paid off to endorse Trump a week before the election?
If so, it's a waste of money. No one cares about that and besides some other Klansmen endorsed Clinton, probably sarcastically, but who knows. Those idiots are utterly irrelevant and everyone knows it except for possibly the media- and the media probably knows it as will, but the media likes to lie.
I mean I love CNN. Constant Obama being cool, Jay Z and Beyoncé, voter suppression against blacks........

Never mind the FBI investigations, voter fraud in Broward County, Trump has solidified OH and UT and damn near dead even in at least every other battle ground state if not ahead, and everyone but Hilliary is doing better than Hilliary can for herself.

Hey but at least we have something for news!

If you don't watch that channel I'm telling you it's you that misses out on pure comedy.
Liberal media going all out.


Just got to tune these effs out.

They're not winning over Republicans. I doubt many independents are following for their act right now. So I imagine they're just trying to motivate their voting base to come out and to believe their BS.

Hope she loses for a million reasons but if she does win, be prepared for any criticism to be considered "sexist" just like the last eight years have been "racist."
I mean I love CNN. Constant Obama being cool, Jay Z and Beyoncé, voter suppression against blacks........

Never mind the FBI investigations, voter fraud in Broward County, Trump has solidified OH and UT and damn near dead even in at least every other battle ground state if not ahead, and everyone but Hilliary is doing better than Hilliary can for herself.

Hey but at least we have something for news!

If you don't watch that channel I'm telling you it's you that misses out on pure comedy.

Can't be bothered to discuss proven fraud and lies by their candidate. Nope. But discussing Donald Trump eating KFC with a fork? Relevant.
You can bash away as I don't watch for legitimacy, but it is great TV.

I assume the "acting" that takes place should get it considered for some awards.

Often times feel bad for Repubs they bring on.
Just got to tune these effs out.

They're not winning over Republicans. I doubt many independents are following for their act right now. So I imagine they're just trying to motivate their voting base to come out and to believe their BS.

Hope she loses for a million reasons but if she does win, be prepared for any criticism to be considered "sexist" just like the last eight years have been "racist."
Not that she's probably going to win, but, if she does, I already have several retorts to accusations of sexism, or that I am against women politicians- Sarah, Marine, Marion, Frauke, and Michelle (Bachman, NOT Obama). Any of them would get any vote that I am eligible to cast, and with great haste. As a matter of fact, I'd like nothing more than to see Ivanka landslide her in 2020.
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By the way, I'm not paying taxes, or doing anything for my State. I don't have to says Hillary.

Woo hoo. Early retirement.
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Hillary has Jay Z doing concerts for her?

Well that turned me into a Clinton voter. Screw the issues, Hillary is cool because Jay Z says so.

I'm convinced now.
Doesn't Jay Z make songs that are as bad as the Donald caught on tape thing? Will the media make note of this?

Also, while I can respect that she is finally campaigning, why is she campaigning in Ohio? At this point, what difference does it make? Shouldn't she be focused on the next state over to the east of Ohio (and obviously I'm not referring to W. Va, where she'll be lucky to get 10 votes in the whole state)?
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(1) Never really gotten sucked into the world of early vote statistics, but that stuff is better than cocaine. I mean, so I've heard.
(2) Kudos to Bret Baier for manning up
(3) it'll be interesting to see how cautious the networks are on Tuesday night if they feel like they can call NC and NV and therefore the election or if they'll be cautious enough to wait to confirm Pennsylvania
(4) This thread has really gone down the rabbit hole the past couple of days. It'll be fun circling back a few days/weeks after election day is finally over
(5) RNC chairmanship isn't gonna be Trump World vs Establishment World. It's gonna be Cruz World vs Rubio/Kasich world. Trumpism is basically just going to be votes, not high-level power players
(6) The 538 model is notoriously cautious this year and bullish on Trump. Silver keeps talking about "systemic polling errors" being feasible (either way, mind you, not just in favor of Trump), but I'm curious to know how much of his model already accounts for such margins of error. Is he "double-dipping" on the idea of a polling error?
(1) Never really gotten sucked into the world of early vote statistics, but that stuff is better than cocaine. I mean, so I've heard.
(2) Kudos to Bret Baier for manning up
(3) it'll be interesting to see how cautious the networks are on Tuesday night if they feel like they can call NC and NV and therefore the election or if they'll be cautious enough to wait to confirm Pennsylvania
(4) This thread has really gone down the rabbit hole the past couple of days. It'll be fun circling back a few days/weeks after election day is finally over
(5) RNC chairmanship isn't gonna be Trump World vs Establishment World. It's gonna be Cruz World vs Rubio/Kasich world. Trumpism is basically just going to be votes, not high-level power players
(6) The 538 model is notoriously cautious this year and bullish on Trump. Silver keeps talking about "systemic polling errors" being feasible (either way, mind you, not just in favor of Trump), but I'm curious to know how much of his model already accounts for such margins of error. Is he "double-dipping" on the idea of a polling error?
NC and NV won't decide the election. NH ultimately will, for better or worse, if PA and MI don't do it first- and, if PA and MI do, it won't even be close.
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NC and NV won't decide the election. NH ultimately will, for better or worse, if PA and MI don't do it first- and, if PA and MI do, it won't even be close.
I see what you're saying, but I'm talking about if the networks feel that they can call both NV and NC for HRC. If the states split or both go Trump, obviously it'll be a late night.

There's a good chance that we'll know how both states shake out by 10PM or so.
I see what you're saying, but I'm talking about if the networks feel that they can call both NV and NC for HRC. If the states split or both go Trump, obviously it'll be a late night.

There's a good chance that we'll know how both states shake out by 10PM or so.
I just hope that they don't pull a stunt like they did in Florida in 2000, which cost Bush god-knows-how many votes in the Panhandle and in Western states (why vote in an election that is already a done deal). I used to believe that Gore got screwed until I realized the magnitude of that "mistake".
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Tell everyone you talk to, to ignore the media or any claims that the election is over before you vote. The media will inevitably try and pull some shit like that.
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Tell everyone you talk to, to ignore the media or any claims that the election is over before you vote. The media will inevitably try and pull some shit like that.
The media has actually tried to do this over the last few months. At this point, the media is probably trying to preserve whatever shred of credibility that the media still retains, by finally admitting that this election is potentially a very close one. Of course, the narrative is still to the effect of "despite some momentum in Trump's favor, Clinton is still the likely winner".
Seeing Rolling Stone found guilty of their BS rape story is fantastic. More media should be found liable for the garbage they do and say in promoting false stories.

As for the polls, we will see. No idea to know. Gotta hope that there aren't more ethically bankrupt retards out there that vote Hillary over the well being of this country.

Honestly, if Hillary wins, just wait for the inevitable all out civil war and hope for secession at some point. No way should those who want to save this country be forced to hand it over to a bunch of corrupt scumbags because they have more government dependent morons ready to eat up our tax dollars.
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