How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Just came through Jacksonville and Daytona and saw ZERO Hillary signs, but plenty of Trump-Pence. Did see a SUV driving with "Read Wikileaks...your not as dumb as Hillary thinks" painted on the window lol.
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Trump will win Florida. The big states now are New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Colorado and New Mexico.

They are giving her VA, NC, PA and MI but she has to hold them to win and they are all very very close
If they are tied at 269 and it goes to the House, can we count on the republican majority to vote Trump?
To distract from anything last minute that may come out and hurt Hilliary.

I think this weekend will be full blown distract and bash by the Dems.
Alex Jones crying talking about Clinton and others satanism. Man, this election is one for the ages....

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The left is trying to say that Podesta is talking about the cookbook with the same name. A cookbook that came out in 1996.

Riiight. Sorry if I don't believe a GD word they say. Also, Washington Post went back and scrubbed an article where it mentioned Podesta Family having portraits of naked teens in their house.

Combine that with the emails that are obviously code and I don't believe anything the left says.
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Alex effing Jones is right about everything. I hate this world.
Here is where you and I differ. Not a Bush loyalist or blindly support all Republicans. Bush sucked. Obama was even worse.

What we didn't have was total collusion from our media and universities censoring corruption and being complicit.

But yeah, you cherry picked eight years ago but what about the first term or perhaps not picking a time right when the housing bubble popped (Bill had a lot to do with that).

None of us here are incapable of being critical of Republicans unlike you Dems. I will say that our views and vision are way more in line with what brought our nation to its top level status compared to where Dems want to take us.
You won't find me supporting dems, reps or the MSM. They pick winners and ignore flyover states unless running for office. All I can hope for is an economy that provides jobs and investments to help me support my family and all families.

After 73 consecutive months of jobs growth and an expanding economy, I prefer more presidential terms like our last 4 years under Obama. I'm fully aware it wasn't good for everyone but if you're still looking for a job in mining, drilling, printing, weaving, milking, ice and coal delivery to homes, then maybe it's a good idea to stop looking for work. While you're at it, blame progressives, technology, fracking, millennials, efficiency or whatever makes you happy but all you really need to do is look in the mirror.

As far as the world and our place in it, there's a reason for all the turmoil and all the hate. We represent power, freedom and prosperity for millions instead of a selected few. I don't see anyone saying death to the people of Iceland. So despite divisiveness and all our issues, the USA is STILL the Kentucky Basketball of the world!

So please get out and vote! Then hold our leaders as accountable as you would your own children.
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You like the little smiley emoticon but don't offer any insight - typical. What's so funny about this? A lot of buzz/rumors about the FBI and NYPD threatening to come forward with information if the DOJ doesn't act. If Hillary wins, she will most likely be indicted and all hell could break loose. This is WAY bigger than Watergate as far as the level and depth of corruption.
I don't think that happens but if elected and convicted, impeach her. Hello President Kaine!

In the words of The Donald, what the hell do you have to lose?
I know Hillary wouldn't but if elected, I would hope Donald would finally display some honor and not run again in 2020.

Republican voters will not try something that didn't work again. But they're not going to nominate some generic weak pussy who says Bible verses to pander.

It won't matter who we run if we lose this election. There's millions of illegals who will get amnesty and no one can beat Dems when whites are the only race divided while all of the others are slaves to the Dem Party.

You can't keep to your principles while the other party keeps promising entitlements and calls you a racist bigot that hates women simply for opposing them.

So we all get to sit on the sidelines watching Dems take us toward a big government third world shithole.
Republican voters will not try something that didn't work again. But they're not going to nominate some generic weak pussy who says Bible verses to pander.

It won't matter who we run if we lose this election. There's millions of illegals who will get amnesty and no one can beat Dems when whites are the only race divided while all of the others are slaves to the Dem Party.

You can't keep to your principles while the other party keeps promising entitlements and calls you a racist bigot that hates women simply for opposing them.

So we all get to sit on the sidelines watching Dems take us toward a big government third world shithole.
You missed the point. If The Donald wins and sticks to his principals, he doesn't run again in 2020 if he's truly opposed to the current system.
Austin, yeah, he's very eloquent. He's been making YouTube videos speaking his mind for years. Can't believe they haven't killed him by now.
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Does anyone think we can peacefully de-escalate this insanity at this point? I don't. There are two realities, and on Nov 9, there will only be 1. We sure as hell aren't going to be holding hands and singing we are the world.

If Hillary wins, she will continue to get shit on with corruption / FBI / WikiLeaks / election rigging type stuff.
If Trump wins, he will continue to get shit on by every media outlet, the loose collection of interest groups known as Democrats, and the stock market will probably freak out as well.

I've always been on the "leave me alone, elections aren't real options" train, but it's never been between a "pussy grabbing racist who could start WW3" and a "corrupt satan worshiper who could start WW3" . . . and Donald Trump is a nominee, Alex Jones has been right, the Cubs won the World Series, and Kentucky football won 4 SEC games . . . I don't even know. Does anyone have an EMP proof bomb shelter?