How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Once the election is behind us, I think we'll see a major focus on holding the MSM accountable and more instances like this and the Hulk Hogan story will surface. Especially considering the complicity between the Dems and the liberal press outed in recent wikileaks. Freedom of speech doesn't mean individuals are free to say anything without repercussion.

Jury finds reporter, Rolling Stone responsible for defaming U-Va. dean with gang rape story.
I want one.
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Would be interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on why they're voting for Trump. Personally I'm not voting for him as much as I'm voting for the policy's he represents. Such as the following:

Issue number 1: Free Trade Agreements - These agreements have destroyed communities, drove down wages & increased poverty and unemployment.

Issue number 2: Illegal Immigration - For the same reason listed above. It floods the market place with foreign nationals who will work dirt cheap and that in turn drives wages and employment down.

Issue number 3: The second amendment - There's no doubt in my mind that Hillary will appoint liberal judges that will strike down or alter this constitutional freedom.

Issue number 4: Energy policies - Western and eastern Kentucky have been hit hard by Obama's EPA and energy policy's. What they have done to those areas and to Appalachia in general is criminal.

sanity check . . . PASS
These fools need to be arrested and made an example of.

Wasn't it Stalin who said " it doesn't matter who votes but who counts the votes."

Yep. We already knows hillarys tentacles reach into many federal agencies. We also know soros owns the machines used for voting in many states.

There will definitely be loads of fraudulent votes. Hopefully it won't be enough.

It can never be proven, but I really think that's the ultimate reason for the paid trolls and phony polls. Because without that, her support would be too weak to pull off the cheat. They need the appearance of popularity to make it work.
The IRS is filled with a bunch of incompetent boobs who aren't going to do a goddam thing.
Perhaps but tax implications will be the thing that takes down this or any foundation. That somehow a criminal act in these matters would convict the Clintons, lawyers after all, is laughable.
Yep. We already knows hillarys tentacles reach into many federal agencies. We also know soros owns the machines used for voting in many states.

There will definitely be loads of fraudulent votes. Hopefully it won't be enough.

It can never be proven, but I really think that's the ultimate reason for the paid trolls and phony polls. Because without that, her support would be too weak to pull off the cheat. They need the appearance of popularity to make it work.

Exactly. I've never been "polled." As a matter of fact I've never known any conservatives that have been polled especially this year.
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I'd say there is more than a fair chance that the corruption coming from the DOJ, DNC, Clinton Foundation, Hillary and her staff could lead to a government collapse even if temporary. Get your arms around this people: the very department of our government responsible for JUSTICE - the Department of Justice for God's sake, is corrupt. Our sitting POTUS is most likely involved in this corruption. A former POTUS is certainly involved in the corruption. The email scandal should be enough times 10000 to keep Hillary out of the White House and bring an indictment. I don't think people are really understanding how bad this is to the country.
ATT buyout. Trump is against it.

nothing more you need to know. Put a shoe on the other foot. If suddenly a glitch occurred that caused Christian broadcasting channels to default in place of CNN and MSNBC channel locations . . .
Wow - A surprising article - and in Vanity Fair no less....

Maybe the Right-Wing Media Isn’t Crazy, After All
After Trump, can the media escape the confirmation bias trap that it has set for itself?

"Virtually every day during the past year, I’ve digested a daily dose of Breitbart, the alt-right Web site that many journalists, including myself, have described as “Trump Pravda.” A typical day on Breitbart includes any number of articles extolling the rise of Donald Trump, including the massive size of his rallies and (on and off) his fast-rising poll numbers. There are also several pieces attacking the “mainstream media,” usually CNN, The New York Times or The Washington Post. Recently, there have been a slew of pieces from the Clinton WikiLeaks cache, which are part of a larger set of articles showcasing the couple’s venality, arrogance, and sexual peccadillos. The reporting, such as it is, is generally factually accurate, but mean-spirited and fantastically one-sided. If Breitbart were your primary news source, you would receive a view of the election that would be largely distorted and wholly unrecognizable to swaths of the American public.

When I checked the news the other day, it was more of the same. I counted some 20 articles about the presidential race, each espousing the unequivocal view that one candidate is collapsing due to moral failings, financial improprieties, and complete and utter lack of judgment and ethics. Notably, I was not reading Breitbart. Instead, I was reading The Washington Post, delivered to my doorstep, and the attacks were squarely waged not against the Clintons but rather against Trump..."

I'm not going to go overboard though - in the end, it's merely an obvious observation, coming too late to have any impact on this election, and will be forgotten by the next one.......
You know what the difference is between 2016 and 2008? 8 years, that's it...nothing more, and nothing less. Not a fckin thing has changed in 8 fckin years of "hope and change"...well unless you count "udocumented" immigrants being put before actual citizens or the much improved :rolleyes: race relations in this country, or what about health care...thank god for the AHCA, right?
Likely depends on where you live though. Registered Republicans in Kentucky would not be a demographic that pollsters give two shits about. They already know how Kentucky will vote on Tuesday... Same for Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, etc...
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You know what the difference is between 2016 and 2008? 8 years, that's it...nothing more, and nothing less. Not a fckin thing has changed in 8 fckin years of "hope and change"...well unless you count "udocumented" immigrants being put before actual citizens or the much improved :rolleyes: race relations in this country, or what about health care...thank god for the AHCA, right?
Your are correct and what's more...

I love it when Libs bring up 2008 and "The Great Recession".

If it wasn't for effin Jimmy Cater (who created CRA), Bill Clinton (who put it on steroids), and Barney Frank, it could have been avoided.

It was "the Great Recession" because you morons caused it and didn't know how to resolve it properly.

BTW, GDP growth next year is predicted to be 1.4%. Nice work Libs... thanks for the 2017-18 recession you idiots.
So you would rather take America back 8 years to 2008 for example?

Here is where you and I differ. Not a Bush loyalist or blindly support all Republicans. Bush sucked. Obama was even worse.

What we didn't have was total collusion from our media and universities censoring corruption and being complicit.

But yeah, you cherry picked eight years ago but what about the first term or perhaps not picking a time right when the housing bubble popped (Bill had a lot to do with that).

None of us here are incapable of being critical of Republicans unlike you Dems. I will say that our views and vision are way more in line with what brought our nation to its top level status compared to where Dems want to take us.
If the IRS RICOs tCF, can they confiscate their finances and can Trump use those funds explicitly to put a drop in the bucket on the deficit in the form of a yuge Publisher's Clearinghouse check?
What's humorous about this is how you and the left would react to our description of your voting block, which is filled with the most radical retards, third world rats and ghetto government dependent morons.

You see, in the leftist world of hypocrisy, you can constantly bash whites and call Republican voters "idiots" with no ability to look in the mirror.

Let's see, which party wants to flood us with the third world to simply gain votes? Which party has BLM and criminals? Which party wants to grow the welfare state? Which party doesn't want voter ID laws so Manuel and Miguel can vote?

Which party backs Islamic nut jobs? Which party has a hold on the black vote and runs their cities into the ground? Which party is most likely to have a ton of people who can't even speak English? Which group brainwashes and targets college kids that do not have a clue about the world or politics?

Yeah, you all are such geniuses- Always want big government to be standing over every aspect of our lives and you also think reality should never get in the way of your delusional ideology.
I don't know who you were responding to, but I suspect it was to someone on my ignored list. Anyway, your points are well-taken, and I would add this note- should a high school diploma ever become a requirement for voting in Presidential elections, the Democrats would only be able to win elections that would have otherwise been landslides, and would lose all other ones, including this one (and there's a good chance that they'll lose this one anyway).
The new Florida poll that moved FL toward Hillary way over-sampled women vs. men (a 12 point difference). Its a bogus poll.
That said, I'm getting nervous about Florida. The good news is, a new poll now has him up in Pennsylvania and he's all but tied in Michigan. This thing is really going to come down to turnout, and it's going to be close, absent a "monster vote" that is not being reflected in the polls.
Mass stabbing at Rutgers and 2 NYPD officers shot and a threat of terror attacks on Monday.

These things only help Trump.
That said, I'm getting nervous about Florida. The good news is, a new poll now has him up in Pennsylvania and he's all but tied in Michigan. This thing is really going to come down to turnout, and it's going to be close, absent a "monster vote" that is not being reflected in the polls.

I am not worrying about Florida. I know what's down here. So if Hillary wins Florida, the American people should sue.
Let's recap where the Dem's Queen is and what we have on Hillary Clinton during and before election.

- Under FBI investigation for the second time
- Clinton Foundation being used as a slush fund and a way to take money for government favors and access. Already shown how corrupt this is
- Proven to have used a private server allowing multiple people access to confidential information. Lied about this and tried to cover it up
-DNC and Podesta emails leak showing intent to destroy material, collusion with press to push propaganda,
- On audio talking about rigging a Palestine election in 2006
- On audio laughing about getting a rapist of a 12-year old girl off with a not guilty verdict when she knew he was guilty

- Stealing from Haiti
- Benghazi lies caught
- Voted for Iraq War
- Backed by Wall Street, Big Pharma and George Soros
- Shown to have private and public stances
- Wants open borders
- Wants 500% increase in Muslim refugees
- Is on record saying the Supreme Court got the 2A wrong
- Undercover video showing they hire mentally ill people to incite violence at Trump rallies
- Video of one of her camp's discussing her direct involvement with Super PAC and coordinating the Donald Duck stuff
- Had a GD Muslim shooter's dad at her rally sitting behind her
- Had leaked questions given to her for debates
- Her camp/DNC did everything they could to manipulate the primaries and even offered favors in return
- Her campaign head is involved in "spirit cooking", her top adviser is connected to Muslim brotherhood and that advisor's husband is a pedophile that may lead to more.
- Calls half the country deplorable
- Takes money from Islamic nations that kill gays and stone women
- Lies about the most stupid stuff like being under Bosnia Siper fire and the origin of her name
- $6B vanished from State Department under her watch

And despite being in politics for 30 years, she has become filthy rich and her biggest successes were sponsoring and helping pass three bills while in the senate and all three just involved naming something and labeling something a historic site.

So yeah, Dems GFY.
Let's recap where the Dem's Queen is and what we have on Hillary Clinton during and before election.

- Under FBI investigation for the second time
- Clinton Foundation being used as a slush fund and a way to take money for government favors and access. Already shown how corrupt this is
- Proven to have used a private server allowing multiple people access to confidential information. Lied about this and tried to cover it up
-DNC and Podesta emails leak showing intent to destroy material, collusion with press to push propaganda,
- On audio talking about rigging a Palestine election in 2006
- On audio laughing about getting a rapist of a 12-year old girl off with a not guilty verdict when she knew he was guilty

- Stealing from Haiti
- Benghazi lies caught
- Voted for Iraq War
- Backed by Wall Street, Big Pharma and George Soros
- Shown to have private and public stances
- Wants open borders
- Wants 500% increase in Muslim refugees
- Is on record saying the Supreme Court got the 2A wrong
- Undercover video showing they hire mentally ill people to incite violence at Trump rallies
- Video of one of her camp's discussing her direct involvement with Super PAC and coordinating the Donald Duck stuff
- Had a GD Muslim shooter's dad at her rally sitting behind her
- Had leaked questions given to her for debates
- Her camp/DNC did everything they could to manipulate the primaries and even offered favors in return
- Her campaign head is involved in "spirit cooking", her top adviser is connected to Muslim brotherhood and that advisor's husband is a pedophile that may lead to more.
- Calls half the country deplorable
- Takes money from Islamic nations that kill gays and stone women
- Lies about the most stupid stuff like being under Bosnia Siper fire and the origin of her name
- $6B vanished from State Department under her watch

And despite being in politics for 30 years, she has become filthy rich and her biggest successes were sponsoring and helping pass three bills while in the senate and all three just involved naming something and labeling something a historic site.

So yeah, Dems GFY.


And that's just what we know as facts.

Can someone list the Trump facts, please?

I just saw a link where Trunp campaign was a given a restraining order from polls so they can't intimidate voters? Which I assume is a law, I mean, Hillary can't can't be around any polling locations either. But this will make the Hollywood rounds and catch the eyes of many folks.