How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I joke, but I do wish we could leave all this child rape and vampire talk until after the election.

It's probably all true, but the undecideds probably wI'll be turned off thinking it's too outrageous.
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I joke, but I do wish we could leave all this child rape and vampire talk until after the election.

It's probably all true, but the undecideds probably wI'll be turned off thinking it's too outrageous.

I see what you're saying, but is child rape really that hard to believe? If the spokesman for Subway can do it and think he can get away with it, then why wouldn't someone higher up the food chain feel even better about getting away with it?
Heard Pat Cadell the other day, referencing he chances of such a wave, and he was talking about Reagan in '80. I think everyone knows the story: Carter did his best to portray Reagan as i) a clown, a mere actor unfit for the office, and ii) a scary old man intent on blowing up the world. They only had 1 debate, it was on the Thursday before the Tuesday vote. And that was enough. Everyone could see Reagan was both serious and not scary. But the interesting thing was what Cadell said about the polling. Carter had a big lead. On Friday day after debate, Reagan caught up. On Saturday Carter went back up by 5, then Reagan pulls even on Sunday, ends up a blowout.

The "Carter went back up by 5" part of that story makes no sense. maybe polling is more sophisticated now, but I'd thought - common sense would say - once everyone saw on Thursday Reagan was OK, the dam would have broken. The back and forth doesn't compute....

To my knowledge, didn't they eventually attribute this to a previously ignored and virtually nonexistent (at the time) demographic of something like non-college educated white females aged 24-55 or something like that? And that specific demographic LOVED Reagan and was anxious to vote.
Can't rape the willing!

That's what the Bill...holy shit!

Two famous rapist.

Both with the initials B.C.

Both with first name Bill

I'm onto something here, fellas...not sure what, but it's something.


Seriously though, that's kinda odd. Yes, they both use "Can't rape the willing" or "Can't say no, if she's not conscious" as their reasoning.
I see what you're saying, but is child rape really that hard to believe? If the spokesman for Subway can do it and think he can get away with it, then why wouldn't someone higher up the food chain feel even better about getting away with it?
This is actually the most sound logic I've read regarding the plausibility of this nonsense.
I see what you're saying, but is child rape really that hard to believe? If the spokesman for Subway can do it and think he can get away with it, then why wouldn't someone higher up the food chain feel even better about getting away with it?

It's not hard for me to believe at all. But I'm a cynic and hate the Clintons with all my heart.

I give Michael Jackson the benefit of the doubt though. Greatest entertainer of all time.
By the way - and I'm sure someone's already posted this, there's been like 6000 posts just since late last night - I see that RCP now has it, without leaners, 297-241. If Florida flips back to Trump, there you go - he's at 270, she's at 268.

So, just as we all knew, the whole time, it's come down to Willy.

The maps are discouraging for the Trump crowd - it's like he has zero margin for error. Still think what I said the other day - if it's close, she'll win. But it may not be close, the feel of a wave is in the air.....

The new Florida poll that moved FL toward Hillary way over-sampled women vs. men (a 12 point difference). Its a bogus poll.
Would be interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on why they're voting for Trump. Personally I'm not voting for him as much as I'm voting for the policy's he represents. Such as the following:

Issue number 1: Free Trade Agreements - These agreements have destroyed communities, drove down wages & increased poverty and unemployment.

Issue number 2: Illegal Immigration - For the same reason listed above. It floods the market place with foreign nationals who will work dirt cheap and that in turn drives wages and employment down.

Issue number 3: The second amendment - There's no doubt in my mind that Hillary will appoint liberal judges that will strike down or alter this constitutional freedom.

Issue number 4: Energy policies - Western and eastern Kentucky have been hit hard by Obama's EPA and energy policy's. What they have done to those areas and to Appalachia in general is criminal.
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Would be interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on why they're voting for Trump. Personally I'm not voting for him as much as I'm voting for the policy's he represents. Such as the following:

Issue number 1: Free Trade Agreements - These agreements have destroyed communities, drove down wages & increased poverty and unemployment.

Issue number 2: Illegal Immigration - For the same reason listed above. It floods the market place with foreign nationals who will dirt cheap and that in turn drives wages and employment down.

Issue number 3: The second amendment - There's no doubt in my mind that Hillary will appoint liberal judges that will strike down or alter this constitutional freedom.

Issue number 4: Energy policies - Western and eastern Kentucky have been hit hard by Obama's EPA and energy policy's. What they have done to those areas and to Appalachia in general is criminal.

Add to these:
5. Eliminate Common Core/Education reform
6. Reduce corporate taxes
7. Repeal ObamaCare and replace with competitive system
8. Most importantly: Not Hillary - she's the most corrupt ever to run for office.
To my knowledge, didn't they eventually attribute this to a previously ignored and virtually nonexistent (at the time) demographic of something like non-college educated white females aged 24-55 or something like that? And that specific demographic LOVED Reagan and was anxious to vote.
could be, I don't know any more of the story.....