How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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MUCH easier to prevent her from getting in than to remove her. Only aGD fool can't understand that, Tranny.
What part of "100% guarantee" don't you understand? Likely both parts, but that's probably chalked up to poor genetics and an even worse education.

Just to clarify for water heads like fustercuck, that "100% guarantee" was a hypothetical in which it would absolutely occur. I'm not saying, "If a Republican congressman double pinky promised he'd impeach her I will vote for Hillary." I'm saying, "If I had control over the universe and there was an option to elect her for the sole purpose of immediately convicting and impeaching her, that would serve multiple purposes: a lame duck President who likely won't do anything, sending Hillary to prison or at least keeping her from elected or appointed office, and keeping Trump out of the white house."

I would think I wouldn't have to spell this out, but again, water head.
Having to go through the lengthy process of impeaching then trying Hillary is not what this country needs right now. So much division already, time to move forward and hope for the best.

At this point, I'd be ok if Obama pardons all three Clintons but with the caveat they immediately lose control of the Clinton Foundation assets which would be frozen until they can be distributed in an appropriate manner. And, the Clinton's have to pay a sizable penalty and are sentenced to obscurity for whatever days they have left on this Earth. For those two, living in obscurity is probably a greater punishment than taking most of their money.

However, if they are guilty of inappropriate sexual activities with minors---all bets are off. Put them in the general population of prison. (Will never happen but that's what they deserve.)
Having to go through the lengthy process of impeaching then trying Hillary is not what this country needs right now. So much division already, time to move forward and hope for the best.

At this point, I'd be ok if Obama pardons all three Clintons but with the caveat they immediately lose control of the Clinton Foundation assets which would be frozen until they can be distributed in an appropriate manner. And, the Clinton's have to pay a sizable penalty and are sentenced to obscurity for whatever days they have left on this Earth. For those two, living in obscurity is probably a greater punishment than taking most of their money.

However, if they are guilty of inappropriate sexual activities with minors---all bets are off. Put them in the general population of prison. (Will never happen but that's what they deserve.)

Rack this.
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Eighty-eight percent (88%) of voters say they are now certain how they will vote. Among these voters, Trump has a 10-point lead over Clinton – 53% to 43%. Johnson gets two percent (2%) and Stein one percent (1%). This is the first time any candidate has crossed the 50% mark. Among those who still could change their minds, it’s Clinton 36%, Trump 36%, Johnson 22% and Stein six percent (6%).
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Gridlock is the best thing that has happened for this country in 15+ years (see, Sequester). Drag the effing impeachment out for all 4 years if it means Congress can't get around to passing new awful legislation and approving Supreme Court nominees and Clinton can't get anything approved, even low level bureaucratic appointments.*

"Do something" is the worst mandate the citizens can give to the government.

* For the fustercuck crowd, this is all "best case scenario" type stuff for me. I don't actually believe this will happen and will not actually be voting for Clinton under any circumstances. Have your guardian or caregiver copy and paste this into Read&Write Gold if you're having trouble keeping up.
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I'd imagine Trump will result in gridlock.

The establishments both hate him. They cannot have an outsider come in and actually do anything that would benefit the country. Best case scenario he will be able to roll back Obama's EOs and hopefully convince the Republicans to light every piece of legislation and regulation under Obamacare on fire.
Always like seeing the pictures of Clinton Drudge uses

If his answer to Obamacare and other regulatory nightmares were *just* burn them, I would be fine with that. But his full answer is "burn Obama's regulations...and replace them with bigly spectacular Trump regulations. The best."
I'd imagine Trump will result in gridlock.

The establishments both hate him. They cannot have an outsider come in and actually do anything that would benefit the country. Best case scenario he will be able to roll back Obama's EOs and hopefully convince the Republicans to light every piece of legislation and regulation under Obamacare on fire.

If he does only that, it would be a colossal success imo.

If Trump wins and can get a few things accomplished, I don't think he'd run for a 2nd term. Just a gut feeling.
I just don't understand how anyone could vote for Hillary at this point. I really don't. Boggles the mind. I mean put the red team/blue team stuff aside for a second and take a good hard look at the person and what she has done. And then do your homework on the Clinton Foundation. smh

Huge kudos to Comey for manning up and doing the right thing. Big kahunas…HUGE!

EFF Obama and EFF Lynch for aiding and abetting a criminal and for enabling a criminal organization to skate on money laundering, fraud and conspiracy.

Shake up the system!
What part of "100% guarantee" don't you understand? Likely both parts, but that's probably chalked up to poor genetics and an even worse education.

Just to clarify for water heads like fustercuck, that "100% guarantee" was a hypothetical in which it would absolutely occur. I'm not saying, "If a Republican congressman double pinky promised he'd impeach her I will vote for Hillary." I'm saying, "If I had control over the universe and there was an option to elect her for the sole purpose of immediately convicting and impeaching her, that would serve multiple purposes: a lame duck President who likely won't do anything, sending Hillary to prison or at least keeping her from elected or appointed office, and keeping Trump out of the white house."

I would think I wouldn't have to spell this out, but again, water head.
Yes, let's play imaginary games. Sound constructive.

I understand your caveat. I also understand the premise behind your caveat. Cuck.
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Still not buying fully into Comey. I think rank and file FBI agents and very likely other police departments, (NYPD), forced his hand. Too much smoke surrounding his dealings with Obama and Lynch.

Oh absolutely. Comey is still a disgrace to the FBI for the backflips he did in front of Congress while coming up with his bullshit reasons to not recommend prosecuting her.

The fact that his hand was forced regarding the most recent revelations does nothing to absolve him of the corruption involved earlier.
Gridlock is the best thing that has happened for this country in 15+ years (see, Sequester). Drag the effing impeachment out for all 4 years if it means Congress can't get around to passing new awful legislation and approving Supreme Court nominees and Clinton can't get anything approved, even low level bureaucratic appointments.*

"Do something" is the worst mandate the citizens can give to the government.

* For the fustercuck crowd, this is all "best case scenario" type stuff for me. I don't actually believe this will happen and will not actually be voting for Clinton under any circumstances. Have your guardian or caregiver copy and paste this into Read&Write Gold if you're having trouble keeping up.
Sorry Transy, you don't get it. The reason the GOP picked Trump and that Bernie made such a strong run is that the people are tired of the same old crap, gridlock, exploding education costs, immigration crisis, no jobs, etc... We absolutely NEED someone to 'do something' and I have full confidence that Trump will surround himself with strong leaders, business minded economic advisers, etc...
Yes, let's play imaginary games. Sound constructive.

I understand your caveat. I also understand the premise behind your caveat. Cuck.

You're right. I should have been posting how much I hate Obama. That would have actually done something.

I think everyone in the political thread needs to agree; from now we only do constructive things in this thread. No more discussions that don't lead to actual results. This is a message board, for god's sake!
You're right. I should have been posting how much I hate Obama. That would have actually done something.

I think everyone in the political thread needs to agree; from now we only do constructive things in this thread. No more discussions that don't lead to actual results. This is a message board, for god's sake!
YOu gonna cry little boy?

Yes, I can totally draw th lines of comparison to voicing opinion about current Prez failures and crimes versus manufactured fairy tales of having personal appeasement cake and eating it too. Genius, really. Shakespeare shit.
Sorry Transy, you don't get it. The reason the GOP picked Trump and that Bernie made such a strong run is that the people are tired of the same old crap, gridlock, exploding education costs, immigration crisis, no jobs, etc... We absolutely NEED someone to 'do something' and I have full confidence that Trump will surround himself with strong leaders, business minded economic advisers, etc...

All caused by people who previously did something. No matter how much faith you have in one person or even a group of people, they cannot better tell others what to with their life than those individuals.

I'm pretty sure I "get it." White, lower middle class former industrial workers want freebies just like everyone else and they're trying to vote some for themselves.
Oh absolutely. Comey is still a disgrace to the FBI for the backflips he did in front of Congress while coming up with his bullshit reasons to not recommend prosecuting her.

The fact that his hand was forced regarding the most recent revelations does nothing to absolve him of the corruption involved earlier.

While this is true, his boss basically told him not to move forward with the letter to congress. He could have obliged or he could have resigned...further muddying the waters. Instead he did the right thing. IMO he righted his previous wrong. Was he pressured to do so? Yes. But was there an even greater pressure from the DOJ to do nothing? Most certainly yes.
YOu gonna cry little boy?
What about that makes you think I'm upset? I'm having fun pointing out how seriously you take a message board.


[laughing] @ constructive message board posts being your standard.
What about that makes you think I'm upset? I'm having fun pointing out how seriously you take a message board.


[laughing] @ constructive message board posts being your standard.
YOu're the one creating made-up fairy-tale narratives, honey.

Your slip is showing.
All caused by people who previously did something. No matter how much faith you have in one person or even a group of people, they cannot better tell others what to with their life than those individuals.

I'm pretty sure I "get it." White, lower middle class former industrial workers want freebies just like everyone else and they're trying to vote some for themselves.
Really? You think this is about a segment of the while population wanting freebies? How about wanting jobs? Affordable health care? Better education? The black support of Trump is higher than we've seen for a GOP candidate in decades and the reason is that the Dems have promised the moon and delivered nothing more than creating generations of people living on welfare with no hope.

Shake this damn system up and let's see what happens. More state control will help and that's a GOP platform.
Still not buying fully into Comey. I think rank and file FBI agents and very likely other police departments, (NYPD), forced his hand. Too much smoke surrounding his dealings with Obama and Lynch.
So much for Obama's transparency.
I'm pretty sure I "get it." White, lower middle class former industrial workers want freebies just like everyone else and they're trying to vote some for themselves.

I don't care about the rest of the discussion between you two. But this statement couldn't be further from the truth. The majority of the lower middle class (white, black, yellow or green) don't want freebies. They want to cut out the freebie stuff. They want jobs. They want to take home more of their hard earned paycheck. Far cry from wanting to ween off the government.

Way off on that one, brother.
Steven Seagal granted Russian citizenship. Roy Jones Jr. been Russian. I'm really starting to dig The Kremlim, tbh.
I just don't understand how anyone could vote for Hillary at this point. I really don't. Boggles the mind. I mean put the red team/blue team stuff aside for a second and take a good hard look at the person and what she has done. And then do your homework on the Clinton Foundation. smh

Huge kudos to Comey for manning up and doing the right thing. Big kahunas…HUGE!

EFF Obama and EFF Lynch for aiding and abetting a criminal and for enabling a criminal organization to skate on money laundering, fraud and conspiracy.

Shake up the system!

Meh, I think he waited too long. No kudos from me. should have announced recommendations for indictment long ago.
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I don't care about the rest of the discussion between you two. But this statement couldn't be further from the truth. The majority of the lower middle class (white, black, yellow or green) don't want freebies. They want to cut out the freebie stuff. They want jobs. They want to take home more of their hard earned paycheck. Far cry from wanting to ween off the government.

Way off on that one, brother.
Then why does Trump talk about not cutting Social Security and Medicare at all? His entire platform amounts to a giant subsidy for industrial workers. Make the rest of the country pay higher prices for goods so that those workers can have a job they otherwise wouldn't. They may be working, but the job itself is the freebie, at the expense of everyone not working in those fields.

His plan will also increase the debt like crazy, eventually that will come out of someone's paycheck. Maybe not now, but your children and grandchildren will be paying for it. How is borrowing money that you won't have to pay off not a "freebie?"

Just because they aren't typical direct cash transfers like welfare or food stamps doesn't mean you aren't getting/asking for a handout
If his answer to Obamacare and other regulatory nightmares were *just* burn them, I would be fine with that. But his full answer is "burn Obama's regulations...and replace them with bigly spectacular Trump regulations. The best."
I can't help but laugh at Trump ism's and Quote's. This is the only thing in this election that keeps me interested.
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This country should be grateful that there are still true Patriots inside our FBI who have stood up for what is right and demanded Comey to take action and tell the DOJ to go F themselves. When Trump wins I hope Lynch and others are charged with Obstruction of Justice. I am 100% convinced this corruption goes all the way up to Obama.

Congrats Barack, you and your administration will go down as the most corrupt and inept administration in US political history.
Then why does Trump talk about not cutting Social Security and Medicare at all? His entire platform amounts to a giant subsidy for industrial workers. Make the rest of the country pay higher prices for goods so that those workers can have a job they otherwise wouldn't. They may be working, but the job itself is the freebie, at the expense of everyone not working in those fields.

His plan will also increase the debt like crazy, eventually that will come out of someone's paycheck. Maybe not now, but your children and grandchildren will be paying for it. How is borrowing money that you won't have to pay off not a "freebie?"

Just because they aren't typical direct cash transfers like welfare or food stamps doesn't mean you aren't getting/asking for a handout
More industry equates to more investment in the US which means more people paying taxes which means more people having disposable income to buy things... Forcing other countries to do things the right way, i.e. manipulating currency and dumping will help US companies be more competitive. Also, lower corporate taxes will encourage US manufacturing rather than going to Mexico, China, or elsewhere. Our recent business model is a disaster.
The pay for play stuff is far more concerning than the e-mail scandal. I'm mean you're literally selling out America for bribes. I mean wow. This should be concerning for all of America.

I'm starting to think America is looking more and more like a country like Venezuela than any us would want to admit. The corruption has spread like a cancer.
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For clarification, "cutting Social Security", are you saying dropping the amount people pay in or the amount paid out?

Social Security isn't supposed to be any form of government assistance, it's a return of the money individuals have paid in.
I don't care about the rest of the discussion between you two. But this statement couldn't be further from the truth. The majority of the lower middle class (white, black, yellow or green) don't want freebies. They want to cut out the freebie stuff. They want jobs. They want to take home more of their hard earned paycheck. Far cry from wanting to ween off the government.

Way off on that one, brother.
This country should be grateful that there are still true Patriots inside our FBI who have stood up for what is right and demanded Comey to take action and tell the DOJ to go F themselves. When Trump wins I hope Lynch and others are charged with Obstruction of Justice. I am 100% convinced this corruption goes all the way up to Obama.

Congrats Barack, you and your administration will go down as the most corrupt and inept administration in US political history.
More truth. Today is starting out well.