How will they rule ??!

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The gun was already in the state. He paid a friend to buy AND HOLD. It for him until he was 18. You have to be 18 to own the gun but not to carry it, like he did.
Actually the WI law states he couldn't possess at age 16, which is why he's not guilty of that charge and the judge dismissed it.
People think Christians cannot defend themselves because of what Jesus did and said in the Bible. However, Jesus told us how we should treat each other but also knew the hearts of men and allowed his disciples to carry swords for defense. He understood not everyone would follow his teachings. Not only that but, he also said that he did not come here to change one jot or tiddle of Gods law but, to fulfill it.

As one old pastor I listen to often says: Christians are not second class citizens who should just stand by and get pushed around or bullied. If you have to use a 2x4 to knock some sense into them by all means do it.

Arnold Murray (dead now) of the Shepherd's Chapel network was an old Korean war veteran, farmer, and then pastor who I listen to a lot. He has a no nonsense way as does his son Dennis who took over the ministry after his father died.
I like John Creasy's attitude (paraphrasing): "I'll let God do the judging... I'm just here to arrange the meeting".
Don't know enough about the Rittenhouse gun across the border argument except only to say this, having been through conceal and general carry laws it is known that many states have agreements where out of state people are permitted to carry in that state if the agreement states you can. Don't know if Illinois and Wisconsin do and if they do, what federal law tells you you can't carry from state to state. Not aware of it.
If you are conservative/Christian/Republican/pro-America....ya gotta love this guy.

Florida Gov. DeSantis trolls President Biden, will sign bills limiting vaccine mandates in Brandon, FL​

DeSantis to sign legislation expanding exemptions to vaccination mandates​

I’m to the point I don’t give a shit about Biden. Or Kamala. I want the cockroaches running this administration to have the light put on them.

We need to know who’s running this country. And we need to know who is financing them.

Oh, and I’m still waiting to hear from all the Russian collusion truthers. Still cool with the democrat party using fake foreign intel in order to get a fraudulent warrant form a secret court so they could (at best) undermine the POTUS or (at worst) run a coup against him? Still cool with it?

Still cool with being lied to straight to your face by the same people you idolize and think can do no wrong? Any introspection? F*cking pathetic losers.
Actually the WI law states he couldn't possess at age 16, which is why he's not guilty of that charge and the judge dismissed it.

Imagine being the DA and you can’t even be bothered to look up the law you are using to charge people with a crime…

Between the blatant lies and deceit, that DA should be brought up on charges. He’s actively and openly lying to try and put this boy in jail for the rest of his life. That’s attempted murder if you ask me.
I am watching a Press Conference coming from Brandon. Our governor is signing a new Florida law regarding mandates.

The Legislature passed a bill that will provided protections of jobs in Florida. Nobody will be forced to choose between a jab and their job. Florida steps up again. PROTECT FLORIDA JOBS. Florida will also recognize natural immunity.

Also the Federal mandates are being challenged in court. My money is on the Feds losing on this.
The left- cheers black cop in the Capitol killing unarmed white conservative woman who served in military and had no criminal record.

Also the left- mourns violent career criminal drug addict in George Floyd and builds statues/disrupts the entire nation, gives his family a trifold flag because he overdoses in police custody/ sends the VP candidate to meet with Jacob Blake (the man who abused his sexual assault victim, tried to get in a car and take off with a minor in it, pulled a knife on cops) and told him she was proud of him. Riots over him being shot. Mourns over serial child rapist being shot as a teenager defends himself. Will riot over that.

This is a disgusting group of people who somehow believe they're morally superior.
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I am watching a Press Conference coming from Brandon. Our governor is signing a new Florida law regarding mandates.

The Legislature passed a bill that will provides protections for all employees in Florida. Nobody will be forced to choose between a jab and their job Florida steps up again. PROTECT FLORIDA JOBS.

We should put DeSantis as president and make Trump the Governor of Florida. That way Trump can govern without dealing with constant opposition. Win win for everyone. Then we get a better and more tactful version in the WH with DeSantis who can actually pass legislation.
So how is TRump going to designate them a terrorist organization? The law requires that the group be majority based outside the US to receive the designation. Congress would have to pass a domestic terrorism bill for this to happen. You can charge someone with domestic terrorism under the patriot act, you can't designate a organization as domestic terrorists. DHS can say ANTIFA is a terrorism threat like they did with white supremacy last year but it's just symbolic, it doesn't really do anything, its just a department statement.
Don't know enough about the Rittenhouse gun across the border argument except only to say this, having been through conceal and general carry laws it is known that many states have agreements where out of state people are permitted to carry in that state if the agreement states you can. Don't know if Illinois and Wisconsin do and if they do, what federal law tells you you can't carry from state to state. Not aware of it.

If the feds go to the grand jury with proof of crossing state lines and allege an intent to cross state lines to commit a crime, that's all they need. I hope that doesn't happen but I think it's absolutely on the table.

People are getting the process mixed up. An indictment is issued by a grand jury on a probable cause basis and they only hear from the prosecution. It's not bound by the rules of evidence.

Ya Rittenhouse has a great case to argue, but the first time anyone gets to argue their innocence is at the jury trial. If you have to go that far, you already lost. Lost alot of money, lost alot of time (if you were incarcerated pretrial), cut your life short due to stress, and you run the risk of losing.

The average person has no idea how dirty the system is and how easily a motivated prosecutor or officer can absolutely ruin your life. Normally it doesn't happen on national tv. Instead it happens in obscurity in your local communities and especially in your nearest federal courthouse.
I am watching a Press Conference coming from Brandon. Our governor is signing a new Florida law regarding mandates.

The Legislature passed a bill that will provided protections of jobs in Florida. Nobody will be forced to choose between a jab and their job. Florida steps up again. PROTECT FLORIDA JOBS. Florida will also recognize natural immunity.

Also the Federal mandates are being challenged in court. My money is on the Feds losing on this.
I don't if it was thunderous or not, but speaking of Brandon, Florida: Their citizens have to be looking at us and just crying their eyes out about our freedoms.
What's so disgusting are the stormtroopers who mindlessly follow this tyranny and harass people ("just following orders"). Tyrants are nothing without their order takers inflicting brute force on those who do not bow down.

But hey guys, they care about you which is why they want to get you fired, not be able to eat or survive while ostracizing you from society and are totally there to beat you and cuff you if you don't comply.
If the feds go to the grand jury with proof of crossing state lines and allege an intent to cross state lines to commit a crime, that's all they need. I hope that doesn't happen but I think it's absolutely on the table.

People are getting the process mixed up. An indictment is issued by a grand jury on a probable cause basis and they only hear from the prosecution. It's not bound by the rules of evidence.

Ya Rittenhouse has a great case to argue, but the first time anyone gets to argue their innocence is at the jury trial. If you have to go that far, you already lost. Lost alot of money, lost alot of time (if you were incarcerated pretrial), cut your life short due to stress, and you run the risk of losing.

The average person has no idea how dirty the system is and how easily a motivated prosecutor or officer can absolutely ruin your life. Normally it doesn't happen on national tv. Instead it happens in obscurity in your local communities and especially in your nearest federal courthouse.
I suppose but, as I said if the states have an agreement that all the feds would have is just alleged intent. Sure, they could probably find some obscure law reference and drum up other charges but, what has already been stated would be hard to prove.

No argument on your point though of how dirty the system is. If the last 10 or so years have taught us anything it is that the feds are the most corrupt people in this country.
Nothing personal toward you. I am angry about the unjust prosecution. Case should never have even been brought. Peace.

Oh no I 100% agree with you. I think the case was dumb. I think its dumb that an 18 year old kid is facing the possibility of having his life completely destroyed because he chose to to defend himself. I think its sad that the left along with their groups (BLM/ANTIFA) has caused it where you can't get a fair trial. They threaten violence to cities and jurors if they think about going against them or acquitting someone they have predetermined guilty.
I suppose but, as I said if the states have an agreement that all the feds would have is just alleged intent. Sure, they could probably find some obscure law reference and drum up other charges but, what has already been stated would be hard to prove.

No argument on your point though of how dirty the system is. If the last 10 or so years have taught us anything it is that the feds are the most corrupt people in this country.

Alleged intent is all that's needed for an indictment. If you're indicted, you already lost. At best it will cost you thousands to fight and hopefully win while carrying a lifetime of stigma in addition to financial ruin. At worst, you plea and have your life ruined or lose and go to jail for a long time.

The last 20 years the system evolved from a degree of justice to one that runs up numbers to justify grants and make headlines. Now add in the political enforcement arm and it's even worse
Well ladies and gentleman who are pro vaccine please elaborate/explain
Remember when the left's base completely shifted from saying the vaccine would protect you to "Of course it's not 100 percent and we never said it would protect you completely."

The covid crap is the epitome of brainwashing.
Don't know enough about the Rittenhouse gun across the border argument except only to say this, having been through conceal and general carry laws it is known that many states have agreements where out of state people are permitted to carry in that state if the agreement states you can. Don't know if Illinois and Wisconsin do and if they do, what federal law tells you you can't carry from state to state. Not aware of it.
I have a CC permit in Ky (though it's no longer needed in state). I travel into southern Il a lot. Il does not recognize a Ky permit. I'd have to take special classes for Il and it's not worth it. I just don't carry there. Most states recognize the Ky permit.

Just reprehensible "journalism". It's been decades and decades since these were declared unenforceable. The fact it appears in your chain of title is of absolutely zero substance.

And the property description isn't "hard to remove". You can just Strawman yourself a deed with an updated property description.

It's sickening that this organization gets a penny in federal funding
Most states have a specific charge for this type of conduct - intimidating a participant of the legal process.

They should absolutely be charged. They should absolutely be sued by the jurors who had their privacy invaded.

This case is really showing the underbelly of the political machine that is the dnc.
Didn't she basically accuse him of being racist when running against him? Then she forgets about it and runs with him. Now back to him being racist when she looks like a worthless piece of crap with no redeeming qualities. Trying to salvage what's left of her political career by distancing herself from him. There's no where left to go but down (which she is good at).
It's JFK and Lyndon Johnson, but this time with the addition of "racism."
protester activity should be limited but its directly protected in the constitution so it can't be limited even if anybody wanted to. Only thing a Governor, Mayor, or President can do is intervene when the protesters cross the line and void their protections. Even when that occurs they can't do anything to limit future assemblies. Unfortunately restaurants, funerals, bars, stores, sports, etc aren't protected by the constitution so that is what people are going after.