How will they rule ??!

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What an absolute piece of shit. A pathetic man that is a waste of space.

If Stacy decides to beat her to death there isn’t a thing she can do about it. Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial says you still shouldn’t be able to pull a gun in this situation. Just take your beating because no one else pulled a gun. Show him this video... see what he has to say.
Like Freetaxreturn said, that was tough to watch.

Shame there's probably not a group of tough guys close to the girl to teach Stacy a lesson. There was a couple in my HS that dated most of the way through HS. At some point he started beating on her. She had some older brothers and extended family that caught up to this guy and beat the crap out of him and told him if he touched her again, he might not survive the next time. I saw him after that happened and his face definitely got worked over.

Sadly he didn't learn his lesson and he eventually married a girl down the street from me, and unfortunately she didn't have the same male support system the previous girl had. I guess he conned her into believing he had changed his ways. He beat her up periodically throughout their marriage till she finally divorced him.
I believe his father and grandmother live in kenosha.

What does that have to do with federal jurisdiction?
Haven't followed every aspect of the case...and don't know federal jurisdiction, etc. But what if he didn't have the gun when he crossed state lines...and the gun was at his dads/g'mother's house? Seems I recall he was actually working that day in Kenosha as a did he drive to work with the gun in the car?

What an absolute piece of shit. A pathetic man that is a waste of space.

If Stacy decides to beat her to death there isn’t a thing she can do about it. Prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial says you still shouldn’t be able to pull a gun in this situation. Just take your beating because no one else pulled a gun. Show him this video... see what he has to say.
This POS deserves to be beat twice as bad as this by someone twice his size. No place for this.
Crying racism in this country has gotten to the boy crying wolf point. It's so bad in this country that Wallace and Smollett had to manufacture fake stories about it. If it's so bad, why do we have caravans waiting to get into this country? So tired of "Whitey" is holding me back. Get off your ass and get it like numerous others have, instead of waiting for it to be given to you.
You know what's so crazy? So what if someone is "racist?" That's treated as the biggest sin. So someone doesn't like someone else? WGAF? Academia, media, and politicians routinely teach to hate whites. They're discriminated against in the work place with Affirmative Action hires/Diversity Quotas and scholarships. But do you see everyone acting like a victim and just using it as an excuse for every failure? No. Do I lose an ounce of sleep because Joy Reid doesn't like me or any white people? No, you keep on moving. However, it has become quite the profit for those who race hustle to get what they want.

No one is allowed to speak about any racial realities out of fear of offending and being called names. Only one narrative is allowed ("white people evil, Asians are white, everyone else are victims") and no racial observations are allowed.

Stereotypes are not universal but there's a reason why they're a stereotype. It's because it happens often. It's simply your brain noticing patterns. "Hey, a lot of Asians are really good at math and have parents who are hardcore about their education" "Appalachia has a lot of pillbillies" "Black neighborhoods have a crime problem" "Gay men are very promiscuous" "Female millennials love Starbucks and social media is like crack to them" and on and on it goes.

Here's a thought. No special treatment. We have the same rules and same criteria. We're judged exactly the same. We're all capable of making our own way in life no matter the starting point (this is considered a 'racist' POV by media). Infantizing a group because you think they're not capable is very condescending yet that's considered "progress."

Bias exists in every single individual. You're never going to be able to legislate what is in someone's heart. Noticing things isn't racist. How you treat someone on an individual basis matters. Individual behavior and respect matters. But everyone knows why race is such a focal point by governments and their media. When you take homogenous countries and then import vastly different groups it always turns into tribalism and a way of having people fight each other and it's easier to control you.
Haven't followed every aspect of the case...and don't know federal jurisdiction, etc. But what if he didn't have the gun when he crossed state lines...and the gun was at his dads/g'mother's house? Seems I recall he was actually working that day in Kenosha as a did he drive to work with the gun in the car?

Would be based on intent. Intent is a question for the jury so he'd have to argue all that to the jury.

I really hope this isn't their plan. But we know they had it planned with chauvin. Surprised I haven't seen any of the national people talking about this possibility
Basically people needing the booster are no better off than those unvaccinated, yet the unvaccinated are losing their jobs. So how long before they start threatening those needing booster shots with their job? After all, it's all about control.

You can’t get these people to believe that slippery slope is real. Yet we all pay for their ignorance.
The way this is written sounds like someone who has been brainwashed and as if they're a hostage being beaten to the point of writing this nonsense.

Like Freetaxreturn said, that was tough to watch.

Shame there's probably not a group of tough guys close to the girl to teach Stacy a lesson. There was a couple in my HS that dated most of the way through HS. At some point he started beating on her. She had some older brothers and extended family that caught up to this guy and beat the crap out of him and told him if he touched her again, he might not survive the next time. I saw him after that happened and his face definitely got worked over.

Sadly he didn't learn his lesson and he eventually married a girl down the street from me, and unfortunately she didn't have the same male support system the previous girl had. I guess he conned her into believing he had changed his ways. He beat her up periodically throughout their marriage till she finally divorced him.
Only pussy cowards beat their wives.
You can’t get these people to believe that slippery slope is real. Yet we all pay for their ignorance.
This has become every left vs right argument. Every single time.

Nefarious leftist leaders start to push something
Conservatives point out the real motive and where this leads to
DNC Media mock and call them conspiracy theorists, DNC base mocks it on social media
Prediction comes true
DNC Media "Why ____ is a good thing" and "Don't believe your eyes"
Leftists double down on being wrong and then passionately fight and discriminate against the opposition

Then we all suffer from their stupidity. The left's base has no foresight at all. ZERO. Their leaders certainly do though.
Yet. He crossed state lines so could easily invoke federal jurisdiction. I don't know if that's what will happen, but if jacek was really talking to Marshal's on site, that's the only reason they'd be there.

Remember.... this is exactly what they had planned with chauvin if he was acquitted. Feds were in the courtroom to take him into custody if he won
He crossed state lines has been debunked. Even so, if he’s acquitted then he couldn’t be charged with crossing state lines to commit a crime.

I don’t believe the Feds are dumb enough to arrest him when the whole world sees he’s innocent and the jury acquits. I mean they’re clearly corrupt but maybe not stupid.
Interesting you think there’s evidence to support self-defense. What about there being Zero evidence of guilt? Your innocent until proven guilty allegedly. Prosecutor offered not a single shred of evidence. In fact, their witnesses proved the defense’s case.

I am not sure why you are mad at me. I think its self defense because he was attacked with a skateboard and not to mention (Gage I believe is his name) had a pistol pointed towards Kyle. Rittenhouse was justified in what he did . I don't understand why you have animosity towards me or least that's how it seems/reads.
The world has little to no knowledge about the Bible or Christian faith. I challenge then to read the Book of Revelations and argue to me about the death penalty. God has prepared the Ultimate Death Penalty. It is called HELL.
People think Christians cannot defend themselves because of what Jesus did and said in the Bible. However, Jesus told us how we should treat each other but also knew the hearts of men and allowed his disciples to carry swords for defense. He understood not everyone would follow his teachings. Not only that but, he also said that he did not come here to change one jot or tiddle of Gods law but, to fulfill it.

As one old pastor I listen to often says: Christians are not second class citizens who should just stand by and get pushed around or bullied. If you have to use a 2x4 to knock some sense into them by all means do it.

Arnold Murray (dead now) of the Shepherd's Chapel network was an old Korean war veteran, farmer, and then pastor who I listen to a lot. He has a no nonsense way as does his son Dennis who took over the ministry after his father died.
You're never going to be able to legislate what is in someone's heart. Noticing things isn't racist. How you treat someone on an individual basis matters. Individual behavior and respect matters.
I've been saying this since the late 70s/early 80s when they (gov't, etc) started ramping up 'equality' laws, hate crime legislation, and so forth. Racism along with many other things that are/is the view of an individual cannot be regulated...legislated away. Pass all the racism laws you want...and it will never be eradicated. Evil/sin cannot be legislated.
He crossed state lines has been debunked. Even so, if he’s acquitted then he couldn’t be charged with crossing state lines to commit a crime.

I don’t believe the Feds are dumb enough to arrest him when the whole world sees he’s innocent and the jury acquits. I mean they’re clearly corrupt but maybe not stupid.

It hasn't been debunked. A state line isn't some political concept. It's a hard and fast geographic boundary that he crossed. That combined with an allegation of intent is all it takes to get a federal indictment, if they want one.

They should let the result be, one way or another. But we know from chauvin, they are not above indicting someone just found not guilty.
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I've been saying this since the late 70s/early 80s when they (gov't, etc) started ramping up 'equality' laws, hate crime legislation, and so forth. Racism along with many other things that are/is the view of an individual cannot be regulated...legislated away. Pass all the racism laws you want...and it will never be eradicated. Evil/sin cannot be legislated.
Racism isn't nearly the problem the left wants you to think it is. They need it resuscitated because it was nearly eradicated.
Basically people needing the booster are no better off than those unvaccinated, yet the unvaccinated are losing their jobs. So how long before they start threatening those needing booster shots with their job? After all, it's all about control.
That is already happening. My wife took the first shot and had some severe chest pains and stomach cramps (reoccurring) since. Her company (military contractor) told her she must take the booster or lose her job. She will not. She has submitted a request for exemption with an answer coming tomorrow. The word around is this company is giving no exemptions but, we will see. We stand to lose about $3,800 (take home after taxes) a month. She will have to find another job but most jobs around here do not exceed $10-15 an hour unless you are in a high skilled position or own a business.
She's his EX. She should shoot him in the face.
That man needs to be locked up for a long long long long time. He is a menace to society and is a potential killer.

I wonder if the woman has a brother or father that could settle the score on this coward? And hitting a woman with a baby screaming in the background is coward. He needs a little talking to
That man needs to be locked up for a long long long long time. He is a menace to society and is potential killer.

I wonder if the woman has a brother or father that could settle the score on this coward? And hitting a woman with a baby screaming in the background is coward. He needs a little talking to
Makes it clear that OJ is guilty AF
I am not sure why you are mad at me. I think its self defense because he was attacked with a skateboard and not to mention (Gage I believe is his name) had a pistol pointed towards Kyle. Rittenhouse was justified in what he did . I don't understand why you have animosity towards me or least that's how it seems/reads.
Nothing personal toward you. I am angry about the unjust prosecution. Case should never have even been brought. Peace.
Most of congress and the White House members and staff have a lot of stock in the pharmaceutical companies. It is one of there biggest stocks. Fact.
Mitch like Ben Shapiro are only now going pro vaccine because of a huge recent data release that is being passed around political circles. When you overlay the delta variant spread and deaths in the US with voting maps you get almost a perfect correlation with Trump voters. These days elections come down to very very small margins and the GoP already had a dying off problem.
That is already happening. My wife took the first shot and had some severe chest pains and stomach cramps (reoccurring) since. Her company (military contractor) told her she must take the booster or lose her job. She will not. She has submitted a request for exemption with an answer coming tomorrow. The word around is this company is giving no exemptions but, we will see. We stand to lose about $3,800 (take home after taxes) a month. She will have to find another job but most jobs around here do not exceed $10-15 an hour unless you are in a high skilled position or own a business.
You know what's so odd is companies will make you do training about how you can't do quid pro quo regarding sexual assault/harassment but then promote "Put this into your body or you're fired."
It seems that way. He lives in both states part time so he didn't cross over just to get involved in the unrest like some of the rioters were doing. Also was the gun already in the state or did that come with him? If the gun was already in Wisconsin and since he lives there part of the time then I don't understand how crossing state lines even matters in this case.
The gun was already in the state. He paid a friend to buy AND HOLD. It for him until he was 18. You have to be 18 to own the gun but not to carry it, like he did.

'Usilton’s fiance, Eusebio Martinez Jr., told The Paso Robles Press the teacher could not comment to the press due to the investigation. He also requested the outlet take down its story because it’s "ruining her good name." The report is still published'.

LOL at an “investigation.” How long should that investigation last? Til the end of this video?

'Usilton’s fiance, Eusebio Martinez Jr., told The Paso Robles Press the teacher could not comment to the press due to the investigation. He also requested the outlet take down its story because it’s "ruining her good name." The report is still published'.

Look at her eyes, you can see the evil in them. Libs are deranged and evil pure and simple.
That man needs to be locked up for a long long long long time. He is a menace to society and is a potential killer.

I wonder if the woman has a brother or father that could settle the score on this coward? And hitting a woman with a baby screaming in the background is coward. He needs a little talking to
Go on YouTube and you can watch all kinds of videos of brothers, cousins, etc, beat the ish out of guys who hit women. Almost every time they are complete cowards when they get approached by someone their own size.