How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
So I'm confused. I read here the last 2 pages that there is a rape allegation against Trump by a minor, and there's an "of course" consensus here. I did not find it on any news sites. Is there some new allegation, as some other posts suggest, or are we just talking about the one from the summer? Wasn't this discussed like 250 pages ago?
The media isn't covering it bc A. it seems flimsy and B. bc she's anonymous. After the Rolling Stone fiasco with the false rape story than one is going to report on a story with an unknown person.
If Trump were to win Virginia then that's a game changer considering how blue that place has gone

Assuming Trump takes the states where he is currently ahead according the the Real Clear Politics average polls and takes NC where it is shown as a tie and takes Virginia per this question, Trump gets to 278.

Hampton university poll has him +3. Others have her ahead

I'm convinced not a single poll has a damn clue with this weird ass election. He could pull a Reagan or he could pull a carter.

Speaking of polls. Has anyone here ever been polled? No, not that kind copkilla, the kind where you tell who you're voting for.
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I was once when I lived in NC like 10 years ago, can't remember if it was presidential cycle (maybe 04) or not but they asked like ten minutes worth of bs questions before finally asking me who i was voting for.
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I was once when I lived in NC like 10 years ago, can't remember if it was presidential cycle (maybe 04) or not but they asked like ten minutes worth of bs questions before finally asking me who i was voting for.
I used to get polled on radio stations/content ALL the time... back when folks listened to radio... and had landlines.
Is America today really too ignorant for Podesta's Hitler line of attack?

Maybe people just don't know who Hitler was, so calling someone a child rapist is more impactful.

That's apparently the tactic with Trump and Assange.
Breaking news per Bret baier:

FBI has been investigating Clinton foundation for pay to play between it and Hillary Clinton for over a year.

No laptops have been destroyed

All immunity deals are null and void if they lied
I wonder if the lost laptop is the one Weiner had.
Sorry but shear long investigation should be enough to at least charge something. If she's elected the investigation doesn't matter. It's over
When will jamo grow the balls to admit he's with her?
He's with her. He recently blamed the French for the issues with Islam in France. He claims to be a cuck (RINO) but no RINO cuck would ever say something like that. That's straight from the Slate playbook; that's as SJW as it gets. He's with her alright.
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Thats what I'm saying lol. How does one threaten a nameless person?

Just spitballing, but there's a few ways. 1) her lawyer is known, so threats are sent to the lawyer. 2) her name is available via sealed court documents and it leaked. 3) if the story is true (or at least some parts are, like presence at events), it's possible that someone (familiar with the events in question) could deduce the identity.
Just spitballing, but there's a few ways. 1) her lawyer is known, so threats are sent to the lawyer. 2) her name is available via sealed court documents and it leaked. 3) if the story is true (or at least some parts are, like presence at events), it's possible that someone (familiar with the events in question) could deduce the identity.
Would we not, in turn, then know who made the threats and make arrests and post mug shots as examples of deplorables? I'd assume team Hill would be all about that.
Would we not, in turn, then know who made the threats and make arrests and post mug shots as examples of deplorables? I'd assume team Hill would be all about that.

What do you think the success rate is in tracking down (presumably) anonymous threats? My guess is it's pretty low (and a low priority generally), but maybe that crack team of detectives from The Big Lebowski is on it.

But if they are known? Sure.
What do you think the success rate is in tracking down (presumably) anonymous threats? My guess is it's pretty low (and a low priority generally), but maybe that crack team of detectives from The Big Lebowski is on it.

But if they are known? Sure.
Don't know. Probably as good as the odds are that a few of the "many" being made were made digitally.