How will they rule ??!

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Rumor floating around Nashville is that Beyonce will perform at the CMA's tonight and has been practicing with the Dixie Chicks. Saw an ad a few days ago touting the first 10 minutes of the show will be a blockbuster.

Doesn't sound like the best environment to go all political if that's their intent. Most musicians...including country...tend to lean liberal. But they aren't stupid and know where their bread is buttered.
Rumor floating around Nashville is that Beyonce will perform at the CMA's tonight and has been practicing with the Dixie Chicks. Saw an ad a few days ago touting the first 10 minutes of the show will be a blockbuster.

Doesn't sound like the best environment to go all political if that's their intent. Most musicians...including country...tend to lean liberal. But they aren't stupid and know where their bread is buttered.

Explain to me why Beyoncé is at the CMA's? Explain why any black entertainer that isn't Darius Rucker, would be at the CMA's?
Just saw the updated Marquette Law School poll for Wisconsin - Clinton up 6%. If that holds, Trump is boned. Clinton will probably take Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina. There's just no path for Trump to get to 270.
Right on Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, lead is just too large there to whittle down before next Tuesday. Wrong on Florida and North Carolina, latest polls there are showing Trump leading and they are as good as flipped at this point. Ohio is Trump's state as well.

I think the path for both candidates is Colorado/New Hampshire. Trump has some substantial ground to make up in both states, but has momentum on his side and 5 days to go. If all the other states go as I think they will go, if Trump takes NH and Clinton takes Colorado, that may force a tie(!!!). If Trump takes Colorado, he wins. If Trump loses both, he loses.
Pennsylvania will go red this election.

Trump has 58% of blue collar workers support, Romney had 30%. He also has the same amount of Rep support now as Romney did.
He's also at the same level of support from women, and he's closed the gap with latinos.

I don't think it's going to be close election night.
Pennsylvania will go red this election.

Trump has 58% of blue collar workers support, Romney had 30%. He also has the same amount of Rep support now as Romney did.
He's also at the same level of support from women, and he's closed the gap with latinos.

I don't think it's going to be close election night.

If Trump wins Pennsylvania, I believe he's our next president.
Trump raped a 13 year old is the story they are breaking now.

Another fake rape story. Yawn.
Any proof, or just accusations?

It's clear that the D's don't fully grasp the concept of "burden of proof." Not concerning the ridiculous accusations they cast out against others, nor when it manifests as mounds and mounds of actual hard evidence against them. This is why I ask.
I really want to applaud Jane, Joan and Tiffany Doe for finally mustering up the courage to stand up against Trump even if the courage comes two decades later when he's running for POTUS.

The Doe family is going to come under a lot of scrutiny. Takes a lot of bravery to put your name and reputation on the line going up against a powerful man.
Trump's reply: A very simple but blunt statement from these three asking,

"Why do you believe someone that elected to voice her demons at this particular time but you've never believed any of us after we've shown you proof for over 20 years?"

I like that Dems think it's totally okay to just toss around rape accusations around...except when they're against Dems.
Trump speaking now and some big titted chick is behind him.

That chicks lips look like they could suck off steel from the Empire State Bldg.

No wonder. it's Johnny Damon I think sitting on the front row with that woman.
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I really want to applaud Jane, Joan and Tiffany Doe for finally mustering up the courage to stand up against Trump even if the courage comes two decades later when he's running for POTUS.

The Doe family is going to come under a lot of scrutiny. Takes a lot of bravery to put your name and reputation on the line going up against a powerful man.
God bless those girls. They could use that money.
There's like a template Dems use and all they do is just switch the names.

It's always a "war on women."

- "McCain wants to make rape victims pay for their rape exam."

- "McCain sexually assaulted women."

- "Romney wants invasive ultrasounds in women's vaginas and force them to carry their rapist's baby."

- "Romney has binders of women."

Blah blah blah.

Always accusing everyone of racism and sexual assault. Must be nice to have the media as your weapon and mouthpiece.
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When the "event" happened in 94, I would say this summer is pretty recent and pretty questionable. Obviously stayed as a "Jane doe" just for this moment

So I'm confused. I read here the last 2 pages that there is a rape allegation against Trump by a minor, and there's an "of course" consensus here. I did not find it on any news sites. Is there some new allegation, as some other posts suggest, or are we just talking about the one from the summer? Wasn't this discussed like 250 pages ago?
So I'm confused. I read here the last 2 pages that there is a rape allegation against Trump by a minor, and there's an "of course" consensus here. I did not find it on any news sites. Is there some new allegation, as some other posts suggest, or are we just talking about the one from the summer? Wasn't this discussed like 250 pages ago?
She's supposedly going to speak and break her Jane doeness
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If Trump were to win Virginia then that's a game changer considering how blue that place has gone
Assuming Trump takes the states where he is currently ahead according the the Real Clear Politics average polls and takes NC where it is shown as a tie and takes Virginia per this question, Trump gets to 278.
One of the main backers of the 13 yr old rape story is a former Jerry Springer producer..seems legit. If this girl only stays anonymous nothing will ever come of this.