How will they rule ??!

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What are the odds Biden makes it through the China summit that starts at 7:45 pm without falling asleep? I wonder if our technology has advanced to the point they’ll be able to use a deep fake Joe Biden to participate in the summit, rather than the glitching physical manifestation they have been using.

I’m sure the entirety of Taiwan is sitting around wondering if the US is going to even ask for anything in return when they’re given to China.

Well Chamberlain got peace for his time in giving away the Sudetenland. I’m sure we’ll get something sweet for Taiwan.
My favorite retarded attempt at bribery before they went full threats--was the vaccine lottery. You can tell none of these people have experience in the private sector. For instance, they created this in an attempt to entice people who had not already got the jab to go get the jab simply for a chance to win $1M. Basically, get new customers.

What happened though were these geniuses allowed people who were already vaccinated to enter (LOL) and they proceeded to win. Listen to the quotes of the winners.

"I felt so privileged to represent all of us that stayed home when needed, wore our masks, socially distanced, got tested and most of all, got the vaccine when it became available," she said. "I did it for my amazing sons and their fabulous wives, for my four beautiful grandchildren whom I love to the moon and back, for my neighbors and friends, for health care workers and for my husband and me. I want to use this opportunity to encourage each of you to get the shot of hope. The vaccines cannot stop every case, but they can greatly reduce your chances of acquiring a serious, long-term or fatal case of COVID-19."

Ginger Schultz, of Louisville, was Kentucky's second Shot at a Million winner.

Schultz said she registered just two days before the drawing. "Figured somebody had to win," she said.

When asked about the vaccine, she said, "Why take a chance at getting very sick, and possibly die or even passing it on to someone else? That's what my main concern was. My mom is 85 and she has breathing issues and I have always been very concerned about her getting it or me passing it to her."

The Shorts received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as their age group allowed, Patricia Short said, adding that the vaccine incentive program was dreamt up by state officials long after they were fully vaccinated.

"We are firm believers that we have to do it. Please get vaccinated. Our kids have got to be vaccinated, too, or it’s not going to work,” she said.

So you proceeded to give away millions of dollars to people who had already done it and would've done it with no incentive. So you accomplished absolutely nothing except piss away money which is very typical of the government.
I read a Thomas Sowell quote today that I enjoy (as always).

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."

That is the epitome of government and media right there. This is why they do not give a shit about being wrong, being caught in lies, or decisions that cause harm economically/financially, or physically. Because it does not affect them. They will still be paid. They will still have security. They will get theirs. They don't care about your job or price of anything. They are very disconnected from everyone as most live in one geographical region anyway.

What's media's concern in being caught in lies? The public doesn't pay for their product. They're owned by the people paying to fund BS for their own sinister agendas. No one gets fired for what they say or do. Hell, a CNN guy got caught jerking off and was brought back within months. Joy Reid has been discovered saying terrible stuff which isn't any different than the trash she says while on TV. No punishment. They're caught in lies all the time and no consequences.
What does it really matter at this point?

All these folks in the intelligence communities could hold a press conference on CNN admitting to lying about everything and making shit up to try and stop Trump while working with the DNC to do so and nothing will ever happen to them. We may as well accept that we have a two-tiered justice system where some folks can lie to the FBI and work with the DNC to set up a soft coupe while others are locked away in solitary confinement for walking into the Capitol while a police officer holds the door open for them.
Everything you say is completely accurate. Things are very dim in a lot of regards but it is encouraging to see that someone is still trying to fight. The alternative is a totalitarian regime hell bent on shattering all mass murder records in history by a huge margin.
My favorite retarded attempt at bribery before they went full threats--was the vaccine lottery. You can tell none of these people have experience in the private sector. For instance, they created this in an attempt to entice people who had not already got the jab to go get the jab simply for a chance to win $1M. Basically, get new customers.

What happened though were these geniuses allowed people who were already vaccinated to enter (LOL) and they proceeded to win. Listen to the quotes of the winners.

"I felt so privileged to represent all of us that stayed home when needed, wore our masks, socially distanced, got tested and most of all, got the vaccine when it became available," she said. "I did it for my amazing sons and their fabulous wives, for my four beautiful grandchildren whom I love to the moon and back, for my neighbors and friends, for health care workers and for my husband and me. I want to use this opportunity to encourage each of you to get the shot of hope. The vaccines cannot stop every case, but they can greatly reduce your chances of acquiring a serious, long-term or fatal case of COVID-19."

Ginger Schultz, of Louisville, was Kentucky's second Shot at a Million winner.

Schultz said she registered just two days before the drawing. "Figured somebody had to win," she said.

When asked about the vaccine, she said, "Why take a chance at getting very sick, and possibly die or even passing it on to someone else? That's what my main concern was. My mom is 85 and she has breathing issues and I have always been very concerned about her getting it or me passing it to her."

The Shorts received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as their age group allowed, Patricia Short said, adding that the vaccine incentive program was dreamt up by state officials long after they were fully vaccinated.

"We are firm believers that we have to do it. Please get vaccinated. Our kids have got to be vaccinated, too, or it’s not going to work,” she said.

So you proceeded to give away millions of dollars to people who had already done it and would've done it with no incentive. So you accomplished absolutely nothing except piss away money which is very typical of the government.
Their "statements" sound a lot like propaganda they were given to read.

GoP has been using fear porn to get votes for 200 years. Every year it's a new country ending boogeyman.

Odd timing considering this jab rollout... but yes, climate change.
If it does come to pass it is clearly the poison injections. Trying to blame the climate is absolutely absurd. Climate has been and will always be a constantly changing condition. There is no evidence whatsoever of any imminent threat to humans or the planet itself. Increasing carbon in the atmosphere would currently be a very good thing and the exact opposite of what these scam artists seek.
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I was watching Ted 2 as just mindless filler the other day and there was a quote by Morgan Freeman's character (who's an attorney in the film) that sums up dealing with the public's mindset.

"And unfortunately,
the public doesn't judge by reason.
It judges by emotion,
and you can't appeal
an emotional conviction."

This is the problem and the Dems play to this constantly with everything. Media from both sides of the aisle do this as well but it's way more of an issue for the leftist media.

Everything, EVERYTHING, is presented through the prism of emotion by media and politicians. It's how they can manipulate you. It's why women vote Democrat more. It's why media present things with a racial narrative. "Oh someone was killed for their skin color? That's wrong." Never mind that's not at all what happened. It just matters if that's the spin given.

"Oh I better get this vaccine or I might cause my parents to die. I love my parents and don't want that."
Can't wait until mid 2022, after the Covid recovery is (finally) taking hold with Cali and other states opening up... and for Biden and the Dems to take credit for the likely improving economy.

I have no doubt they are pushing this back to mid '22 to help with the midterms... hope voters see thru it.

The Dems are FANTASTIC about creating problems... and then fixing them.
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Can't wait until mid 2023, after the Covid recovery is (finally) taking hold with Cali and other states opening up... and for Biden and the Dems to take credit for the likely improving economy.

I have no doubt they are pushing this back to mid '23 to help with the midterms... hope voters see thru it.

The Dems are FANTASTIC about creating problems... and then fixing them.

The midterms are in 2022
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Can't wait until mid 2023, after the Covid recovery is (finally) taking hold with Cali and other states opening up... and for Biden and the Dems to take credit for the likely improving economy.

I have no doubt they are pushing this back to mid '23 to help with the midterms... hope voters see thru it.

The Dems are FANTASTIC about creating problems... and then fixing them.
Fixing them always requires loss of liberty and more of your money as government grows and grows.

The Biden admin wanting 87,000 new IRS agents should be a huge red flag to a sinister agenda. This is a monster that our forefathers would have snuffed out and wouldn't have thought twice about doing it. They would have done this long ago before allowing shit like the FBI/CIA/TSA etc and thousands of other type of government corruption and overreach.
"We can help inflation which we caused by simply adding more trillions in debt!"

Democrats created the shutdowns. Created all of this COVID BS with China. They created the supply shortage. They caused inflation. They caused the gas prices to skyrocket. THEY HAVE DONE ALL OF THIS.

Democrats destroy every GD thing they touch which is a mixture of incompetence and a sinister agenda. But they always have someone to blame it on and they always have the solution which is to give them even more money and more power.
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Can't wait until mid 2022, after the Covid recovery is (finally) taking hold with Cali and other states opening up... and for Biden and the Dems to take credit for the likely improving economy.

I have no doubt they are pushing this back to mid '22 to help with the midterms... hope voters see thru it.

The Dems are FANTASTIC about creating problems... and then fixing them.

That strategy was sooooo 2020 though. Now it’s let do whatever the F we want, and just fix the elections. Anyone questions it and they’re a racist terrorist. Oh and a science denier!
Didn't you know, it is fully paid for as well. I mean, if Joe Biden and Jen Psaki and everyone else associated with this administration says so then it has to be true. My distinguished KY math clearly says the numbers all add up or something like that. Maybe a few billion here and there are off but who is really counting these days...
The midterms are in 2022
Speaking of midterms, looks like the Dims have suddenly come to the realization that gerrymandering is bad when it's used against them..... and of course, the NYT is happy to assist in the head-fake misdirection.


"If you don't teach these kids whitey is evil and perpetual victimhood to all brown people, I'm going to get 1,000 brown people with guns to murder you."

Genius. What seriously should be considered is taking kids out of this public school system, getting community organization of a home school type where parents have more control and can hire teachers themselves. Clearly this is not working when you have this crazy shit.
I've been saying this for a while now. Get your kids out of schools.
If you think the national guard wouldn't turn on citizens you are a fool. All it takes is officers declaring them demostic terrorists and it's open season on rednecks. I think the thousands of wars have proven that humans will do anything they are told. Americans aren't some unique higher level of humans. Maybe you missed the part where we had a civil war and the militias slaughtered civilians.