My favorite retarded attempt at bribery before they went full threats--was the vaccine lottery. You can tell none of these people have experience in the private sector. For instance, they created this in an attempt to entice people who had not already got the jab to go get the jab simply for a chance to win $1M. Basically, get new customers.
What happened though were these geniuses allowed people who were already vaccinated to enter (LOL) and they proceeded to win. Listen to the quotes of the winners.
"I felt so privileged to represent all of us that stayed home when needed, wore our masks, socially distanced, got tested and most of all, got the vaccine when it became available," she said. "I did it for my amazing sons and their fabulous wives, for my four beautiful grandchildren whom I love to the moon and back, for my neighbors and friends, for health care workers and for my husband and me. I want to use this opportunity to encourage each of you to get the shot of hope. The vaccines cannot stop every case, but they can greatly reduce your chances of acquiring a serious, long-term or fatal case of COVID-19."
Ginger Schultz, of Louisville, was Kentucky's second Shot at a Million winner.
Schultz said she registered just two days before the drawing. "Figured somebody had to win," she said.
When asked about the vaccine, she said, "Why take a chance at getting very sick, and possibly die or even passing it on to someone else? That's what my main concern was. My mom is 85 and she has breathing issues and I have always been very concerned about her getting it or me passing it to her."
The Shorts received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as their age group allowed, Patricia Short said, adding that the vaccine incentive program was dreamt up by state officials long after they were fully vaccinated.
"We are firm believers that we have to do it. Please get vaccinated. Our kids have got to be vaccinated, too, or it’s not going to work,” she said.
So you proceeded to give away millions of dollars to people who had already done it and would've done it with no incentive. So you accomplished absolutely nothing except piss away money which is very typical of the government.