How will they rule ??!

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Lolololololol where did this guy get his law degree? Not only is this false, it also destroys anything he's tried to say about his own witness...the felon who brought an unregistered firearm

Lol libs just making things up out of thin air again

Haha what? This would be bigger news than the fake "Hands up dont shoot" narrative. People just randomly opening fire on people marching. That wouldve been all over the news and every single year we would have CNN/MSNBC/Social Media reminding us of that day.

In all honesty I wouldnt be shocked if she heard gunshots behind a hill when they were marching. St. Louis is one of the most crime riddled cities in the country. So if she did hear gunshots over the hill, it most likely was firecrackers or gangs shooting at each other. Not the evil white man.

You can look back at all my posts and I have never been one to make fun of someone for getting the jab. But its official, ya'll got played. Vaccines dont just last a few months, that's not a vaccine. Hell NBA players have to get boosters 2 months after getting the vaccine if they got the J&J shot.

Inside the Yahoo article Fauci doesnt say you might need 2 or 3 boosters. He says, "boosting" will be an essential part of the program.

What happened to so many people being skeptical about big Pharma? Now we got Big Pharma that came out with a "vaccine" that even they now admit only kind of works for a few months. And from here on out you need to be part of a "boosting" program. Oh and the CEO of Pfizer came out and said it should be criminal to not be vaccinated.

Hello McFly... They arent even trying to hide whats going on now. Big Pharma is literally telling people they have to take their shots multiple times a year from here on out and it should be illegal not to. And the vast majority of people are eating it up because Saint Fauci says so. What a complete sham.
I'm surprised they haven't slipped in some addictive substance into the jab to make you constantly want another shot. Turn people into a bunch of crackheads needing their fix. Would make them easy to control. Hell, a lot of people already act like that without it.
They are losing troops so the thing to do is double down on the reason they are losing troops. Got it. The military has been diverse for many, many, many years now. That is not the problem. The diversity they now speak of is the degenerates and weaklings they did not have in the past. It is not diversity they seek, it is inclusion of those who could not hack it before. Our military and therefore the nation is in trouble deep.
Lol libs just making things up out of thin air again

LOL. So crazy how all of these things that happen to blacks are never actually seen. These white supremacists are so stealthy! They paint backward swastikas in the middle of the night and hide behind hills and shoot at blacks and none of them were seen despite every media outlet in America being there and cops everywhere.
I will say this, if Kyle is found guilty and is sent to jail. I honestly wouldnt be shocked if that would be the moment that would spark the separation of this country.

This case is as obvious of a case as it gets. If he gets sent to jail, the Right will riot and I think it will be the beginning to this country finally breaking into two separate countries.
Better check your food's label for added ingredients. They'll be doping us that way here soon.
I will say this, if Kyle is found guilty and is sent to jail. I honestly wouldnt be shocked if that would be the moment that would spark the separation of this country.

This case is as obvious of a case as it gets. If he gets sent to jail, the Right will riot and I think it will be the beginning to this country finally breaking into two separate countries.
They won't do anything. The right never does anything and is quickly told to consider optics and condemned by every Republican politician. No conservative is going to do anything unless every comfort is removed.

The left, however, will burn down your city and murder you for a career criminal and drug addict dying in police cutody.
I'm surprised they haven't slipped in some addictive substance into the jab to make you constantly want another shot. Turn people into a bunch of crackheads needing their fix. Would make them easy to control. Hell, a lot of people already act like that without it.
In all honesty there is no need to. First of all that would be way too easy for someone to get their hands on it and make it public that they're doing that.

But why would they even risk doing that. It could come out that this entire time theyve been shooting people up with just a liquid form of Aspirin and people will still continue to get the booster. I mean that is essentially what theyve been doing. A vaccine isnt something that only lasts a couple months.

You would think the vast majority of people that have got the vaccine and are now finding out that it only "works" for a couple months and they will now need to be part of a "boosting program" from here on out. You would think that is when they would put their foot down and say, hold up. How bout instead of shooting stuff into us without having any clue on how long its going to be effective and not knowing any kind of long term effect it might have on us. We arent going to put up with this crap anymore until you all figure it out.

But nope Saint Fauci says so, so they must continue to do whatever he says. And Big Pharma, oh ya they have nothing but our best interest behind their motives. Why would we question Big Pharma, Saint Fauci says theyre great.

I mean come on, if they can get people to not only trust Big Pharma, but get to the point where they're legit cheerleaders for it. I mean people are putting idiotic crap like "#teamPfizer" in their twitter profiles and dating profiles. There is no need to put any kind of addictive crap in these shots. The vast majority buy into the dumb propaganda which is doing enough work.
She like many of her type (libs/dems) are absolutely disgusting.
This is a story I have never heard or read before. Total lie. Don't you think...with the media that we have now...and a black president at the time....that there would have been screaming 4 inch banner headlines for days?
The story is not true and this deviant made it up. She is a race baiter and dangerous.
They won't do anything. The right never does anything and is quickly told to consider optics and condemned by every Republican politician. No conservative is going to do anything unless every comfort is removed.

The left, however, will burn down your city and murder you for a career criminal and drug addict dying in police cutody.
Im not talking about Republican politicians. I think there will be a legit uprise from the people on the right. There will be enough people on the right that will uprise over Kyle being sent to jail that even the people on the right who maybe afraid of optics wont be afraid because the amount that will uprise.

I think the Kyle case is big enough and obvious enough that it will lead to the spark for that. Many on the right wont let that kid got to jail because of this.
i saw where you posted this before a week or two ago. Is that documented...well known...reported?
Reason I ask is that I remember when I lived in Atlanta...the home of the CDC...that there was a CDC facility outside of Atlanta...that at the time was quite far outside the 'burbs (now covered up by suburbia). It sat pretty far back off the road and as I recall had high fencing all around it. Quite a lot of security. A fairly large facility in acreage but the building wasn't. Was an article in the Atlanta Journal that it was an underground lab where the CDC kept at least one of every known deadly virus, etc known to man (at the time). Kept them in case there was another outbreak...they would have samples to come up with vaccines, etc.
Don't know if it's still there or not considering by now it would probably be surrounded by subdivisions and shopping centers.
Sounds a lot like the Hive from Resident Evil.
The Tuskegee experiment is just one example. Plus you have the lsd trials by the CIA too.
wait until everyone realizes that the US government started and RUNS the largest global drug trafficking operation in the history of mankind. then the same government started the war on drugs and had the CIA and FBI fighting against each other, and the DEA all at the same time. look up Kiki Camarena if you have time. CIA had him killed because he was exposing THEIR operations in Mexico.
Why would we want to pay $10.00 more a month to combat "climate change" when we know it will not be used for that. Then another few months down the line they will want to raise the price of your energy bill again.

There were billions of tax payer dollars wasted and given to green companies who went belly up not long after they got the money. Where did that money go?

Im not talking about Republican politicians. I think there will be a legit uprise from the people on the right. There will be enough people on the right that will uprise over Kyle being sent to jail that even the people on the right who maybe afraid of optics wont be afraid because the amount that will uprise.

I think the Kyle case is big enough and obvious enough that it will lead to the spark for that. Many on the right wont let that kid got to jail because of this.
The sad thing is there are lots of people who thinks he’s guilty just because he wasn’t there to riot. The libs in my town think he was a vigilante just looking to shoot someone despite the video evidence he was being attacked. It’s sad that people let their political party do their thinking for them. I think the young man is totally innocent. I think the jogger in Georgia was totally innocent and the men that shot him should be put away for ever.
Better check your food's label for added ingredients. They'll be doping us that way here soon.
Scientist are working now on infusing vegetables and other foods with the mrna materials used in the vaccine so that you do not have to take the shots in the future.

Begs to wonder what is actually in those shots that is making them push it so hard.
Im not talking about Republican politicians. I think there will be a legit uprise from the people on the right. There will be enough people on the right that will uprise over Kyle being sent to jail that even the people on the right who maybe afraid of optics wont be afraid because the amount that will uprise.
I think the Kyle case is big enough and obvious enough that it will lead to the spark for that. Many on the right wont let that kid got to jail because of this.
Who is going to rise up? You? I don’t see anybody risking their freedoms and lives and sacred honor to rise up over this. Nobody has the guts to fire the first shot.
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I will say this, if Kyle is found guilty and is sent to jail. I honestly wouldnt be shocked if that would be the moment that would spark the separation of this country.

This case is as obvious of a case as it gets. If he gets sent to jail, the Right will riot and I think it will be the beginning to this country finally breaking into two separate countries.
This country is already separated across many different metrics. That separation is why we are so weak. Could you imagine the power that would come from a untied white and black? That is something the government fears more than anything.

To the Rittenhouse thing. I can say with 99% assurity that absolutely nothing would happen if he was convicted. People in this country are not yet deprived enough of their cultural or material opiates for that. Kyle will die alone on that hill, unfortunately.

Through out history, revolutions have only started with a leader. There is no leader so there is no "separation". If things do break off it will not be some kind of announced proclamation of intentions. It will be right and left wing death squads making bodies hit the floor. Think more 1970-80s Northern Irish than 1700s America.
They are losing troops so the thing to do is double down on the reason they are losing troops. Got it. The military has been diverse for many, many, many years now. That is not the problem. The diversity they now speak of is the degenerates and weaklings they did not have in the past. It is not diversity they seek, it is inclusion of those who could not hack it before. Our military and therefore the nation is in trouble deep.
So true. US military is the most diverse place I have ever been involved with.

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