How will they rule ??!

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Next up, he’ll introduce this Star Wars bar scene:

That guy is a crack shot from over a mile out! I’ve never seen a better shot. He graduated top of his class and set multiple records at West Point. His knack for leadership is most impressive.

“That’s all very nice, but I hope by “he” you mean she?”

Well no sir...

“... disappointing. Keep looking... and make sure zey is a person of color. Oh... And for the last time it’s ma’am!!”
That guy is a crack shot from over a mile out! I’ve never seen a better shot. He graduated top of his class and set multiple records at West Point. His knack for leadership is most impressive.

“That’s all very nice, but I hope by “he” you mean she?”

Well no sir...

“... disappointing. Keep looking... and make sure zey is a person of color. Oh... And for the last time it’s ma’am!!”
I never thought I would live to see the United States Marine Corp a laughing stock. But they are and are leading our military into 3rd world status. I am a vet who joined the military when we had a 100% draft for men. I still went RA but I would never consider joining today's military. All of the branches are WOKE and focus on pronoun stupidity
Speaking of midterms, looks like the Dims have suddenly come to the realization that gerrymandering is bad when it's used against them..... and of course, the NYT is happy to assist in the head-fake misdirection.

Ignoring that Pubs netted 3 seats because people were smart enough to move from Dim states to Pub states: +2 TX, +1 MT/FL/NC, - 1 WV/OH. That's enough to move House count to 216 R-218 D alone.

You can look back at all my posts and I have never been one to make fun of someone for getting the jab. But its official, ya'll got played. Vaccines dont just last a few months, that's not a vaccine. Hell NBA players have to get boosters 2 months after getting the vaccine if they got the J&J shot.

Inside the Yahoo article Fauci doesnt say you might need 2 or 3 boosters. He says, "boosting" will be an essential part of the program.

What happened to so many people being skeptical about big Pharma? Now we got Big Pharma that came out with a "vaccine" that even they now admit only kind of works for a few months. And from here on out you need to be part of a "boosting" program. Oh and the CEO of Pfizer came out and said it should be criminal to not be vaccinated.

Hello McFly... They arent even trying to hide whats going on now. Big Pharma is literally telling people they have to take their shots multiple times a year from here on out and it should be illegal not to. And the vast majority of people are eating it up because Saint Fauci says so. What a complete sham.
It's a popular Communist tactic. Make a dozen appear to be thousands.

It's similar to how advertising works. When people are polled, they think the percentage of gay people is astronomical. One poll showed people thought nearly half the country was gay. HAHA. In reality, it's 4-5%. Why do they think that? Because that's what television shows.

Advertising is not reality because if you went off advertising, you'd think half the country was gay and the other half was black. So yes, Democrats do a superb job at deception.

You can look back at all my posts and I have never been one to make fun of someone for getting the jab. But its official, ya'll got played. Vaccines dont just last a few months, that's not a vaccine. Hell NBA players have to get boosters 2 months after getting the vaccine if they got the J&J shot.

Inside the Yahoo article Fauci doesnt say you might need 2 or 3 boosters. He says, "boosting" will be an essential part of the program.

What happened to so many people being skeptical about big Pharma? Now we got Big Pharma that came out with a "vaccine" that even they now admit only kind of works for a few months. And from here on out you need to be part of a "boosting" program. Oh and the CEO of Pfizer came out and said it should be criminal to not be vaccinated.

Hello McFly... They arent even trying to hide whats going on now. Big Pharma is literally telling people they have to take their shots multiple times a year from here on out and it should be illegal not to. And the vast majority of people are eating it up because Saint Fauci says so. What a complete sham.
You have to keep pumping yourselves with this medical experiment in hopes you might not get the flu for a week.

A huge portion of their base will continue to do this crazy stuff. The white lefties will easily do it. They will do anything the government tells them and act smug about it ("THE RESISTANCE"). I imagine a lot of the black community will just keep masking up as that seems to be what I see out in the public.

Then when people inevitably die, none of this will be attributed to the vaccine. Just like it's totally normal for all of these heart issues in soccer players now and kids.

You can look back at all my posts and I have never been one to make fun of someone for getting the jab. But its official, ya'll got played. Vaccines dont just last a few months, that's not a vaccine. Hell NBA players have to get boosters 2 months after getting the vaccine if they got the J&J shot.

Inside the Yahoo article Fauci doesnt say you might need 2 or 3 boosters. He says, "boosting" will be an essential part of the program.

What happened to so many people being skeptical about big Pharma? Now we got Big Pharma that came out with a "vaccine" that even they now admit only kind of works for a few months. And from here on out you need to be part of a "boosting" program. Oh and the CEO of Pfizer came out and said it should be criminal to not be vaccinated.

Hello McFly... They arent even trying to hide whats going on now. Big Pharma is literally telling people they have to take their shots multiple times a year from here on out and it should be illegal not to. And the vast majority of people are eating it up because Saint Fauci says so. What a complete sham.

so I was driving through the middle of Wisconsin last week, down Hwy. 33. And drove through windmill farm. These farmers are getting paid for these windmills to be on their property. That’s all good and well, I’m not opposed to wind or solar energy and encourage it where practical and economically feasible. However, this is certainly not what I want all of our farmland and open fields to look like.
These farmers may be making bank now, but what happens when the Great Reset kicks in and the government seizes these farms for their energy, leaving the farmers high and dry. Also, don’t they know these windmills use oil and fossil fuel lubricants?
Here is a Google maps link to the location of the wind farm I drove through.
Yup. Didn't even mention the resins that are used in the blades. If you want clean energy, let's talk nuclear. Yes it has waste too in spent fuel rods, but the power generated is far greater than wind and solar.
Think about the implications of this tweet.

The issues between the biden and Harris staff mirror that of the JFK staff and Lyndon Johnson staff.
Climate change is a giant scam. The notion that you can change that when you can’t fix shit as a politician is comical. It’s a massive way of wealth distribution. The climate cult is insane though. That’s their religion and they’re convinced the world is ending and that it can be fixed by government. 😂

Nothing any of you people can do that will make a dent especially when China and India are free to do what they do. Not to mention, you’re so insane that you’ll think this is important for the future but then try to financially ruin generations upon generations.
Bill Gates owns the only remaining small pox spores on the planet.
i saw where you posted this before a week or two ago. Is that documented...well known...reported?
Reason I ask is that I remember when I lived in Atlanta...the home of the CDC...that there was a CDC facility outside of Atlanta...that at the time was quite far outside the 'burbs (now covered up by suburbia). It sat pretty far back off the road and as I recall had high fencing all around it. Quite a lot of security. A fairly large facility in acreage but the building wasn't. Was an article in the Atlanta Journal that it was an underground lab where the CDC kept at least one of every known deadly virus, etc known to man (at the time). Kept them in case there was another outbreak...they would have samples to come up with vaccines, etc.
Don't know if it's still there or not considering by now it would probably be surrounded by subdivisions and shopping centers.
Climate change is a giant scam. The notion that you can change that when you can’t fix shit as a politician is comical. It’s a massive way of wealth distribution. The climate cult is insane though. That’s their religion and they’re convinced the world is ending and that it can be fixed by government. 😂

Nothing any of you people can do that will make a dent especially when China and India are free to do what they do. Not to mention, you’re so insane that you’ll think this is important for the future but then try to financially ruin generations upon generations.
There's been a number of studies in the last 10-20 years that the increased carbon in the atmosphere (i.e. 'climate change'...ha) has actually greatly benefited agriculture and increased food production worldwide. Which has led to more food for a higher population. Not to mention that there are more trees in this country than ever before.
What happens when you toss out a leader that potential enemies, while they may not like him, at least fear what he may do? And install an man who clearly is a well-known klutz with dementia who would, in the name of diversity, appoint clearly unqualified people to run the country?

1. The Taliban chase us out of the country with our tail between our legs in about two weeks time.
2. China stands ready to, and probably will, invade Taiwan.
3. Russia " " " " " " " Ukraine.

Let's go, Brandon.
If this country was as racist as these morons want you to believe, there wouldn't be two black women on TV talking about how bad white people are.
Exactly. There wouldn't be black people like tiger worth over a billion dollars. Patrick mahomes and lebitch james are each worth half a billion dollars. The country voted in a black president with a middle name of Hussein ffs. And ya know what? I'm not mad at any of these guys. They do their things. Who cares what the skin color is? There's good and terrible people of all colors. It's not the outside at all.
The worst atrocities throughout history have always been committed by governments. Why does half this nation ignore this and view government as a parental figure that has their best interests? Governments have been exposed in deception so many times. Killing thousands to millions of their own citizens. WHY THE EFF do we have a group who wants to give government even more power?

You don't think governments have used bioweapons against their own people? Think again. America is guilty of this.
What happens when you toss out a leader that potential enemies, while they may not like him, at least fear what he may do? And install an man who clearly is a well-known klutz with dementia who would, in the name of diversity, appoint clearly unqualified people to run the country?

1. The Taliban chase us out of the country with our tail between our legs in about two weeks time.
2. China stands ready to, and probably will, invade Taiwan.
3. Russia " " " " " " " Ukraine.

Let's go, Brandon.

Same idea as analysts saying "Kentucky should have kept Tubby." Yeah, I'm sure our rivals were all about Kentucky being weak as shit and not a threat.
he said he was going to do it last year.....guess what it went nowhere. he just hoped it would get a few votes. Just like the 3x the WH has announced infrastructure week. When you are racking up absurd debt to pay off your millionaire buddies you have nothing left over for normal people needs.
It's going to be ugly. They'd have to completely stop all covid mandates immediately to have a hope in restarting the economy in a meaningful way.
i saw where you posted this before a week or two ago. Is that documented...well known...reported?
Reason I ask is that I remember when I lived in Atlanta...the home of the CDC...that there was a CDC facility outside of Atlanta...that at the time was quite far outside the 'burbs (now covered up by suburbia). It sat pretty far back off the road and as I recall had high fencing all around it. Quite a lot of security. A fairly large facility in acreage but the building wasn't. Was an article in the Atlanta Journal that it was an underground lab where the CDC kept at least one of every known deadly virus, etc known to man (at the time). Kept them in case there was another outbreak...they would have samples to come up with vaccines, etc.
Don't know if it's still there or not considering by now it would probably be surrounded by subdivisions and shopping centers.
Yeah, the cdc and other labs across the world have samples of all these deadly pathogens. I have no idea where he gets that Gates has the remaining spores, or any for that matter.
The worst atrocities throughout history have always been committed by governments. Why does half this nation ignore this and view government as a parental figure that has their best interests? Governments have been exposed in deception so many times. Killing thousands to millions of their own citizens. WHY THE EFF do we have a group who wants to give government even more power?

You don't think governments have used bioweapons against their own people? Think again. America is guilty of this.
The Tuskegee experiment is just one example. Plus you have the lsd trials by the CIA too.
Lol libs just making things up out of thin air again

She like many of her type (libs/dems) are absolutely disgusting.
This is a story I have never heard or read before. Total lie. Don't you think...with the media that we have now...and a black president at the time....that there would have been screaming 4 inch banner headlines for days?

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