so I was driving through the middle of Wisconsin last week, down Hwy. 33. And drove through windmill farm. These farmers are getting paid for these windmills to be on their property. That’s all good and well, I’m not opposed to wind or solar energy and encourage it where practical and economically feasible. However, this is certainly not what I want all of our farmland and open fields to look like.Another update. Now this "friend's" uber liberal husband is following my tweets trying to own me. I'm on disability currently (which I hate and want to work and have applications in at universities around here and online spots). Replied to my tweet about how the vaccines aren't free, they're paid for with taxes, or insurance premiums... he replied "what's it matter you don't do either".
A guy before I even saw it basically said the obvious. Everything we buy has taxes on it.
Then he tries to get me on how wind turbine blades are going to be recyclable showing 2 articles regarding new technology coming. This one company has recycled 100! Omg!!... i replied with an article that shows THOUSANDS of blades just buried in the sand. The article was early 2020 in Bloomberg. "Science moves forward" he says.
So i find another article about a company that made like 5 fully "recyclable" blades. They hope to fully supply the needs in..... 2040.... meanwhile, by 2025 we will throwing 25,000 tons of useless windmill blades EVERY ****ING YEAR.
I haven't even shown him how insanely little energy we get from renewable sources and how bad all these batteries and solar panels do to the environment in processing and disposal.
Libs man... just not smart.
These farmers may be making bank now, but what happens when the Great Reset kicks in and the government seizes these farms for their energy, leaving the farmers high and dry. Also, don’t they know these windmills use oil and fossil fuel lubricants?
Here is a Google maps link to the location of the wind farm I drove through.