There's a nice baseball field in a cornfield somewhere there.Iowa is beautiful in the summer! Well, some of it.
There's a nice baseball field in a cornfield somewhere there.Iowa is beautiful in the summer! Well, some of it.
Getting rid of the cap is a 15% tax increase on upper middle class+ workers & will kill spending & investment. Cutting bennies by raising ages & capping bennies' payments to a certain level is the only reasonable way - vs. a new system. Just letting it go will just give everyone a 20-25% hair cut - not the worst. Why they don't grossly increase Medicare premiums beyond today's for upper income folks escapes me.Honestly, even though I'm fundamentally opposed to both, they need to keep taxing SS benefits, AND get rid of the cap if they want to have any hope of saving it.
I used to have the exact same opinion as you on the snide comments, and still do to a degree. But recently the thought occured to me that if Trump was the type of person to hold back on what he thinks, he likely would also be the type of person to hold back on what needs to be done. It's his don't give a flip attitude that pushes him to make the hard choices for the country. So when he says something he probably shouldn't now, I just shake my head, grin, and say well that's why he doesn't give a lick what the media says when he decides to protect our borders. Gotta take the bad with the good.I never really cared for Trump until he ran for president. His fire lured me in. I still wish he would tone down the snide remarks but my wife who is also from NY (born and raised until 18 years old) says that he talks and acts like most New Yorkers. She has friends who she occasionally still talks to who talk and act that way. One of her friends who visited many years ago and I did not get along. She was very rude to me, and we were in a constant argumentative state while she was here. She did not like me and told my wife that she needed to leave me. That did not happen, and that friend has never been back.
Getting rid of the cap is a 15% tax increase on upper middle class+ workers & will kill spending & investment. Cutting bennies by raising ages & capping bennies' payments to a certain level is the only reasonable way - vs. a new system. Just letting it go will just give everyone a 20-25% hair cut - not the worst. Why they don't grossly increase Medicare premiums beyond today's for upper income folks escapes me.
That doesn't sound very hopeful then, does it?Many people smarter than Trump got us into this mess. Many people smarter than Trump are advising him now.
In Over 30 years of trading, I've learned to side with Buffett and away from gamblers.
It's either $40M in bourbon or $40M in US alcohol products, not sure which.
I appreciate you offering me advice, but until proven otherwise, intentional chaos in the markets is stupid. My portfolio is already down and this chit is just getting revved up.
Jews and Muslims fighting and demanding the world side with one of them is like the political version of Duke vs UNC.
The people who hate him are the ones who built the current failed structure.Agreed on the borrowing and spending. Trump is just as guilty as sleepy joe. Both spent like drunk teens in a whore house. But, balancing the tariff trade, if successful, big if, doesn't guarantee balance.
Trump has many failed ventures! He has filed bankruptcy 8 times, where he walks away scot--free, and stuck builders, vendors, investors, regular joes, and lenders with 100s of billions in unpaid debt. Why should I trust a gambler.
Then short-sell the market,I appreciate you offering me advice, but until proven otherwise, intentional chaos in the markets is stupid. My portfolio is already down and this chit is just getting revved up.
I'm not going to engage your loaded, rhetorical questions. You seem a little too emotional about this issue. Try bringing down the tone a bit first.What has Israel done for us? Why must we bow down to them and be their bitch? Why must every one of our politicians kiss the ring?
Why is migration fine for everyone else but not them?
Islamic nations are savages and have no place in the west but the brainwashing that’s been to the American people to worship Israel is insane. It’s not Israel of the Bible, it’s a one-sided relationship, they spy on us, and Jews hate Christians.
Stop foreign aide to everyone but Israel? This is so ridiculous.
I channel him these days. Good friends after 20-25 concerts of his.Are you siding with Jimmy Buffett?
It would be surprising if I did not already know just how ignorant and or dumb those on the left are in reference to the state of our economy right now and how it will get worse before it gets better. The damage done by the last admin will be hard to correct short term and probably will take a couple of years at least. With liberal judges trying to block almost every move, it will take a concerted effort from the republican party and the SCOTUS to implement totally what needs to be done. I just hope we can scare the rinos enough to convince them that it would be in their best interest to comply.Perhaps you would just prefer to lose it all. The thing that some don't seem to grasp is that the can is about to run out of road. The economy has been on life support for about two decades now. If something drastic isn't done soon the whole house of cards is going to collapse.
I've got some more bad news for you. It's going to get worse before it gets better. However, if this works out then the entire country will come out with a sustainable future instead of staring into a pool of debt related woe that would plunge the entire world into another depression.
If you're ever in Paris, head East down 4th street, and hang a left at Rue de Rivoli. Go down 2 blocks, and you'll find the best whore house in France.
~ ALSO Benjamin Franklin
Yea, MAGA are such tough guys to scare rinos. LOL.I just hope we can scare the rinos enough to convince them that it would be in their best interest to comply.
Get a fantasy World Globe from the Dim site "Idiots are Us". It's rainbow color coded for easier use and Alphabet gender compliant.Disappointed that I have yet to find a globe where the islands flip over when the population on one side of it reaches past the tipping point.
I propose a Political Thread "in person" mixer.
Let's see who has the balls the keep the dialogue "true", face to face. LOL
I know that "I'm good"
I'll gladly tell you bastards what I think of you, in person. 😍
In fact, I'd f***ing RELISH it. LOL
We have zero business taking over any land in that area....If you know the history there. It's a GD hornet's nest...Was reading yesterday that no one owns Gaza by international law such that the US could take it over w/o violating any treaty/international law. So could anyone else. They just don't want the problems if they do.
We'll give them extra name tags.
Meanwhile, Canadian leftists like to link arms with European and American leftists about “our democracy” and “the world order”.
Still remember him telling Maher that dems were pushing trans stuff on kids and Maher laughed at him. Fast forward 8 years and Maher is telling dems to stop with the transing kids. LOL.Heard yesterday that Dennis Prager is paralyzed from the neck down. I never listened/watched him much. Good conservative but I thought rather bland and boring. Had heard for the last 4 months that he had had a bad fall at his home, but never heard the details.
They won't admit the economy was a lie. Warren Buffet didn't sell 80% of his stocks and sit on cash for no reason. Also, billionaires were getting dual citizenship at a much higher rate under Biden. Very wealthy people were scared to death Biden/Harris would just go ahead and seize wealth. Money fleeing the country for the last 4 years wasn't reported on very often.Perhaps you would just prefer to lose it all. The thing that some don't seem to grasp is that the can is about to run out of road. The economy has been on life support for about two decades now. If something drastic isn't done soon the whole house of cards is going to collapse.
I've got some more bad news for you. It's going to get worse before it gets better. However, if this works out then the entire country will come out with a sustainable future instead of staring into a pool of debt related woe that would plunge the entire world into another depression.
Shortly after Kent State, I was stationed stateside. They were expecting protests at a missile site near by. They took a group of us MP's and put us in a large room on stand-by. They issued us M-16's, but told us there would be NO AMMO issued. Thankfully, we were not deployed.Time to go Kent St. on their asses.