How will they rule ??!

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Honestly, even though I'm fundamentally opposed to both, they need to keep taxing SS benefits, AND get rid of the cap if they want to have any hope of saving it.
Getting rid of the cap is a 15% tax increase on upper middle class+ workers & will kill spending & investment. Cutting bennies by raising ages & capping bennies' payments to a certain level is the only reasonable way - vs. a new system. Just letting it go will just give everyone a 20-25% hair cut - not the worst. Why they don't grossly increase Medicare premiums beyond today's for upper income folks escapes me.
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Canada's protectionist tariffs are literally the only thing that is keeping them from becoming the 51st State.

Those Maple Leafs will dry up and fold in quick order. They're going to learn, and I mean the HARD way.

Canada likes to talk a big game about their free health insurance (insurance, NOT healthCARE) but it is largely paid for by the United States (via said protectionist tariffs)
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I never really cared for Trump until he ran for president. His fire lured me in. I still wish he would tone down the snide remarks but my wife who is also from NY (born and raised until 18 years old) says that he talks and acts like most New Yorkers. She has friends who she occasionally still talks to who talk and act that way. One of her friends who visited many years ago and I did not get along. She was very rude to me, and we were in a constant argumentative state while she was here. She did not like me and told my wife that she needed to leave me. That did not happen, and that friend has never been back.
I used to have the exact same opinion as you on the snide comments, and still do to a degree. But recently the thought occured to me that if Trump was the type of person to hold back on what he thinks, he likely would also be the type of person to hold back on what needs to be done. It's his don't give a flip attitude that pushes him to make the hard choices for the country. So when he says something he probably shouldn't now, I just shake my head, grin, and say well that's why he doesn't give a lick what the media says when he decides to protect our borders. Gotta take the bad with the good.
Getting rid of the cap is a 15% tax increase on upper middle class+ workers & will kill spending & investment. Cutting bennies by raising ages & capping bennies' payments to a certain level is the only reasonable way - vs. a new system. Just letting it go will just give everyone a 20-25% hair cut - not the worst. Why they don't grossly increase Medicare premiums beyond today's for upper income folks escapes me.

That 20 to 25 percent haircut, is just for the first year. As the fund drops lower (and it will), that 20 percent will be 50 percent within 4 years.
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In Over 30 years of trading, I've learned to side with Buffett and away from gamblers.

Are you siding with Jimmy Buffett?

If you’re talking about Warren, the Buffett indicator was through the roof at the start of Trump’s term and he’s sitting on a mountain of cash expecting a market downturn.

You cannot be siding with Warren Buffett while also being surprised the market is overvalued.
It's either $40M in bourbon or $40M in US alcohol products, not sure which.

I think I was wrong before. I was thinking about us distribution instead of making it here.

Im going to guess us alcohol. As proud as they are of their swill, can't imagine them drinking that much bourbon.
I appreciate you offering me advice, but until proven otherwise, intentional chaos in the markets is stupid. My portfolio is already down and this chit is just getting revved up.

Better sell it all now then. We have 47 more months of Trump.

If you're so confident he'll trash it. I'd sell it all today.

If you don't, you're a laying hypocrite.
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Agreed on the borrowing and spending. Trump is just as guilty as sleepy joe. Both spent like drunk teens in a whore house. But, balancing the tariff trade, if successful, big if, doesn't guarantee balance.

Trump has many failed ventures! He has filed bankruptcy 8 times, where he walks away scot--free, and stuck builders, vendors, investors, regular joes, and lenders with 100s of billions in unpaid debt. Why should I trust a gambler.
The people who hate him are the ones who built the current failed structure.

That’s not deniable.

You can ask why you should trust him, but I ask who else can you trust?
I appreciate you offering me advice, but until proven otherwise, intentional chaos in the markets is stupid. My portfolio is already down and this chit is just getting revved up.
Then short-sell the market,

Hate You Dummy GIF by Amazon Prime Video
What has Israel done for us? Why must we bow down to them and be their bitch? Why must every one of our politicians kiss the ring?

Why is migration fine for everyone else but not them?

Islamic nations are savages and have no place in the west but the brainwashing that’s been to the American people to worship Israel is insane. It’s not Israel of the Bible, it’s a one-sided relationship, they spy on us, and Jews hate Christians.

Stop foreign aide to everyone but Israel? This is so ridiculous.

I'm not going to engage your loaded, rhetorical questions. You seem a little too emotional about this issue. Try bringing down the tone a bit first.
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Perhaps you would just prefer to lose it all. The thing that some don't seem to grasp is that the can is about to run out of road. The economy has been on life support for about two decades now. If something drastic isn't done soon the whole house of cards is going to collapse.

I've got some more bad news for you. It's going to get worse before it gets better. However, if this works out then the entire country will come out with a sustainable future instead of staring into a pool of debt related woe that would plunge the entire world into another depression.
It would be surprising if I did not already know just how ignorant and or dumb those on the left are in reference to the state of our economy right now and how it will get worse before it gets better. The damage done by the last admin will be hard to correct short term and probably will take a couple of years at least. With liberal judges trying to block almost every move, it will take a concerted effort from the republican party and the SCOTUS to implement totally what needs to be done. I just hope we can scare the rinos enough to convince them that it would be in their best interest to comply.
Disappointed that I have yet to find a globe where the islands flip over when the population on one side of it reaches past the tipping point.
Get a fantasy World Globe from the Dim site "Idiots are Us". It's rainbow color coded for easier use and Alphabet gender compliant.
I propose a Political Thread "in person" mixer.

Let's see who has the balls the keep the dialogue "true", face to face. LOL

I know that "I'm good"

I'll gladly tell you bastards what I think of you, in person. 😍

In fact, I'd f***ing RELISH it. LOL

I would be tempted to show up in a dress and announce myself as D-Sus. 😝
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Was reading yesterday that no one owns Gaza by international law such that the US could take it over w/o violating any treaty/international law. So could anyone else. They just don't want the problems if they do.
We have zero business taking over any land in that area....If you know the history there. It's a GD hornet's nest...

Just in time for all the bad economic data coming out. Spring will see lower energy prices and then construction should see a pickup going into summer. Get interest rates down and we can be back and rolling by Aug.

Just to repeat that Biden slaughtered tons of chickens for a made up bird flu.... No birds died from the flu they were killed just for having it.
Heard yesterday that Dennis Prager is paralyzed from the neck down. I never listened/watched him much. Good conservative but I thought rather bland and boring. Had heard for the last 4 months that he had had a bad fall at his home, but never heard the details.
Still remember him telling Maher that dems were pushing trans stuff on kids and Maher laughed at him. Fast forward 8 years and Maher is telling dems to stop with the transing kids. LOL.
Perhaps you would just prefer to lose it all. The thing that some don't seem to grasp is that the can is about to run out of road. The economy has been on life support for about two decades now. If something drastic isn't done soon the whole house of cards is going to collapse.

I've got some more bad news for you. It's going to get worse before it gets better. However, if this works out then the entire country will come out with a sustainable future instead of staring into a pool of debt related woe that would plunge the entire world into another depression.
They won't admit the economy was a lie. Warren Buffet didn't sell 80% of his stocks and sit on cash for no reason. Also, billionaires were getting dual citizenship at a much higher rate under Biden. Very wealthy people were scared to death Biden/Harris would just go ahead and seize wealth. Money fleeing the country for the last 4 years wasn't reported on very often.
The SS program needs to be fundamentally reformed. Squeezing wage earners to fund the Ponzi scheme for a few more years is useless.

I go back and forth on SS issue. I have a hard time believing that taxing additional income above nearly $170k is 'squeezing' anyone too much. Nor do I think taxing additional income at, worst case 6.2%, is going to be a hit to the economy. My belief is that, above the current income limit, the additional income could most likely be taxed at a lower rate than 15.3% (combined). Bear in mind, the 15.3% includes the 2.9% that is taxed to Medicare on ALL income so the SS portion above the income limit, with no changes, would be 12.4%. Let's say that tax rate could be dropped in half above the current income limit to a total of 6.2% (I have no idea what the correct number would be, of course). Do you really think an extra 3.1% for employed individuals on income > $170k is a 'squeeze'? I'd bet >> 50% of voters would not think so. Or, create a donut hole of, let's say, $100k of additional income before the SS 'surtax' would kick in (similar to the Ocare extra cap gains tax).

I am a fiscal conservative but believe that SS, with all its warts, is a program that should be continued as too many Americans depend heavily on that income. I do not think 'reform' is viable politically. People hate change and changing the current system, most likely drastically, would never get through Congress, imo.

Some combination of the below, imo, would greatly enhance the SS program financially:
1) Eliminate waste and outright fraud (duplicate payments, payments to dead people, payment to non-citizens, etc.) - by itself, this could make a HUGE difference in the viability of the program
2) Tax more earned income as outlined above
3) Reduce/eliminate/means-test COLA increases (with enhanced life expectancy and COLA increases, SS payments far outweigh $$ paid in for individuals who live into their 80s); BTW many private company pensions do NOT include any COLA - why does SS, especially when it's quickly going into a ditch
4) Maybe, as many private company pensions do, give the individual the option of rolling out a lump sum instead of a series of payments

Many of you are surely aware that higher income earners pay more into Medicare and, upon signing up for Medicare at age 65+, can pay as much as 3+X more for monthly Medicare premiums based on their AGI. So, not only have those high earners paid in more, they can pay significantly more for the coverage once they sign up for it. Wouldn't that be nearly the same logic behind no cap on income for SS taxation?

Again, I struggle with the SS issue. But, if I start with the program needs to continue, the above seems both logical and politically viable to me.

I'm sure many of you will 'prove' me wrong, of course. :)

Hey Farmy... can you figure out why his earning dried up? How is such a good businessman and legal mind struggling financially?

The left never said a word about this. Amazing they all now have opinions on what Trump is doing wrong. LOL
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The true reason that the Kent. St crowd got unruly, was that the mayor had ordered all bars closed for the remainder of the day, and those kids/townies went berserk, cornered a guard unit against a fence line, and started pelting them with rocks and bottles.

100 percent true story (but you never heard that in the news)