How will they rule ??!

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We're not on the same path as Europe because Europe has about an infinity times more Muslims than us and have far more un-assimilated immigrants. Stop being an idiot and believing every infowars post you read
Most Western European nations are at about 3% to 10% Muslim. Eastern European nations are around 1% at most unless they have indigenous Muslim populations (Bosnia, Bulgaria, Russia, etc).
Not unless we increase our Muslim tenfold in 15 years. And not unless we start allowing sharia courts like pets of Europe

Not necessarily talking about population

But that will increase dramatically if we move further toward open borders. Not to mention hill dawg is basically forcing refugees to migrate.
The funniest part of today:

That Hillary fan is over here thinking he's so funny... yet he's not even saying what trump says.
Not necessarily talking about population

But that will increase dramatically if we move further toward open borders. Not to mention hill dawg is basically forcing refugees to migrate.
I have a very very strong feeling that far more Muslims come to the US under H1Bs than via refugee programs. Not sure how to verify such a statement, but it'd be my (?educated) guess.
also: LOL @ Sid Miller's Twitter. Per a friend involved there: "TX political twittersphere is an absolute sh!tstorm this afternoon"
Im not a Gary Johnson fan, he's a very flawed libertarian. I will be votinf for him instead of the 2 horrific sheep candidates though. Try to keep up.
My bad - was just glancing through and didn't see anything about Hillary from you. I'll go back and find them...again, so sorry.
We're not on the same path as Europe because Europe has about an infinity times more Muslims than us and have far more un-assimilated immigrants. Stop being an idiot and believing every infowars post you read

Lmao no shit! So, you want to continue down that path. We are also separated by X miles of fn ocean; don't forget that part. Doesn't change the fact that our views align with Europe.

These smart dumb on purpose mf'ers are so good at politics, ain't they?
Most Western European nations are at about 3% to 10% Muslim. Eastern European nations are around 1% at most unless they have indigenous Muslim populations (Bosnia, Bulgaria, Russia, etc).

Lol what? That's crazy low, right? Transy? Snopes?

And our country is crazy big. Muslims might have Detroit Michigan for all I know. Muslim money is good fn money, we need to get them rebuilding downtowns, tbh.
Not unless we increase our Muslim tenfold in 15 years. And not unless we start allowing sharia courts like pets of Europe


I think we should, don't you? I mean good lord! Look at the mess overseas, if we can feed 20billion Muslims, shouldn't we at least try?

Oh, you mean Sharia Finance?

Where do you live? I live in Louisville and they have no effect on my life. Help me understand. What negative effects do they have on your life specifically.
Good God man, stop being so obtuse and look at what's happening in Europe and in many American cities. The fact that you're not seeing it in Louisville doesn't mean it's not happening in the US. Immigration is a big problem and will get much worse with Hillary.

Respect your Libertarian views and like many of them myself but until they get a strong candidate, a Libertarian vote is a vote for the Democrat and that is shameful in this election.
Mashburned nor his catspause character or very smart

1) 3-10% is still 4-11 times the percentage we have in America

2) Just to illustrate; France, Germany, and the UK EACH have more total Muslims than the US. Their combine population is ~2/3 that of ours

3) Saying you don't think the US is headed towards European like issues with Islam doesn't mean I like Islam. I don't. I just realize demographics (among various other factors) are so different that it doesn't seem likely to happen here. And especially not to make it one of your top priorities.

4) Muslims in the US have not shown an inclination towards violence or even extremism in the levels seen in Europe. There isn't even a trend in that direction.

U dumb
Mashburned nor his catspause character or very smart

1) 3-10% is still 4-11 times the percentage we have in America

2) Just to illustrate; France, Germany, and the UK EACH have more total Muslims than the US. Their combine population is ~2/3 that of ours

3) Saying you don't think the US is headed towards European like issues with Islam doesn't mean I like Islam. I don't. I just realize demographics (among various other factors) are so different that it doesn't seem likely to happen here. And especially not to make it one of your top priorities.

4) Muslims in the US have not shown an inclination towards violence or even extremism in the levels seen in Europe. There isn't even a trend in that direction.

U dumb
While we don't have the huge number of Muslim immigrants - yet - we DO have a huge number of illegal immigrants from south of the border. 20million or so. Stop the flow of illegals and stop any immigrants from terrorist countries.
How do you think they got to this point ? It started just like this
Eh, I think colonizing most of the Islamic world had a significant amount to do with it.

Britain's mistake was allowing religious liberty to trump constitutional liberties via Sharia family law courts.
France's mistake was their ethnocultural snootiness that led to significant disengagement by Muslim youth.

Germany is actually a "success story", if such a thing even exists, when it comes to Muslim integration in Europe. But that's a relative term, obviously.

None of them have done as well as Canada and the U.S. have done, though.
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Eh, I think colonizing most of the Islamic world had a significant amount to do with it.

Britain's mistake was allowing religious liberty to trump constitutional liberties via Sharia family law courts.
France's mistake was their ethnocultural snootiness that led to significant disengagement by Muslim youth.

Germany is actually a "success story", if such a thing even exists, when it comes to Muslim integration in Europe. But that's a relative term, obviously.

None of them have done as well as Canada and the U.S. have done, though.
Are you sure that you're not a progressive?
How do you think they got to this point ? It started just like this
No it didn't. European countries needed workers after WWII wiped out huge swaths of their populations so they imported cheap labor from places like Turkey and North Africa. France and Great Britain also had large empires that extended into Muslim areas.

That's not anything close to even the most conspiratorial outlook of how many Muslims Hillary plans to "import."

Why can't you all be satisfied with reality? Islam sucks, but the Muslims in the US are better than most and there is no evidence their population is on pace for an explosion or that there is a serious push to allow any form of Islamic government in the US. Shouldn't you be happy we're not like Europe? Why must you spend time worrying about shit that isn't happening and isn't likely to happen?
"We're sick of Muslims"

Currently .9% of the US population and highly concentrated in a few locations, at that. Yep, that's what I worry about most. GD Muslims who I rarely come in contact with and who have shown a much lower propensity towards terrorism and violence than Muslims in other nations.

Get a grip
I live in a large city. And I've lived in several large cities over the years. And by large I mean top 10, top 5, largest. Not Louisville. I've never had a problem with Muslims or immigrants in general. I'm in London several times a year. All over the city. Never had a problem. That's just my experience. Maybe there are more facts to back up this fear people have but for me they have no affect on my life. Bigger things to worry about.
Mashburned nor his catspause character or very smart

4) Muslims in the US have not shown an inclination towards violence or even extremism in the levels seen in Europe. There isn't even a trend in that direction.

U dumb
Because the ones brought here are extremely lucky to get here, appreciate it, and have been 'extremely' vetted before being allowed to migrate. This narrative that we're just letting in any Jamal, Abdul or Mohammad is just not accurate.
Pretty amazing
Because the ones brought here are extremely lucky to get here, appreciate it, and have been 'extremely' vetted before being allowed to migrate. This narrative that we're just letting in any Jamal, Abdul or Mohammad is just not accurate.
Sweet Jezebel your a idiot.

How tf are we vetting them? Tapping into our reliable contacts in the friendly Assad regime? Some mid-level bureaucrats over there helping us out? Some folks whose top professional goals for fiscal year '16 include "don't get my head chopped off", "don't get drowned in a cage", and "finally get my graphic novel about not getting my head chopped off published"?

Get lost, Cardkilla.
You're a GD idiot if you don't think Hillary wants to import as many non-white people in this place to finish off conservatives. And you faggy libertarians are going to get whacked in the commotion.
[laughing] maybe daddy trump will protect you. You guys seem to be the ones begging for a strongman. Maybe us faggy libertarians are just more confident in our ability to handle the situation than you pussy trumpalo cucks.
This ain't a fear thing. It's a policy thing. We are we bending over for terrorism.

But start that fear argument with someone who lost a family member to terrorism....

You guys are caught up in what the media wants you caught up in. The racial aspect, the fear, the progressive vs conservative.

It's about money. It's about our F'd up politicians playing god all over this globe. It's about our F'd up economy/society. The fact that we need to bend over for sharia finance laws, help fund jihad. It's about the fact our country lives on welfare and needs open borders to help generate more money for more politicians to play with. It's F'd up and we continue to play this game, justifying it with fear and other bullshit tactics.

And all y'all wanna do is call someone dumb or racist. Attack the other side.
[laughing] maybe daddy trump will protect you. You guys seem to be the ones begging for a strongman. Maybe us faggy libertarians are just more confident in our ability to handle the situation than you pussy trumpalo cucks.

Mass immigration from third world countries is antithetical to libertarian thought. If you allow millions of new voters in the country who will vote for more entitlements the size of government will always increase .

How could a libertarian not see this?
So after ww2 they came to Europe for work, then exploded and radicalized?

Guess what. This is the beginning. I don't need anyone to save me. But anyone who thinks this is a good idea isn't being realistic. There are several examples out there. Look at them.
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I can't believe Trump's announcement asking for term limits isn't getting more attention.

If it passed (and I'm sure it will never even be voted on), it could be one of the most significant pieces of legislation in history.

Oh well... we lose again.
How could it ever pass with those already in office voting?
[laughing] maybe daddy trump will protect you. You guys seem to be the ones begging for a strongman. Maybe us faggy libertarians are just more confident in our ability to handle the situation than you pussy trumpalo cucks.

Again, got trolled, got scared...

He was taking about Hillary's policy on immigration, btw. "A world without borders".
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You guys are caught up in what the media wants you caught up in. The racial aspect, the fear, the progressive vs conservative.
That comment could've been directed by Transy towards you and have made just as much sense as it is from you towards him.
That's what you agree with? A big world without borders? And no, that's not going to instantly happen, it won't effect your grandkids, but you eventually aspire to be and support a government that works towards ending borders, FTR?

Because the ones brought here are extremely lucky to get here, appreciate it, and have been 'extremely' vetted before being allowed to migrate. This narrative that we're just letting in any Jamal, Abdul or Mohammad is just not accurate.

Oh shutup. If you're not trolling...We can't enforce/vet what we have in our own country. No telling how much money we waste while we do it, btw. There is no damn way we can possibly know much about someone from who knows where with what sort of documentation. But it doesn't matter. We dgaf. Someone is winning an election because of this. Saving refugees is good!!!! Plus, more labor/dependents! Yayy!!! Votes, too! It's so wonderful.
Not sure how anyone can deny Hilliary wanting to amp up Muslim immigration when she nodded in agreeance to Trump when he said she want to bring in 550K over the next 5 years.

To our population that is small, but please do not think that isn't a large enough number that we are to believe there isn't a drastically increased chance of terrorism due to this.

That is what it's about not fear of everyday folk.......why chance terrorism any more than we have to?

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