How will they rule ??!

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This memo from Podesta and friends to Soros and friends puts what we have been saying for years in black and white. "Echo chamber", flood latinos, label all republicans, etc.

George and Jonathan Soros, Peter and Jonathan Lewis, Herb and Marion Sandler, Steve Bing, John Sperling, Michael Vachon
Andy Stern, Anna Burger, and John Podesta writing as private citi!ens"
Septe#ber $%, $&&%
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The current sitting SoS stated he wanted at least 200k Syrians, more than a sliver. Only objections from rational people kept that from happening.

So, as a stand alone city, roughly the size of Birmingham, AL, the 100th largest city in the United States.
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But still waiting on one of those Syrian immigrants to kill us. Meanwhile, angry white men are attacking and killing them here.

Here is a little something to cheer you up as you deal with the difficulties of defending Clinton, Inc. Via WSJ

Two police officers were shot and killed in Iowa in ambush-style attacks early Wednesday, police in Des Moines said.

Officers responded to reports of shots fired at around 1:06 a.m. and found an Urbandale police officer shot in his patrol car, Des Moines Police Department said in a statement. A second officer from Des Moines police, who responded to the initial call, was found shot in his car around 20 minutes later.

Both officers have been announced dead.
Hit some weed this morning and thought.

What if we made corruption legal? Think about that one and tell me if that doesn't work.
Must've been good weed.

I think steroids should be legal in professional sports, but not in horse racing. Unless a waiver is signed by the horse, of course of course.
Can we make it through another day without a bomb? Someone needs to fire first or this Mexican standoff might go right up to the election.
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viva la france
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What stand off?

Do you think the Clinton campaign (and all of its arms including the MSM) and Wikileaks, Project Veritas, etc. have released everything they have?

I'd imagine they're all sitting around waiting to see who fires first.
Bill, only thing that worries me is a Comey public walk-back, which would clearly be from fear of death.

The access Hollywood deal was their last ammo, and they blew it woefully early by 2016 standards.

I'm sure they've already gotten through 500,000 of the 650,000. Should have the other 150,000 done today.

Pretty easy to ctrl + f "I have intent to break the law". Welp, nope, not in any of the emails? Guess the case is closed, Clinton didn't clearly and explicitly say she possessed a criminal mindset that isn't even required as an element of the crime.
Eh, I think colonizing most of the Islamic world had a significant amount to do with it.
Germany is actually a "success story", if such a thing even exists, when it comes to Muslim integration in Europe. But that's a relative term, obviously.

No, it's not a success story. Integration into German society is going horribly, you hear about a rape or an attack every other week there. Merkel's polling numbers are tanking as a result and the AFD looks to be making inroads.
Eh, I think colonizing most of the Islamic world had a significant amount to do with it.

Britain's mistake was allowing religious liberty to trump constitutional liberties via Sharia family law courts.
France's mistake was their ethnocultural snootiness that led to significant disengagement by Muslim youth.

Germany is actually a "success story", if such a thing even exists, when it comes to Muslim integration in Europe. But that's a relative term, obviously.

None of them have done as well as Canada and the U.S. have done, though.
Calling Germany a "success story" of Muslim integration/immigration may just be the absolute stupidest thing posted in this entire thread.

Rape/Sex. Assaults are SKYROCKETING - ALL MUZZIES.

You can't even let your daughters go to public pools in Germany any more because they'll get groped and assaulted.

Educate yourself because your post is just dumb.
Do you think the Clinton campaign (and all of its arms including the MSM) and Wikileaks, Project Veritas, etc. have released everything they have?

I'd imagine they're all sitting around waiting to see who fires first.

I don't have time to figure out what you are talking about....

If anyone else does and will explain I'd be very appreciative.
I don't have time to figure out what you are talking about....

If anyone else does and will explain I'd be very appreciative.
I think he's saying everyone with dirt is waiting for the other side to drop it so they can drop their dirt in retaliation.

FYI: I read something on twitter that James O'Keefe from Project Veritas has a new video to release today regarding Dems being racist on video...This has not been confirmed by me, just read it on my timeline.
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Merkel has been admitting since 2010 that multiculturalism was a bad idea and will not work, citing Muslim reluctance to even entertain the idea of conformity to other cultures and vice versa.

But the political genius that clouds the paddock simply disagrees.

The Paddock delivers again. I wish I thought so much of my own opinion.

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I don't have time to figure out what you are talking about....

If anyone else does and will explain I'd be very appreciative.
I understand it. He's saying there must be more fodder to throw from both sides and no one is moving b/c they are waiting to "trump" the other with respective info. He means nobody wants to go first b/c both partied want to be the second to release.

Expect my bill within the week.
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Do you think the Clinton campaign (and all of its arms including the MSM) and Wikileaks, Project Veritas, etc. have released everything they have?

I'd imagine they're all sitting around waiting to see who fires first.
Respectfully, I must disagree. IMO, the Clinton drop about Trump and his Russian server was their last "bombshell"... unfortunately for them, the FBI rank and file has threatened outright revolt and the story was slapped down within a couple hours by the failing NY Times, no less.

JMO, but if they had anything good on Donald left, they would've dropped it already.

The Clinton campaign is in freefall right now. Beyond freefall.
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Problem is he was responding to to my response about a Mexican stand off.

Not sure what what the political food fight has to do with a standoff.
Read this and apologize for your STUPID post, Jamo.
'We are losing control of the streets' Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing catastrophe over her failed migrant policy, according to a new report.

During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office.

And Germany has been hit by a spate of horrendous violent crime including rapes, sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

Adding to the country's woes is the fact that thousands of people have gone missing after travelling there on invitation from Angela Merkel.

Germany took in more than 1.1million migrants in the past year and parts of the country are crippled with a lack of infrastructure.

Now the true reality is hitting home ahead of next year's elections as the far right surges in the polls threatening to topple the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Mrs Merkel.

According to a report by the international policy council the Gatestone Institute, local police in many parts of the country admit that they are stretched to the limit.

The report states: "The rape of a ten-year-old girl in Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, has drawn renewed attention to the spiralling levels of violent crime perpetrated by migrants in cities and towns across Germany.

"During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day, an increase of nearly 40 per cent over 2015. The data includes only those crimes in which a suspect has been caught.

"Thousands of migrants who entered the country as 'asylum seekers' or 'refugees' have gone missing. They are, presumably, economic migrants who entered Germany on false pretences.

"Many are thought to be engaging in robbery and criminal violence."

According to Freddi Lohse of the German Police Union in Hamburg, many migrant offenders view the leniency of the German justice system as a green light to continue delinquent behaviour, says the report.

He said: "They are used to tougher consequences in their home countries.

"They have no respect for us."

Meanwhile a female police officer has admitted that officers are under attack and that the courts are a "joke."

In a new book, Tania Kambouri, a German police officer, said: "For weeks, months and years I have noticed that Muslims, mostly young men, do not have even a minimum level of respect for the police.

"When we are out patrolling the streets, we are verbally abused by young Muslims.

"There is the body language, and insults like 's*** cop' when passing by.

"If we make a traffic stop, the aggression increases ever further, this is overwhelmingly the case with migrants.

"It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences.

"Many cases are closed or offenders are released on probation or whatever.

"Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke."

Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report leaked to Bild.

This figure represents an 80 per cent increase since 2014 and is equivalent to 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, in 2015 alone.

The report added: "The growing sense of lawlessness is substantiated by an October 24 YouGov poll which found that 68 per cent of Germans believe that security in the country has deteriorated during the past several years.

"Nearly 70 per cent of respondents said they fear for their lives and property in German train stations and subways, while 63 per cent feel unsafe at large public events."
Yes bring that shit here please, I dare you!

No offense to those that call me a dumb redneck idiot, but there are 1000s of people here that would love nothing more than to have some live target practice running wild in our streets.

The problem is they will be in areas where us rednecks are not so they won't bother us really.

Good luck America! Vote Trump like we do.
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Read this and apologize for your STUPID post, Jamo.
'We are losing control of the streets' Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing catastrophe over her failed migrant policy, according to a new report.

During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office.

And Germany has been hit by a spate of horrendous violent crime including rapes, sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

Adding to the country's woes is the fact that thousands of people have gone missing after travelling there on invitation from Angela Merkel.

Germany took in more than 1.1million migrants in the past year and parts of the country are crippled with a lack of infrastructure.

Now the true reality is hitting home ahead of next year's elections as the far right surges in the polls threatening to topple the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Mrs Merkel.

According to a report by the international policy council the Gatestone Institute, local police in many parts of the country admit that they are stretched to the limit.

The report states: "The rape of a ten-year-old girl in Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, has drawn renewed attention to the spiralling levels of violent crime perpetrated by migrants in cities and towns across Germany.

"During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day, an increase of nearly 40 per cent over 2015. The data includes only those crimes in which a suspect has been caught.

"Thousands of migrants who entered the country as 'asylum seekers' or 'refugees' have gone missing. They are, presumably, economic migrants who entered Germany on false pretences.

"Many are thought to be engaging in robbery and criminal violence."

According to Freddi Lohse of the German Police Union in Hamburg, many migrant offenders view the leniency of the German justice system as a green light to continue delinquent behaviour, says the report.

He said: "They are used to tougher consequences in their home countries.

"They have no respect for us."

Meanwhile a female police officer has admitted that officers are under attack and that the courts are a "joke."

In a new book, Tania Kambouri, a German police officer, said: "For weeks, months and years I have noticed that Muslims, mostly young men, do not have even a minimum level of respect for the police.

"When we are out patrolling the streets, we are verbally abused by young Muslims.

"There is the body language, and insults like 's*** cop' when passing by.

"If we make a traffic stop, the aggression increases ever further, this is overwhelmingly the case with migrants.

"It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences.

"Many cases are closed or offenders are released on probation or whatever.

"Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke."

Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report leaked to Bild.

This figure represents an 80 per cent increase since 2014 and is equivalent to 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, in 2015 alone.

The report added: "The growing sense of lawlessness is substantiated by an October 24 YouGov poll which found that 68 per cent of Germans believe that security in the country has deteriorated during the past several years.

"Nearly 70 per cent of respondents said they fear for their lives and property in German train stations and subways, while 63 per cent feel unsafe at large public events."
I am not "apologizing" to anyone dumb enough to conflate the migrant crisis with the overall Muslim population of Western Europe (which is what was being discussed in the first place).

The migrant crisis is exactly that: a crisis. But it's not what was being discussed (unless the histrionics on display were from those who aren't acapable of simple arithmetic OR who think Germany only has a population of a couple million).
Im way more worried about the damn meth heads. It's unreal. Petty crime is a mf'er, and we can't pay police in my town. I can imagine what people in Chicago are fed up with. We can't enforce laws. Period. Shit, we need to march these refugees/illegals straight to the police academy.

Everything is fine. It's good because it's great.

And if we don't, yea, we will continue to accept criminals and eventually become more and more like Mexico or whoever. We're well on our way down that corrupt path. Crime pays. Period. Look at our gd Democrat presidential candidate. Swap Mexico for US in that story and it works well, tbh.

Respectfully, I must disagree. IMO, the Clinton drop about Trump and his Russian server was their last "bombshell"... unfortunately for them, the FBI rank and file has threatened outright revolt and the story was slapped down within a couple hours by the failing NY Times, no less.

JMO, but if they had anything good on Donald left, they would've dropped it already.

The Clinton campaign is in freefall right now. Beyond freefall.

No doubt. A Trump scandal should be all we're taking about this week.

Mf'er doesn't even drink. Lmao.

I am not "apologizing" to anyone dumb enough to conflate the migrant crisis with the overall Muslim population of Western Europe (which is what was being discussed in the first place).

The migrant crisis is exactly that: a crisis. But it's not what was being discussed (unless the histrionics on display were from those who aren't acapable of simple arithmetic OR who think Germany only has a population of a couple million).

Serious question: you ever thought about running for local office? You'd be "good", assuming you look normal.
I am not "apologizing" to anyone dumb enough to conflate the migrant crisis with the overall Muslim population of Western Europe (which is what was being discussed in the first place).

The migrant crisis is exactly that: a crisis. But it's not what was being discussed (unless the histrionics on display were from those who aren't acapable of simple arithmetic OR who think Germany only has a population of a couple million).
You're an idiot. You should be ashamed of yourself.