How will they rule ??!

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Huma is out. Brazille is out. Podesta probably torched at this point. A very significant part of Hillary's close personal support team is now out of play.

So, if Hillary were to somehow win the election, what type of administration/cabinet would she be able to piece together and could they even remotely be able to lead effectively? At this point, what type of talent could she bring in that would want to associate with her?

In addition, you have a fairly sizable portion of their supportive media that has been exposed and completely open to second guessing no matter what they write/publish. Just watching Facebook and this thread, the public support for Hillary has been decimated.

Switching to the Republican side, what's the possibility the Never-Trump crowd comes clean and denounces Hillary? Basically admit she's worse than we ever knew and it's time to work together to clean up this mess and lead this country back to prominence. (Yes, I'm dreaming here but GDmit I'd like to see this country pull together for a change.)
I think I despise the #NeverTrump traitor RINO Neocon Globalists even more than the commies still supporting Crooked.

Globalist Open Border Pigs.

It was fun for me for awhile. Now I'm just completely pissed off about what has been going on with HRC and the pathetic left wing media.

Man, I get it. But I'm getting that feeling America will prevail. It's just that we may never get a Trump like candidate again.

Trump is up almost 6% in early voting in Florida. It's happening.

[laughing] The Police aren't even hiding their disdain for her anymore.

Man, I get it. But I'm getting that feeling America will prevail. It's just that we may never get a Trump like candidate again.

Trump is up almost 6% in early voting in Florida. It's happening.
what I don't get is people moving from the Northeast to FL, NC, TX, GA to escape liberal policies and high taxes and then start voting for liberals and try to change the states to blue, makes no sense.
Man, I get it. But I'm getting that feeling America will prevail. It's just that we may never get a Trump like candidate again.

Trump is up almost 6% in early voting in Florida. It's happening.

I have no faith in the American people, I have no religious faith, so basically I'm looking for 4 leaf clovers in my back yard and buying up rabbit foots.
Clinton is officially desperate

Shes tweeting thst "scientist have found a hidden server at trump tower linkin trump to russian bank"

Lmfao its over she knows it
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Clinton is officially desperate

Shes tweeting thst "scientist have found a hidden server at trump tower linkin trump to russian bank"

Lmfao its over she knows it

LinkedIn? Lol. Website for drunk pseudo wanna be "professionals"
This is apparently her rally in Cincinnati tonight.

God dammit **** this need a URL shit.
Sad news tonight my friends. I received an email from Z/Crows wife. It appears he will no longer be providing us with his peanut gallery wisdom any longer. I liked him and admired his determination and drive to overcome his adversity. You see, Z had to learn to type with his head firmly up his ass. That must have been hard, but he persevered. Now it appears this latest news of Weiners laptop caused him to have a sphincter spasm. Snapped his neck like a twig.

I hope Albany, Jameslee, Cardkilla, and Jamo are doing OK.
what I don't get is people moving from the Northeast to FL, NC, TX, GA to escape liberal policies and high taxes and then start voting for liberals and try to change the states to blue, makes no sense.

That's easy, because once you go to a financially low taxed state then the republican tax cuts do not matter to you. It is then easier to vote based on social issues.
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Hiliary is still going to win.

What state is Trump going to overcome that will be a surprise?

New Mexico, No. PA, probably not. NC, no..... with the states that are locks for a democrat at that point it's over.
Hiliary is still going to win.

What state is Trump going to overcome that will be a surprise?

New Mexico, No. PA, probably not. NC, no..... with the states that are locks for a democrat at that point it's over.

Ohio and Florida and Mich.

Pa is debatable. North Carolina. Naw. Trump. What are you basing that on?

Barring a bombshell trump hit, he will win.

Hearing more and more is coming ojt on the hildabeast. huma and weiner are pdobably snitching.

Its 38-37 and trump has the ball with 1.09 left..
Don't believe the polls or the media. She does not Have the support they make it out to be.
Dat Gd Kremlin

Pretty sad. When was that? Not like cinci has anything better to do.

Instead of blaming Halloween for her pathetic outcome tonight, lets blame her being a total dumbass to think people would come out and support her over taking their kids out.

Or lets just admit she is falsely being pumped up by liberal media and the pathetic democratic left.
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Please dear god let that be the big reveal we've all been waiting for. Trump is using a secret server to communicate with his Russian masters.

Irony only exists to those with the slightest shred of empathy.
Don't believe the polls or the media. She does not Have the support they make it out to be.

Where? Where is it that you think will cost her?

I spoke with a few people tonight that are lawyers and both said if they follow up on this very vague bombshell how bad will it be?

We forget that we are in the heart of republican stronghold so we do not see what it is out west, up north or the other states like NC, VA, IL.

This election comes down to PA. Because of Biden there Trump won't win. Hell even Obama took Biden on because of PA.

Democrats aren't voting on policy they vote on social matters which is why they support this corrupt BS because they don't care. They just hold themselves above the white man with money.

Trump may when more votes but he will not sway a blue state from the crook.
Obama's brother, Malik, doing a AMA on Reddit. hahha. Great stuff. Definitely hates Obama and loves Trump. REALLY loves trump. Bet he's getting paid.

Some one asked him, "what was it like growing up with your brother?" He says, "i don't know. I didn't know he existed till he was 30."
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Where? Where is it that you think will cost her?

I spoke with a few people tonight that are lawyers and both said if they follow up on this very vague bombshell how bad will it be?

We forget that we are in the heart of republican stronghold so we do not see what it is out west, up north or the other states like NC, VA, IL.

This election comes down to PA. Because of Biden there Trump won't win. Hell even Obama took Biden on because of PA.

Democrats aren't voting on policy they vote on social matters which is why they support this corrupt BS because they don't care. They just hold themselves above the white man with money.

Trump may when more votes but he will not sway a blue state from the crook.

I don't care what recent years or polls did. All we have to look at is Brixit vote to leave. Polls had them down 8 pts day of vote. Do not believe the damed media to decide. If you vote for someone because of what Bill O'Reilly or Don lemon. Don't vote. Go diaf