How will they rule ??!

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I would love to hear from Albany now. That 4-touchdown lead (that was never really there to begin with)? Poof. Explain your unwavering support for your party's corrupt candidate now.

Premature celebration on Albany's part. The game isn't over.

Josh Ernest the biggest doosh spokesman of all time, said that Obama thinks Comey is a man of integrity and is not trying to influence the election.

LOL. Did Obama basically just throw Hillary under the bus with that comment? Sure sounds like it.
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Josh Ernest the biggest doosh spokesman of all time, said that Obama thinks Comey is a man of integrity and is not trying to influence the election.

LOL. Did Obama basically just throw Hillary under the bus with that comment? Sure sounds like it.

Obama has probably been briefed on what might be in the e-mails. O doesn't want to get on the wrong side of history by defending corrupt Hillary over Comey.
Wonder if any of the newspapers that previously endorsed Hillary will either retract their endorsement and go neutral and/or switch it to Trump. At what point do they say enough is enough?
They would rather die at the end of a rapefugee mass rape than backtrack from Crooked.
They are staying in the sewer pipe they live in.
:joy::joy::joy: Rqarnold aka FuzzBot loves liars and crooks. @bradyjames knows all about it.
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I am sure at this point Obama will spend most of his time on the golf course and as far away from Hillary as possible.

Speaking of golf, we the taxpayers only paid $3.6M for him to play a round with Tiger Woods a few years ago.
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How is it even possible for a golf trip to cost nearly 4 million dollars? Were the golf clubs made of gold or crystals or something? Did he fly a GD space ship to the golf course?

The amount it costs for the plane, crew, secret service and the finest suites all cost a ton of money.

Worst president in our history.
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Speaking of golf, we the taxpayers only paid $3.6M for him to play a round with Tiger Woods a few years ago.

Doesn't seem unreasonable for a man who makes taxpayers fork over 70-80 million dollar rental fees each time he wants to vacation on Martha's Vineyard, and never did the media judge him for it. Yet, each me either Bush president went to his own home to relax on his own dime the media would scrutinize it to no end. Seriously people, it's been since the 70s since we last elected a democratic president that owned his own home. Think about that.
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I think that's a lock. The expert on Hugh Hewitt this morning said almost as much. May see folks getting injured trying to jump off that ship as fast as possible....

I kid you not. If Hillary can lose and the Dem establishment get completely exposed, outside of my wedding and kids birth, it will be the greatest day of my life. To see justice actually served would be incredible.

And to destroy the media and the gov't corruption in one swoop would be icing on the cake.
Huma is out. Brazille is out. Podesta probably torched at this point. A very significant part of Hillary's close personal support team is now out of play.

So, if Hillary were to somehow win the election, what type of administration/cabinet would she be able to piece together and could they even remotely be able to lead effectively? At this point, what type of talent could she bring in that would want to associate with her?

In addition, you have a fairly sizable portion of their supportive media that has been exposed and completely open to second guessing no matter what they write/publish. Just watching Facebook and this thread, the public support for Hillary has been decimated.

Switching to the Republican side, what's the possibility the Never-Trump crowd comes clean and denounces Hillary? Basically admit she's worse than we ever knew and it's time to work together to clean up this mess and lead this country back to prominence. (Yes, I'm dreaming here but GDmit I'd like to see this country pull together for a change.)
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Maybe not fired, but she's no longer on the campaign trail and almost has to be persona non grata within the Dem campaign.
With everything that has happened, could either be a legitimate part of a Hillary administration?