If you think this community just wants acceptance, it's a lie. They want control and power to keep pushing their agenda to the point that anything that is said they don't like is a crime. You must accept them and their lifestyle or else.Crowder hit with a week ban for reporting on the trans/bi sexual/boy in a skirt raping a 9th grade girl because saying something like “letting a boy in the girls bathroom could result in more rape” is hate speech.
I repeat, a 15 year old girl was raped and YouTube is more concerned about the fact it makes the LGBTQ look bad. F ck everyone of these assholes worried more about speech than an action like rape and saying common sense things.
How have we gone so far off the rails? Seriously. The internet and social media have done nothing but make mental health worse on everyone... yet the one thing you can’t do on social media is speak the truth. It’s absolutely insane.