How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The law enforcement that are doing this should be ashamed of themselves.
Make no mistake. When push comes to shove, our law enforcement and military will be split if it ever comes to the government trying to sic them on us. And we have enough crazies on a virtue power trip to help them. The only thing preventing it now is the 2nd Amendment and those in service who truly support freedom.
A couple of months ago, my wife spent about $1200 on a 6 month supply of emergency survival food. I thought she was a little nuts at first, but agreed to it just in case. We will share it with our kids & g-kids. It's supposed to last for 20 years, iirc.

After the continued disasters that shows this administration to be either totally incompetent, intentionally evil, or likely both, I'm resting a lot easier knowing we have it. Just hope we never have to eat the shit.
I garden, hunt and fish. Putting up double this year just in case. Bought a couple extra freezers for the cause. If all else fails, we’ll save in groceries this winter.
We finally broke down and bought a chest freezer and are going to buy a cow and pack that thing full along with chicken. Folks, telling you, you better start prepping because the way things are heading it’s going to be insane how expensive meat gets even than it is now.

As for these crooks in Washington, when people are freezing because they can’t afford their heat bills and can’t afford to feed their kids all hell is going to break loose. Unless they can cheat their way in 22 and 24, Biden and Dems are toast. It may be enough to get Trump back into office.
Make no mistake. When push comes to shove, our law enforcement and military will be split if it ever comes to the government trying to sic them on us. And we have enough crazies on a virtue power trip to help them. The only thing preventing it now is the 2nd Amendment and those in service who truly support freedom.

Bidens admin spent months investigating armed forces to make sure they were sufficiently loyal. I don't recall seeing how many left or were forced out. Hopefully they retained their loyalty to country over person or party
You obviously don't know or don't care why the Corona Virus is such a threat. That is a problem when people look at the world through a biased political prism. The fact is we know about the flu and we even have a vaccine to protect us from it. We know very little about this new virus other than it is highly contagious and somewhere between 10 to 25 more lethal. Unlike the Flu we have no remedy for it other than stop the spread by quarantine procedures. Here is a science site that can explain to you why there is such concern for this virus and what sets it apart from the Flu:
A couple of months ago, my wife spent about $1200 on a 6 month supply of emergency survival food. I thought she was a little nuts at first, but agreed to it just in case. We will share it with our kids & g-kids. It's supposed to last for 20 years, iirc.

After the continued disasters that shows this administration to be either totally incompetent, intentionally evil, or likely both, I'm resting a lot easier knowing we have it. Just hope we never have to eat the shit.
I'm seriously considering doing something like that myself.
Make no mistake. When push comes to shove, our law enforcement and military will be split if it ever comes to the government trying to sic them on us. And we have enough crazies on a virtue power trip to help them. The only thing preventing it now is the 2nd Amendment and those in service who truly support freedom.
I used to think this but I don’t anymore. I think they’re overwhelmingly proven to be order takers for the most part.
Been at car dealer for warranty work today. ABC Good Morning America is on TV. I never watch these shows due to working every day. Not one mention of anything bad, or wrong with the country. No talk of the border, inflation, supply chain crisis. No update on Covid deaths. Just a story on how the wonderful Moderna vaccine is now approved for booster. Yay! And kids 5-11 may be needing vaccinated to attend school once approved. Yay!
Then Puff pieces and one long story about Alex Murdaugh who is in trouble for swindling his kids and a possible murder 3 years ago. Must be a Trumpster I would guess.
The efforts to buy off Manchin for the Dems "reconciliation" bill continue unabated.... I'm highly confident he'll cave in the end....

Why is ABC promoting this big interview show with the English spy and Steele dossier? Must be to try and say it was mostly true and to hammer the mean and evil Trump. He and his DOJ had the truth silenced. We Must Stop Him!!
Iirc there are already rules in place to stop the deduction for these types of clearly self dealing donations. The IRS just has no interest in pursuing them.

Much like the nonprofit status of these giant hospitals, the rules are in place already to address problems; there is just zero enforcement
Well then how do Gates et al transfer billions to their charitable foundations & not pay taxes on that money?
Well then how do Gates et al transfer billions to their charitable foundations & not pay taxes on that money?

That's a much different example. You can see that foundation does tons of stuff and employs tons of people, whether people agree with what they do or not.

The Clinton foundation is a better example. Pretty much only the family involved and they really don't expend any funds on anything other than themselves

There are probably thousands of examples that are even worse than the Clinton examples. Alot of politicians have a charitable foundation where they're the only member and they don't do anything. Of course that's nice deduction for them....but it's also a shady way for people to bribe them. Bunning had one just like that decades ago
I guess when you're an abysmal failure... you finally go back to what worked...

Make no mistake. When push comes to shove, our law enforcement and military will be split if it ever comes to the government trying to sic them on us. And we have enough crazies on a virtue power trip to help them. The only thing preventing it now is the 2nd Amendment and those in service who truly support freedom.
Well, I would say that we are pretty much at that point now. Arresting a 16 year old in cuffs is ridiculous. But I agree with what you said.